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Fernsehen für alle

Dennis Müller

Trash-TV, Serien und alles, was man sonst noch gucken kann: Fernsehen für alle – der Podcast, der für dich fernsieht. Mit Dennis Müller und seinen Gästen. Neue Folgen jeden Freitag.
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Welcome to 𝘈 𝘉𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘠𝘰𝘶 podcast by lifestyle, wellness, & self help youtuber - Fernanda Ramirez. Listen along as she covers all topics on how to become the best version of yourself, learn to romanticize your life, and tap into your confident, independent self in each episode. You can expect to hear personal stories, girl talk advice, her thoughts on navigating her 20's, and tips on becoming 𝘈 𝘉𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘠𝘰𝘶 ♡ new episodes every wednesday's. instagram @abetteryou.byfernanda & @fernandaraamirez
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Fer Moctezuma Ojeda

Fernando Moctezuma Ojeda

Las noticias, entrevistas, el análisis y la opinión, ágil, fresco y relajado. #AlCierre es la resumen diario de lo que tienes que saber para terminar tu día con lo más relevante de la información. Las #PláticasCon son charlas con personajes de interés que tienen algo que contar. #SóloDigoLoQueVeo es mi columna, en versión audio.
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Fernando Ulrich

Fernando Ulrich

Olá, bem-vindos ao meu podcast. Eu me chamo Fernando Ulrich e aqui você vai aprender de forma descomplicada sobre economia, mercados e investimentos. Sou especialista em ciclos econômicos de mercados globais, Escola Austríaca e criptomoedas. Tenho mais de 20 anos de experiência internacional com finanças corporativas e investimentos, com passagens pelos grupos XP Inc, ThyssenKrupp e Banco Indusval & Partners. Além disto, sou autor do livro Bitcoin: A moeda na era digital.
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Fernando Montes de Oca

Fernando Montes de Oca

Topics; Health Center, Special one, I wish you above all that you may win, be safe and successful! We have ideas and gusto guests for our betterment. God and AA Rocks, sobriety on fire, good happens in recovery. Laughter is devine. Speaker meetings. Daily Reflections. 24hr. To do list. 12 steps. Interesting.
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The best mixed sessions from fernanDITO with europop, italo disco & house music's hottest tunes, featuring Soulful, Funky, Vocals, Latin & Pop sounds as well as up and coming single realeases. Enjoy it!
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Word een betalende abonnee: https://anchor.fm/fernando-martinus-h/subscribe Real Talk is een populaire en eigentijdse online talkshow van mediaman en radio-dj Fernando Halman. Een platform waar al vele grote namen gebruik van hebben gemaakt om hun verhaal te vertellen. Real Talk is diversiteit en herkenning voor de kijkers en luisteraars. Denk aan gasten als Hef, VonnekeBonneke, Najib Amhali, maar ook John van den Heuvel en Marco Borsato. Adverteren in deze podcast: info@fernandohalman.com
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Och eine noch! Der Fernseh-Podcast

Eric Leimann & Jan Freitag

Die Medien-Journalisten Jan Freitag und Eric Leimann diskutieren jeden zweiten Freitag über neue erstaunliche Programme im Fernsehen, bei Streaming-Diensten und in den Mediatheken. Sie streiten über Serien, Filme, Dokumentationen und Shows, tauchen nach künstlerischen Perlen und verraten Geheimnisse aus zwei Fernseh-Leben. Folgt "Och eine noch! Der Fernseh-Podcast" bei Facebook oder Instagram: https://www.facebook.com/eric.leimann https://www.instagram.com/och_eine_noch/ oder schreibt uns un ...
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Are you looking to take your life to the next level and find true fulfillment, then welcome to Flourish With Fern. I'm your host Fern L. Conn. With over 30 years of experience in the wellness industry, I'm here to help you unlock a new perspective on finding peace, joy, and purpose in life. In each episode, I'll be collaborating with experts on topics such as yoga, philosophy, wellness, finding peace, overcoming obstacles, and how to have a life filled with purpose.
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Step into the world of Little Fern Salon, where two hairstylists, co-owners, and their Director of Content and Operations serve up behind-the-chair secrets every other week. From the chaos of running a business to heart-to-hearts with clients, nothing is off-limits in this unfiltered look at salon life. Expect juicy stories, unexpected twists, and a touch of drama, all served with a side of wit and style. Each episode is a reminder that no day—or conversation—is ever ordinary in our little c ...
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FERIENÜBERHANG – Der Musikschulpodcast BW

Landesverband der Musikschulen Baden-Württembergs e.V.

Informieren, Diskutieren, Unterhalten – aus dem Musikland Baden-Württemberg hinein in die Welt der musikalischen Bildung. FERIENÜBERHANG – Der Musikschulpodcast BW gibt Einblicke in aktuelle Themen, fragt interessante Personen und präsentiert frische Inhalte für Musikschullehrkräfte, Musikpädagog*innen, Studierende und alle Interessierten. FERIENÜBERHANG – Der Musikschulpodcast BW wird präsentiert vom Landesverband der Musikschulen Baden-Württembergs.
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The Sons of San Fernando

Tony Karraa & Eric Wibbelsmann

Two GenX friends of 40+ years flash back to the 70s and 80s and compare life in the analog days to modern day digital mayhem. Come back in time with us as we re-live the adventures of growing up Generation X. IG: @thesonsofsanfernando TT: @thesonsofsanfernando Email: eric@ericvo.com Patreon: patreon.com/TheSonsofSanFernando
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“Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.” Elbert Hubbard We tend to take everything SO SERIOUSLY! Even small decisions or mistakes we make on a daily basis... I was even overcomplicating the tittle of this podcast... when in reality... it ain't that serious! I created this podcast as an alternative to my usual journal. I will talk about everything that comes in my mind, from health to relationships to LITERALLY ANYTHING! You will never know what you will get :) I ...
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WELCOME TO THE MIX DOWN The newest electronic mix show to hit the airwaves, on-line and digital realms, hosted by Fernando G. Featuring amazingly talented up & coming DJs from across the nation and the world, spinning the best in worldwide House, Tech House, EDM, Progessive, Deep House and MORE! Airs every Saturday live in Las Vegas on Vibe 99.7, 8pm to midnight and now around the world through this platform. Follow Fernando G on IG - @iamdjfernandog
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El podcast de Jana Fernández

Jana Fernández

Bienvenido a mi programa de podcast A GUIDE TO LIVE WELL sobre BIENESTAR y DESCANSO. Quiero compartir contigo la experiencia y el conocimiento de los mejores expertos para que puedas crear tu propia guía para vivir bien. En este podcast vas a encontrar entrevistas con EXPERTOS en salud, bienestar, descanso y longevidad, que te darán las herramientas, la inspiración y la motivación que necesitas para alcanzar el bienestar físico, mental y emocional. Más contenido en www.janafernandez.es y en ...
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Join airplane pilot and accidental adventurer Fernando Pinho on a journey to discover your next travel destination. Part toolkit, part love letter to travel, this podcast is a deep dive into exciting destinations and cultural experiences with curated guides, immersive episodes, and live Q&A sessions. So grab your passport and headphones – your next flight to adventure is boarding now!
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Der Podcast mit Annika Rathje richtet sich an alle Inhaber von Ferienwohnungen/ Ferienhäusern, Ferienhaus Vermieter und Gastgeber, die mehr Erfolg haben wollen. Sei es eine Umsatzsteigerung, die Erhöhung der Übernachtungszahlen, oder einfach mehr treue "Fans". Damit ist der Aufbau von Stammgästen gemeint, die deine Unterkunft wie ihr Eigentum behandeln und an Freunde und Familie gerne weiter empfehlen.
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Join Fer Rojas, a dynamic host and interviewer, for engaging conversations with your favorite celebrities, influencers, and inspiring individuals. From in-depth discussions with wrestling superstars to hilarious chats with comedians, friends and family. Want more? Follow Fer on Instagram @IamFerRojas and stay connected!
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Fernando Schüler (Pensa Brasil)

Grupo Bandeirantes

Fernando Schüler é cientista político e Professor do Insper. Doutor em Filosofia, com pós-Doutorado pela Universidade de Columbia. Recebeu menção honrosa no Prêmio Anpof de melhor tese de doutorado do País (2006/2007). Mestre em Ciências Políticas pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (1995). Especialista em Políticas Públicas e Gestão Governamental pela Escola Nacional de Administração Pública, Brasília (1996). Lecionou na Universidade Luterana do Brasil, na Universidade Federal do ...
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show series
⬇️⬇️⬇️ En este episodio se analizan temas de alta relevancia para la agenda nacional. Se aborda la posible colaboración del abogado penalista Juan Pablo Penilla con autoridades estadounidenses, examinando sus vínculos con el crimen organizado y la 4T. Se reporta la captura del presunto reclutador del CJNG en la Ciudad de México, derivada de un oper…
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Luis Fernando Correia discute os benefícios do Mindfulness (atenção plena) nas escolas, com base em dois estudos que mostraram que, após dois meses de treinamento, estudantes do 6º ano apresentaram uma redução significativa no estresse e melhor desempenho acadêmico. Ouça.
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Fernando Andrade conversa com Guga Chacra e Ariel Palacios sobre o caso de um jornalista incluído em um grupo de conversas sobre ataques de autoridades dos EUA no Iêmen; nova ofensiva de Israel em Gaza; a prisão do adversário do presidente da Turquia; os 49 anos do golpe na Argentina; o sigilo de documentos da ditadura e a rotina do papa Francisco …
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Fernando Andrade conversa com Guga Chacra e Ariel Palacios sobre o caso de um jornalista incluído em um grupo de conversas sobre ataques de autoridades dos EUA no Iêmen; nova ofensiva de Israel em Gaza; a prisão do adversário do presidente da Turquia; os 49 anos do golpe na Argentina; o sigilo de documentos da ditadura e a rotina do papa Francisco …
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Luis Fernando Correia fala sobre o uso de suplementos alimentares e vitaminas por crianças e adolescentes. Comentarista traz detalhes de uma pesquisa que aponta que essa decisão é muito influenciada por pais, amigos e publicidade. Luis Fernando Correia destaca que mais da metade das crianças que consomem suplementos ou vitaminas fazem uso se receit…
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Tem início nesta terça-feira (24) o julgamento sobre a aceitação da denúncia contra Jair Bolsonaro e mais sete acusados envolvidos nos ataques golpistas de 8 de janeiro. Maria Cristina Fernandes destaca que a atenção estará voltada para a estratégia da defesa, que deve focar em questionar o envolvimento do ex-presidente no episódio.…
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Having an open mind and considering the scriptures is what we can do to honor the father and create more belief obeying exercising the obedience thanking God for situations. Our life is just beginning. It’s not over with God is doing a new thing. Let us thank him for his mercies are new every morning.…
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Luis Fernando Correia destaca que o Ministério da Saúde fechou um acordo com a empresa que fabrica o remédio utilizado para tratar a doença. O remédio ficou famoso por ser o mais caro do mundo, com um custo médio de R$ 7 milhões. A iniciativa faz parte de um acordo de compartilhamento de risco, onde o pagamento vai ser realizado em etapas pelo Mini…
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Getting victory in our lives is as easy as meditating and reading and listening to the word of God, considering all things, considering the bad seeds that the world put in our hearts and considering the good seeds that the word of God put in our hearts it’s our choice folks. To be restored is as easy as a Lord restore me restore Keep saying that pr…
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O "Ulrich Responde" é uma série de vídeos onde respondo perguntas enviadas por membros do canal e seguidores, abordando temas de economia, finanças e investimentos. Oferecemos uma análise profunda, trazendo informações para quem quer entender melhor a economia e tomar decisões financeiras mais informadas.00:00 - Hoje no Ulrich Responde...01:05 - É …
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Nothing got the competitve family jucies flowing quite like a good board game! We thrilled at bankrupting our parents in a heated game of Monopoly or sinking a sibling's aircraft carrier in Battleship. The only time the TV stayed off was on game night!بقلم Tony Karraa & Eric Wibbelsmann
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Pasamos alrededor del 90% de nuestro tiempo en interiores. Este dato nos debería hacer reflexionar sobre la calidad de nuestros espacios, aquellos en los que pasamos más tiempo, y en especial, nuestro hogar. La elección de materiales y colores, la calidad del aire, la iluminación, la distribución y orientación, y el diseño de las estancias que habi…
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Everybody's Talkin' Das beschreibt zum einen unseren (oder jeden) Podcast ganz gut, ist zum anderen aber auch der Titelsong unserer aktuellen Hausaufgabe - Asphalt Cowboy. Die Hausaufgabe teilt spaltet mal wieder die Gemüter, aber heute tun sich ungeahnte Teams auf. Außerdem haben Nenad und Marco den neuen Film von Bong Joon-ho gesehen, Fabi berich…
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Welcome to Signs from the Other Side with Fern Ronay! In the summer of 2025, this podcast will be relaunched with episodes available on YouTube as well as wherever you listen to podcasts. Of course, it will still be all about stories of signs from the other side, dream visits, all things spiritual and life lessons too. Thank you for being here and …
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01-Baby Let's Go To Mexico-Sir Douglas Quintet 02-Doug Sahm-I Can't Go Back To Austin 03-Where_Were_You_When_I_Needed_You-Augie Meyers 04-Flaco Jimenez and Rick Trevino-I_Am_a_Mexican 05-Fredy Fender-Vaya_con_dios 06-Freddy_Fender_--_You_ll_Lose_A_Good_Thing 07-Little_Bit_Is_Better_Than_Nada-Texas Tornados 08-The Gambler-Kenny Rogers 09-The Gambler…
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Send us a text Hey, Fern Fans! 🌿✨ This week, your Fern Family is back and diving into all the salon drama. Let’s be real—reviews are a huge part of small business success, but figuring out the best way to get them? That’s a whole other challenge. It’s all trial and error, and this week, we’re dissecting whether Alysia accidentally strong-arming gue…
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Fernando Andrade também conversa com Ariel Palacios e Guga Chacra sobre a investida de Trump contra o departamento de Educação; na Argentina, a queda na popularidade de Milei e a expectativa de uma greve geral no país; a ruína da democracia na Turquia; e na Nicarágua, o governo de Daniel Ortega aumenta a repressão contra a Igreja Católica na Quares…
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Os ministros Gilmar Mendes, Carmen Lúcia e Alexandre de Moraes, do Supremo Tribunal Federal, votaram para condenar a deputada Carla Zambelli a cinco anos e três meses de prisão. Maria Cristina Fernandes analisa o caso e também fala do julgamento da mulher que pichou estátua do STF.
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⬇️⬇️⬇️ En este episodio de Las Claves de la Mañana, abordamos los temas más relevantes del día: 🔹 Sheinbaum acusa campaña en su contra tras el hallazgo de un crematorio clandestino en Teuchitlán, Jalisco, y anuncia cifras oficiales sobre desapariciones. 🔹 Crisis en seguridad y desapariciones: Buscadoras ingresan al rancho Izaguirre, mientras Morena…
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What if, we had reservations what would happen to our Recovery? when new I was always in expectancy looking out the window, thinking someone’s gonna come and promote me or I kept looking into the future too much. AA is in The now program, The reality is we can get better if we sit and be still and going listen to the literature!…
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In this sermon Pastor Michael emphasizes three key strategies i.e seeking God's guidance through prayer before making business decisions, operating with integrity and honesty while openly advertising these values, and providing exceptional service by adopting a servant's attitude. He further encourages entrepreneurs to apply these Christian princip…
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Luis Fernando Correia fala sobre estudo de pesquisadores da Califórnia que descobriram que ter gordura nas artérias não é de hoje. A pesquisa estudou o corpo de mais de 130 múmias, onde 30% delas tinham arteriosclerose, principalmente as que morreram já idosas. Ouça
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Maria Cristina Fernandes destrincha o Orçamento 2025, que começa a ser votado pelo Congresso Nacional nesta quinta (20), e destaca a reserva de apenas R$1 bilhão para o pé-de-meia. Inicialmente, estavam previstos R$13 bi, mas há a promessa de um projeto alterando o orçamento e dando mais recursos à iniciativa. Ouça!…
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Völkerball-Mania Diagnose Hot! Anni (@annilovesu) und ich (@dennisderdoedel) sind noch ganz beschwipst von der "Seelenfänger"-Premiere, deshalb äußern wir uns mit vornehmer Verspätung zu allem, was das TV-Herz begehrt. Dazu zählt allen voran "#CoupleChallenge", das im neuen RTLzwei-Gewand daherkommt, wobei innendrin dieselben Reality-TV-Kniffe stec…
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O governo Trump pode estar prestes a tomar uma medida drástica que afetará todo o mercado global, a imposição de tarifas sobre o capital. Com isso os EUA pode pressionar o valor da moeda americana e dos ativos financeiros da América para baixo, provocando uma verdadeira revolução na economia mundial. Entenda, nesse vídeo, as medidas e os possíveis …
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⬇️⬇️⬇️ En el episodio de hoy de Las Claves de la Mañana abordamos los recientes desarrollos en el caso Teuchitlán, Jalisco, donde la Fiscalía de Jalisco enfrenta fuertes críticas por su gestión en la investigación de los hallazgos de un crematorio clandestino. La FGR ha detectado irregularidades graves que podrían tener consecuencias para los respo…
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Maria Cristina Fernandes comenta ida do deputado Eduardo Bolsonaro para os Estados Unidos, gerando especulações sobre a mobilização contra o ministro Alexandre Moraes, do STF. Ela destaca a guerra interna no partido de Bolsonaro e possíveis desentendimentos familiares.
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