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Podcast Biologismo


Podcast da página Biologismo, onde os administradores e convidados conversam sobre Biologia, Meio Ambiente e Ciência. Novos episódios a cada duas quartas-feiras às 10 da manhã. Ajude a Biologismo a produzir conteúdos com cada vez mais qualidade através do e ganhe recompensas.
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Biologia In Situ

O Biologia In Situ é um podcast de Divulgação Científica em Biologia que traz o conhecimento científico a partir de assuntos cotidianos. Assim, facilitando a aproximação do público ao processo científico e à Biologia.
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Dans ce podcast, nous explorons comment la biologie influence notre santé et nos choix nutritionnels. Rejoignez-nous pour des discussions enrichissantes avec des experts, visant à comprendre et soulager vos inconforts chroniques grâce à une nutrition personnalisée.
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5 Minute Biographies

5 Minute Biographies

Each week, we aim to bring you interesting information about interesting people in about five minutes in the form of short biographies which can also be read on our website.
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Das ist der Podcast der Biogräfinnen Oberösterreich, eine Vereinigung von Auftragsbiografinnen und einer Audiografin.Sie sprechen über ihre Arbeit als Biografinnen, über Erinnerungen und Emotionen und interviewen interessante Persönlichkeiten, die sich als Expert:innen oder Kund:innen mit Biografien beschäftigt haben. Gemeinsam mit den Biogräfinnen könnt ihr ins Leben hineinhören und ein wenig mehr über den Beruf der Biografin und über Themen, die sie beschäftigen, erfahren. Zuhörer:innen er ...
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Bio 360 - Zurück ins Leben | Energie und Gesundheit

Unkas Gemmeker | Gesundheitsbotschafter, Autor und Coach

Bio 360 ist einer der erfolgreichsten, deutschsprachigen Podcasts zu den Themen Gesundheit, Ernährung, Fitness, Motivation, Paleo, Fokus, HIIT, intermittierendes Fasten, Stress, Schlaf, Low Carb, ketogene Ernährung, EMF, Atemtechniken, Superfoods, Nootropika, sowie alles rund um Biohacking und alternative Medizin. Du bekommst die besten Tipps von führenden Experten wie Rüdiger Dahlke, Joachim Mutter, Maximilian Gotzler, Jens Freese, Paul Seelhorst, Kyra Kauffmann, Akuma Saningong, Poli Moute ...
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Biografias en 5 minutos

Biografias en 5 Minutos

Biografías en 5 minutos es un pódcast semanal presentado por Mercedes Mariño que te acerca las biografías de las personas más famosas de la historia. Cada episodio contiene la información exacta que tienes que saber sin datos superfluos. Para más información sobre Biografías en 5 minutos o para sugerir personas para futuros episodios, visita nuestra página web:
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Herzlich Willkommen beim BiOfunk Podcast! Hier dreht sich alles um die spannende Welt der Biologie. Wir behandeln grundlegende Fragen: Wie machen Viren und Bakterien krank? Was sind Proteine und welche Aufgaben haben sie? Und warum gibt es überhaupt Sexualität? Auch die Wissenschaftsgeschichte kommt nicht zu kurz. Wir möchten zeigen, dass Wissenschaft Spaß machen kann. Also, hört rein!
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Tania Barros

Olá! Meu nome é Tânia Barros! Sou a criadora e produtora de conteúdo do Canal “LOUCOS POR BIOGRAFIAS”. A proposta do canal é conhecermos vida das pessoas mais interessantes, inteligentes e importantes da história que muitas vezes dedicaram a sua vida para que a nossa vida fosse melhor hoje. Vamos conhecer os malfeitores também, porque é do contraste que nasce a nossa consciência. Convido você a seguir conosco nesta jornada, vai ser interessante! Até Mais! Apoie este podcast no: ...
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The Biographers

The Biographers

The Biographers is a deep-dive biography podcast that aims to tell the full and complete stories of history’s most fascinating and influential characters. Join hosts Daniel Newman and Akiva Meola as they take you through the expansive and entertaining stories of various historic figures. In a time where short-form, hardly-researched videos flood TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram, we are doing the exact opposite. The Biographers gives you the chance to learn the full life stories of historic fig ...
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The Bio Report

Levine Media Group

The Bio Report podcast, hosted by award-winning journalist Daniel Levine, focuses on the intersection of biotechnology with business, science, and policy.
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Ist Bio drin, wo Bio draufsteht? Wie begann eigentlich die Bio-Bewegung? Was steckt hinter den Bio-Siegeln? Warum ist es so wichtig, dass altes Getreide erhalten bleibt? Und: Welche Antworten hat die Bio-Branche beim Thema Tierhaltung? Diese und weitere Fragen stellen Judith und Jan von Bio für die Ohren alle 14 Tage Experten und Expertinnen aus der Bio-Branche. Was sie dabei erfahren, verwundert oder entrüstet sie manchmal selbst. Die Gespräche sind informativ, ernst und kritisch, aber imme ...
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Bio-Hack Your Best Life

Elisabeth Hoekstra

Bio-Hack Your Best Life podcast is a captivating podcast co-hosted by the knowledgeable duo, Billy and Elisabeth Carson, whose combined expertise spans a range of intriguing topics from ancient wisdom to modern science. This podcast stands out as a unique union of their diverse knowledge bases, offering listeners a comprehensive guide to optimizing life through bio-hacking. Each episode delves into different aspects of bio-hacking, such as improving mental clarity, boosting physical health, ...
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Ökomodell-Land Hessen (vertreten durch MGH GUTES AUS HESSEN GmbH)

„Regional“, „Nachhaltig“, „Bio“, „Saisonal“ – diese Begriffe begegnen Dir ständig. Was genau heißt das aber für Dich und Deinen Einkauf. Ist bio immer das Beste und was wäre zum Beispiel, wenn alle nur noch bio essen würden. Geht das überhaupt? Das hörst Du von Landwirt*innen, Verarbeiter*innen und Vermarkter*innen aus den hessischen Ökomodell-Regionen. Du wirst erfahren, wie Landwirtschaft wirklich tickt. Ganz real, praxisbezogen und frei von Klischees. Welche Reise Lebensmittel vom Acker b ...
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Beyond the Bio

Bain & Company

Keith Bevans, partner and global head of consultant recruiting at Bain & Company, dives deeper into the stories of some extraordinary Bain people, from their perspectives. You can read their business bios online, but those barely scratch the surface of who they are and the important work they are doing. If you would like to comment or give feedback on this series, please email our inbox at [email protected].
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Filled with stories of people living out their soul’s calling, the So You Want to Be a Marine Biologist podcast is your go-to resource for exploring the connection between humans, the land, and the high seas. If you’ve ever dreamed of journeying the ocean’s depths, wondered where your food comes from, or thought about how it all fits together, this podcast is for you. This show dives into science, conservation, and living in connection with our blue planet. We’ll hear stories from people fol ...
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Non Human Biologics: An X-Files Podcast

Jeremy Greer, Chris Mosher

Non Human Biologics is a creepy but necessary podcast about The X-Files. Each week Chris and Jeremy bring you goofs and chuckles and tears as they wonder if life really is out there. Join us as we go episode by episode, week by week, wondering just where the heck Scully keeps that katana. Art by Rideth_Mochi, music from bansheebeat, Jake Lionheart, and Heather Milette.
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The Listen In podcast from Bitesize Bio is a compilation of our best webinars to enjoy at your leisure, wherever and whenever. Each episode is an opportunity to gain the valuable insights you need to advance your research. From a crash course in developing fool-proof ELISAs to the latest applications and innovations in CRISPR/Cas9 and microscopy techniques, and much more—you'll hear about challenges encountered and discover practical solutions to achieve the best possible results. Tap into t ...
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Forging Bio Podcast

Forging Bio Podcast

Conversations with bio visionaries and thought leaders on innovation in biotechnology, synthetic biology and biomanufacturing across food, beverage, nutritional, industrial materials, beauty and personal care spaces.
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Speaking of Mol Bio

Thermo Fisher Scientific

Speaking of Mol Bio, a podcast series from Thermo Fisher Scientific, discusses trending applications in science and the molecular biology aspects of those applications. Our host delves in to deep discussion with CEOs, R&D scientists, researchers, and key opinion leaders across the globe. Speaking of Mol Bio helps scientific curious people - from all scientific and non-scientific backgrounds - understand how modern molecular biology applications can help push the boundaries in medicine, scien ...
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The Quantum Biology Collective Podcast

The Quantum Biology Collective

Is your light environment more important than the food you eat? Can sunlight treat depression? Does a barefoot walk outside boost your immune system? The Quantum Biology Collective is a group of pioneering health professionals who study, apply and explain the emerging field of applied quantum biology: a new paradigm of understanding how human health REALLY works that is light years beyond the current traditional medical model. From the vast research showing that circadian rhythms regulate ev ...
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Boost Your Biology is presented by Lucas Aoun, founder of Ergogenic Health. Join him as he goes underground to bring you cutting edge health and human performance hacks that you'll struggle to find on Google. Lucas explores the unexplored to bring you useful health and performance information to upgrade your existence. A range of topics will be discussed on this podcast, including Nootropics, Nutrition, Biohacking, Supplements, Herbal Research, Microbiome, Brain Health, Hormonal Health & Spo ...
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The New England Biolabs podcast series, Lessons from Lab and Life, is dedicated to sharing helpful life lessons from successful scientists. From an overview of cutting edge research to finding sources of inspiration, our podcast is for science enthusiasts that like to ponder “what it all means”. Listen as leading researchers draw lessons from where scientific concepts (and misconceptions) have come from, where they are now, and where they are headed in the not-too-distant future. If you’ve g ...
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Our goal is to encourage all people to take responsibility for their own healthcare, empower them to assist others and create a community of people worldwide dedicated to service, self awareness, and recognizing the equality of all humanity—thus forming a chain which shall go on indefinitely. Research shows that Bio-Touch is simple to learn with quick results to reduce pain and stress and to build immune system responses. It is time to reclaim your birthright to be healthy, happy and loved.
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show series
Hoy se conmemoran tres años desde que la gestión del presidente Gabriel Boric llegó a La Moneda, marcando el inicio de los últimos 12 meses donde se comienza a hablar de legado y se enfoca en limpiar la mesa para evaluar los avances y el posicionamiento tanto del mandatario como de su entorno. Sin embargo, un terremoto sacude el palacio presidencia…
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Ashley Feraude in conversation with Lachlan Jarvis who is a Private Investigator from the agency 'Lyonswood'. Lachlan offers a great insight into the type of people that are drawn to this profession and the skill they have to make them really suitable for it. He also gives us a great look into what PI’s do and the kind of principals and codes they …
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In diesem Gespräch mit Björn Thorsten Leimbach geht es um die Krise der Männlichkeit, toxische Rollenbilder und die Herausforderungen, denen Männer heute gegenüberstehen. Erfahre, warum viele Männer den Kontakt zu ihrer Stärke verlieren und wie wir als Gesellschaft gesunde Männlichkeit fördern können. Lass dich inspirieren und finde heraus, wie du …
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Welche Strukturen werden mit deinem Einkauf gefördert? In dieser Best-of-Folge werden noch die wichtigsten Fragen zum Lebensmittelhandel in Deutschland gestellt: Welche unterschiedlichen Lebensmittelhändler gibt es in Deutschland und wer bestimmt den Preis eines Produktes? Wie viel geben die Deutschen überhaupt durchschnittlich pro Tag für Lebensmi…
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NK cells, part of the innate immune system, serve as the body’s first line of defense. These cells can recognize and kill abnormal or infected cells. As therapies, they have the advantage over CAR-T and other cell therapies because they can be used off-the-shelf without undergoing gene editing or other genetic modifications. They also don’t trigger…
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Chuck Whitten, Global Head of Bain’s digital capabilities, shares his journey from consulting to leading digital transformation at scale. He discusses how these capabilities integrate AI, data science, and enterprise technology into business strategy, helping companies solve their toughest challenges. With insights on Bain’s partnerships with OpenA…
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Navigating the complexities of clean eating in today's world can be daunting, but understanding the underlying issues can empower individuals to make healthier choices. 🌿 The pervasive presence of toxins in our environment, from air pollution to contaminated water, poses significant challenges to maintaining a clean diet. Despite these hurdles, foc…
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In this episode, we speak with two leading bioethics scholars about the state of bioethics today. Dr. Emily Largent is the Emanuel and Robert Hart Associate Professor of Medical Ethics and Health Policy and the Chief of the Division of Medical Ethics at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine. Dr. Govind Persad is an Associate Pr…
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You can run the perfect agarose gel to separate your nucleic acid fragments but if you don’t stain and image the gel properly, it’s all for not. In this second installment of Mol Bio Minutes we take a look at the staining considerations for nucleic acid gel electrophoresis with Paulius Palaima, Product Manager at Thermo Fisher Scientific. He covers…
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In this episode of Listen In, explore high-throughput and wide-range protein concentration analysis that can deliver a 20-fold improvement in time and budget savings. Protein concentration is an obligatory critical quality attribute necessary to determine total protein content in biopharmaceutical formulations. Concentration determination is necess…
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Welcome to our podcast where we discuss and deliberate over memoirs and biographies found in thrift shops. This is a great way to do things as we are not choosing who to read about. We may not be fans of the person, we may never have heard of the person and we never know who we are going to find next... There are only 2 rules to this podcast. The b…
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In this episode of the Boost Your Biology podcast, Lucas Aoun and Dr. Michael Moeller discuss the journey into health optimization, focusing on men's health and hormone therapy. Dr. Moeller shares his personal experiences with health challenges that led him to naturopathy and highlights the common complaints he sees in men today, particularly regar…
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In the sixth episode of season 19 of 5 Minute Biographies, we take a look at the life and legacy of John Denver, the singer-songwriter whose music captured the beauty of nature and the spirit of the open road. With hits like Take Me Home, Country Roads, Annie’s Song, and Rocky Mountain High, Denver became one of the most beloved folk and country ar…
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Hubert Klingenberger ( ist einer der führende Experten für Biografiearbeit im deutschsprachigen Raum. Im Gespräch mit Claudia Riedler-Bittermann ( erklärt er, wo und wie Erinnerungen abgespeichert werden und warum jeder Mensch sieben Geschichten hat, die er immer wieder erzählt. Es geht um Liebli…
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Sinéad O'Connor, renowned for her angelic voice and activism, overcame a tumultuous upbringing to become a global protest singer and advocate for social justice. O'Connor achieved worldwide success as an angel-voiced, shaven-headed Irish singer of heartfelt songs, but she was far more than just a pop star - she was also an activist and a survivor. …
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Announcement! If you hadn't heard in our last episode, we are back to a bi-weekly release. Have no fear, we aren't going anywhere -- we just need some additional time to research, read, and write up our episodes. That being said, it's time for another laid-back episode of Office Hours! This week we talk about boring stuff that's actually exciting, …
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Más de diez días han pasado desde el apagón del 25 de febrero que dejó a casi todo Chile sin suministro eléctrico y la información para encontrar a los responsables sigue cayendo por goteo.La idea de generar un solo sistema interconectado tenía una serie de virtudes , entre las que destacaba la supuesta robustez del sistema para resistir ataques, p…
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In this episode, Jorge Goldstein, the author of Patenting Life: The Commercialization of Biology, delves into the critical junction where biotechnology meets patent law. With a background as a molecular biologist turned patent attorney, Goldstein offers unique insights into how commercial biology has evolved and its profound effects on patent regul…
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Sie wurden beide 1941 geboren, haben mit 18 geheiratet, sind vom Lebensmittelpunkt her nie, sonst aber schon sehr weit weg von hier gekommen: Myanmar, Namibia und die Galapagosinseln waren Reiseziele; aber auch ein Hof im Württembergischen, wohin sie im Krieg evakuiert war und zu dessen Bewohner*innen die Beziehungen über die Generationen hinweg ni…
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Everyone knows Judy Blume. Her books have garnered her fans of all ages for decades and sold tens of millions of copies. But why were people so drawn to them? And why are we still talking about them now in the 21st century? In The Genius of Judy: How Judy Blume Rewrote Childhood for All of Us (Atria, 2024), her remarkable story is revealed as never…
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Você já ouviu falar de galhas vegetais? Separe trinta minutinhos do seu dia e descubra, com Mila Massuda, o que são galhas, como se desenvolvem e como pequenos organismos conseguem manipular o crescimento das plantas para criar verdadeiras estruturas vivas sob medida para eles! Apresentação: Mila Massuda (@milamassuda) Roteiro: Mila Massuda (@milam…
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En el 2022, Bío Bío La Radio reveló una investigación que expuso una organización criminal brutal operando en Arica, con entierros clandestinos, centros de tortura, explotación sexual, extorsiones a migrantes y más. Autoridades como el subsecretario del interior y el director de la policía de investigaciones pidieron cautela. Sin embargo, fiscalía …
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In this episode of the Boost Your Biology podcast, Lucas Aoun and David from AlphaGels delve into the intricacies of hormone optimization, focusing on testosterone and DHT. David shares his extensive knowledge on the significance of DHT, its functions, and the benefits of transdermal application. They discuss the importance of maintaining a proper …
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What's wrong with a doctor named Bambi anyway? Huh Scully??? HUH DANA SCULLY???!! Support the show by subscribing to us on Patreon. Patrons get exclusive podcasts, an early release feed, and access to our community Discord server. Our theme "File After File" was produced by bansheebeat, and sung by Heather Milette. Lyrics by Chris, Jeremy, Autumn, …
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In this episode, I talk to Eliot Schrefer about his book Queer Ducks (and Other Animals): The Natural World of Animal Sexuality (Katherine Tegen Books, 2022). A quiet revolution has been underway in recent years, with study after study revealing substantial same-sex sexual behavior in animals. Join celebrated author Eliot Schrefer on an exploration…
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📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube "We need to see all that in the health bubble," says Willie Duggan, third-generation lighting designer, who joins the Quantum Biology Collective podcast to illuminate the critical intersection between lighting design and human health. Duggan explains why the lighting industry's obsession with efficiency metrics has le…
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Michelle Bachelet sorprende al decidir no apoyar a Carolina Tohá en su candidatura presidencial, generando especulaciones sobre una estrategia para destacar a Tohá como una opción principal y no secundaria. La expresidenta descarta postularse, lo que marca el cierre de un ciclo en su carrera política y deja en duda el futuro del "bacheletismo". Se …
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Dr. Ben Kleinstiver, whose lab is located at the Center for Genomic Medicine at Mass General Hospital, joins us to talk about programmable nucleases, genome editing, and the applications of this technology in the future of healthcare.بقلم New England Biolabs
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George M. Cohan was one of those rare Broadway figures who was a composer, lyricist, playwright, performer, director, theater owner, and star actor. He could, quite literally, do it all. In his day, he was famous as the "Yankee Doodle Boy" from his hit song and as the "Man Who Owned Broadway" from his musical of the same name. Cohan's songs and sho…
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This biography of “African explorer” Richard Dorsey Mohun, written by one of his descendants, reveals how American greed and state power helped shape the new imperial order in Africa. Richard Dorsey Mohun spent his career circulating among the eastern United States, the cities and courts of Europe, and the African continent, as he served the US Sta…
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Send us a text Join Kara as she shares some similarities between our lives and the live of the magnificent sea turtle. Support the show Land your dream job. Enroll Now ✨ STEER YOUR COURSE ✨ REGISTER FOR THE *FREE* COURSE: ✨ BACK TO NATURE ✨ Daily drops of goodness to bring your closer to Ocean, Nature, and Yourself Check out the website: https://ka…
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La cuenta regresiva para definir a los candidatos de las primarias presidenciales ha comenzado, con la salida de Carolina Tohá del Ministerio del Interior, aunque aún no ha hecho el nuevo juramento. Aunque Tohá no confirmó que su renuncia esté relacionada con una posible candidatura, todo apunta a movimientos tácticos previos a una decisión de Mich…
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Successful cult films like The Host and Snowpiercer proved to be harbingers for Bong Joon Ho's enormous breakthrough success with Parasite. In Bong Joon Ho (U Illinois Press, 2024), Joseph Jonghyun Jeon provides a consideration of the director's entire career and the themes, ambitions, techniques, and preoccupations that infuse his works. As Jeon s…
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Paul Lisicky remembers when he first heard Joni Mitchell on the radio, and when he found one of her records in a bin at Korvettes. He was inspired by her musicality, her poetry, and her willingness to defy musical conventions. Nearly every one of her songs spoke to him in some way. As a budding songwriter whose music was widely performed in churche…
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One hundred years ago, Gabriel Wells, a New York bookseller, committed a crime against history. He broke up the world’s greatest book, the Gutenberg Bible, and sold it off in individual pages. In 1921, Wells’ audacity scandalized the rare-book world. The Gutenberg was the first substantial book in Europe to have been printed on a printing press. It…
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In the early modern period, both legal and illegal maritime predation was a common occurrence, but the expansion of European maritime empires exacerbated existing and created new problems of piracy across the globe. The Problem of Piracy in the Early Modern World (Amsterdam UP, 2024) addresses these early modern problems in three sections: first, s…
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La Fiscalía incauta equipos de la presidenta de la Cámara de Diputados, Carol Cariola, quien se encuentra en licencia médica por maternidad, para que comparezca ante tribunales. Se destaca la efervescencia política actual, centrada en conflictos personales en lugar de debates sustanciales sobre cambios legislativos necesarios. Se mencionan las expe…
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In this episode of the Boost Your Biology podcast, Lucas Aoun and Dr. Elliot Justin delve into the critical topic of male sexual health, focusing on erection health and its implications for overall well-being. They discuss the significance of measuring erections, the tools available for assessment, and the relationship between erectile function and…
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This book tells the remarkable life of Balthild of Francia (c. 633-80), a seventh-century Anglo-Saxon slave who became a queen of France. Described in contemporary sources as beautiful and intelligent, she rose to power through her marriage to the short-lived King Clovis II. As regent for her young son, she promoted social and political reforms in …
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In the fifth episode of season 19 of 5 Minute Biographies, we uncover the intriguing life of Mata Hari, the enigmatic dancer-turned-spy whose name became synonymous with seduction and espionage. Born Margaretha Geertruida Zelle, she reinvented herself as an exotic performer in early 20th-century Europe, captivating audiences and powerful men alike.…
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