Episode #38: Chapter 10, "Embracing our Emotions"
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After going through the pain of betrayal, many couples settle for just getting back to a functional marriage, but not one that's emotionally intimate.
Is it really possible to recover feelings of emotional connection?
Or to create emotional intimacy that never existed before?
Join us as we read Chapter 10 of our award-winning book, Savage Marriage, Triumph over Betrayal and Sexual Addiction. You'll discover what we found out - that empathy and compassion are the gateways to emotional intimacy.
Once we began to see one another's back story and understand why we did what we did, God allowed feelings of empathy and compassion to spring up, taking us toward a level of emotional intimacy we'd never before experienced.
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If you'd like to have coaching with Phil and Priscilla, details are available on their website at Services 3 — Savage Marriage Ministries Our hardcopy book, Savage Marriage: Triumph over Betrayal and Sexual Addiction, is available on Amazon.
The popular Savage Marriage Study Guide is also available on Amazon.
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Phil and Priscilla
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