Ahmed Gamal
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Islamist beautiful songs without music
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Bayni wa Baynak is a new podcast to help students of Arabic. Grab a pen or a coffee or both and join me and Razan as we chat about life and culture. I speak a bit of a mix between Jordanian and Lebanese while Razan is from Jordan's capital, Amman. بيني و بينك هو بودكاست جديد بدو يساعد طلاب لغة العربي . يلا خد قلم و قهوة و نضم معنا واحنا نحكي عن الحياة و الثقافة. انا بحكي مزيج بين اللهجة الاردنية و اللهجة اللبنانية و بنفس الوقت رزان بتحكي مية بمية الاردني.
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Episode 14 : المسؤولية (responsibility)
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التشغيل لاحقا
25:50Hi everyone and welcome to Bayni w Baynak, the podcast that will help you (hopefully) improve your level in Arabic, especially dialect. My name’s Zak, I’m not of Arabic origin, I’m British so unfortunately I will make a few errors while speaking because Arabic is hard. But this doesn’t mean that we should avoid speaking, on the contrary, in my view…
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Episode 13 : طالب في زمان الكرونة (a student in the time of Corona)
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التشغيل لاحقا
33:20Hi everyone! In this episode me and Razan talk a bit about my first week in London, specifically what it’s like being a student during these strange times. Enjoy! Also see vocab below or get the PDF here 00:44 Razan said: اليوم رح يكون عنده فحص و على الاغلب رح يكون سلبي (today he (Razan’s brother) is going to have a test and the chances are it will…
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Episode 12 : Turning points نقاط التحاول
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التشغيل لاحقا
25:06Hi everyone! Today me and Razan talked about turning points, we agreed it’s not always clear when we’ve reached one or not. Really hope you enjoy it! You can see some of the vocab below or follow the link: 00:30 Razan said: شوي الوضع عم يكركب (the situation’s getting a bit complicated) 01:51 Razan said: و في واحدة انا بعرفها كمان اجوا على ٢ الفجير …
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Episode 11: شهر أيلول (the month of September)
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التشغيل لاحقا
30:12Hi everyone! This week me and Safa chat about a couple of topical issues as we go into September: firstly, children returning to school in the wake of the pandemic and secondly, how the political situation in Lebanon is evolving. Also we hope you love our أغنية المقدمة الجديدة (new theme tune) as much as we do! I haven't had time for analysis this …
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Episode 10: شو عم تقري؟ (what are you reading?)
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التشغيل لاحقا
29:32مرحبا جميعا و أهلا و سهلا فيكم على الحلقة التالتة في الموسيم التاني Hi everyone! Welcome to episode 3 of season 2. Today me and Safa talked about our favorite books, or at least we tried... things got a bit silly at times but we persevered. Language notes below or follow this link. Also if you haven't checked out Lingualism it's a great place to fi…
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Episode 9: خبريني عن كل شي (tell me everything)
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التشغيل لاحقا
25:00مرحبا جميعا و أهلا و سهلا فيكم على الحلقة التانية في الموسيم التاني Hi everyone! Welcome to episode 2 of season 2. Today me and Razan just had a good old fashioned catch up. See some of the language notes below or follow this link. 1:19: Razan said: الوضع منیح لما بنقارنه مع دول تانیة ممكن وضع فیها أسوأ بالنسبة لكل شي عم بصیر The situation is good …
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Episode 8: the situation (الوضع) in Lebanon
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التشغيل لاحقا
29:31Hello and welcome back to Series 2 of بيني و بينك For the next few months, along with Safa and Razan's help I'm aiming to publish new episodes every monday so stay tuned! Also please follow this link to see the complete vocab analysis Also note that if you're listening from Spotify the vocab link may not work so check us out on google podcasts inst…
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Episode 7 : My trip (رحلتي) to Madrid
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التشغيل لاحقا
26:35Hi everyone! In this episode (7 not 8 as I actually say in the podcast) I talk about my upcoming trip to Madrid with Razan. This will be the last episode for at least a few weeks but we promise we'll be back in August!! Yala inbuStu fil Hal'a :) * Disclaimer: Due to time constraints prior to travelling I've not had time to make a vocab list for thi…
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In this episode I talk with Safa about racism, the Black Lives Matter movement, and it's relevance to the Middle East. We also focused on the Kefala System, which has been denounced by many human rights groups as contemporary slavery. Racism has to be confronted head on, we have to stay engaged, support movements that oppose it and continue to lear…
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Episode 5: Social Networks and TV Series
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التشغيل لاحقا
31:43.و تأثيرها على الطريقة الي بنفكر فيها عن حالنا (social networks) اليوم حكينا انا و رزان عن مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي .اخيرا طلعنا من الموضوع شوي و حكينا كتير عن المسلسلات الي منحبهم كمان Today Razan and I spoke about Social Networks and their effects on the way we think about ourselves. We went off topic a bit and talked a lot about TV series as wel…
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الحلقة الرابعة : رمضان Episode 4: Ramadan
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التشغيل لاحقا
29:44مرحبا جميعا و اهلا و سهلا فيكم على البودكاست بيني و بينك. اليوم رح نحكي انا و رزان عن رمضان Hello everyone and welcome to the podcast Bayni w Baynak (between me and you). Today Razan and I are going to speak about Ramadan. I’ve written out some of the key vocab below which should help you follow the conversation: Follow this link for a PDF version.…
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الحلقة التالتة : الوباء Episode 3: the Pandemic
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التشغيل لاحقا
32:09Hello everyone and welcome to the podcast Bayni w Baynak (between me and you). Today Razan and I are going to speak about a very well known topic: the Corona Pandemic and the ways it’s been affecting our lives. مرحبا جميعا و اهلا و سهلا فيكم على البودكاست بيني و بينك. اليوم رح نحكي انا و رزان عن موضوع كتير كتير مشهور: وباء الكورونا والطرق الي عم بت…
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الحلقة التانية : صور نمطية Episode 2 : Stereotypes
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التشغيل لاحقا
25:58مرحبا و اهلا و سهلا على الحلقة التانية من هالبدكاس الجديد الي اسمه بيني و بينك .Rex اليوم رح نحكي انا و رزان عن صور نمطية و كمان اليوم يوم كتير مميز لانو رح ينضم معنا شوي صاحبي Hello and welcome to Episode two of this new podcast Bayni w Baynak (between me and you). Today me and Razan are going to talk about Stereotypes. Today's also pretty special…
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مرحبا جمعيا و اهلا و سهلا على البودكاست الجديد بيني و بينك.Hello everyone and welcome to the new podcast “Bayni w baynak”. get the vocab and more info here
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اكيد مش الاسم اللي أول ما تسمعه هتعرفه؟ طيب مين ده؟ و ايه علاقته بالكرة؟ فلنري سويا 🙂
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https://alqanoah.files.wordpress.com/2015/09/d8a7d8a8d8aad8b3d985-d8a5d8a8d8b1d8a7d987d98ad985-d8a7d984d8b4d8a7d98ad8b9-e299aa-smile.mp3بقلم Islamist beautiful songs without music
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https://alqanoah.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/d8a7d984d987d8b4d98ad985-d985d8add985d8af-d8a7d984d985d982d98ad8b7-2014.mp3بقلم Islamist beautiful songs without music
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https://alqanoah.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/jannah.mp3بقلم Islamist beautiful songs without music
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https://alqanoah.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/d8afd8a7d8b1-d986d988d8b1-d8a7d984d987d8afd8a7d98ad8a9-d985d8add985d8af-d8a7d984d985d982d98ad8b7-2015.mp3بقلم Islamist beautiful songs without music
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https://alqanoah.files.wordpress.com/2015/05/waad.mp3بقلم Islamist beautiful songs without music
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https://alqanoah.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/gnoodaloatn.mp3بقلم Islamist beautiful songs without music
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https://alqanoah.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/quafee.mp3بقلم Islamist beautiful songs without music
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https://alqanoah.files.wordpress.com/2015/02/allah.mp3بقلم Islamist beautiful songs without music
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https://alqanoah.files.wordpress.com/2015/02/sbeel-mreeh.mp3بقلم Islamist beautiful songs without music
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https://alqanoah.files.wordpress.com/2015/02/ya-rasoolallah-beautiful-nasheed.mp3بقلم Islamist beautiful songs without music
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https://alqanoah.files.wordpress.com/2015/02/maher-zain-awaken.mp3بقلم Islamist beautiful songs without music
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https://alqanoah.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/d8aed98ad8b1d983d985-d984d8a3d987d984d987-1.mp3بقلم Islamist beautiful songs without music
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https://alqanoah.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/d987d8b0d98a-d8a7d984d8acd986d987.mp3بقلم Islamist beautiful songs without music
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https://alqanoah.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/d8a3d986d8b4d988d8afd8a9-d8add98ad8a7d8aad98a-d8a8d8a7d984d982d98ad985.mp3بقلم Islamist beautiful songs without music
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https://alqanoah.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/prayer.mp3بقلم Islamist beautiful songs without music
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https://alqanoah.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/labbayk-imagine-a-day-w-lyrics-hq.mp3بقلم Islamist beautiful songs without music
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https://alqanoah.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/soldiers-of-allah.mp3بقلم Islamist beautiful songs without music
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https://alqanoah.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/hztnee1.mp3بقلم Islamist beautiful songs without music
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https://alqanoah.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/heartbeat.mp3بقلم Islamist beautiful songs without music
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https://alqanoah.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/elahee.mp3بقلم Islamist beautiful songs without music
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https://alqanoah.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/belal.mp3بقلم Islamist beautiful songs without music
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https://alqanoah.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/makkah.mp3بقلم Islamist beautiful songs without music
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https://alqanoah.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/j.mp3بقلم Islamist beautiful songs without music
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https://alqanoah.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/new1.mp3بقلم Islamist beautiful songs without music
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https://alqanoah.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/allahu-akbar.mp3بقلم Islamist beautiful songs without music
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https://alqanoah.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/balesti.mp3بقلم Islamist beautiful songs without music
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https://alqanoah.files.wordpress.com/2014/06/wjhtnthr.mp3بقلم Islamist beautiful songs without music
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https://alqanoah.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/amee1.mp3بقلم Islamist beautiful songs without music
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https://alqanoah.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/allah.mp3بقلم Islamist beautiful songs without music
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https://alqanoah.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/sami-yusuf-2.mp3بقلم Islamist beautiful songs without music
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https://alqanoah.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/gnon-allyl.mp3بقلم Islamist beautiful songs without music
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https://alqanoa.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/shukran.mp3بقلم Islamist beautiful songs without music
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http://cdn.top4top.net/d_82b47a4b291.mp3بقلم Islamist beautiful songs without music
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http://cdn.top4top.net/d_9ee335f13a1.mp3بقلم Islamist beautiful songs without music
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بقلم Islamist beautiful songs without music
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