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Balancing an ashtanga yoga practice with family life can be challenging. We learn as we discover relationships, fertility, pregnancy, fourth trimester, embarking on parenthood and providing a nurturing environment for our family. Seventh Series brings these stories to you, through other’s journeys, to provide insight into how others approach their daily lives.
Balancing an ashtanga yoga practice with family life can be challenging. We learn as we discover relationships, fertility, pregnancy, fourth trimester, embarking on parenthood and providing a nurturing environment for our family. Seventh Series brings these stories to you, through other’s journeys, to provide insight into how others approach their daily lives.
Tanisha Walters lives in Cooper Landing in Alaska. Tanisha and her husband Zack live with their two daughters Kaia and Maya, in a home they built together. She is a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Japanese acupuncture practitioner, and yoga teacher. Tanisha shares how Traditional Chinese Medicine supports fertility and pregnancy through diet, how she used Moxibustion to flip her breech baby, acupuncture for induction for her second pregnancy, and Chinese herbs to support anaemia. She also observed the period of “sitting” during post partum after her babies were born. Tanisha shares her experience of two fast home births, one where her midwife only arrived after the birth of her second daughter, assisting with the delivery of the placenta. Other themes include managing anaemia, rectus diastases, prolapse, parenting, becoming a mother, self practice, Chinese medicine dietary recommendations for pregnancy, and living sustainably. Connect Tanisha Walters Resources Birthin from Within Business of Being Born Support the show…
Grace Joukhadar is a yoga teacher specialising in pre and post natal yoga, and "mums and bubs" yoga classes. She has been practicing ashtanga yoga since 2003. Grace is originally from Sydney in Australia and has spent time in Port Hedland, a remote town in Western Australia before moving to Melbourne. She had three children within a short period of time. She talks us through her three very different experiences, including two caesarian births, and then her decision making process around having a vaginal birth after the two caesarians. Grace attracted the right people around her and had a vaginal birth with her third baby. Grace shares her need to create community, and how she felt most engaged when giving back to those around her. For her, this evolved over time, and being a mother has enriched her yoga teaching. We hear how Grace integrates yoga into motherhood, focusing on "finding the calm in the chaos". Connect: Yoga with Grace Resources Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth - Henci Goer Midwives and Mothers Australia - MAMA Support the show…
Irena Bartolec spends her time between Bali, Croatia and Costa Rica, and is an authorized ashtanga yoga teacher. She is an amazing strong woman and shares with us her story of raising her child as a single mother. Despite being told she wouldn't be able to conceive, Irena found out she was pregnant at eight weeks. Early into her third trimester, Irena experienced an issue with her cervix and was told to have complete bed rest. Irena craved moving her body, so practiced yoga by visualising and breathing, and later by lying on her back with her legs against a wall. When her daughter was only two weeks old, her husband left and she was left to raise her daughter alone. Irena turned to her yoga mat and began a practice, feeling this was her only safe place. Irena has taken trips to Mysore and then Bali, where she found a supportive community of mothers. We hear how yoga has given her the strength to endure the challenges and heartache that she faced. This is a great episode, and you will get to hear all about how she has managed to raise her daughter, maintained her ashtanga yoga practice, while teaching or running her yoga shala. And about family and yoga community. Support the show…
Lisa Meconi has been a practitioner of ashtanga yoga for 10 years, practicing primary and intermediate series. She and her partner Jeremiah, and son Cormac live in New Hampshire, USA. This is a heartfelt episode, as Lisa shares in depth her journey of loss during pregnancy, experiencing a miscarriage within the first trimester of her first pregnancy. This episode is pertinent, as this month, October, is International Pregnancy and Infancy Loss month. In our society, women and families are encouraged to keep pregnancy to themselves during the first trimester, due to the high incidence of pregnancies not being viable. However, in doing so, this shuts down the support circle during the healing period after loss. Lisa shares how the women around her rallied, and gave her immense support during the initial phase of grieving the loss of her child. Lisa then shares the process through healing grief and being in a place to plan for another pregnancy. Following the birth of her son, Lisa experienced post natal anxiety and depression, due to body trauma from birth, a debilitating back condition and the guilt that she felt. Lisa's resilience through this time is inspiring, she would visualise her yoga practice in the absence of a physical practice. This story covers the unique relationship a teacher can create with a student, pregnancy after miscarriage, placenta previa, adjusting practice during pregnancy, hospital birth, epidural, birth trauma, back condition, post natal anxiety and depression, and returning to practice after birth. If this episode creates distress based on past or present events, and you are not familiar with what professional support is available to you, please reach out to be connected with services in your area. Mentions Kimberly Dahlmann Yoga East Nancy Gilgoff Support the show…
Katy Wright has been a student of Ashtanga Yoga since 2005. While she has dabbled in teaching yoga her main profession is as a writer. She’s originally from the UK, and currently lives in France with her partner. Two years ago, Katy gave birth to their daughter Iris. Being a writer Katy takes us on a journey through her experience of pregnancy birth and postpartum recovery. She shares the research she discovered during her pregnancy and postpartum, that she has since shared as a blog, for ashtanga practitioners. Katy also shares her experience of having a baby while living abroad, with the language barrier creating a challenge during antenatal classes, and later, the isolation that this brought. Katy was also aware of the differences in attitudes and approaches to birth in France, compared to the UK. Katy Wright postpartum blog Kia Naddermier Mysore Paris Paula Rios Fernandez Support the show…
Bibi Lorenzetti is an Authorized Level II ashtanga yoga teacher living in Newburgh in the United States, with her partner Walker. Bibi gave birth to her son Indie earlier this year, her story is fresh and she shares in depth and with some humorous detail her pregnancy, birth and postpartum experience. Bibi is also open in sharing her past experience of anorexia and issues with body image, and how this influenced her thoughts around pregnancy and becoming a mother. Bibi gives an honest account of her thoughts and experience, shared by many women, in accepting the body post partum. We also get to hear some of the post partum practices Bibi discovered, including observing the first forty days, vaginal steaming, consuming the placenta, and nourishment through foods. Connect: Bibi Lorenzetti Bibi on instagram Books Birth Partner: A Complete Guide to Childbirth for Dads, Partners, Doulas, and All Other Labor Companions by Penny Simkin The First Forty Days: The Essential Art of Nourishing the New Mother by Heng Ou Podcast Magamama Ayurveda Maria Rubinate Reach out if this episode has raised current or past issues, and you need help seeking support. Support the show…
Nadia Stinga Rihani is an authorized ashtanga yoga teacher living in Manly Australia. Nadia and her partner Gabriel have a four year old daughter Indi. Nadia shares how she met her partner Gabriel, who also practices and teaches ashtanga yoga, when studying with Sharath Jois in Mysore India. Their love blossomed and he moved to Australia. In 2019 Nadia sold the yoga studio she had owned and operated for many years, and she and her family went travelling. When she returned, as she was about to begin life again in Australia, Nadia was in a serious accident, leaving her with multiple injuries and breaks in the pelvis. Nadia shares her journey with her pregnancy and birth of daughter Indi, and in particular processing her journey into motherhood. Nadia also touches on the challenges she now faces and how her injuries might impact future pregnancies or births. Connect with Nadia through her website or Instagram here; Nadia and Gabriel Ashtanga Yoga Nadia Stinga Rihani instagram Support the show…
Jessica Hunt is an authorized ashtanga yoga teacher in Columbus Ohio and co-founder of the Trini Foundation with her husband Taylor. Jess and Taylor have three children together, Makayla, Isaiah and Xavier. It was during her recovery from addiction she found ashtanga yoga, and it became and still is integral in her recovery. After experiencing severe endometriosis in her early 20s, and a series of medications to assist this, Jess was surprised to find out she was pregnant. She shares her birth experience and adjusting to being a mother at a young age. Jess also shares the three very different pregnancies and birth experiences she had with her children. Following her first birth experience, Jess educated herself, and her second birth to son Isiah was a drug free vaginal birth. After such a beautiful birth with her second son, Jess planned an intimate home water birth, with a birth photographer to document the experience. When it became apparently her baby was stuck, Jess was taken to hospital and underwent a caesarian. She shares the challenges of the physical recovery following the caesarian, as well as mourning the outcome of the birth. Jess is full of wisdom and insight, there is so much to absorb from how she approaches motherhood, and what she has learnt as a mother of three. To connect with Jess, and to find out more information on some of the topics covered; Ashtanga Yoga Columbus Trini Foundation MuTu system Support the show…
Joumana Saber is an authorized ashtanga yoga teacher living in Dubai. Joumana is currently pregnant with her second child. In this episode she shares her journey with pregnancy, and also the birth of her daughter Tara. For the birth of her daughter Tara, Joumana had a doula and had planned a water birth. After 26 hours of labour, when her waters were broken, meconium was discovered, and the birth took a different direction. Joumana shares her journey after the birth, experiencing post partum depression and processing a traumatic birth. It was 18 months before she was able to acknowledge how she was feeling. Joumana is vegan, shares details of how she raises her daughter as a vegan too. In this episode, Joumana also shares how her relationship with her husband Yousef has deepened, having a child together is something else they are able to bond over. Instagram Joumana Yoga Business of Being Born Ina May Gaskin Support the show…
Patrick Nolan is an authorized ashtanga yoga teacher living in Miami Springs in the USA. He is the father to three year old Joaquin, with his partner Nubia. Patrick started his yoga journey at Miami Life Centre, with well known ashtanga yoga teachers Kino MacGregor, Tim Feldmann and Greg Nardi, before leaving to start his own Mysore program. After Patrick married his partner, Nubia, they wanted to start a family, however this became a prolonged journey. Patrick shares the heartache they felt each cycle, when this did not happen. When their son was born, Nubia returned to her career, and Patrick was the primary care giver. He shares how isolating and monotonous he found being the stay at home parent, exacerbated by his partner having to travel for work and being away. Patrick's story is heartfelt, honest and real. It is also refreshing to hear parenthood from a fathers perspective. To connect with Patrick, you can find him here: Ashtanga Yoga Phulla Ashtanga Yoga Phulla on instagram Support the show…
Tina Bock is an authorised ashtanga yoga teacher and lives in Abu Dhabi. In this episode she shares her journey of pregnancy, birth and postpartum recovery with her son James. Tina has been practicing and teaching yoga since her early 20s. She developed her connection with ashtanga yoga after moving to Abu Dhabi and not being able to find a teacher or studio. She has established a strong self practice, and travels to Mysore to practice with Sharath Jois. During her pregnancy, Tina continued to practice and travel during her second trimester. Her birth was unmedicated and a vaginal delivery, through her ability to say "no" as interventions were offered. After the birth of her son, living abroad, Tina missed having the support of her family. She also shares how she experienced anxiety around the safety of her son. To connect with Tina, or find out more about her yoga teaching visit: Tina Bock Yoga Listen to Tina on Heartbreak Kids podcast with Taylor Hunt Support the show…
Karyn Grenfell is one of the few Certified Ashtanga Yoga Teachers globally, and lives in Melbourne Australia. Karyn is the mother of six year old Hamish, and step mother to Bess, with partner Travis. Karyn shares her journey into motherhood. After dedicating herself to her yoga practice through her twenties and thirties, as she approached her forties, she felt pressure from others asking if she would start a family. After some consideration with her partner Travis, soon after deciding they would, Karyn soon found she was pregnant. Karyn shares her journey through building an advanced ashtanga yoga practice, her pregnancy and birth. She also shares her approach to parenting, holding space for her son as he learns his emotions. Karyn is also aware of being conscious of her own relationships to help her son see how to relate to others. Links Ashtanga Yoga Melbourne Support the show…
Alys Pardoe is an Authorized Ashtanga Yoga teacher, with two grown up daughters, and lives in Margaret River in Western Australia. Alys started her family when she was very young, and soon after discovered Ashtanga Yoga. Living in the small town of St Ives in Cornwall, UK she was first introduced to Ashtanga Yoga by renowned teacher John Scott. After he moved from the area, she found it challenging without a teacher, and her physical practice waned, however she maintained a spiritual connection with yoga. Alys and her family moved to the surf town of Margaret River in Australia, pursuing the lifestyle that aligned with their beliefs. Her journey with Ashtanga Yoga continued to unfold. When she moved to Australia she connected with Eileen Hall's student Leilah Whiteman, who further guided Alys in the physical practice, as well as nurtured her journey with philosophy and other aspects of yoga. It was her teacher Leilah that gave her the support to travel to Mysore, and confidence to become an ashtanga yoga teacher. This episode follows Alys through her 22 year journey with Ashtanga Yoga, and how she was able to stay connected to Ashtanga Yoga throughout this time, while balancing her role within her family as a mother and partner. Support the show…
Michelle Papa has been practicing yoga since 2004, she is a yoga teacher and birth educator. She has a ten year old daughter, Cassie. Michelle and her family reside in Sydney Australia. Michelle has completed a Diploma of Childbirth Education and is the Co-Founder of Mindful Birth, a Pregnancy and Post natal yoga teacher training course, which aims to empower women and families as they navigate life from pregnancy, birthing and parenting. In this episode Michelle shares her journey with fertility, it took some time for her to become pregnant. She discovered she had endometriosis, however despite considering IVF, she became pregnant without medical assistance. During her pregnancy, Michelle educated herself on birth, and had a doula to support her for her birth. Michelle’s labour spanned three days, and meconium was found present when her water was broken. She was transferred from the birthing centre to the hospital, and although she had been experiencing strong contractions, her labour stalled. Despite her best intentions and birth preparation, Michelle had a caesarian birth. Michelle shares how the experiences have provided richness in her teachings of prenatal and post natal yoga, and birth education. Support the show…
Kerstin Bilgmann is an Authorized Level II Ashtanga Yoga teacher living in Sydney Australia. In this episode Kerstin shares the experience of her pregnancy, birth and postpartum recovery after the birth of her son Jai. After immersing herself in yoga, travelling and teaching yoga around the world, Kerstin met her partner Andrew later in life. When she and Andrew decided to have a child, she was over 40 years old. Kerstin was advised that there could be some challenges at her age to conceive. However, she was able to conceive without medical assistance. Kerstin is a practitioner of the third series, Advanced A, and shares how she approached her ashtanga yoga practice during her pregnancy. Following her intuition, with some guidance from other teachers and friends, Kerstin shares the details of the postures she included in her practice, the modifications she made to postures she was practicing, and what postures she chose not to do. Being pregnant over the age of 35 is considered "advanced maternal age", limiting some choices in birth. While her pregnancy was healthy, and there were no complications, Kerstin shares details of how she was feeling. In Australia, when a woman is advanced maternal age, the preference is for labor to be induced after 40 weeks of pregnancy. Kerstin describes in detail her birth and how this unfolded. With a background in Marine Science, Kerstin's research of birth techniques and philosophies included Active Birthing, observing a Fourth Trimester. Links Yoga Sadhana for Mothers - Sharmila Desi Active Birth - Janet Balaskas Dr. Howard Chilton Neonatal Paediatrician Support the show…
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