Berni Dymet عمومي
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show episodes
There is such incredible power in God’s Word! Power to change. Power to make an impact in this world. That’s what Christianityworks is all about – in depth teaching straight out of God’s Word. Join Berni Dymet as he opens God's Word to discover what God has to say into your life, today.
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FRESH is a Daily Devotional taking you deeper into God's Word + closer to Jesus. Each devotion will have a powerful Scripture verse, together with some words of inspiration, hope and encouragement. It’s all about helping you hear from God so that you can live in a rich, dynamic, powerful relationship with Jesus. God’s Word. Fresh, for you, each day.
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God has a habit of wanting to speak right into the circumstances that we’re travelling through here and now; the very issues that we each face in our everyday lives. Everything from dealing with difficult people … to discovering how God speaks to us; from overcoming stress … to discovering your God-given gifts and walking in the calling that God has placed on your life And that’s what these daily 10 minute A Different Perspective messages are all about.
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show series
How we treat other people, you and I, is the most powerful witness of who Jesus is in our lives. Treat them well, and they have every chance of experiencing His love first hand. Treat them badly, and they may never, ever, ever … come to know Him. Kindness is a much underrated quality these days. Sure, we love it when other people are kind toward us…
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I think we’ve all had the exceedingly frustrating experience of dealing with a call centre – bank, utility, insurance company, whatever – where the operator simply can’t help us. It drives you nuts, doesn’t it? Generally, it’s not the operator’s fault. The company’s given them strict parameters within which to work, and inevitably built these rigid…
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So let me ask you, is ambition right, or wrong? I mean is it okay to be ambitious, or, if you believe in Jesus, is ambition something that you need to give up? As things turn out, it’s not ambition itself that’s the problem, it’s the sort of ambition, the type of ambition that you have in your heart, that brings you unstuck. Dealing with Ambition S…
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Love is such a simple word. And when you think about being loved – by your loved ones, by God – that’s such a beautiful thing. Nothing beats that. So why is it then that we so often mess it up? Sadly, there are many people in the world today who don’t feel loved at all, who perhaps were once loved, but now rejected. I’ve been there. I know how blea…
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I’d like you, if you would, please, to picture the face of the most difficult person in your life. Hold it there. Now think of the last few interactions you’ve had with them. How does thinking about them make you feel? I chose your most difficult person to make the point that loving imperfect people ain’t easy. Even in a marriage – the most intimat…
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You and I will possibly never be the fastest, smartest, or most successful person in the room. But there is something that’ll get us to the front of the pack. Would you like to know what it is? A friend of mine, Peter Sewell, shared this story with me recently: “When I was 5 years old, I ran at a school carnival. All the kids stopped before the rib…
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It’s funny how these days, there seem to be so many shades of grey when it comes to the difference between right, and wrong. But however you want to cut it, some things are right, and some things are wrong. Some people are good, and some people are bad. Which one are you? Wickedness is rather a strong word. I don’t think that any of us really think…
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We each have a sense of destiny built into our DNA. This sense that, well, there’s a plan out there somewhere, somehow. Something that we’re meant to do. Something that we’re meant to achieve. And unless we lay hold of that destiny, in a sense, we feel lost, as though we’re missing something. So let me ask you, is it right to be ambitious? My dicti…
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Have you ever tried to kick a bad habit? It’s not easy. Whether it’s smoking, eating the wrong foods, being a nasty piece of work, gossiping – whatever it happens to be – typically we struggle, then we fail. The reality is that changing ourselves, setting our lives on a new course – the one we really want, the one we know to be right – has a degree…
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We get a lot of our understanding of who we are, where we fit and what we’re worth, by listening to what other people say. How the world reacts to us. The problem is, you can’t always believe everything you hear. If I asked you, in twenty-five words or less, to write down who you are, what would you write? No, not some bland generalised statement. …
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Can I be honest with you? I used to be … well, not a very nice person. In my younger years I was so focused on winning, on succeeding, that I’d walk over the top of anyone and everyone to get there. But then something changed. The question is, what? What kicked off the radical transformation that’s still going on in my life today? The people I sing…
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At some point in the process of growing up, of maturing if you will, we all come to the conclusion that there are some things that we just can’t do. Some things that we just can’t be. We come to the conclusion that in certain areas we have limitations that we just can’t overcome. When you come to that conclusion, what do you do with it? There are c…
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Anyone who’s ever brought up children knows how important it is to celebrate their achievements with them, and to be there for them when they’re hurting. We know that instinctively. But why is it important? There’s nothing that you and I can contribute to a relationship that’s more powerful, more loving, than empathy. It creates a bridge, a bond be…
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One of the most difficult things about moving from being a child, to being an adult, is becoming responsible. Taking responsibility for your thoughts and your actions. That’s why a whole bunch of people simply, never grow up. Let’s be honest. Some people never grow up. Now, there are different aspects to growing up: Moving from childhood through th…
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So you’re cooking this great meal, but then you discover that you’re missing a key ingredient. Quick, down to the local grocery store. But when you arrive there’s a “closed” sign hanging on the front door. Sensational! That’s not what you want! You need that store to be open for business, right? Because without that key ingredient, the recipe just …
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If someone wrote you a letter from prison with some advice for how you should live, would you accept that advice? I guess that depends, but you’d be sceptical, right? Most prisoners feel hard done by as they profess their innocence. Add to that the physical danger from other inmates, the bleak outlook as the months and years roll by, and all that m…
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When it comes to developing the life skills that we really need, the life skills that are going to lead to a much, much better life, there is none more important, than maturity. But what exactly is maturity, and where do you get it? Grow Up Let’s be honest. Some people never grow up. Now, there are different aspects to growing up: Moving from child…
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Have you ever done something so bad, so wrong, so hurtful to someone you love, that you can’t imagine ever coming back from that? You can’t imagine that this relationship would ever survive? And then … then that person forgives you. When someone forgives you for something that you know is and should be unforgiveable, that feeling of release, of res…
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The choices we make along the way have a lot to do with the sort of life we end up living. Good choices inevitably have good outcomes and bad choices …. Well, you know. But there’s one choice, a certain type of choice, that comes along every now and then that’s really important. It’s going to have a big impact on our lives. And when it does come, w…
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Sometimes we’re faced with an ethical dilemma. On the one hand, you know what’s right and deep down you want to do the right thing. But the short-term rewards of doing the wrong thing are so great that you’re torn. Which way do you jump? Back in the 1980’s, two former military colleagues and I formed an IT consulting firm. Graham was the Lieutenant…
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Most times when we run into difficult issues in our lives, we try to overcome them in our own strength – or perhaps with the help of a friend. But what do we do when we run into difficulties, obstacles, problems that are way beyond human strength? Then what? It’s great to be with you again today, almost the end of the week; getting there, not quite…
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Have you ever noticed how, when life’s toddling along well, you seem to have plenty of people around you. But when all of a sudden things take a turn for the worse, how so many of them just disappear? I guess we shouldn’t be surprised. After all, when the pressure’s on, it’s only natural for people to want to retreat into comfort and safety. Very f…
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When you’re trying to live your life well … with goodness, with integrity … and yet everyone around you is behaving badly, you begin to wonder, “Is it worth it?” Well, is it? Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a German pastor and theologian best known for his staunch resistance to Hitler’s dictatorship and the abject evil – the genocide – that it was perpetra…
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Ask someone whether they’d like to live an extraordinary life, and most people will say “of course I would”. But then all of a sudden, when they realise that that’s going to involve sacrifices, the vast majority back off. There seems to be a big difference between the theory and the practice. When I finished High School, almost 40 years ago now, my…
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The world’s powerbrokers – national leaders, billionaires, celebrities, social media ‘influencers’ – all have a couple of things in common. For the moment, they carry a lot of sway but one day they’ll be gone. Have you ever thought about what shapes the way you think? What are the things that create the lens through which you perceive and react bot…
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Pretty much everyone’s heard of the Golden Rule – you know, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Yeah, okay. That’s nice. But what does it really mean, and what impact can it really have on the sort of life we end up living? I’m really excited to be with you again today, because this week again on the program we’re talking about How t…
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It’s all too easy in life to get stuck in a rut. In what we say, in what we do … and actually also in what we think. And when someone challenges those things – often times we defend our actions, our words and our thoughts. But the sort of life we live, depends a lot on our ability to see things from a different perspective. Hey, it’s easy to find o…
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The self-help sections of newspapers, or newsfeeds if you’ve gone digital, are bulging these days with worldly wisdom that ranges from the seductive through to the bizarre through to the positively dangerous. Whether it’s mysticism and mindfulness, or the plethora of contradictory and mutually exclusive dietary advice, or how one woman’s side hustl…
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Have you ever wondered – how to live an extraordinary life? I mean no one wants to live a boring ordinary life. We all want to have some impact in this world. But … how? The Theory is not Enough When I finished high school almost 40 years ago now, my grades were good enough to mean I was selected to study medicine at Sydney University. And so I app…
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If you look around the world, there are more than a few despots ruling over nations, dictating how people should live and what they should believe. It’s not nice. But that despotism can be much closer to home than you might imagine. Even if, like me, you happen to live in relative freedom, you’re more and more being told what you should be thinking…
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Do you know how sometimes you meet someone and they seem to have their act completely together – the perfect job, plenty of money and a family that you can only dream of? I was chatting with a man recently whom I’ve known, I’m guessing, for around twenty years. Rather a long time. He’s a senior judge in what’s called the “family court”. He hears ca…
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Sometimes, looking at some parts of the church today, large parts in fact, you could swear that Jesus’ great commission to His disciples was “build something and they’ll come”. Well, it wasn’t. The key verb, the key doing word in the great commission is “go”. Go is such an extraordinary word. We are such masters of self-delusion, you and I. Come on…
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There can scarcely be anything more frightening than an earthquake. With the ground shaking beneath your feet, you’re just waiting for the building to collapse around you and crush you beneath its rubble. According to, the strongest earthquake ever recorded occurred on May 22nd, 1960 in Valdivia, Chile. It registered a magnitude of …
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Whatever language you happen to speak at home, new words and phrases are being added to your dictionary much more frequently than you might expect. But that’s by no means a new thing. According to a recent press article, William Shakespeare is credited with inventing more than 1,700 words, including “bedroom,” “courtship,” and “swagger.” Charles Di…
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Sometimes it seems that life is just a series of power plays – it’s all about who has power over whom. But there’s a different sort of power. The power of God. There’s nothing at all that compares to God’s power. And that extraordinary power is available to anyone who trusts in Jesus. I wonder what the word "Power" means to you. Power is what flows…
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Not all of us are wired in such a way so that compassion is our first thing. It’s not that we don’t care, it’s just that compassion takes time. And in this day and age, having compassion … well, we just don’t have the time. Jesus … Jesus was a man of extraordinary compassion. Hey, I have a confession to make. I’m not naturally a compassionate perso…
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We’ve all had that experience when someone not only does something for you (as though that weren’t enough) but does it with a good intention, with a pure heart. Isn’t that just the most amazing feeling? And no doubt you’ve had the complete opposite too, when someone does something for you, but begrudgingly. You may hear it in their words, or sense …
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Most of us have heard that expression about being a dog with two masters. Turns out that dogs are simple, loyal creatures. Two masters is hard work. Two masters is confusing. So they always, always settle on just one master. The trick is … choosing the right one. When I was a young lad I had a dog called Banner. He wasn’t any particular breed. I th…
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The world seems, by and large, to be fixated on wealth, wouldn’t you agree? Money, money, money. How can I make more of it? How can I have even just a bit more to afford some of the luxuries I’d love to have. The press seems regularly to want to report on who the richest person in the world is. Is it Elon Musk of Tesla, Jeff Bezos of Amazon, Larry …
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Most people are concerned about what other people think about them. Some people are way too concerned what others think of them. And it turns out that when it comes to living an extraordinary life, the last thing Jesus was concerned about was what other people thought about Him. They say first impressions count. Of course they do and so many people…
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Have you been asked for advice and, as you were sharing your thoughts, wondered why this person came to you in the first place? They don’t seem to want to know. They’re not even listening. One of my sons, now in his forties, came to me recently for some advice on a difficult issue that he was dealing with. First up, as a dad I felt incredibly privi…
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It’s really quite striking, when you stop and think about it, how much the negativity and challenges of the past, coupled with the pressures that we face today, tend to distort our sense of judgement … leading us to make decisions that all too often turn out for worse rather than better. And then, when we’re facing those consequences, we often don’…
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Jesus didn’t do things by half measures. His compassion wasn’t ordinary, everyday compassion. It was radical compassion. His power wasn’t religious power. It was God’s awesome power. Radical Compassion I have a confession to make. I’m not naturally a compassionate person. How about you? Now that doesn’t mean that I don’t care about people deeply. I…
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We’ve been chatting this week about achieving greatness – true greatness; not the sort of sham that our celebrity culture holds out, but the sort that impacts the lives of others for eternity. Might I ask you today, is yours a life that, by the end of it, will have impacted the lives of others for eternity? Because if you’re someone who believes in…
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The easiest thing in the world is just to go with the flow. Conventional thinking about things – truth, morality – has changed enormously over the centuries. And not always, as people would have you believe – for the better. What we really need – is some true wisdom. Wisdom that works. One of the things I love to do in my reading is to look histori…
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Salt is something that most of us use daily to add flavour to otherwise boring food, or to enhance even further the flavour of the most delicious of foods. And yet, important though it is, it’s something we rarely think about. At some point back in antiquity, salt was likely more valuable than gold. These days, it’s a cheap commodity. But if someon…
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Every now and then we run into a difficult issue in a relationship. Sometimes the right thing to do is bite our lip. Other times we let it wash by and we forgive and we move on. But sometimes, sometimes we have to address issues – tackle them head on. How … how do you do that? Now I don't know about you but over these last few weeks I've really enj…
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It never ceases to amaze me how tribalistic we’ve become without even being aware of it. It happens in sport – okay, fine. It happens in politics – something I guess you’d expect. But it happens in far more subtle, more insidiously divisive ways too – in ways we tend to ignore. Like it or not, society does tend to stratify itself by socioeconomic s…
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Have you ever had that experience of being the “odd man out” if I can use that old phrase. Everybody seems to be in agreement about something … and you’re looking at this thing and what you really want to say us “Ahh, excuse me but I think – I think the Emperor’s Got No Clothes”? So what do you do? We're continuing our chat again today about what i…
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Serving others is something that, on the one hand, we know we need to do. But on the other, we often find it inconvenient, undesirable … even downright demeaning. When you think about it, doing things for others is what makes the world go round. It’s how we can live in houses we’d never have been able to build for ourselves, to drive vehicles we’d …
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