Elazığ'da yüksek kalitede eğitim hizmeti veren, proje okulu statüsünde Fen Lisesi'yiz.
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Desde 2011 Rômulo Konzen, Daniel Iserhard e convidados batem papo descontraído com o objetivo de colocar uma pitada de Rock 'n' Roll no coração de cada ser humano.
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Once what was Mike and Josh Teach Sasquatch, is now CMSquatch. We are a sports and comedy podcast that has two childhood friends trying to teach the newcomer a little something about sports.
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I record my monologue-style show from Berlin in English. I capture a variety of topics that are important to me.
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The Uncensored CMO was created to explore the good, the bad and quite frankly downright ugly truth about marketing theory & practice.
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Christ Memorial Church is a gospel-preaching church reaching the greater Burlington, Vermont area since 1992. Find out more at
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Welcome to the CMCTalks podcast. The ramblings of William and Karen joined by farmers, industry professionals and intriguing guests discussing relevant industry topics and enjoying some banter and good chat. This is not a serious or overly-technical podcast by any means but hopefully will provide some light entertainment for our highly valued customers and prospects.
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Explore , Historical Haunted Location and Other Guest With Paranormal Happy Hour! Paranormal Happy Hour is ran by Susan Victoria aka Lady Victoria Darkwood, a Paranormal Researcher who is in search of lifes biggest answers to what happens when we take our last breath! make sure to check out Paranormal Happy Hour on Social Medias Platforms, Youtube and ALL Podcast Listening Platforms!
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Our experiences inspired the creation of The CMMC Compliance Guide Podcast and its accompanying resources. The podcast began as a way to share what we learned through real-world challenges—like helping that aerospace machine shop—and to provide accessible education for businesses navigating DoD cybersecurity requirements. The CMMC Compliance Guide Podcast breaks down complex topics like NIST 800-171 and CMMC into actionable, easy-to-understand steps. Whether you’re a subcontractor struggling ...
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Become a Paid Subscriber: Crank it up to 11 with the loudest, wildest, most uncensored voices in rock & metal! 🎸💥 Dive into fiery debates, unforgettable interviews, and bold takes on music, movies, and pop culture. 🎤🔥 No fluff, just pure passion from the heart of the mosh pit. 🤘😈 Subscribe now and unleash your inner rockstar! 🤘 #CMSNetwork #RockAndMetal #PopCulture
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CMDA Matters is the premier audio resource for Christian healthcare professionals. Hosted by Christian Medical & Dental Associations® (CMDA) CEO Dr. Mike Chupp, it is a weekly podcast that includes interviews with experts from Christian healthcare professionals. Topics include bioethics, healthcare missions, financial stewardship, marriage, family and much more. Listen to CMDA Matters today on the CMDA Go app, iTunes and the CMDA website. When you subscribe to our iTunes channel or Google Pl ...
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Willkommen bei CMS To Go, dem Podcast von CMS Deutschland. Wir diskutieren mit Expertinnen und Experten aus unterschiedlichsten Branchen zu Themen, die die Rechtswelt tagtäglich bewegen: Mit weltweit mehr als 5.000 Anwältinnen und Anwälten sowie Steuerberaterinnen und Steuerberatern, davon über 700 in Deutschland, ist CMS nicht nur eine der führenden Full-Service-Wirtschaftskanzleien. Wir zählen auch zu den Pionieren, wenn es darum geht, digitale Transformation und z ...
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In this 5-star rated weekly marketing podcast, host 4xCMO Ian Truscott says he's no rockstar, but with his chums, he shares what he calls marketing street knowledge, authentic, practical marketing strategy advice that will bring out the rock star marketer in you. A show that Jason Falls described as a "variety show for marketers". Learn more, follow, and get the show notes at
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Jim Stengel, former CMO of the largest marketer in the world (Procter & Gamble), and now small company entrepreneur sits down for intimate conversations with the most dynamic CMOs from all over the industry. This is not your typical marketing podcast, this is a unique look at the thought process and motivation of the CMO. Jim, who put purpose on the map gets in depth with each guest to reveal more about this pivotal role every brand seeks to fill. Through personal and revealing discussions J ...
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This podcast is dedicated for those who want to stay up to date with the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification news. It utilizes Notebook LM to synthesize news articles from Jun Cyber's blog as well as other official CMMC documentation and produces a podcast. Podcast Description Disclaimer: The content presented in CMMC News is generated by AI and is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It should not be taken as official guidance for Cybersecurity Maturity Model Cer ...
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Kieferwissen - der Podcast über Kieferschmerzen, Kopfschmerzen, Verspannungen und CMD
Stefanie Kapp: Kieferschmerzen loswerden & CMD
Herzlichen Willkommen zum Podcast! Ich freue mich das du mit dabei bist Ich bin Stefanie Kapp Physiotherapeutin und CMD Expertin. Ich therapiere seit 9 Jahren Menschen mit CMD, Kieferschmerzen, Nackenschmerzen und Gesichtsschmerzen. Dazugehören: Kieferknacken, Verspannungen der Kaumuskultaur, Zähneknirschen, Trigeminusschmerzen, Tinnitus, Schwindel, Migräne usw. Ich freu mich dir mit diesem Podcast eine Hilfestellung gegen deine Schmerzen, Beschwerden oder Fragen zu CMD zu geben. Dieser Podc ...
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Digital marketing and entrepreneurship insights from REAL results, stories, and people. Weekly interviews with successful content creators, marketers, and entrepreneurs to find out how they got to where they are and what marketing strategies we can learn to grow our businesses and brands.
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808 Radio es la cita con los sonidos del futuro de la radio pública de Castilla-La Mancha. Una mirada al espectro musical contemporáneo, en la que tienen cabida desde los nuevos proyectos independientes a los consolidados nombres internacionales, conjugada con la voz de los propios artistas y la visibilización de las nuevas ideas que, desde el arte a la tecnología, indagando en la reflexión y el conocimiento, nos proponen un mañana mejor. Dirigido por: Juan Antonio Lorente – Yoikol Presentad ...
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Get ready for some high-energy, no-BS conversations with top marketing leaders and tech entrepreneurs from every corner of the world. We’re diving deep into Web3, AI, Blockchain, Crypto, DeFi, Digital Twins, and the Metaverse. It’s all about real insights and actionable strategies to keep you ahead of the game. Supported by CoinDesk and RYO!
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Social media marketing, creative, design and all things innovative.
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Inside CMFI : Potenziale der Mikrobiomforschung Antibiotikaresistenzen gehören zu den drängendsten Herausforderungen unserer Zeit. Durch die weltweit zunehmende Resistenzentwicklung droht uns eine post-antibiotische Ära, also eine Zeit, in der Antibiotika nicht mehr wirken und selbst kleinere Infektionen wieder lebensbedrohlich werden könnten. Doch wie können wir diesen resistenten Bakterien entgegentreten? Welche neuen Wirkstoffe und Strategien braucht es, um diese Gefahr zu bannen? Im Podc ...
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Learn SaaS and AI marketing in a fun and easy to understand way from Bill Macaitis, a trusted 7x marketing leader with 5 successful tech exits.
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CMSMrMiller - a look into a 6th grade social studies classroom.
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Welcome to The Lawdown, CM Murray LLP's regular podcast bringing you the legal news highlights, particularly those relating to employment, discrimination and partnership law and the UK courts. More information on the issues discussed and knowledge on a wide range of topics can be found at our website - or please contact for more information or to send us a story you would like us to talk about.
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The CMO Whisperer, hosted by former Forbes writer Steve Olenski, is dedicated to those who keep it real in AND out of the world of marketing. From others in the C-suite to agency leaders to editors of publications to athletes to entertainsers and on and on, this show is for them and about them.
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Welcome to my world..or should I say playground! My purpose here is to provide and uplift independent and progressive neo-soul, jazz, and gospel artists. I just want to introduce them to you and you can go from there and delve into their catalogs. I hope you have fun listening and make sure to "like"..."follow' and "share" with your friends and family. Just a reminder. I am a DJ, not a Jukebox. I post continuous mixes that intend to keep you in the "groove" all the way thru. Leave a comment. ...
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A podcast with one central question in mind: what does it take to be a great chief marketing officer? And there are no better people to answer this question than those who have lived the CMO life. In each episode, we have in-depth conversations with CMOs and top-level marketers from around the world, across every industry and level of experience, in order to get their insights into what it takes to excel at the very top of the marketing hierarchy. Views expressed in this show are not necessa ...
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My name is cmcj. Give it a listen.
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Podcast by CMCStudents
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I’m Chris Mechanic, a growth marketer and co-founder at WebMechanix, one of the fastest-growing digital consultancies. One day, I thought, we got to make a marketing podcast. But not any podcast. The podcast has to be value-packed, focused on acquisition, and have the best of the best minds. So, if you’re in charge of performance marketing, you’ll love these interviews. We bring on some of the best ideas from growth leaders from brands like Amazon, Poshmark, Motley Fool, ADA, and Gong.
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"C'Mon Son!" The Podcast is your ticket to the wild, unfiltered world of Ed Lover—radio host, actor, comedian, and former host of the legendary hip-hop-heavy international televised program Yo! MTV Raps. Dive into his no-holds-barred take on pop culture, family life plus so much more... where raw humor meets rugged truth. Forget the usual; this podcast is all about breaking the mold. With every episode, you'll find yourself laughing uncontrollably and asking, "Seriously, what the f*** is wro ...
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Welcome to the CMO Chapter Podcast, where we dive deep into the dynamic world of Chief Marketing Officers. Join us as we explore the careers, insights, and strategies of top marketing executives who shape the brands we know and love. Whether you're a seasoned marketer, aspiring CMO, or simply curious about what it takes to step into the shows of a CMO. This podcast is your backstage pass to discovering what it’s like to lead and innovate in the ever-evolving landscape of business and consume ...
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CMC Statistics topics in the biopharmaceutical industry
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Wonder what it's like to control millions of dollars of marketing budget? Manage hundreds of people? Make the decisions on which ideas get to market? The CMO Confidential podcast shares how it feels to be in that chair of the shortest-tenured position on the C-suite. We detail the long, hard road most ideas take to get to market & how challenging it is to get the best ones through. Hosted by Mike Linton -- the former P&G Brand Manager who went on to be the Chief Marketing Officer of Best Buy ...
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Marketing leaders are facing constant new challenges. If you want to stay ahead of the curve, listen to Building Better CMOs, from the nonprofit thinktank MMA Global. It's a podcast about the future of marketing and how marketers can get smarter & stronger, hosted by MMA CEO Greg Stuart. Greg interviews some of the wisest and most successful CMOs in the business, who share crucial insights about what their industry gets wrong, how to get to the C-Suite, and how to unlock the true power of ma ...
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Ein Physiker (C.M.) erzählt über Wissenschaft, buddhistische Lebensphilosophie, Jazz und ein minimalistisches Leben außerhalb der Norm [Mit gelegentlichen selbstgemachten Musikeinspielungen]. Kommentare gerne an
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Welcome to the CM Murray LLP podcast channel where we discuss a wide range of topical issues in relation to partnership and employment law. CM Murray LLP is a leading partnership, employment and regulatory law firm based in London. We advise US and UK law firms and partners, hedge fund and investment management partners, US and other multi-national employers, senior executives and founders on a range of UK partnership and employment law issues.
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How do the leaders of APAC brands use purpose-driven storytelling to bring their big ideas to life, achieve communications goals, drive better business outcomes, and live out a purpose beyond profit? The CMO Show is an award-winning marketing podcast, brought to you by ImpactInstitute, in partnership with Adobe. Each episode features industry insights from a marketing or business leader on strategy, creativity, measurement, evaluation, and more. *ANZ Winner - 2020 CMS Asia Award for 'Best Us ...
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The CMC Podcast is a platform for well-informed, collaborative and open minded conversations around rope rescue and rope access topics in a roundtable discussion format. Our aim is to inspire further research, testing and feedback around products and techniques through stories and lessons from experts. For more information visit
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使命:幫助每個人做好人生投資 願景:用最合理的價格,透過最方便的管道,提供每個客戶和市井小民,最貼近用戶需求的優質投資工具和網路服務 CMoney開發許多投資軟體,提供大眾更簡便的軟體使用服務,協助用戶做好人生的投資理財規劃,邁向財富自由的道路。 高人氣產品 -籌碼K線 -艾蜜莉定存股 -股市爆料同學會 -投資網誌 -發票集點王 -CWMoney記帳軟體 -股市大富翁 -股人阿勳 價值河流圖 -無聊詹 監控警報器 -權證小哥 全方位獨門監控 -林恩如 強棒旺旺來 -自由人 多空指南針 -丹尼爾 主流強勢股 -股市阿水 布林通道 -期權先生 多空聽診器 -阿格力 價值成長股 -武財神 求好運免出門 -老簡 股市內部大戶 -Money錢雜誌 -保險對夠好 -王牌操盤手 -台股巴菲特 -保險小存摺 -好老公選股
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General Infantry in WW2 Cover art photo provided by Cobro on Unsplash:
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Podcast by CMD CMD
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The benefits of using Podcast in the classroom.
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Freestyle music talk show entertainment conversation for Fans Fam people around the world to enjoy
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A little bit of extra help for your English GCSEs- Language & Literature 👋🏼
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The Client-Centric CMO podcast spotlights the stories and insights of marketing leaders who put customers at the center of their strategies. Hosted by Alisha Lyndon, CEO of Momentum ITSMA, each episode features deep-dive conversations with CMOs and senior executives who are redefining what it means to lead with a customer-first approach. Join us to explore the challenges and successes of client-centric marketing. Our guests – leading CMOs and senior marketing executives – share their experie ...
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March Madness is upon us and Squatch drops the ball. UFC Fight Night London is coming up to boot.
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Episode 44: Chelsea footballer Sam Kerr found not guilty of racially aggravated harassment; Luis Rubiales convicted of sexual assault after 2023 Women’s World Cup win; US driven rollback on DEI
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42:56In our latest episode of The Lawdown, Emma Bartlett, Sarah Chilton, Wonu Sanda and first-time contributor Liz Pearson discuss the following: Sam Kerr (a high profile Australian and Chelsea football player) being found not guilty of racially aggravated harassment. We dig deeper into the circumstances that led to the criminal prosecution and the cont…
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Is The Glue That Holds Partnerships Together Coming Unstuck?
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24:53We are delighted to share with you a recording of the discussion Is The Glue That Holds Partnerships Together Coming Unstuck? which took place at an event we held recently in London.The discussion explored the evolving dynamics of professional partnerships and the challenges they face in today's complex legal and business environment. Taking place …
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The Rose & Rockstar: Are Corporate Websites Dead?
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27:49Welcome to The Rose and Rockstar - with the Chief Troublemaker at Seventh Bear, fractional marketing leader and author, Robert Rose, behind the bar serving a wonderful weekend cocktail while our host Ian Truscott picks his brain on a marketing topic. This week in The Rose and Rockstar, over a cachaça cocktail, Ian and Robert discuss the future (or …
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CMS | The Classic Metal Show LIVE! 3/8/25 (Best Of) (Free)
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5:27:24Neeley and Chris Akin from The Classic Metal Show dive deep into the messy online feud between Chris and Greg Chaisson of Badlands. Tired of rockstar drama? This episode uncovers the truth behind the backstabbing and egos in rock and roll. Plus, catch an exclusive interview with legendary drummer Mikkey Dee, sharing unfiltered insights. Subscribe n…
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LLL | Sade’s Greatest Hits w/ Lord Nelson | C.A.R. (Free)
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23:52Crank it up, metal maniacs! The Lord Nelson is dropping a savage Classic Album Review, dissecting Sade’s Greatest Hits like a riff machine. Smooth Operator’s jazzy growl and the soul-searing No Ordinary Love headline this timeless elegance fest. Sade Adu’s hypnotic brilliance and iconic songs are front and center—perfect for banging your head or ch…
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Your IT Provider: The Keystone to Passing CMMC – or the Hidden Risk That Could Cost You Everything
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8:34Submit any questions you would like answered on the podcast! In this episode of The CMMC Compliance Guide Podcast, Brooke and Stacey reveal a critical factor that could make or break your compliance journey: your IT provider. ✅ Discover why your IT provider plays a crucial role in your CMMC assessment. ✅ Learn the risks of working with an unqualifi…
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The Power of Brand Reinvention with Christy Hoskins from La-Z-Boy
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34:04My guest this week is Christy Haskins, the VP and CMO of La-Z-Boy, leading the brand reinvigoration efforts of the nearly 100-year-old—yes, 100!—beloved brand across consumer marketing, digital commerce, consumer insights, and creative. Previously, Christy worked across brands and portfolios at Whirlpool Corporation and Nestlé Purina PetCare. Her e…
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CAP | Sanhedrin - HEAT LIGHTNING Interview with Jeremy Sosville (Free)
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27:56Chris Akin sits down with Jeremy Sosville from Sanhedrin to discuss their new album HEAT LIGHTNING, the influence of Metal Blade and Brian Slagel, festival gigs, writing music for everyone, and their incredible recorded sound. NOTE: Everything said here, and on every episode of all of our shows, are 100% the opinions of the hosts. Nothing is stated…
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CMS | Di'Anno Meets Harris + Def Leppard & Tyler Talk (Free)
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1:06:15Neeley and Chris from The Classic Metal Show chat about Paul Di'Anno linking up with Steve Harris in Croatia, then shift to Def Leppard’s DIAMOND STAR HALOS—can they bounce back? Steven Tyler’s rehab news kicks off a spicy take on bands wrecking their reps. Follow for more metal rants! NOTE: Everything said here, and on every episode of all of our …
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Episode 438: Cmoove Grooves R&B Workout 2024 (Vol. 2)
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2:57:25*EXPLICIT LYRICS WARNING* Hey Cmoove Groovers! Now that you've eaten all of that food during the holidays, here's some tunes to get you motivated to get you back in the gym. Listen ... Enjoy...Share and Work it out!! (Gone head and hit that ❤ button too). Cmoove Grooves R&B Workout 2024 (Vol. 2) 01. Doechii - What It Is (Solo Version) [Explicit] (0…
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EP32 Paranormal Happy Hour with Special Quest Gwen Jones
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1:29:41بقلم Susan Victoria
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EP31 Paranormal Happy Hour with Special Quest Shane McLaine
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1:53:39بقلم Susan Victoria
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AI + Web3: Creating Personalized Brand Experiences That Actually Work – with Lauren Halstead | S5 E11
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27:30Send us a text Lauren Halstead, Head of Ecosystem at Mojito and former Business Development leader at Chainlink Labs, shares her passion for transforming traditional Web2 loyalty programs through innovative Web3 solutions. • Traditional brand loyalty programs fail to foster long-term consumer relationships • Web3 gives consumers ownership of their …
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Healing Hearts and Bones in the Peruvian Amazon: Dr. Peter Cole of Scalpel At The Cross
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36:18In this episode of CMDA Matters, we welcome Dr. Peter Cole, a distinguished orthopedic surgeon, educator at the University of Minnesota, and founder of Scalpel At The Cross—a medical mission transforming lives in Pucallpa, Peru. Dr. Cole built Scalpel At The Cross alongside his wife Nancy in 2004, dedicating their skills and faith to providing life…
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CMS | Red Reign, Plush & the Music Industry Grind (Free)
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1:03:50Neeley and Chris from The Classic Metal Show tackle the disconnect between Red Reign and Plush’s live wins and Spotify flops. They compare them to hot acts like The Warning, Dirty Honey, and Greta Van Fleet, peeling back the layers of today’s music hustle. Follow for this and more no-BS metal chats! NOTE: Everything said here, and on every episode …
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TII | Pyro Tales: Van Halen, Kiss & Station Fire Exposed (Free)
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1:51:30Crank it loud, metal freaks! We’ve got John “Pyro” Watkins, the pyrotechnic wizard who blasted stages for Van Halen, Kiss, Bon Jovi, and Journey. He’s dropping killer stories from the road—think fiery mayhem and rock ‘n’ roll madness. Plus, we unpack the Station Nightclub fire tragedy—what really happened? This ep’s a sonic explosion of heavy metal…
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ASTV | Does the Woke Mob Affect Metal's True Identity? (Free)
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31:15Matt & Chris dive into taboo topics that many avoid, especially with the rising trend of identity politics in music. In this episode, the guys tackle a provocative question: Has heavy metal become overrepresented with female vocalists? This genre, traditionally marketed to men, has seen a shift that raises eyebrows. Matt and Chris express their app…
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Client-centric growth strategies: A roadmap for CMOs
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29:40In this episode of The Client-Centric CMO, we explore how marketing leaders can redefine their role in driving strategic business growth, transforming marketing from a cost center to a value creator in today's dynamic B2B landscape.
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Ep. #359: Sometimes It's Best To...
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1:07:17This week, Ed Lover and Mrs. Fruit tackle the chaos happening in the culture—starting with Big U, the prominent LA music executive and Rollin’ 60s OG, now a fugitive facing racketeering, extortion, and murder charges. The streets are talking, and Ed breaks down what this all means. Then, it’s Kanye vs. Kim, and things are getting dark. Kim holds th…
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TSWS | JFK Files Dud & Seth’s Cash Crash Rant (Free)
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1:32:21What’s good, fight fans and barstool philosophers? Seth and Chris rip into the JFK data dump—still a snooze fest. Seth’s fuming over Monday’s income gut punch, spinning it into a gritty chat about midlife slumps, clawing back respect, and not letting the world steamroll your good nature. It’s loud, it’s real, and it’s your next binge listen. NOTE: …
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The Rockstar CMO Studio: Simon Saves the MQL (Kidding!)
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44:40This week, marketing and revenue operations expert Simon Daniels joins Ian after a two-year break working with Forrester to discuss how we define the discipline of revenue operations, how this sits with sales operations and marketing operations, and how we should implement this function. In this discussion, they cover: Revenue operations, marketing…
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Chronische Schmerzen - Wo soll ich nur beginnen?
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23:16In dieser Folge geht es um den schwierigen Weg durch die Welt der chronischen Schmerzen. Du hast seit langer Zeit Beschwerden, weißt nicht, wo du anfangen sollst, und bekommst von überall unterschiedliche Ratschläge – doch eine Lösung scheint nicht in Sicht. Wo soll man beginnen? Genau darum geht es heute im Podcast. Steffi erklärt, was chronische …
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Julie Haddon (NWSL) | Reshaping the Future of Women's Soccer
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52:12This month marks the opening of a new season for the red-hot NWSL–The National Women's Soccer League. Jim's this week is the Chief Marketing and Commercial Officer of the NWSL, Julie Haddon. Jim has known Julie for many years, going back to her years at the NFL as VP of Global Brand and consumer marketing, before joining the NWSL as its first-ever …
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CAP | Why Did RWake Return After 13 Years with 'The Return of Magik'? 🤔 (Free)
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30:58On this episode of CHRIS AKIN PRESENTS..., Chris sits down with Brittany Fugate and John Judkins of RWake to dive deep into their latest release, THE RETURN OF MAGIK. After a 13-year hiatus, the band is back, and they’re not holding back! Discover how the recording process changed with new members on board, why their music explores such challenging…
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CMS | Lennon Radio Special & Phil Collins Gossip Unleashed (Free)
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1:29:50Chris and Neeley dive into a Radio2 England special with Sean and Julian Lennon, Paul McCartney, and Elton John dropping rock bombshells. Then, they recap Phil Collins’ ex-wife’s wild claims—body odor and ED included. Pure metal chaos awaits! Follow for more unfiltered episodes. NOTE: Everything said here, and on every episode of all of our shows, …
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How a Human-Centric Marketing Strategy Drives Engagement & Trust with Cammie Doder, CMO of Aspiriant
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49:38How can a human-centric approach in marketing drive client engagement, trust, and success? In this episode of Revenue-Driven CMO, host Chris Mechanic interviews Cammie Doder, the Chief Marketing Officer at Aspiriant, to explore how a human-centric marketing approach can drive client engagement, build trust, and ensure long-term success. Discover th…
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Episode 437: Who Da Neo-Soul Is This? : 2025 (Vol. 03)
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2:29:27We start off 2025 with some of that good music you like. STILL Introducing you to that good music that you might not hear on the radio from Neo and Independent Soul, Alternative R&B, NuJazz and Instrumentalist artists. As always.. Listen... Enjoy...and Share... (Hit the "❤" so that I know you were here.) Who Da Neo-Soul Is This? : 2025 (Vol. 03) 01…
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2025 Edelman Trust Barometer with CEO Tom Robinson
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37:12Where do people place their trust? Why is it declining – and what can CMOs do to reverse the trend? The 2025 Edelman Trust Barometer presents a nuanced picture of public sentiment, complete with troubling social shifts – and some glimmers of optimism, too. The CMO Show host Mark Jones sat down to unpack it all in data-led detail with Edelman CEO, T…
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CAP | Erik’s Cruise Mayhem & Space X Fakery (Free)
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1:52:21Metal maniacs, strap in—Erik’s back from the Monsters of Rock Cruise with tales that’ll rattle your skull. From shredding stages to insane nights, he’s got the dirt. Then, he’s flipping off Space X’s "heroic" astronaut save after 9 months—says it’s all fake, and he’s got the proof to back it. This CHRIS AKIN PRESENTS... episode is a sonic assault o…
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ASTV | Will System Of A Down Ever Release New Music?
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11:44Matt & Chris are back with another segment of Aftershocks TV, diving into Daron Malakian's recent comments. The System Of A Down guitarist revealed he is no longer interested in writing new music for SOAD. After 20 years since their last full-length album, Malakian plans to focus his creative energy on Scars On Broadway instead. This announcement a…
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Oreo’s playful positioning, bold innovation and brand partnerships - Eugenia Zalis
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47:10Today Jon talks with Eugenia Zalis, CMO for one of the most iconic sweet brands in the world, Oreo. We talk about their "stay playful" positioning, incredible brand collaborations (with the likes of Coca-Cola and Post Malone) and some of the interesting innovations the brand has worked on. Timestamps 00:00 - Intro 00:46 - Eugenia’s marketing journe…
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Joe Tripodi | Lessons Learned From a Storied Marketing Career | Former CMO Coca-Cola, Mastercard
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32:05See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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Career Growth, Leadership & Standing Out in Marketing with Jac Phillips
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43:56Welcome to Series 2 of CMO Chapters Podcast! In this episode, host Lucy Bolan sits down with the dynamic and accomplished Jac Phillips to uncover the secrets of career progression, leadership, and personal branding in marketing. With a wealth of experience spanning media, marketing, and executive coaching, Jac shares candid insights from her 35-yea…
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CMS | Matthew Perry Dating Backlash + Metal Fury Unleashed (Free)
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1:00:30Neeley and Chris from The Classic Metal Show are back with a fiery take on Matthew Perry’s dating controversy. They’re standing up for the actor, blasted by a 19-year-old for hitting her up online. Ready for some savage metal talk on Gen Z’s double standards? Follow now for this and more unapologetic episodes! NOTE: Everything said here, and on eve…
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TSWS | Trump Fights Judge, Awful Songs & Seth’s Bad News (Free)
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1:18:32Sports nuts, patriots, and dive-bar regulars—this one’s for you. Seth and Chris on THE SETH WILLIAMS SHOW rip into Jim Florentine’s EVERYBODY IS AWFUL, spotlighting the trainwreck "Songs To Suck Your First Dick To." They pivot to Trump shoving criminals out the door while an Obama judge clutches pearls. Then—bam—a call hits Seth with some heavy, re…
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Understanding How ESPs Fit into Your CMMC Assessment Puzzle
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30:27Send us a text 🌟 Just listened to another insightful episode of the CMNC News podcast, where hosts Brennan Lodge and Laura took a deep dive into the complexities of CMMC, focusing on ESPs, SPAs, and VDIs. Here's what stood out to me: 🔍 Key Takeaways: Scoping ESPs in CMMC: The involvement of External Service Providers in the CMMC assessment depends …
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Breaking Down CMMC ESPs and Inherited Controls: What DOD Contractors Need to Know
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16:31Send us a text 🚀 New Episode Alert: Navigating CMMC Compliance with ESPs and Inherited Controls 🚀 In our latest episode of CMNC News, we dive deep into the complexities of CMMC compliance and how to effectively manage the relationship with your External Service Providers (ESPs). This episode is packed with insights that are crucial for any DOD cont…
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Secure Your Defense Contracts: Navigating CMMC Levels with NIST Publications
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13:33Send us a text 🚀 Exciting Insights from Our Latest Deep Dive on the CMNC News Podcast! 🎧 In our newest episode, we unpack the intricacies of the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) and its alignment with NIST standards, essential for those engaged with Department of Defense contracts. Dive into the details with us as we explore practi…
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Wie beeinflussen deine Darmbakterien die Wirkung von Medikamenten? Unser Körper beherbergt Billionen von Mikroorganismen – und sie haben mehr Einfluss, als du denkst! 🦠 Prof. Dr. Lisa Maier erklärt, wie unser Mikrobiom die Wirkung von Medikamenten beeinflusst und welche Medikamente unser Mikrobiom schädigen. Jetzt reinhören!…
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CMS | Badlands Feud Unraveled + Mikkey Dee on Classic Metal Show (Free)
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46:57Neeley and Chris Akin from The Classic Metal Show tackle the heated online beef between Chris and Badlands’ Greg Chaisson. Done with rockstar egos? This episode spills the tea on the drama and delivers a raw interview with drumming legend Mikkey Dee. Hit follow to get every unfiltered episode—your front-row seat to the real music world. NOTE: Every…
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Episode 436: Cmoove Grooves R&B Workout 2024 (Vol. 1)
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2:59:54*EXPLICIT LYRICS WARNING* Hey Cmoove Groovers! Now that you've eaten all of that food during the holidays, here's some tunes to get you motivated to get you back in the gym. Listen ... Enjoy...Share and Work it out!! (Gone head and hit that ❤ button too). Cmoove Grooves R&B Workout 2024 (Vol. 1) 01. Ella Mai - Shot Clock [Explicit] (00:00) 02. Norm…
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CMM #708 - Melhor Banda Para Fazer Parte
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1:11:17No 708º episódio do Podcast mais Rock’n Roll da internets Rômulo Konzen, Daniel Iserhard e Álcio Villalobos batem papo para decidir qual seria a melhor banda para fazer parte. Apoie o CMM: Compre os produtos do CMM: Apoiadores do CMM no Padrim e Orelo, que …
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God’s grace makes you generous because it grants you happy riches in Jesus Christ and thus moves you to give yourself first to Him and then to His people.بقلم Eric Abbey
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808 Radio #399 / Especial @ DANTZ Network Congress / Radio CLM – 15/3/25
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2:00:02Un 808 Radio muy especial que emitimos desde Kursaal en San Sebastián, dentro del marco de la primera edición de DANTZ Network Congress. Dedicamos los 120 minutos a repasar alguna de las ideas y los personajes clave que están dando forma al sonido y la cultura del futuro. Pasan por los micrófonos de Radio Castilla-La Mancha: Jokin Tellería (Directo…
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Episode 435: Cmoove Grooves Does The '80's (Vol. 9)
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2:58:25R&B, Pop, Rock, MTV, Power Ballads, Couple's Skate, Roller skating etc. All these help define the 1980's. So let's go back as Cmoove Grooves Does The '80's.. We start to get in the Groove with this mix... So Listen....Enjoy ... & Share!! (Gone head and hit that ❤ button too). Cmoove Grooves Does The '80's (Vol. 9) 01. Nu Shooz - I Can't Wait (00:00…
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Grabbed my old Zoom H1 recorder (the one that lets me hear myself talk – crucial!) and went for a walk to escape the apartment and the endless to-do list. Turns out, I had a lot on my mind. This is a pretty unfiltered ramble about feeling overwhelmed by choices, the good and bad of the internet (especially the news… ugh), the weirdness of modern pa…
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The Rose & Rockstar: Content, Charisma & Community
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22:50Welcome to The Rose and Rockstar - with the Chief Troublemaker at Seventh Bear, fractional marketing leader and author, Robert Rose behind the bar serving a wonderful weekend cocktail while our host Ian Truscott picks his brain on a marketing topic. This week, over a luxurious cocktail, Ian and Robert discuss thought leadership in the AI age and th…
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