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show episodes

Tablet Studios

Tablet Magazine

From weekly series examining unique angles on Jews’ place in the world, to inquiries into the details of Jewish text and tradition, Tablet Studios podcasts bring you insight and inspiration for the modern-day Jew. Our shows include How to Be a Jew, Unorthodox, Rootless, Re-Form, and more to come.
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Table Today

Michael Bröcker und Helene Bubrowski

Der News-Podcast von Table Briefings geht tiefer als die Schlagzeilen des Tages. Helene Bubrowski und Michael Bröcker sprechen über die Themen, die heute wichtig sind und morgen wichtig werden. Bei den beiden Chefredakteuren von Table Briefings steht der Hintergrund im Vordergrund. Analytisch, differenziert, überraschend: Table Today macht transparent, wie politische Entscheidungen getroffen werden und wohin sie führen könnten. Unterstützt werden die beiden von rund 60 Kolleginnen und Kolleg ...
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Deutscher Podcast aus dem (Ruhr)Pott mit interessanten Themen und Gästen rund um das Thema TableTop, Brettspiele, Gesellschaftsspiele, Miniaturen, Geländebau, TableTop News. weitere Informationen auf
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The commuter-friendly version of tabletopnotch's Dungeons & Dragons livestream, which airs every Sunday, 7pm ET, at Enjoy our latest and greatest homebrew campaign, "Brunkhollow"! If you're in the mood for something short n' sweet, try "Those Old Yagolds." And if you need a serious binge, our debut, 4 year long campaign "A Peak Beneath the Veil"! Subscribe for exclusive bonus content!
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Table Talk

The Spectator

Lara Prendergast and Olivia Potts interview notable guests about their life, through the food and drink that has come to define it. Lara Prendergast is the Food and Drink Editor of Spectator Life. Olivia Potts is Spectator Life's Vintage Chef.
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Tabloid tager de største og mest kontroversielle historier i pressen under kritisk behandling. Hver uge undersøger Marie Louise Toksvig de gode historier og dem, der går galt, konfronterer de ansvarlige og tager lytterne med ind i det redaktionelle maskinrum. Skriv til os på
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B.T.s debatredaktion sætter en tydelig og velargumenteret borgerlig dagsorden. Debatredaktør Joachim B. Olsen skaber den borgerlige debat sammen med en gæst med indflydelse og noget på spil.
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Le premier podcast sur les masculinités, créé par Victoire Tuaillon. Un jeudi sur deux, Victoire Tuaillon, Naomi Titti ou Tal Madesta parlent en profondeur d’un aspect des masculinités contemporaines avec un·e invité·e. Parce qu’on ne naît pas homme, on le devient. Les Couilles sur la table est un podcast de Binge Audio.
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Tabletop Gold

Tabletop Gold

Five friends come together to play the greatest RPGs ever created -- delivering deep characters, nail-biting combats, and uproarious table talk. Our current campaign is The Roots of Ruin, a production of the Pathfinder 2e Adventure Path Abomination Vaults by Paizo Inc. Come for the game play, stay for the personal nuggets of gold that every episode delivers!
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Zachodny do Tablicy

Michał Zachodny

Miło mi gościć cię w moim podcaście w którym będę od taktycznej strony opowiadał o meczach, które obejrzałem, zawodnikach, których gra mnie zainteresowała, ale też o trenerach, zmianach, trendach i wydarzeniach, które warto przedyskutować.
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Welcome to Paranormal Round Table. Get to know your hosts Josh "Wolf" Turner and Tony "Mushu" Luong as they collect and discuss real accounts of encounters with the supernatural, cryptids, demonic, and everything in between.
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It's Tabletop Time! Join us on our many adventures into endless worlds both known and unknown - fantasy, sci-fi, cyberpunk, apocalypse and more. Think of Tabletop Time as a group-made improvised audio drama - we make characters, role-play, and roll dice, working together to tell memorable stories both epic and hilarious!
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Friends at the Table


Friends at the Table is an actual play podcast about critical worldbuilding, smart characterization, and fun interaction between good friends. Find us (and a listener guide) @Friends_Table on Twitter.
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Finally, GamingTrend has it's very own Tabletop podcast! Starring Mike Dunn, Mark Julian, and Dan Hinkin, join us every week starting in Feb 2024 for TT news, interviews, and feature stories!
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Nick Perron

Welcome game masters! Each week Nick Perron dives deep into the art of running role-playing games with guests experts to get tips for everyone from first-time players to seasoned veterans. Join us to find out what makes a great story and an even greater campaign!
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Love board games? Let's talk boardgames, lots of board gaming (and a few RPGs). Tabletop Bellhop, your cardboard concierge, is here to answer your gaming and game night questions, helping you make your game nights better with tabletop game reviews and advice.
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Pan Tabletka dla rodziców - podcast

Marcin Korczyk - Pan Tabletka

Motto Pana Tabletki brzmi: "Zróbmy wszystko żeby tabletki nie były potrzebne, a jeśli to niemożliwe to wybierzmy najlepsze i stosujmy je prawidłowo." Jeżeli chcesz lepiej dbać o zdrowie Twoje i Twoich bliskich - to ten podcast jest dla Ciebie. Serdeczności Pan Tabletka Marcin
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Did you grow up collecting and painting Citadel miniatures, and playing games like Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, HeroQuest, Battlemasters, and Space Hulk? Did you gradually grow out of the hobby only to find yourself plunging back in many years later, discovering great new games like Frostgrave, Rogue Planet, and Kings of War? The Bedroom Battlefields Tabletop Miniature Hobby Podcast brings you conversations about collecting, gaming, painting, terrain, and much more - often with a nostalgic twis ...
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Tabletop Games Blog

Tabletop Games Blog

This podcast is the audio version of Tabletop Games Blog's written articles. Every week there is a new review and a topic discussion piece about all things board, card, dexterity and other modern games. You can also find here the Let me illustrate podcast series where board game artists answer a catalogue of 17 questions about themselves.
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Herzlich Willkommen zu meinem Tabletop Podcast "Minikulum". Über meinen Einstieg ins Warhammer Universum bin ich jetzt in einer weit weit entfernten Galaxie gelandet und berichte über Star Wars Legion, Star Wars Shatterpoint und sonstigen Star Wars Themen.
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Welcome to the weekly audio podcast for Tabernacle Church of Norfolk in Norfolk, VA. Our mission is to push through boundaries to share God’s story from Norfolk to the nations! Visit us at
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The Splendid Table has always connected people through the common language of food and eating. Now with award-winning food journalist Francis Lam at the helm, we’re bringing forward even more fresh voices and surprising conversations at the intersection of food, people and culture – covering everything from the global appeal of sesame to the impact of Instagram on everyday eating. It’s a food show where everyone is welcome. Produced by American Public Media. Part of the Vox Media Podcast Network
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Dein Beipackzettel für die Ohren! Zwei Pharmazeutinnen, die sich Anfang des 7. Semesters auf das mündliche 2. Staatsexamen für Pharmazie vorbereiten wollten: Das war der Grundgedanke von Tablettentalk. Nun ist es viel mehr geworden als das! Und das 2. Examen bestanden. Wir erklären euch die medizinischen und pharmazeutischen Hintergründe zu den wichtigsten Volkskrankheiten und worauf man achten muss. Natürlich ersetzt das keine Beratung in der Apotheke, dem pfiffigen Pharmastudenten hilft es ...
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Tabletop Tommies

Tabletop Tommies

Tabletop Tommies is a podcast that focuses on Bolt Action, the popular World War II themed tabletop wargame. Hosted by Jonny and Phil, the podcast delves into the game’s intricacies, discussing everything from tournaments to rules, tactics and strategies. With a wealth of experience in the game, both Jonny and Phil bring their expertise and enthusiasm to the airwaves, making Tabletop Tommies a must-listen for anyone who loves this immersive and thrilling pastime. Whether you’re a seasoned pl ...
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show series
The tabletop miniature hobby has no shortage of sub-hobbies, most popular of which are collecting, painting, and gaming. Less discussed but no less important is the artwork that forms the backdrop of the worlds we play in. In this episode, we talk about art and its delivery in analogue formats such as coffee table books and magazines.…
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Welcome to the latest episode of Tabletop Tommies, where hosts Jonny and Phil delve into the intricacies of Hungary's armies in tabletop gaming. In this episode, they evaluate whether the Hungarian forces have improved in version 3 of the game, moving beyond their previous reputation as a lesser substitute for the German army. The discussion covers…
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Our heroes take on The Scarecrow and his fear toxin! Can they stop this dastardly villain and his henchmen from terrorizing the citizens of Waterdeep from the skies? Follow Long Lost Tabletop's ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Socials⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠! Cast: Brian as Dungeon Master Jake as Lucian Amakir aka Flashbang Steve as Brandon Bobby aka The Surgeon Music: Original musi…
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Feudal Japan is in turmoil. The collapse of the ancient authority of the Ashikaga Shogunate has plunged the country into a brutal civil war, known to history as the Sengoku Jidai. Clans clash in a relentless struggle for power and prestige. Now it is your turn to enter this bloody conflict as a great warrior. This is Senjutsu: Battle for Japan by P…
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Skoro Pep Guardiola mówi, że wyznacznikiem nowoczesnego futbolu już nie jest jego drużyna, a United wciąż nie robią progresu w systemie Rubena Amorima, to czy zasadnym jest twierdzić, że nadchodzi szansa dla innych? W XXI wieku były tylko dwa trzyletnie "okienka", gdy ani City, ani United nie triumfowało w lidze. Czas więc na innych, czy jednak uda…
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Die deutsche Automobilindustrie steht vor enormen Herausforderungen, insbesondere Volkswagen, wo Werksschließungen zunächst abgewendet werden konnten. Zehntausende Stellen sollen bis 2030 sozialverträglich abgebaut werden. Caspar Dohmen, Redaktionsleiter des ESG.Table, spricht mit der Ersten Vorsitzenden der IG Metall, Christiane Benner, darüber, w…
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Morrus, Jessica, and PJ are back to discuss the week's tabletop RPG news, how they're getting sued (or not), and a new direction for D&D's githyanki and githzerai! And don't forget we are now streaming live every Friday at 2pm UK time (9am ET)--join us live on YouTube! Dungeons & Dragons Gets Its Own Horrified Board Game The Gith Are Now Aberration…
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Brandon and Lucian get a taste of the well-to-do lifestyle afforded to them through their ties with Mr. Anders while they investigate the latest string of crimes taking place at Waterdeep University (AKA The Triple U). Will they be able to overcome their greatest fears to stop the city's latest masked henchman? Follow Long Lost Tabletop's ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠…
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Kritik af regeringens håndtering af ‘Grønlands-krisen’ er tilsyneladende ikke særlig velkommen. Hummelgaard og Wammen langer ud efter oppositionen, og i mandagens afsnit af Borgerlig Tabloid fortalte Rasmus Jarlov (K), at Mona Juul (K), har fået at vide, at Jarlov skal holde sin kæft. I dagens afsnit sidder Jarlov over for Socialdemokratiets politi…
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This week, we’re all about the Mediterranean dish. First, we sit down with New York Times bestselling author Suzy Karadsheh. Suzy talks about “eating the Mediterranean way,” growing up in a region with a plant-forward cuisine, Levantine cooking, using dried fruits in savory recipes, and making simplified Mediterranean recipes at home like her Flaky…
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The detective abuses the mechanics of the hotel #fallout #Fallout2d20 #podcast #actualplay #fallout4 #fallout76 #fallout3 #dnd #roleplay #rpg #modiphius #radrolls #ttrpg Keywords: Fallout Tabletop Roleplaying Game. Fallout TV Show, Fallout 4, Fallout 5, Fallout New Vegas
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Die Union hat mit einem Fünf-Punkte-Plan zur Verschärfung der Migrationspolitik den Wahlkampf verändert. Friedrich Merz fordert harte Beschränkungen des Einreise- und Aufenthaltsrechts. „Wir stehen vor dem Scherbenhaufen einer in Deutschland seit zehn Jahren fehlgeleiteten Asyl- und Einwanderungspolitik.“ Unter anderem will Merz gleich am ersten Ta…
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Har våbenhvilen givet journalisterne adgang til Gaza? TV2s Jens Ole Nielsen fortæller om at dække Gaza fra Odense.Hvad får vi ud af væg-til-væg-dækning om førstedamens hat, præsidentens taler og Musks gestikuleren i Washington DC? Journalist og analytiker Matias Seidelin besøger Tabloid for at diskutere den seneste uges massive strøm af nyheder, ko…
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Two and a half years ago, towards the end of our NNAFN fundraiser, I announced that I was making a game called Realis. That game is now here—at least in Ashcan form. So, what is Realis? Realis is a cursed orbital sphere of 1,000 mystical moons filled with mystery, magic, and impossible technology. Realis is a game of diceless storytelling, where ch…
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Wir schauen zusammen mit euch einmal, wo man im Hobby sparen kann. Ob es finanzieller Natur oder auch zeitlich ist. Sparen kann man in vielen Bereichen… Spartipps (Malen und basteln, Projekte, 3D Druck) am besten wenig Kohle Dies und vieles mehr erfahrt ihr in dieser Folge Was geht ab? TTT- TableTop Themen Leckere Lektüre Thema der Woche: Hobby Spa…
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Dans le prochain épisode des Couilles sur la table, Naomi Titti recevra le sociologue et chargé de recherche au CNRS Marc Joly. Il est l'auteur du livre La Perversion narcissique. Étude sociologique (éd. CNRS, 2024) Un épisode à retrouver sur toutes les plateformes de podcast et sur le site dès le jeudi 29 janvier 2025.…
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Elon Musk recently reignited discussion of a decade-old child sex scandal in England, in which more than 1,000 girls were groomed and raped by gangs largely composed of men of Pakistani descent. The scandal was mismanaged by the authorities, and British journalist Melanie Phillips joins us to share her take on why this is. She discusses how this tr…
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Der Messerangriff in Aschaffenburg erschüttert die Region und Deutschland. Ein Mann und ein zweijähriges Kind kommen ums Leben, der Täter ist ein 28-jähriger Afghane, der als ausreisepflichtig galt. Helene Bubrowski und Michael Bröcker diskutieren die politischen Konsequenzen. Auf der Grünen Woche in Berlin stehen Innovationen und Nachhaltigkeit im…
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“Det bliver mørkt, kære venner. Meget mørkt.” Det er ordene fra tidligere USA-korrespondent David Trads efter Trumps indsættelsestale. Joachim er derimod begejstret for flere af Trumps kontante udmeldinger. I dagens afsnit kaster de to ‘frenemies’ sig ud i en duel om, hvorvidt man de næste fire år skal være optimistisk eller pessimistisk - Hvem ove…
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❤️ SUPPORT US and get Exclusive Perks!👕 Check out our Merch and Minis:🎧 LISTEN to this via PODCAST:🎲 Check Out GATEWAY ROLEPLAY:▶️ Watch our video 'tour' of the Gateway Roleplay system: https://www.…
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On the brink of the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, Yohanan ben Zakkai made an astonishing decision. When faced with an opportunity to ask for anything from the new Roman emperor, Vespasian, rather than choosing to ask him to spare the Temple, Yochanan asked only for permission to start a school and preserve Jewish teachings in Yavneh, sout…
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In Davos stehen Trumps wirtschaftspolitische Entscheidungen im Fokus. Seine Steuerpläne und protektionistischen Ansätze haben nahezu alle Reden am Tag des Weltwirtschaftsforums geprägt. Und wie wird sich die Verteidigungspolitik Europas ändern müssen? Wie viel muss Europa, wie viel muss Deutschland für die Verteidigung ausgeben? Sind es 2 Prozent v…
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