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Quem sabe um dia vira um solo?

Tiago Lima - @tidiverte

Um podcast sobre comédia e humor, onde Tiago Lima documenta sua experiência como comediante iniciante na cena underground de São Paulo, conversa com seus amigos e entrevista celebridades em criação, ascensão, estabilidade, queda, recuperação ou só alguém mesmo.
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Pauline Maria

Pauline Maria discute chaque semaine avec un.e invité.e dont la vie a pris un tournant sur le plan personnel, intime ou professionnel. Virage est le podcast qui permet de parler du jour ou tout a basculé et c'est souvent une source d'inspiration. Pour soutenir le podcast vous pouvez mettre 5 étoiles sur votre plateforme d'écoute et laisser un commentaire. Pour me suivre sur les réseaux sociaux et accéder aux coulisses c'est ici: Instagram: pauline_virage Twitter: virage_podcast Facebook: vir ...
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The Viral Volley Podcast

Viral Volley Media

Volleyball from sport court to the sand court-- from the preps to the pros and beyond. Home of College Volleyball Weekly Indoor/Beach. Episodes drop “most weeks.” Follow the pod on Instagram at @viralvolleymedia!
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Learn to grow, laugh, and persevere listening to SamAnt CEO Of Viral Hip Hop News and his journey to get where he is. Also, various guest will join the podcast to share their stories of growth and perseverance to inspire others go for their dreams!
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Víra Písmo Pravda

Lukáš Kypr Music Ministries

Lukáš Kypr hudební bohoslužba je povolána učit Boží Království podle Lukáše 9:2— a poslal je ohlašovat Boží království a uzdravovat nemocné. V Božím Království je hlavní měnou víra. Víra je neviditelná síla, kterou se dá pořídit vše, co potřebujeme. Víru budujeme posloucháním Božího Slova—Římanům 10:17 Víra je tedy ze slyšení zprávy a tou zprávou je slovo Kristovo. Víra funguje pouze v lásce—Galatským 5:6 V Kristu Ježíši přece nezáleží na obřízce nebo neobřízce, ale na víře, která se projevu ...
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Die Bybel vir vandag @

Thru The Bible Afrikaans, Die Bybel vir Vandag

Die program “Die Bybel vir Vandag” is deel van die wêreldwye bediening van Thru the Bible. Die studiereeks is oorspronklik deur Dr J. Vernon McGee ontwerp en is al in meer as 100 tale en dialekte vertaal en aangepas. Dit is ’n daaglikse radioprogram van 30 minute wat die luisteraar sistematies deur die hele Bybel neem. Hierdie programme is nou ook aanlyn tot u beskikking. Ons is bly dat u aangedui het dat u meer van God se Woord wil leer deur na hierdie programme te luister. Ons beveel aan d ...
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Going anti-Viral

Going Anti-Viral

Introducing Going anti-Viral, the podcast of the IAS–USA, a professional continuing medical education organization focused on HIV and other viral diseases. I’m Dr Michael Saag, professor emeritus of medicine and infectious diseases at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and volunteer member of the IAS–USA Board of Directors. Join us as we interview experts in viral medicine about their area of specialty and current developments in the field. Other episodes are drawn from the IAS-USA vast ...
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Le Podcast du Virage est la déclinaison Audio du Web-Magazine Chaque mois, la rédaction de Virage reçoit un invité pour échanger sur le Paris Saint Germain, son histoire, son actualité et son avenir. Allez Paris ! Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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God se Woord VARS vir jou Vandag

Jokkie Gauché on behalf of Berni Dymet

JOU DAAGLIKSE GRATIS OORDENKING Wil jy graag direkte toegang tot VARS hê? Dit is ‘n daaglikse e-oordenking van 3 minute om jou te help om dieper in God se Woord en nader aan Jesus te kom. Elke oordenking bevat ‘n kragtige Bybelvers, met ‘n paar woorde van inspirasie, hoop en aanmoediging wat daagliks per e-pos na jou slimfoon, tablet of rekenaar gestuur word. Jy kan na die klank luister of die teks lees. Dit gaan alles daaroor om jou te help om God se stem te hoor, sodat jy in ‘n ryk, dinami ...
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A one-stop source of Coronavirus information for you and your patients as this rapidly evolving crisis unfolds. We welcome your questions or feedback, which you can send to us at the email address
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Viral Load

Brett Bayles (a professor) / Andy Pupa (not a professor)

The disease podcast for a diseased world! Hosts: Brett Bayles (a professor) & Andy Pupa (not a professor) gleefully explore the weird and wacky world of diseases on a changing planet.
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Viral Mindfulness the Podcast

Alexander Smith | Mindfulness Teacher

Featured on CNN,, HIV Plus Magazine, The Gay HotSpot, and the cover of Positively Aware—my work as a mindfulness teacher and artist encourages you to discover your spiritual rhythm. I earned a Master of Social Work (MSW) from the University of Utah in 2003, and a Bachelor of Science from Brigham Young University (1999). During migration from a basement office (with no windows) at Salt Lake Community College’s Health & Wellness Services, I resigned from the traditional cl ...
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Ponto MP3

O ViraPágina veio para trazer um pouco mais das páginas dos livros para a vida. Sempre focando na literatura feminina/feminista. Aqui você confere: resenhas, dicas e histórias dos autores em um episódio semanal, toda sexta-feira. Apresentado por: Thatiane Silva Produzido por: Ponto MP3
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How do you find a disease that no one is looking for? This podcast explores the conundrum of anal cancer and pre-cancer; an HPV-related disease that is misunderstood and often misdiagnosed. The anus is a topic that we don’t talk about…perhaps because this part of our body creates an odd sense of uncleanliness, taboo, and shame. Our podcast will be frank, practical discussions with international medical experts, patients and advocates. We will break through the shame, blame, and denial, and b ...
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Time to heal with Lindsay (@lions141) and Stu (@gooastu). A recovery podcast for fellow warriors living with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, ME and fatigue related conditions, and all the lessons we're learning along the way. We’d love to connect with you so please like, subscribe and follow us @postviralpodcast. Artwork: Music & production: Stuart Bryan
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The podcast dedicated to the Activation of the Human Spirit and to resisting the status quo. Barbarian Noetics tracks the stories, struggles and triumphs that connect us all across the rabbit holes of time and space. Join host Little Raven as we deconstruct divisive mainstream narratives, transcend dualistic thinking and come together in a good way as conscious animals on a shared planet. Deprogram from the matrix and reinvigorate your psyche with Barbarian Noetics, where everyone is invited ...
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This will be the most fun adventure pact podcast you’ll listen too! Feel free to reach out on any platform to get a spot on the podcast! Support this podcast:
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Virada de Chave

Natalia Walter

Virada de Chave nasceu com o propósito de te inspirar, contribuindo para a expansão da sua consciência e o seu desenvolvimento material e espiritual. Você terá acesso a reflexões fascinantes que permeiam temas como espiritualidade, medicinas da floresta, amor, relacionamentos, abundância, manifestação e muito mais. Conecte-se ainda mais comigo: Instagram: @eunataliawalter Youtube: Email:
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Somos unos amigos que nos dedicamos a crear contenido para las redes sociales con el enfoque de vacilar con lo que se haga viral en las redes en el momento.
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The Jaden Newman leaked video is taking the internet by storm, captivating viewers across various social media platforms. This viral video has become a hot topic on Twitter and X, making headlines as it trends online. You can find the original Jaden Newman video that has everyone talking. The Jaden Newman leaked video is also gaining traction on Telegram, with many eager to watch and share. This viral video showcases why Jaden Newman is making waves in the online community. Don’t miss out on ...
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show series
Send us a text Eksodus 12:12-13 “Daardie selfde nag sal Ek deur Egipte gaan om al die eerstelinge van die Egiptenaars, mens en dier, te tref. Met al die Egiptiese gode sal Ek afreken. Ek is die Here! Die bloed aan die huise waarin julle is, sal 'n teken wees: waar Ek die bloed sien, sal Ek die huis oorslaan, en die vernietigende slag waarmee Ek Egi…
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In this episode of Going anti-Viral, Dr Michael Saag speaks with Dr Melanie Thompson who is a clinical researcher and provider of HIV clinical care in Atlanta, Georgia. As Principal Investigator and Executive Director of the AIDS Research Consortium of Atlanta (ARCA), she has led over 400 studies of HIV treatment and prevention and is recognized as…
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We got a call so bad Chelcie had to take off her headphones! Callers were awesome and unhinged. Playing Trivi-Yall and much more! Give us a call!! ☎️ 442-777-3331 (Advice/Confess/Anything) 👚 Viral Merch: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check out The Vi…
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SAOSSEP SEOÇADUAS! O Vira hoje faz uma homenagem ao cineasta David Lynch, falecido recentemente, através de um diálogo solto sobre as propostas, inovações, curiosidades e ousadias que esse anti-herói do cinema fantástico realizou em vida: sua obra, na contramão do produtivismo imediatista, da aceleração acéfala e da tranquilidade mental, nos deixa …
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Four weeks in and there are 6 remaining teams with unblemished records in D1-2 competition! The CVW Coaches' panel discusses what is making these teams successful early on in 2025. Prior to that discussion they discuss teams without conferences and why certain MPSF teams are not playing against other teams within their own conference. From there, w…
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Today, gender care is fluid, but in 2012, in the early days of ANCHOR, it took the NY Times and a brave Boston gynecologist to shift the direction of focus of anal cancer prevention. On the other coast, a self-described radical feminist was told that “the anus is just like the cervix,” and a historical career began. In this podcast, Drs. Beth Stier…
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1. Unknow - Unnamed2. Unknow - Unnamed3. Unknow - Unnamed4. Unknow - Unnamed5. Unknow - Unnamed6. Unknow - Unnamed7. Unknow - Unnamed8. Unknow - Unnamed9. Unknow - Unnamedبقلم PromoDJ
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Send us a text Eksodus 3:7-8 Die Here sê toe vir hom: “Jy kan seker wees dat Ek gesien het hoe swaar my volk in Egipte kry. Ek het gehoor hoe hulle teen hulle slawedrywers om hulp roep. Ek is baie bewus van hoe swaar hulle kry. Daarom het Ek afgekom om hulle van die Egiptenaars te bevry en hulle weg te lei uit Egipte na hulle eie mooi, groot land. …
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TWiV explains a new blood test for head and neck cancer, Japanese regulators approve tecovirimat for mpox, an entry receptor for enterovirus D68, and anti-herpetic tau preserves neurons via a DNA sensing pathway in Alzheimer’s disease. Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Kathy Spindler, Brianne Barker, and Angela Mingarelli Subscribe (free): Apple Podcasts,…
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Send us a text 2 Petrus 1:3,5-9 Sy Goddelike krag het ons alles geskenk wat ons nodig het om te lewe en Hom te dien. Dit kom deurdat ons Hom ken wat ons geroep het deur sy heerlikheid en mag. En juis om hierdie rede moet julle alles in die stryd werp om julle geloof te verryk met deugsaamheid, die deugsaamheid met kennis, die kennis met selfbeheers…
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In his weekly clinical update, Dr. Griffin and co-host Vincent Racaniello lament about the public changes from withdrawing from the WHO to health and scientific communication pauses by the Trump Administration after a brief discussion of Marburg in Tanzania and mpox in England before reviewing cats and bird flu, the recent statistics on RSV, influe…
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Send us a text 2 Petrus 1:5-8 En juis om hierdie rede moet julle alles in die stryd werp om julle geloof te verryk met deugsaamheid, die deugsaamheid met kennis, die kennis met selfbeheersing, die selfbeheersing met volharding, die volharding met godsvrug, die godsvrug met liefde onder mekaar en die liefde onder mekaar met liefde vir alle mense. As…
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Uma das mais fresquinhas leis em vigor já esse ano trata das regras gerais de vedação de uso de aparelhos eletrônicos portáteis em escolas, incluindo, obviamente os telefones celulares. Entenda com a gente as diretrizes e alguns questionamentos sobre essa lei, que é bem curtinha, mas significativa!
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Send us a text 2 Petrus 1:3,5-7 Sy Goddelike krag het ons alles geskenk wat ons nodig het om te lewe en Hom te dien. Dit kom deurdat ons Hom ken wat ons geroep het deur sy heerlikheid en mag. En juis om hierdie rede moet julle alles in die stryd werp om julle geloof te verryk met deugsaamheid, die deugsaamheid met kennis, die kennis met selfbeheers…
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Fabienne Raoul fait en 2004 une expérience de mort imminente qui va changer sa vie. Elle découvre ce qu’elle appelle "l’invisible" et cela va venir bousculer la scientifique cartésienne qu’elle est. Des années plus tard, on lui décèle une maladie neurologique, elle est persuadée que son expérience passée l’aide à s’en sortir car elle sait désormais…
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Send us a text 2 Petrus 1:3,5-7 Sy Goddelike krag het ons alles geskenk wat ons nodig het om te lewe en Hom te dien. Dit kom deurdat ons Hom ken wat ons geroep het deur sy heerlikheid en mag. En juis om hierdie rede moet julle alles in die stryd werp om julle geloof te verryk met deugsaamheid, die deugsaamheid met kennis, die kennis met selfbeheers…
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Send us a text 2 Petrus 1:3,5-6 Sy Goddelike krag het ons alles geskenk wat ons nodig het om te lewe en Hom te dien. Dit kom deurdat ons Hom ken wat ons geroep het deur sy heerlikheid en mag. En juis om hierdie rede moet julle alles in die stryd werp om julle geloof te verryk met deugsaamheid, die deugsaamheid met kennis, die kennis met selfbeheers…
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Ycare qui s'était perdu en rencontrant l'alcool, la drogue et la fête nous raconte le déclic qui l'a conduit à la guérison et nous donne des pistes pour se sortir d'une dépendance. Bonne écoute ! Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.بقلم Pauline Maria
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Paige shares some news with the Hunnies. We take some very interesting calls. Trivi-Yall and much more! Give us a call!! ☎️ 442-777-3331 (Advice/Confess/Anything) 👚 Viral Merch: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check out The Viral Podcast Socials Instag…
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Saudações pessoas! Unimos forças com duas pessoas que estão entre os convidados mais aclamados desta casa: Marie Declercq, jornalista, escritora na newsletter "Não prometo nada" e podcaster na série Terrivelmente Online , e Jairme - criaturinha de deus queridíssima que promete tudo, newsletter, podcast e outras coisas que não saem do papel eis que:…
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Send us a text 2 Petrus 1:3,5-6 Sy Goddelike krag het ons alles geskenk wat ons nodig het om te lewe en Hom te dien. Dit kom deurdat ons Hom ken wat ons geroep het deur sy heerlikheid en mag. En juis om hierdie rede moet julle alles in die stryd werp om julle geloof te verryk met deugsaamheid, die deugsaamheid met kennis, die kennis met selfbeheers…
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NOTE: For some reason this episode was "doubled-up" in length. Need to contact tech support. Will upload a "singled" episode in a few hours, and will keep this one up. Sorry for the inconvenience. The CVW Coaches' Panel dives into Week 3 with another FULL week of Men's D1-2 Volleyball news from the Hawaiian Islands to ATX to the East Coast. We are …
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Send us a text 2 Petrus 1:3,5-6 Sy Goddelike krag het ons alles geskenk wat ons nodig het om te lewe en Hom te dien. Dit kom deurdat ons Hom ken wat ons geroep het deur sy heerlikheid en mag. En juis om hierdie rede moet julle alles in die stryd werp om julle geloof te verryk met deugsaamheid, die deugsaamheid met kennis, die kennis met selfbeheers…
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TWiV explains Guillain-Barré Syndrome associated with RSV vaccines, outbreaks of metapneumovirus in China and India, editors resign to protest Elsevier’s use of AI in publishing, global distribution and diversity of wild bird associated pathogens, and broadly inhibitory anti-neuraminidase antibody from human memory B cells. Hosts: Vincent Racaniell…
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