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show episodes

12 Minute Meditation

The latest scientific research reveals that 12 minutes of meditation a day yields benefits like increased attention, focus, creativity, calm, resilience and compassion. Start your 12-minute sit with guided meditations from today’s leading mindfulness experts, brought to you by Mindful. With a new mindfulness meditation each week, 12 Minute Meditation invites you to bring the benefits of mindfulness to daily life.
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Sleep better, reduce stress and anxiety, and feel happier about your life. If you yearn for simpler calmer days, settle yourself down to explore the rich tradition of meditation for your modern life. Journey through a weekly theme to gain insight and understanding of the biggest stressors of our time. Be guided in a brief mini-meditation using a time-proven meditation technique in each episode to sleep better, manage anxiety, and improve mental focus. Described by listeners as a daily therap ...
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Guided Meditation

Guided Meditation

Hello my friend! Welcome to Guided Meditation. We are so glad you joined us here today. And we invite you to make this your place to find inner peace, strength and relaxation. Our intention is to create meditation practices that will benefit you and to develop strengths, flow and personal growth. Much love and peace, 💗 Jody and the Guided Meditation team
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Morning Meditation for Women

Morning Meditation

Morning meditations created for women or anyone who feels called to listen. 💗 Start your day with a moment of mindfulness with the Morning Meditation for Women podcast. Whether you’re new to meditation, trying to kickstart your meditation practice, or a seasoned meditator, you’ll love these quick meditations designed to start your day with intention, love and a deep sense of peace. Brought to you by the Women’s Meditation Network and hosted by Katie Krimitsos. Get more meditation resources a ...
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Bei Mindlook findet ihr verschiedene geführte Meditationen für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene. Die Meditationen haben unterschiedliche Themen wie z.B. Achtsamkeit, Stress bewältigen, Angst loswerden, Atemübungen, negative Phasen überstehen, einschlafen u.v.m. 🎧 Podcast werbefrei hören: 📖 Meditation Journal: 🛒 Mindlook: 📷 Instagram: @mindlook.meditation ...
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Sleep Meditation for Women

Sleep Meditation

Sleep meditations created for women or anyone who feels called to listen 💗. Can’t sleep? Insomnia? Mind racing with worries and a never-ending to-do list? Tune in to the Sleep Meditation for Women podcast and let these guided meditations help you ease into sleep peacefully. Brought to you by the Women’s Meditation Network and hosted by Katie Krimitsos. Get comfy, press play and let yourself be guided into dreamland. Get more meditation resources at
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Mindful In Minutes Meditation

Mindful In Minutes Meditation

Short, weekly guided meditations to help you stress less and live more. Each week join Kelly Smith, founder of Yoga For You, for simple and grounded guided meditations that are 20 minutes or less and cover an array of topics that will help you with real life struggles like anxiety, insomnia, self-esteem and creating a morning ritual.
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Sleep Wave: Sleep Meditation & Sleepy Stories

Sleepiest & Karissa Vacker

Relax and fall asleep with Guided Sleep Meditation and Sleepy Stories, hosted by me Karissa Vacker, an award-winning voice and meditation guide. We'll bring you an original Sleep Meditation and Sleepy Story every week. Become a Premium member of Sleep Wave for access to over 100 bonus episodes and ad free listening via: We are sponsored by Indeed. Go to for £100 sponsored credit.
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Mindfulness Meditation Podcast

Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art

The Rubin Museum of Art presents a weekly meditation for beginners and skilled meditators alike. Each episode is inspired by a work of art from the Museum’s collection and is led by a prominent meditation teacher. This podcast is recorded in front of a live audience at the Museum, and includes an opening talk and a 20-minute meditation session. Join us as we learn to quiet the mind, open the heart, and engage with the world more consciously
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Meditation Minis Podcast

Chel Hamilton | Meditation Minis

Short guided meditations to calm your anxiety, overcome negative thinking, increase your confidence, and more. Don’t think you have the time, or mental focus, to meditate? Most of these mind-shifting meditations are 10 minutes or less. Soothe your stress away and feel better fast with this award winning guided meditation podcast by Hypnotherapist Chel Hamilton today. For more information visit: ( Please Note: The meditations presented ...
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Willkommen im Podcast Meditation für jeden Tag! Mein Name ist Paulina Thurm und ich nehme dich hier mit meiner Stimme an die Hand und begleite dich durch die Meditationen. Seit Januar 2019 habe ich regelmäßig neue geführte Meditationen veröffentlicht - mittlerweile sind es weit über 250 für die verschiedensten Gelegenheiten: für den Start in den Tag, zum Einschlafen, als Begleitung bei unterschiedlichen Herausforderungen des Alltags.Sei es bei Stress, bei Selbstzweifel oder bei Kopfschmerzen ...
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Meditation Anleitung

Sukadev Bretz

Anleitungen zur Meditation. Für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene. Meditation verhilft zu inneren Frieden, zu mehr Energie, zu Selbsterkenntnis. In ihren höheren Aspekten führt sie zu höheren Bewusstseinsebenen und Einheitsgefühl. Keine Vorträge – praktische Übungsanleitungen. Wenn du dich hingesetzt hast (auf einem Stuhl, kreuzbeinig oder kniend), kannst du gleich loslegen. Ideale Ergänzung zu dem Vortrags-Podcast „Yoga, Meditation und Spirituelles Leben“ (auch hier auf Podster). Hier findest d ...
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Transformational Meditation Podcast

Transformational Meditation Group

Are you interested in meditation and want to use meditation for more than relaxation? Do you want to do more exciting stuff with meditation? This podcast is about using meditation as a powerful tool for transformation and manifestation.
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Koala Mind - Meditation & Achtsamkeit

Petra Hess I Gründerin von Koala Mind

Deine Reise zu mehr Ruhe und Gelassenheit beginnt hier bei Koala Mind! Ich bin Petra und ich freue mich sehr, dass du meinen Podcast gefunden hast. Mit meinen Meditationen möchte ich dir helfen, mehr Leichtigkeit und Freude in deinen Alltag zu bringen. Ob zur Entspannung, Selbstfürsorge oder den Umgang mit Ängsten und Sorgen: Ich freue mich, dich in deinem Alltag zu unterstützen! Du wünschst dir noch mehr Gelassenheit durch eine tägliche Meditationsroutine? Bestell dir jetzt mein Meditation ...
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Paus - guidade meditationer

Karin Björkegren Jones

Med den här podden i dina öron kan du lägga dig ner och ge dig själv en välförtjänt vila. För ur vila, ur pauser kan det nya växa. Det är i vilan som det gror. Så boka in dina måndagar från och med nu för då sänds nya guidade meditationer av Karin Björkegren Jones. Support this show at Become a member at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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The Meditation Podcast creates an extraordinary meditation experience for people in their everyday lives. Founded in 2006 by husband-and-wife team Jesse & Jeane Stern, the podcast uses guided meditations, binaural beats, mindfulness, and 20+ years experience in Healing Arts. Please use headphones, and do not listen while driving or operating machinery. For our complete archive of meditations, please visit our web site or
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Meditation und Entspannung leicht gemacht! Jedes mal neu und anders, aber vor allem immer relaxt! Ich begleite dich durch verschiedene Meditationen, Atemübungen, Entspannungstechniken, Traumreisen und Achtsamkeitstrainings. Finde deinen Moment der Ruhe im stressigen Alltag. Mehr Infos unter:
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Cebu Meditation

Cebu Meditation

Cebu Meditation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to enriching lives through group meditation and the study of Buddhism. For over a decade, we’ve gathered weekly to practice meditation, aiming to cultivate peace, clarity, and compassion in our community. Join us on the Cebu Meditation Podcast as we explore insightful Buddhist teachings and discuss how they can be applied to everyday challenges, helping you live a more mindful and joyful life.
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Join NAO and Izzy Judd to escape the noise of daily life through the power of music and meditation in the ultimate therapeutic podcast. Experience guided meditations covering themes such as reducing stress levels and making peace with imperfections from a range of experts enhanced by an immersive classical soundtrack. And if you want the guided meditations without the chat, each one is available separately as a Ten Minute Meditation in BBC Sounds.
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Visualize Meditations

Visualize Meditations

Welcome to the Visualize Meditations Podcast! Hosted by Sasha Patil, a Chopra-certified meditation teacher and passionate visualization enthusiast. The first step to manifesting your dream life is creating a clear, exciting vision for every area—physical health, mental well-being, finances, career, relationships, and more :) This vision will inspire action and help you manifest the life you desire. In this podcast, Sasha guides you through powerful visualization meditations to turn your visi ...
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We’ve all heard that meditation is good for us — studies show that it reduces stress, improves concentration and makes us more resilient to life’s challenges. But what if these benefits are just the tip of the iceberg? What if meditation could actually change everything? Pioneering meditation teacher Craig Hamilton has been practicing meditation for 40 years and teaching it over the past two decades to students in more than 90 countries. In this podcast, Craig reveals how this powerful, anci ...
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Soul Flowing Meditations

Soul Flowing Wellness

A meditation podcast to help you let go of the outer reality and tune into your inner world for healing, mindfulness, exploration, and growth. This podcast shares a wide range of meditations, from simple mindfulness to deep interpersonal journeys.
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a Shamans Meditations

Dr. Aaron C. Waldron, M.Div.

A Religiously traumatized Theopoet: a Shaman in Journey offers a series of short meditations that aim to create Between Spaces that invite people to Self discover & reflect. Join us as we explore the intersections of spirituality, trauma, and personal growth through intimate reflections and guided meditations.
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Fall asleep to quiet stories and meditations read from a cozy mountain cabin. For just $4.99/month, supporters get the weekly bedtime stories and meditations ad-free, a day earlier. Access over 400 sleepy episodes, including nature sounds and classic audiobooks like Winnie the Pooh. Join us at for a better night's sleep. 💜 Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Coaching, Meditation & Hypnose - Der Podcast mit Tipps für mehr Selbstbewusstsein & Achtsamkeit

Kim Fleckenstein - Coach, Autorin, Heilprakterin für Psychotherapie

In diesem Podcast gebe ich Dir zahlreiche Tipps, um selbstbewusster zu werden, um für Dich eine größere Achtsamkeit zu entwickeln oder Dich selbstbestimmter zu fühlen. Je achtsamer Du mit Dir bist, umso besser kann sich Dein Selbstbewusstsein entwickeln und Du wirst selbstbestimmter auftreten. Außerdem gebe ich Dir wertvolle Infos zu den Themen Angst, Panik und Stress. Besuche mich auch auf meiner Seite oder schreibe mir eine E-Mail an Infos ...
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IMS’s Retreat Center first opened its doors in 1976. It offers a yearly schedule of meditation courses, lasting from a weekend to three months. Most retreats are designed for both new and experienced meditators. Recognized insight meditation teachers from all over the world offer daily instruction and guidance in Buddhist meditations known as vipassana (insight) and metta (lovingkindness). While the context is the Buddha’s teachings, these practices are universal and help us to deepen awaren ...
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show series
Here's an affirmation style meditation you can use to create (or REcreate) your own GOOD DAY no matter what other people or situations throw at you. 😀 This episode is brought to you by Factor. Eat smart with Factor. Get started at and use code FACTORPODCAST to get 50% off your first box plus free shipping! Music…
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You have the power to transform your mental landscape. This meditation is a tool for reclaiming your inner peace by releasing toxic thoughts that hold you back. By consciously letting go, you'll not only experience mental clarity but also a profound sense of physical liberation, allowing your natural vitality to shine through THIS WEEK'S THEME: Wel…
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Background Music for Sleep, Meditation, Relaxation, Massage, Yoga, Studying and Therapy …… Hi everyone, this is Jim Butler and welcome to the Deep Energy Podcast - 1965 - Healing Bells for the Root Chakra Please remember to turn on automatic downloads, like and subscribe, tell a friend, share with your family and leave a review. All of those things…
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Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player. Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> Join our Premium Sleep for Wome…
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This guided meditation uses the deep, steady sound of a rushing winter creek to help you relax, let go, and ease into sleep. As you listen, you’ll be guided to surrender to the natural flow of life, releasing worries like melting ice drifting downstream. Your support is the cornerstone that allows me to continue crafting tranquil stories and medita…
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Diese Meditation ist eine sanfte Einladung, dich mit dir und deinem Inneren zu verbinden. Wir nehmen uns Zeit, zur Ruhe zu kommen und die Aufmerksamkeit nach innen zu lenken. Hier kommst du achtsam mit deinen Gedanken, Gefühlen und Empfindungen in Kontakt. Diese Form der Selbstwahrnehmung ohne Erwartung kann ein tiefes Gefühl der Verbundenheit ausl…
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Boost morning energy with this quick 7 minute guided meditation. This practice is designed to get your breath moving with "bellows breath" and then you visualize energy pouring into your body as you release all fatigue with your breath out. More Mindful in Minutes Join the free 5-day Nervous system reset to overcome overwhelm Books Order Meditation…
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Host Izzy Judd welcomes you back to the fourth series of the ultimate therapeutic podcast, featuring music and meditation designed to combat the challenges of daily life and leave you feeling refreshed and ready to take on the world. Episodes cover topics from refining your work/life balance to managing your fears, with specially created ten-minute…
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Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player. Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> Join our Premium Sleep for Wome…
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Die geführte Meditation zum Einschlafen beinhaltet Selbstheilungs Affirmationen zum gesund werden. Durch die Einschlafmeditation können sich dein Körper und dein Geist regenerieren und stärken. Die Einschlafhypnose hilft dir deine innere Heilung zu aktivieren. Du kannst die Meditation anhören, wenn du krank bist oder wenn du gesund bleiben möchtest…
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Hello, it’s Jody Agard. Gratitude can change the way we see the world, and today, we’re focusing on waking up with a heart full of gratitude. This meditation will help you start your day grounded in appreciation, no matter what’s ahead. So, find a quiet spot, take a deep breath, and let’s begin. Xo, Jody Learn more about your ad choices. Visit mega…
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The Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art presents a weekly meditation for beginners and skilled meditators alike. Each episode is inspired by a different work of art from the Museum’s collection and is led by a prominent meditation teacher. The episode begins with an opening talk followed by a 20-minute meditation. In this episode, the guided meditation b…
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In recent years, mental health professionals have raised the alarm about the growing epidemic of loneliness. Millions of people feel separated and isolated, even when they are surrounded by colleagues or thousands of social media acquaintances. In today’s guided practice, Shelly Harrell offers one mindful approach that can counteract this sense of …
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During this talk, Peter describes his favorite etymology of the word dukkha. He then talks at length about the concepts of duality and non-duality, described as a progression from the simple action of intending to monitor the sensations that occur while breathing to a realization that there is no enduring/autonomous self, and the direct realization…
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In a world where uncertainty, conflict, and emotional triggers seem to be everywhere, staying rooted in stillness can often seem out of reach. In Unlocking the Power of Stillness: Equanimity Meditation, Craig explores how meditation can become a powerful ally in helping us stay centered and grounded, even in the midst of life’s most difficult chall…
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Ever had one of those mornings where everything seems to go wrong—like burning your toast, missing the bus, or spilling your coffee? What if these little inconveniences weren’t just bad luck, but actually the universe’s way of guiding you toward something better? In this episode of Love Your Love Muscle, Seb explores the Burnt Toast Theory—the idea…
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The Anahat (Heart) is the home of Self, Soul, Spirit, Atma, all one and meaning the same. Time and time again Her Holiness Shri Mataji has told us: ‘You are nothing but your eternal Spirit.’ This centre has to be treated with the greatest respect and understanding. Pure love, which enlightens all, is the true quality of the Heart.…
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(Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley) This talk explores the view that the wide and profound perspective of Non-Duality sees that everything belongs. One is not creating divisions between "good and bad" or "right and wrong". It is all part of the dance of life. However, in the relative level of reality these categories are real and shape our t…
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Do you go through times when you procrastinate, avoid opportunities, and doubt your abilities? If so, you might be self sabotaging. Self-sabotage is when we unconsciously undermine our own efforts, often due to fear, limiting beliefs, or past trauma. It’s a deeply ingrained behavior that often seems to arise just when we’re on the cusp… Continue re…
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Narrator: Thomas Jones 🇬🇧 Writer: Frankie Regalia ✍️ Sound effects: mythical flute, waves on shore 🪈🌊 Includes mentions of: Bodies of Water, Swimming, Children, Family, Mythology, Horses, Fantastical Creatures, Romance. Welcome back, sleepyheads. Tonight, our series on the Olympian gods of Greek mythology continues. We'll visit Poseidon in his unde…
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Meditation allows us the opportunity to slow our actions, regulate our nerves, and gain insight from our own natural wisdom. Reiki is a gentle infusion of life energy. Combined, these practices help us to invoke rest and recovery. In today's meditation, we practice a simple meditation, infused with reiki. This podcast is made possible with great th…
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Explore a serene journey with this meditation to relieve stress and anxiety with deep breathing and calming visualization techniques. Designed to help you embrace peace and tranquility, this mindfulness meditation for anxiety will teach you to let go of your worries and visualize them drifting away. Click here to listen & subscribe to the Meditatio…
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Kennst du das Gefühl, dass etwas dich bremst, dich klein hält? Manchmal sind es alte Gedankenmuster, manchmal Erwartungen, die wir uns selbst auferlegen, manchmal Ängste, die uns festhalten – oft ohne, dass wir es bewusst merken. Diese Meditation lädt dich ein, genau hinzuspüren und dich sanft zu lösen von dem, was dich belastet. Du wirst spüren, w…
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In tonight's gentle bedtime story with Karissa, we're getting comfy and cozy in a gorgeous campervan, traversing the Irish countryside. When it starts to rain, it just makes the camper feel cozier, so we can drift into a deep, restorative sleep. Join Sleep Wave Premium ✨ in just two taps! Enjoy 2 bonus episodes a month plus all episodes ad-free and…
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Bist du bereit deine Herzensstimme noch ein bisschen lauter zu drehen? Dann ist diese Folge Linnspiration für dich! Ich verrate dir ✨ wie du deine Intuition wahrnimmst und warum es sich immer (!!!) lohnt, ihr zu folgen. ✨ Warum ich meiner Intuition unbeschreiblich dankbar bin (freue dich auf magical Moments!). ✨ Die ersten Insights aus meinem Buch …
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Transformative weekly meditations for inner peace, healing & transformation. Recorded live at our in-person meditation circle on the beautiful Sunshine Coast, Australia. Today, take a moment to GROUND – CONNECT – PROTECT and set your energy and intention with presence. Before we can manifest our desires, we must first acknowledge and feel what is p…
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In this episode of the Cebu Meditation Podcast, host Regel Andaya explores the connection between yin and yang energy in meditation, as discussed in the Surangama Sutra. Learn how dark (yin) and light (yang) energies impact our emotions, thoughts, and external influences—shaping our spiritual journey. Discover why being mindful of these forces is c…
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Hast du ein Ziel, das du wirklich erreichen möchtest? In dieser Podcastfolge führe ich dich durch eine kraftvolle Visualisierungsübung, mit der du dein Ziel nicht nur klarer sehen, sondern es auch emotional verankern kannst. Denn je lebendiger deine Vorstellung, desto stärker richtet sich dein Unterbewusstsein darauf aus, es Wirklichkeit werden zu …
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This talk provided by April reviews how skillful insights from Buddhist teachings as realized through dedicated meditation practice supports a healthy level of self-respect and self-compassion. The talk is followed by comments from those participating in the meeting. Here are the notes prepared for this talk: Non-Self – What’s Self-Love Got to Do w…
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In this guided meditation, you will send healing white light to all parts of the self and release old energy you've been holding on to. Allow yourself the time and space to fully relax and embrace the revitalizing and renewal energy waiting for you. Enjoy!بقلم Soul Flowing Wellness
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# 131 Was wäre, wenn Ablehnung nichts mit Dir zu tun hätte? Minikurs: Kostenloser Leitfaden:بقلم Kim Fleckenstein
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Recharge your body and mind with this deeply relaxing guided meditation for rest. Whether you struggle with sleep, need a midday reset, or simply want to feel more refreshed, this session will help you release tension, quiet racing thoughts, and enter a state of deep restoration. Improve sleep quality, reduce stress, and wake up feeling fully rejuv…
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Lass dich in dieser Tiefenentspannung zu Lakshmi führen, die indische Göttin des Glücks, der Freude, der Liebe. Sukadev Bretz, Gründer und Leiter von Yoga Vidya, leitet dich dazu an in den klassischen Schritten: Einnehmen der Entspannungslage im Liegen. Anspannen und Loslassen der verschiedenen Körperteile. Dann beginnt die Fantasiereise: Du stells…
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