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Strength, endurance, health and injury rehabilitation advice from host Joe DeLeo, NSCA-CSCS, FMS, SFG I . This is your podcast resource for top notch tips, strategies, information and stories from strength & conditioning, rowing, running and other endurance sports as well as expert information on nutrition, health and wellness that can be applied to everyone from elite athletes to exercise enthusiasts. This podcast will feature interviews with elite and amateur athletes, strength and enduran ...
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Portugal 1939 - 1945

Carlos Guerreiro

Histórias de Portugal durante a período da II Guerra Mundial. Gentes, especialistas e memórias para escutar... Portuguese history during WWII. People, specialists and memories for your ear...
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Mick's Martial Arts

Ant McGinley & Mick Tully

Two people that do martial arts sit down and talk. Sometimes about martial arts, sometimes about something entirely different. Ever wondered why people wear pyjamas and fight each other? Mick's been doing it for 30 years and wants to know too. Subscribe and see if he can find the answer. Each episode he speaks to a different practitioner from masters of traditional arts to UFC superstars - and everything in-between. (C) Copyright Ant McGinley and Mick Tully 2015 - 2020
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show series
> Uma batalha aeronaval que levou à morte de sete aviadores alemães; um faroleiro que espiava o movimento dos navios aliados n o atlântico; uma aterragem acidentada de um avião americano e o transporte deste aparelho para Lisboa num pequeno camião que levou militares e polícias a trocar palavras azedas… tudo histórias que tiveram como centro a pequ…
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O lugre bacalhoeiro Maria da Glória foi afundado a 5 de junho de 1942 pelo submarino alemão U-94. É sobre este ataque e a morte de 36 dos 44 tripulantes que vamos falar neste podcast "Portugal 1939-1945". Para nos acompanhar nesta viagem contamos com Ausenda Roque, José Cardoso Almeida e Manuel José Viegas, familiares do tripulantes que desaparecer…
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s for New Zealand. Competing in 14 events and winning five medals, four in women’s events including Silver in the Women’s 2x, Silver in the W8+, Gold in the W2-, Gold in the W1x, and Gold in the M8+. However, three years before the Olympics only one female rower was eating enough to fuel their training. Many athletes were underfueling and showing s…
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> In February 1941 an RAF Sunderland plane made an emergency landing on the Sado river, Portugal. Michael Tanner, son of one of the crew, tells the story of what happened to his father and the other mates in Portugal. (This podcast is in English) > Em fevereiro de 1941 um avião Sunderland da RAF amarou de emergência no Rio Sado. Michael Tanner, fil…
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Sérgio Luís e Carvalho vai apresentar-nos o germanófilo português e guiar-nos pelos seus locais preferidos em Lisboa, durante a II Guerra Mundial. Para além de ficarmos a conhecer os cafés, os hotéis ou os night clubes que frequentavam, vamos também conversar sobre as revistas, as estações de rádio e outros meios de propaganda utilizados pelos alem…
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> A conversation with Professor Marion Kaplan about the physical and emotional journey of the WWII refugees that crossed Portugal during the war years. This podcast is in English. > Uma conversa com a professora Marion Kaplan sobre a jornada física e emocional dos refugiados que durante a II Guerra Mundial passaram por Portugal. Este podcast é em i…
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A conversa com a historiadora Cristina Clímaco lança um olhar sobre os milhares de portugueses emigrados em França durante o período da II Guerra Mundial. Vamos conhecer histórias de portugueses que se alistaram no exército francês, outros que aderiram à resistência e outros a quem a guerra tornou vítimas... A história destes cidadãos continua a se…
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Sabia que um grupo refugiados holandeses em Portugal comprou fatos de banho para obrigar os seus elementos a tomar banhos de mar, poupando dinheiro nos banhos das pensões que tinham de ser pagos ou que um português deixou um diário onde relata em detalhe o que se passou na fronteira de Vilar Formoso no pico da crise dos refugiados em 1940... Estas …
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Em Faro foi inaugurado um memorial que recorda o salvamento de seis aviadores americanos por pescadores daquela cidade na noite de 30 de novembro de 1943. Para conhecermos melhor esta história vamos ouvir o Ti' Jaime - um dos pescadores que fez o salvamento -, Michael Pease - que lutou durante anos para concretizar o memorial-, José Vieira - que de…
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Em 1943 Rogério de Menezes - funcionário da Embaixada portuguesa em Londres - foi condenado à morte em Inglaterra acusado de espiar para os alemães… A pena, no entanto, nunca foi cumprida e no final da guerra regressou a casa. Esta é uma das histórias que vamos conhecer na conversa com José António Barreiros, advogado e autor de vários livros sobre…
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Ana da Silva Pinho é autora do livro “As crianças Cáritas entre a Áustria e Portugal (1947-1958)”, uma pesquisa que aborda os vários milhares de menores daquele país germanófilo que no pós-guerra foram acolhidas no nosso país. O livro resulta de uma longa pesquisa de documentos, imprensa e também entrevistas com algumas das crianças austríacas que …
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A historiadora Irene Pimentel guia-nos pelo Holocausto ou Shoa, tema do seu último livro e um dos acontecimentos mais marcantes da II Guerra Mundial. Oitenta anos depois dos aliados terem descoberto o que significava a “Solução Final” vamos conhecer melhor como evoluiu a mentalidade nazi em relação à "Questão Judaica" e que meios utilizaram para cu…
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Elsa Lemos conta a história das suas pesquisas sobre o tio-avô Mário Enguiça, opositor ao Estado Novo exilado para Timor, acusado da autoria de dois ataques à bomba em Lisboa. Na antiga colónia terá morrido de fome na sequência da invasão japonesa de 1942. A história deste tio-avô sempre fascinou Elsa que herdou as cartas e outra documentação que a…
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O museólogo Hugo Vaz conduz-nos numa visita pelo Museu do Holocausto no Porto que abriu as portas em abril de 2021. Com ele vamos conhecer o museu que conta a história da comunidade judaica antes, durante e depois do holocausto, e também a comunidade judaica daquela cidade que durante a II Guerra Mundial acolheu, tratou e encaminhou refugiados que …
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Inês Fialho Brandão, museóloga e responsável pelo Espaço Memória dos Exílios, no Estoril, explica os objectivos do projecto “Onde estão as crianças”, uma iniciativa que pôs alunos do 12º ano a procurar as histórias de nove menores encontrados em Paris, sozinhos, no meio da confusão causada por milhares de refugiados que tentavam escapar ao avanço a…
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O navio de pesca Cabo de São Vicente foi afundado a 10 de Março de 1942 por um bombardeiro alemão FW200 - Condor ao largo do Cabo da Roca. Numa conversa com Richard Souza, neto do comandante do pesqueiro , e Günther Ott, historiador do KG40, unidade responsável pelo afundamento, vamos saber mais sobre o que aconteceu naquele fim de tarde, dar nome …
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As professoras Dores do Carmo e Josefa Reis dinamizam o Dever de Memória, uma iniciativa que recorda e celebra Aristides de Sousa Mendes e a sua intervenção em Bordéus em 1940 quando entregou milhares de vistos a refugiados que procuravam abandonar a França em desespero. É com elas que conversamos neste episódio...…
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Sizwe Ndlovu stroked the South African Lightweight Men's Four to Olympic Gold at the 2012 London Olympic Games. He is the first black athlete to win a gold medal in the sport of rowing. He and I discuss his rowing career, how his headmaster Tom Price was instrumental in him taking up and sticking with the sport of rowing, the race in London, and hi…
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Kris Robertson is the strength and conditioning coach for Rugby Canada and owner of Kris Robertson Training. In this interview Kris and I discuss the pitfalls of chasing greater and greater levels of strength as it relates to sport performance. He shares how he trains his athletes and what program design elements he focuses on to gain improvements …
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On August 4th, 2020 a massive explosion erupted in the port of Beirut, Lebanon. The training center for the Lebanese Rowing Federation was completely destroyed from the blast. The facility was completely leveled and all rowing equipment is beyond repair. Farah Jaroudi and Rodrigue Ibrahim are rowers and coaches from the Lebanese Rowing Federation w…
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Kyra Edwards has raced for Great Britain at the junior, U23 and senior levels, and has won junior silver and U23 bronze World Championships medals. She has a degree in statistics from UCLA and is training for the 2021 Tokyo Olympic Games. In this interview, Kyra and I discuss the similarities and differences between the United States collegiate sys…
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Alex Wolf spent 15 years working for the English Institute of Sport where he held the positions of Head of Strength and Conditioning and more recently Head of Learning. He spent five years working with the GB Rowing team in preparation for the London 2012 and Rio 2016 Olympic games. We discuss Alex's new book Strength and Conditioning for Rowing as…
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In this podcast interview Dr. Bryan Mann discusses the history, science, and application of pliometrics. Pliometrics or more commonly known as plyometrics was developed by Dr. Yuri. Verkoshansky. This podcast explains how the name was quite literally, “lost in translation”. Dr. Mann will also discuss applications and some research studies around pl…
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In this podcast episode I sit down with Dr. Volker Nolte and Dr. Valery Kleshnev to discuss power measurement and biomechanics in the rowing stroke. In Episode 119, I had interviewed Lotte Lintmeijer who presented a new method for power measurement. Dr. Nolte and Dr. Kleshnev wanted to discuss the traditional method of power measurement and share w…
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In this interview I sit down with Dan Harris, World Class Start Coach for Bath. Dan works on behalf of British Rowing and is responsible for running talent ID testing regularly – to try to identify and recruit more athletes. In addition Dan is instrumental in training his athletes day to day and has been in this role since September 2011. One of th…
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Matt Fleekop is a Strength & Conditioning Coach for Princeton University. Matt holds a BS in Exercise Science and a Masters Degree in Applied Health Physiology. He has interned at Purdue University and EXOS and earned his masters degree while a GA at Salisbury University. Matt provides great insight into what goes into training multiple sports duri…
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In this interview I sit down with Kellie Wilkie and we discuss a research journal on rib stress injuries during the Rio Olympiad. Kellie has immense experience in the sport of rowing with massive contributions in both physiotherapy and research literature. Let me take a minute to tell you more about her background. Kellie graduated from the Univers…
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Subscribe & Review on : Apple Podcasts | Stitcher Giovanni Calabrese has a phenomenal background and story in rowing. He began competing as a lightweight - had great success at that weight class and transitioned to being a heavyweight. His career culminated in world championships in two different weight classes and an bronze medal at the Sydney Oly…
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Subscribe & Review on : Apple Podcasts | Stitcher Ed McNeely received his Masters Degree in Exercise Physiology from the University of Ottawa in 1994 and has been involved in the strength and conditioning industry for 30 years. He has been a consultant to twenty one Canadian national and professional sports teams and is currently the Strength and C…
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Subscribe & Review on : Apple Podcasts | Stitcher Theo Pickles is the High Performance Strength and Conditioning Coach for the Netherlands Rowing Team. You may recognize Theo as he was a guest on the podcast way back at the beginning, Episode 30 to be exact. In this interview, Theo and I catch up after our last interview which was four years ago! W…
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Subscribe & Review on : Apple Podcasts | Stitcher David Young is the strength and conditioning coach for Rowing Australia Women’s Team. David and I sit down to discuss athletic development and how to teach rowing athletes the fundamentals for strength and conditioning who may be brand new to the weight room! We also discuss how he and the Australia…
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Episode 122 | Ryan Turfrey - High Performance Individualization Subscribe & Review on : Apple Podcasts | Stitcher Ryan Turfrey is the Senior Strength Specialist at High Performance Sport New Zealand and the lead for Rowing New Zealand. In this interview Ryan and I discuss periodization across the calendar year. We also chat about how to individuali…
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Episode 121 | John Kiely: Periodization Paradigms and Stress Theory Subscribe & Review on : Apple Podcasts | Stitcher Periodization. Strength and conditioning coaches and sport coaches use it to help their athletes progress and adapt - to get stronger, faster, and more powerful. But, what if the foundation of periodization has roots from somewhere …
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Episode 120 | Erin MCConnell: Injury Rehabilitation in Masters Rowers Subscribe & Review on : Apple Podcasts | Stitcher Masters rowers you are in for a real treat. This interview is for you! I sit down with physical therapist, Erin McConnell to discuss in depth her work with the rowers she sees in the greater Boston area at Spaulding Outpatient Cen…
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Episode 119 | Lotte Lintemeijer: Power in Rowing Subscribe & Review on : Apple Podcasts | Stitcher In Episode #119 of the LEO Training Podcast, I interview researcher and data scientist Dr. Lotte Lintmeijer. This entire podcast interview is focused power measurement in a rowing shell and the historical measurement for power and Lotte's research reg…
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Episode 118 | Kate Bertko: From Heavyweight to Lightweight Subscribe & Review on : Apple Podcasts | Stitcher In Episode #118 of the LEO Training Podcast, the 5th and final interview of the lightweight rowing podcast series I interview Stanford Women's Lightweight Coach, Kate Bertko. In the previous episode we heard from Peter Antonie who went from …
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Episode 117 | Peter Antonie: From Lightweight to Heavyweight Subscribe & Review on : Apple Podcasts | Stitcher In Episode #117 of the LEO Training Podcast, I interview Thomas Keller Medal and Olympic Champion in the Men's Double Scull and Lightweight World Champion, Peter Antonie. First, I want to thank my friend Dan Garbutt for first telling me ab…
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In Episode #116 of the LEO Training Podcast, I interview world record holder and entrepreneur Juliane Rasmussen. The third interview in our lightweight series is with Juliane Rasmussen. Juliane has a long and storied career and has competed in four olympic games beginning in Athens and through to the Rio Olympic Games. She has earned multiple medal…
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In Episode #115 of the LEO Training Podcast, I interview my friend Mads Rasmussen, Olympic Champion in the LM2x. In this interview Mads will share the insights of his career in high performance sport all while going through medical school, getting married, and starting a family. If you are looking for insight into how to excel in both sport and lif…
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In Episode #114 of the LEO Training Podcast, I interview triple olympic gold medalist Eskild Ebbessen. Eskild Ebessen won three olympic gold medals, 2 bronze medals, 6x world champion, and 19 world cup gold medals. In 2013 he was awarded the Thomas Keller Medal by World Rowing and named to the Danish Sports Hall of Fame in January 2017. This interv…
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Episode 113: Lindsay Shoop - Mindset Makes Rhythm Subscribe & Review on : Apple Podcasts | Stitcher In Episode #113 of the LEO Training Podcast, I interview world champion and Olympic Gold Medallist Lindsay Shoop. I sit down with Lindsay Shoop. Lindsay has amassed nearly two decades of coaching and rowing experience through to the Olympic level. Sh…
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Episode 112| Annie Vernon: Mind Games Subscribe & Review on : Apple Podcasts | Stitcher In Episode #112 of the LEO Training Podcast, I interview world champion and Olympic Silver Medallist Annie Vernon. Annie is the author of the book, Mind Games: Determination, Doubt and Lucky Socks – the psychology of elite athletes . The book aims to show how el…
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Episode 111: Pat Rufo - DISC Assessment Subscribe & Review on : Apple Podcasts | Stitcher In Episode #111 of the LEO Training Podcast, I interview strength and conditioning and rowing coach, Pat Rufo. Pat’s company, RUFO OPTIMAL WORKOUTS® was established in 2011 to serve as an athletic consulting company for all types of athletes (especially rowers…
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The Four Year Olympian Episode 110 : Jeremiah Brown The Four Year Olympian Subscribe & Review on : Apple Podcasts | Stitcher In Episode #110 of the LEO Training Podcast, I interview Olympic Silver Medalist Jeremiah Brown In this podcast interview I sit down with 2012 Olympic Silver Medalist from the Canadian Men's 8+, Jeremiah Brown. Jeremiah was g…
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Phil White - Waterman 2.0 Subscribe & Review on : Apple Podcasts | Stitcher In Episode #109 of the LEO Training Podcast, I interview Phil White. Phil is an emmy-nominated writer and has co-authored the books UnPlugged, Waterman 2.0, and Game Changer with Fergus Connolly. He is also a frequent contributor to The Inertia and SUP the Mag. Waterman 2.0…
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Phil White - Unplugged Subscribe & Review on : Apple Podcasts | Stitcher In Episode #107 of the LEO Training Podcast, I interview Phil White. Phil is an emmy-nominated writer and has co-authored the books UnPlugged, Waterman 2.0, and Game Changer with Fergus Connolly. He is also a frequent contributor to The Inertia and SUP the Mag. Unplugged will …
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Get Connected Workshop | The 3 Pillars of Training Subscribe & Review on : Apple Podcasts | Stitcher In Episode #107 of the LEO Training Podcast, I interview Erin Cafaro Mackenzie and Kylie Tullipan. I've teamed up with these two amazing coaches to offer an upcoming workshop for youth rowers that will take place in El Segundo, CA July 20-21. Erin, …
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Liz Fusco - Rowing Nutrition Principles Subscribe & Review on : Apple Podcasts | Stitcher In Episode #106 of the LEO Training Podcast, I interview Liz Fusco MS, RDN, Sports Performance Dietician for USRowing and Wellness Editor for SCAN Nutrition DPG. Liz received her Bachelors in Dietetics with a minor in Kinesiology at the University of Rhode Isl…
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