What if maintaining a lasting, meaningful relationship was just a matter of mastering your consciousness? Join Kerie Logan as she unravels the mystery behind why love can fade from vibrant beginnings to challenging conflicts, through a deep dive into the 3D and 4D perspectives of human consciousness. Discover how the initial surge of love can elevate us from lower emotional states and explore how to navigate conflicts by choosing forgiveness, understanding, and compromise. Drawing on personal experiences and insights from the Netflix series "Love is Blind Dubai," Carrie guides you on how to nurture connections even when times get tough, empowering you to rise above ego and pride. Love isn't always easy, especially when narcissism, projection, and misaligned core values come into play. Explore the subtle signs of these dynamics and how they can impact relationships, parenting, and our own personal growth. Kerie shares how understanding cultural beliefs, addressing unwarranted criticism, and recognizing the devaluation of others can lead to more authentic connections. As the journey continues, delve into the healing process from past relationships, focusing on forgiveness and self-love. With wisdom gleaned from life lessons and a touch of humor courtesy of Carrie's noisy cat, this episode offers a heartfelt exploration of love, healing, and the power we hold to shape our emotional responses.…