World Peace IS achievable! Here's how! Preface: We have completed enough of our curriculum to launch the classes & courses we have been developing for over a decade! This is an introductory preview of what we will be covering in much more detail in the coming months. We will still continue to edit and finish posting Season 1 of the podcast, which primarily covered Ethical Non-Monogamous relationships: resolving both ENM relationship and broader ethical community relationship and group standards, including leadership issues. However, even before that is finished (we will title the podcast episodes accordingly to make the distinction clear), we will be moving forward with universal healthy relationship development discussions and begin launching classes accordingly. This will be both broad and deep, likely the deepest "deep dive" into healthy relationship development you have ever encountered. We have been in the relationship development space for decades and never seen this level of depth, which is why we created it: because we see the desperate need for it, and have been asked to fill that need with proven success principles, tools and techniques. We are combining both ancient and modern wisdom to bring you the most thorough and empowering system for developing healthy relationships possible at this time, as part of our broader healing and life transformation curriculum here at The Quantum Empowerment Institute. Join us in creating a healthier, more fulfilling life, and a healthier, safer, and more peaceful world by learning How to "be the change you wish to see in the world". Stay tuned, there is so much more to come, and it might just blow your mind. ;)…