Elevate with Tyler Chesser - The Real Estate Podcast for Investing, Mindset and Personal Development
E310 Chester Elton – Mastering the Art of Engagement: Fostering Teamwork and Collaboration for Success
Manage episode 372855346 series 3421207
In this episode, we are honored to have Chester Elton, a bestselling business author and organizational culture expert, as our guest. Join us as we delve into the world of high-performance real estate investing and personal development, where Chester will guide us through navigating uncertainty, inspiring others, and overcoming anxiety. With his extensive experience spanning over two decades, Chester has empowered numerous businesses to build exceptional workplace cultures and align their teams with strategic vision and values.
✅ Creating supportive work environments, promoting mental well-being, and managing anxiety in the workplace.
✅ The importance of enhancing the way we interact with ourselves, with a focus on personal development and mindset.
✅ Concept of fixing ourselves, we are not broken but have opportunities for growth and self-improvement.
✅ Empathy and understanding are essential for leadership and team dynamics, particularly during setbacks or challenging times
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Adrian Gostick and Chester Elton “All In: How the Best Managers Create a Culture of Belief and Drive Big Results” https://www.amazon.com/All-Managers-Create-Culture-Results/dp/1451659822/ref=sr_1_1?crid=6HRIONFGW2SF&keywords=all+in+chester+elton&qid=1689706918&sprefix=all+in+chester+elton%2Caps%2C90&sr=8-1
Adrian Gostick and Chester Elton “The Carrot Principle: How the Best Managers Use Recognition to Engage Their People, Retain Talent, and Accelerate Performance” https://www.amazon.com/Carrot-Principle-Recognition-Accelerate-Performance/dp/1439149178/ref=sr_1_1?crid=31VZYIXYLJPWF&keywords=the+carrot+principle+chester+elton&qid=1689707023&sprefix=the+carrot+principle+chester+elton%2Caps%2C76&sr=8-1
Adrian Gostick and Chester Elton “The Best Team Wins: The New Science of High Performance” https://www.amazon.com/Best-Team-Wins-Science-Performance/dp/1501179861/ref=sr_1_1?crid=YMLQJRSKEMVG&keywords=the+best+team+winchester+elton&qid=1689707089&sprefix=the+best+team+winschester+elton%2Caps%2C85&sr=8-1
Adrian Gostick and Chester Elton “Anxiety at Work: 8 Strategies to Help Teams Build Resilience, Handle Uncertainty, and Get Stuff Done” https://www.amazon.com/Anxiety-Work-Strategies-Resilience-Uncertainty/dp/B08JH9ZMRG/ref=sr_1_1?crid=17FKOPCYASY8Y&keywords=anxiety+at+work+winchester+elton&qid=1689707157&sprefix=anxiety+at+work+winchester+elton%2Caps%2C83&sr=8-1
Adrian Gostick and Chester Elton “Leading with Gratitude” https://www.amazon.com/Leading-Gratitude-Leadership-Practices-Extraordinary/dp/B07TCC2LCS/ref=sr_1_1?crid=HJ8TVHU4X7LC&keywords=leading+with+gratitude+chester+elton&qid=1689707306&s=audible&sprefix=Leading+With+Gratitude%2Caudible%2C121&sr=1-1
Adrian Gostick and Chester Elton “The Daily Carrot” https://www.amazon.com/Daily-Carrot-Principle-Enhance-Career/dp/143918173X/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2WP0XBUK9L5G7&keywords=the+daily+carrot&qid=1689707929&s=audible&sprefix=the+dail+carro%2Caudible%2C100&sr=1-2-catcorr
Jay Shetty “Think Like a Monk” https://www.amazon.com/Think-Like-Monk-Train-Purpose/dp/B07YF3VPSP/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2F7BV8TWQX3FX&keywords=Think+Like+a+Monk+jay+shetty&qid=1689707235&s=audible&sprefix=think+like+a+monk+jay+shetty%2Caudible%2C90&sr=1-1
Kent Taylor “Made from Scratch” https://www.amazon.com/Made-Scratch-Legendary-Success-Roadhouse/dp/B09F9XSK6T/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1UJWD6BWCXFBW&keywords=Made+From+Scratch&qid=1689707389&s=audible&sprefix=made+from+scratch+%2Caudible%2C84&sr=1-1
Marshall Goldsmith “What Got You Here Won't Get You There” https://www.amazon.com/What-Got-Here-Wont-There/dp/B000MGBNGW/ref=sr_1_1?crid=37JESBOHPKSUP&keywords=What+Got+You+Here+Won%27t+Get+You+There&qid=1689707860&s=audible&sprefix=what+got+you+here+won%27t+get+you+there%2Caudible%2C98&sr=1-1
Clayton M. Christensen “The Innovator's Dilemma” https://www.amazon.com/The-Innovators-Dilemma-audiobook/dp/B06Y4RRGVV/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2NW3X00I1SDF&keywords=The+Innovator%27s+Dilemma&qid=1689707995&s=audible&sprefix=the+innovator%27s+dilemma%2Caudible%2C89&sr=1-1
Clayton M. Christensen “How Will You Measure Your Life?” https://www.amazon.com/How-Will-You-Measure-Your-Life-audiobook/dp/B0083EG3A6/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=how+you+measure+your+life&qid=1689708031&s=audible&sprefix=how+you+measure+%2Caudible%2C92&sr=1-1
Robert Waldinger “The Good Life” https://www.amazon.com/Good-Life-Life-Changing-Lessons-Happiness/dp/B0B4WWK515/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1M3Y4LG97C06O&keywords=Robert+Waldinger&qid=1689708104&s=audible&sprefix=robert+waldinger%2Caudible%2C107&sr=1-1
💥 “If your default is, I'm going to be kind. Secondly, I'm going to be grateful no matter what the circumstance. And thirdly, I'm going to look for ways to be of service. You set yourself up for a pretty good day.” - Chester Elton
💥 “A great thing leaders to focus on is not just what's good for your business, but what's good for your community and what's good for your people.” - Chester Elton
💥 “It's so much easier to forgive other people than it is to forgive ourselves.” - Chester Elton
💥 “You make a mistake. You and you will hold onto that. You will grip it like in a vise. Right? You know, make your inner voice your best friend, because it allows you to forgive yourself. And, boy, that burden comes off you and frees you up to move forward.” - Chester Elton
💥 “Perfectionism is a real problem, particularly in the earlier generation, because I'll look at a project and if I don't think I can be perfect, I might not even start. So again, as leaders tamp down that expectation and say, Look, here's what I need. And sometimes good is good enough.” - Chester Elton
💥 “We're all kind of playing with the same deck. We're all suffering from the same things. And isn't it great that we can move together? It's okay to make mistakes. It's okay to take time off. I'm here for you. And as you said so beautifully before. You're not alone.” - Chester Elton
Chester Elton is a bestselling business author, organizational culture expert, and speaker. He has spent over two decades helping successful businesses build great workplace cultures and engage their employees. He is known as the "apostle of appreciation" and has co-authored multiple award-winning books, including "All In," "The Carrot Principle," "The Best Team Wins," and "Anxiety at Work." Chester Elton's books have been translated into more than 30 languages and have sold over 1.5 million copies worldwide. He has been featured in major publications such as The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Fast Company, and The New York Times. Elton has made appearances on NBC's Today, CNN, ABC, MSNBC, National Public Radio, and CBS's 60 Minutes.
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