Heroes never die — they just change platforms. Dan Hanzus and Marc Sessler are back with Heed The Call, a new NFL podcast that takes you around the league with depth, clarity… and just a touch of mirth. Dan, Marc and a collection of familiar friends cover every game and storyline, providing fans with an elite listening experience the Football Cognoscenti doesn’t want you to hear.
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Marc Maron welcomes comedians, actors, directors, writers, authors, musicians and folks from all walks of life to his home for amazingly revealing conversations. Marc's probing, comprehensive interview style allows guests to express themselves in ways listeners have never heard. Sign up here for WTF+ to get the full show archives and weekly bonus material! https://plus.acast.com/s/wtf-with-marc-maron-podcast. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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「想いの力があれば死してもまた会える」をメインテーマに物語をお届けする、個人運営の創作サークルです。 オリジナルのオーディオドラマを配信しています。 【公式サイト】https://marchen-march.com/ 【X(Twitter)】https://x.com/MarchenMarch
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Change ma vie, c'est LE podcast de coaching et de développement personnel. Clotilde Dusoulier, master coach certifiée, vous livre chaque semaine des outils précis et concrets pour comprendre les mécanismes de votre cerveau et de vos émotions, et construire exactement la vie à laquelle vous aspirez.
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Wissen und mehr rund um Mannheims Archiv, Haus der Stadtgeschichte und Erinnerung
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Ein Podcast über Geld, Investieren und Politik.
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Zdravotnícky podcast. Príbehy veselé, smutné, bizarné ako píše život. Filip s Dianou aka Sestry v akcii a ich hostia.
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Calade ma radio
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講歷史就是和你講 「人,時,地,因果」
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Warum wir reden wie ma schwätze. Der Mundart auf's Maul geschaut.
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Et si l'Afrique prenait son envol dans le contexte du monde multipolaire naissant? C’est à ce débat que L’Afrique en marche aimerait prendre part.
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Un programa diario para los profesionales y amantes de la mar.
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Dies ist der offizielle Podcast der AfD-Fraktion im Thüringer Landtag. Ein wöchentlicher Blick auf das politische Geschehen in und um Thüringen.
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Marc Germain’s general interest show about politics, pop culture and celebrity interviews
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Tecnología, curiosidades y el día a día desde Australia.
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Reflexiones en torno a la imagen, principalmente cinematográfica, con trap de fondo.
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Écoutez les expériences les plus effrayantes, énigmatiques et insolites vécues au cours d’une vie. Si vous pensiez avoir tout vécu, vous n'avez encore rien vu. Des histoires 100% vraies, confiées à notre micro ! Hébergé par Audion. Visitez https://www.audion.fm/fr/privacy-policy pour plus d’informations.
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Há muitas coisas que mexem com o seu bolso e nem todas são más. Todos os dias, um facto bom e um facto mau para as suas finanças.
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L'émission dédiée aux opérations financières qui animent les marchés : introduction en Bourse (IPO), OPA, augmentation de capital... Hébergé par Audion. Visitez https://www.audion.fm/fr/privacy-policy pour plus d’informations.
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« Le spécial du gérant » et « Mes trois pires erreurs ». Podcast où je reçoit des artistes et les gens de leurs équipes, pour parler de l'aspect « business » de leurs carrières, de médias et plus encore.
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Nokon må gå er ein podkast om politikk og kvardagsliv. Kommentatorane i Bergens Tidende tar for seg vekas mest engasjerande saker. Dei spør også kva dei eigentleg driv med på Austlandet.
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La chronique dans laquelle les parents se reconnaissent Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Dieser Podcast entführt Dich in eine Welt voller Zauber und Nostalgie, die an die geliebten Märchen Deiner Kindheit erinnert. Jede Episode ist eine sorgfältig ausgewählte Reise in die Vergangenheit, die nicht nur entspannt, sondern auch die Fantasie anregt. Lass Dich von der sanften Stimme des Erzählers in einen Zustand tiefer Entspannung und wohltuender Erinnerungen führen. Warnung: Märchen können Gewalt/Gefahr, sensible Inhalte enthalten. Möchtest Du den Podcast mit 0,99 € im Monat unterst ...
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Chaque semaine, La marche du monde vous propose de découvrir l’histoire de nos sociétés contemporaines. Sur les cinq continents, nous recherchons des témoignages, mais aussi des archives radiophoniques et musicales, pour revivre les évènements et les mouvements qui éclairent l’actualité. En Afrique, en Asie, en Amérique, en Europe et au Proche-Orient, rafraîchissons-nous la mémoire et partageons notre histoire ! *** Diffusions le samedi à 14h10 TU et le dimanche à 00h10 TU vers toutes cibles.
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A series of interviews and conversations with artists, creatives, interfaith voices and nerds
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Con Javi Nieves y Mar Amate, de lunes a viernes, de 06:00 a 11:00, y sábado, de 06:00 a 10:00
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Märchenwelten - Wunderschöne Märchen & Geschichten zum Einschlafen gelesen von Kati Winter
Kati Winter
Neue Märchen gibt es immer am Donnerstag und am Sonntag um 00.00 Uhr! ♥ Die schönsten Märchen und Geschichten für Jung und Alt. Mehr von Kati: https://linktr.ee/katiwinter
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A community of women committed to helping women.
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Chaque semaine sur euradio, retrouvez Marc Tempelman, le cofondateur de l’application d’épargne gratuite Cashbee, qui traite les sujets et les actualités de la finance en Europe. En savoir plus sur Cashbee : www.cashbee.fr
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The fastest growing college basketball podcast in the nation. We are ahead of the curve when it comes to both Blue Blood and Mid-Major knowledge. Follow us on Instagram @made_in_march_podcast for additional content.
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Marc My Words is a podcast about learning and self reflection while pushing ourselves to make the most of our time and lives. Entrepreneurs from around the world talk to Marc Schmidt about their career transitions, life journey, and how they maintain a successful business. Marc and his guests have fun and informational chats about discovering your passion as well as all of the different and sometimes unlikely ways entrepreneurs wind up trading the 9 to 5 life to be their own boss.
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Der Podcast mit den schönsten Märchen, Sagen und Legenden aus aller Welt. Für Kinder, Erwachsene und alle zwischendrin. Gelesen von Carolin Schmid.
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Communauté d'artistes et artisans·nes émergents·es qui échangent sur leur réalité et leur démarche artistique. 🖤🔥 Pour suivre le Marché Below : https://marchebelow.com/links
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The Marc Cox Morning Show is your home for no-nonsense conversation. Marc Cox is a political junkie and recovering journalist who has spent decades reporting on the biggest news of the day. Now he gets to talk about it.
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Jmore presents “Marc My Word,” a new podcast hosted by Marc Terrill, former CEO and President of the Associated Jewish Federation of Baltimore and a prominent voice and advocate for all things Baltimore. Listen to meaningful conversations with community, political, business and spiritual leaders from the Baltimore area and beyond.
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Jak pracować w sposób nowoczesny na miarę XXI wieku. Tworzony przez zespół Nozbe podcast, w którym dzielimy się doświadczeniami dotyczącymi wieloletniego prowadzenia firmy w 100% zdalnie, pracy z domu i komunikacji.
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Darrers podcast - Ràdio Canet de Mar
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Spiritual vitality following the Jesus way.
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Buenos programas para compartir, escuchar, aprender y participar. GDS Radio Mundial es la radio que nos Une. 24 horas de programas culturales e inteligentes, donde el principal protagonista sos vos. Bienvenidos al mundo de GDS RADIO desde Mar del Plata, Argentina , Planeta Tierra
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On this podcast I talk to industry leaders on matters related to your money, markets, and issues near and far from personal finance.
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Hahn March Indiana, founder and CEO of Signal Health Group, built a thriving home care organization inspired by her Vietnamese heritage and a vision of compassionate care for elderly individuals and veterans. Signal Health Group, recognized as one of the Best Franchises to Buy in 2023, reflects Hahn’s commitment to meaningful community impact, delivering personalized care across the U.S. with unwavering dedication.
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Each week “Just for Variety” columnist and Hollywood’s most recognizable red carpet correspondent Marc Malkin sits down with today’s biggest stars to talk film, television, pop culture and the latest news. Plus, go inside the pages of Variety as Marc highlights the issue’s most talked about stories.
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Apres plus de 7 ans d expatriation en Thailand, je partage avec vous les bonnes et mauvaises aventures, les choses a savoir en tant que tourist ou expat, ainsi que la découverte d'une culture, d'une langue, d'une gastronomie complètement différente de la France.
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Sonidos del Mar te transporta a la serenidad del océano con una colección de sonidos relajantes de olas, brisa marina y ambientes costeros. Perfecto para dormir, meditar, estudiar o simplemente desconectar del estrés diario. Sumérgete en la calma del mar y deja que su sonido natural te envuelva.
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In this episode, speaker and executive coach Susanne Goldstein shares her philosophy on leading authentically. Too often, women in positions of power have to bend over backwards to fit into the stereotypical “leader” mold – but it doesn’t have to be that way. Susanne will share tips for bringing femininity and strength together, for leaning back wh…
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La maternité : une fusion avec le monde animal
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6:12durée : 00:06:12 - Ma vie de parent - A la naissance de ses enfants, Gwénaëlle Boulet a s'est soudain sentie très proche de toutes les mamans animaux de la création. De maman lapin à maman éléphant en passant par maman panda pour la libido post-partum…بقلم France Inter
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Une émission dédiée à une thématique qui mérite toute notre attention : le cancer colorectal. Ce mois de mars est particulièrement important, car il marque le début de la campagne “Mars Bleu”, une initiative visant à sensibiliser la population sur cette maladie souvent méconnue. L’article Le Cancer Colorectal est apparu en premier sur Calade, Ma Ra…
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Spesial: Sylvi Listhaug om stilskiftet, Trump-støtte i eige parti og «Stem Frp». Høyr episoden hos Podme og i BT-appen.
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0:32– Dei som trur Frp er eit rasistisk parti, har misforstått, seier Frp-leiaren i eit sjeldant podkast-intervju. Høyr heile intervjuet i BT-appen og hos Podme.
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بقلم SR 3 Saarlandwelle
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Recibos verdes: mais tempo para declaração
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6:54Os trabalhadores que passam recibos verdes vão ter mais tempo para entregar a declaração trimestral de rendimentos à Segurança Social. Essa obrigação passa a poder ser feita até ao final do trimestre. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.بقلم Observador
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#55 Scanner un QR code pour payer en Thaïlande
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التشغيل لاحقا
1:24Et oui avec certaines banque comme revolute vous avez des possibilités très intéressante et sinon téléchargez l application Thaitag.
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距今四萬八千年前的舊石器時代,第一批歐洲智人開始出現,他們就是克羅馬努人。 公元前三千年左右希臘及愛琴海列島進入青銅器時代,其中的代表是邁諾斯文明。 他們充分利用其優越的地理位置和歐,亞,非三洲先進國家進行貿易往來並建立強大的艦隊。邁諾斯文明為甚麼消失仍然是一個謎。
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J'ai failli perdre mes jambes en soirée
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التشغيل لاحقا
3:31Après avoir pris des ballons au protoxyde d'azote, DJ Hamida a failli perdre ses jambes. Il nous raconte #mapireexpérience Hébergé par Audion. Visitez https://www.audion.fm/fr/privacy-policy pour plus d’informations.
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Comment aider les enfants avec leurs émotions ?
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التشغيل لاحقا
55:56🩵 Téléchargez gratuitement votre guide pratique : 👉 "Mom Rage : pourquoi on explose et comment réagir autrement" sur changemavie.com/momrage Si nous, adultes, ne savons pas toujours quoi faire de nos émotions, comment attendre d’un enfant qu’il sache gérer ce qu’il ressent seul ? Spoiler alert : il ne peut pas. Sans recul, sans pouvoir réel sur son…
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Folge 43: Ab durch die Brandmauer - Horchma heute mit Steffen Quasebarth, Mitglied des Thüringer Landtags vom Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht
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1:24:17بقلم AfD-Fraktion im Thüringer Landtag
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Sprawdzone sposoby na skuteczną pracę zdalną
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التشغيل لاحقا
55:54Praca zdalna może być źródłem kłopotów, wypalenia i izolacji… ale może być też super-produktywna – pod kilkoma warunkami. Jakimi? Dowiedz się, jak skutecznie zarządzać zadaniami, organizować czas i stworzyć odpowiednią przestrzeń do pracy. Poznaj też wskazówki zespołu Nozbe dotyczące pracy z domu. (00:00) - ✋🏼 Intro (01:50) - Ludzie uważają, że pra…
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Epidémia fentanylovej závislosti. Ako je možné, že sa opiáty používajú pri operáciách a nevzniká závislosť? Opiáty sú biologicky neskutočne silná látka, majú potenciál závislosti. Dokáže beh navodiť pocit, akoby bol človek na drogách? Aký je rozdiel medzi opiátom a opioidom? Zo 400 € vieš vyrobiť dávky za 100 000 dolárov. Syndróm zlomeného srdca, a…
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Els Companys primer del 26/3/2025
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التشغيل لاحقا
1:00:00En Pep Parra ens porta cada setmana de viatge pel mon de la música i els cantautors més destacats. podcast recorded with enacast.com
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Informatiu vespre del 26/3/2025
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التشغيل لاحقا
1:00:00Edició Vespre de l'informatiu amb Carlota Tanganelli. podcast recorded with enacast.com
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Full Show 3-26-25: St. Louis Showdown, Political Leaks, and the NIL Debate
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التشغيل لاحقا
2:05:03Marc & Kim break down the latest political battles, from St. Louis County Republicans blocking a resolution to honor Planned Parenthood to explosive leaks of classified info being weaponized in Washington. They also tackle the NIL controversy in college sports, questioning if it’s turning athletes into paid professionals. Plus, Todd Pyro joins for …
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Signal Leaks, Trump’s Executive Orders, and the Biden Family Scandal (Hour 4)
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التشغيل لاحقا
31:21Marc & Kim address several significant issues in the final hour of the Marc Cox Morning Show. The conversation begins with the ongoing controversy surrounding the Signal app, where Marc critiques political misuse and timing during a high-profile hearing. They also discuss President Trump's executive order on voting rights, focusing on the push for …
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Magazin comarcal del Maresme.Un programa produït per Ràdio Premià de Mar, Ràdio Canet, Ràdio Calella, Ràdio Santvi, Ràdio Palafolls i Ràdio Tordera, amb el suport de La Xarxa. podcast recorded with enacast.com
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Españoles en la mar - Gijón se convierte en la capital de la Economía Azul
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49:41En esta edición especial del programa, nos trasladamos hasta Gijón, donde se celebra el 64º Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería Naval e Industria Marítima. Hablamos con Diego Fernández Casado, presidente de la Asociación de Ingenieros Navales y Oceánicos de España, y con Álvaro Platero, presidente de Astilleros Gondán. Además, podremos contar con …
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Signal Scandal: James Robbins Breaks Down the National Security Leak Controversy
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6:13Marc & Kim talk with James Robbins, dean of academics at the Institute of World Politics, and former special assistant to the Secretary of Defense, about the recent Signal app controversy. Robbins, who has extensive experience in government security, explains how Signal is commonly used among high-level officials, including the CIA, for secure comm…
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Noticies en Xarxa del 26/3/2025
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1:00:00podcast recorded with enacast.com
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Signal Controversy, Legal Battles, and Healthcare Debates (Hour 3)
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التشغيل لاحقا
30:55In the third hour of the Marc Cox Morning Show, Marc & Kim kick off with lighthearted moments from the Retirement Advisory Group event, before diving into serious topics. The show tackles the controversy surrounding Signal, the weaponization of political issues, and the ongoing declassification of Operation Crossfire Hurricane, with Marc criticizin…
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Tota la informació de Canet de Mar amb Carlota Tanganelli. podcast recorded with enacast.com
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Todd Pyro Talks Fun, Family, and Sports Madness with a Side of Sarcasm
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التشغيل لاحقا
9:50Todd Pyro, host of Fox and Friends First, joins the show for a lively chat about everything from Governor Hot Wheels to college basketball's March Madness. He vents his frustration about not being invited to St. Louis for an event, while also revealing his love for the Tangled movie and how he feels about the simple strategy behind his bracket pick…
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Legal Privileges, Deportation Laws, and Digital Property with Jeremy Rosenthal
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التشغيل لاحقا
7:02In this segment, attorney Jeremy Rosenthal joins Marc to break down two important legal issues making waves today. First, they discuss the invocation of national security privilege by the executive branch in deportation cases, specifically focusing on how the President’s authority to deport criminal illegal aliens is being challenged in court. Jere…
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Democrats' Lack of Vision, Governor Abbott Mocked, and Yoko Ono's New Story (Hour 2)
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التشغيل لاحقا
31:31In the second hour of the Marc Cox Morning Show, Marc & Kim tackle the latest headlines, starting with a look at the Democrats’ lack of vision and their constant focus on divisiveness. They discuss Rep. Jasmine Crockett’s disgraceful mockery of Governor Greg Abbott, a wheelchair-bound public figure. The debate heats up as Marc highlights a fiery Se…
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In Other News with Ethan: Yoko Ono’s New Biography, Buy Now Pay Later for Food, and Blizzard Treats
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التشغيل لاحقا
5:09In this episode of In Other News with Ethan, we dive into a surprising new biography by David Sheff, Yoko, which challenges the long-held belief that Yoko Ono was the cause of the Beatles' breakup. Ethan discusses how Yoko's support might have actually helped the band during their final years, as seen in the Get Back documentary. Then, they turn to…
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Un espai per reflexionar sobre el món on vivim, de l’àmbit local al global des del prisma dels valors podcast recorded with enacast.com
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Nicolee Ambrose on Judicial Overreach and the Trump Team's Success
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التشغيل لاحقا
6:04Marc & Kim are joined by Nichole Ambrose, former national chair of the Young Republicans, for an in-depth conversation on the current political landscape. They discuss the latest antics from the Democrats, especially their frustration with the Trump team’s progress and growing approval ratings. Ambrose highlights the tension between the executive a…
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St. Louis Politics, Leaks in Washington, Family Dynamics, and NIL Controversies (Hour 1)
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التشغيل لاحقا
31:15Marc & Kim bring you a jam-packed 1st hour! They kick things off by discussing the heated political drama in St. Louis County, where Republican council members blocked a resolution to honor Planned Parenthood, sparking fierce abortion debates. Marc also breaks down the tensions in Washington, with a focus on recent Senate hearings and the political…
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Carles Lucas ens porta un pograma on posa música a les notícies més curioses , repassa efemèrides i sorteja diferents premis. podcast recorded with enacast.com
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Marc and Kim talk about the exciting journey of growing their families as Kim shares her experience of expecting a second child, and how she’s been feeling the baby’s kicks earlier than expected. They dive into the emotions of loving multiple children and discuss the common concerns about sibling jealousy when introducing a new baby into the family…
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Els oficis del llibre del 26/3/2025
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1:00:00Un programa per explicar quantes mans, quantes veus i quanta gent és necessària per tenir a casa els llibres de companys. Un espai on parlem distesament de l'ofici de cadascú: escriptor, editor, il·lustrador, traductor, impressor... Una estona per promoure el plaer de llegir a les biblioteques i un moment per recomanar lectures per a tothom, grans …
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En cadena 100. Buenos días Javi Mar. Con 45 minutos de música sin interrupción. ...
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47:30Escucha aquí el programa de Javi y Mar: grandes meteduras de pata en el WhatsApp, lo que te encontraste por la calle, anécdotas haciendo obras... ¡y mucho más!
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¿Qué sabes de Egipto? | Los niños y Jimeno
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التشغيل لاحقا
2:30Los niños y Jimeno sobre Egipto: "Andaban de lado porque no cabían por las puertas"
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Todos los seguros que tienen en Línea Directa también tienen seguro de hogar, para que vivas bien tranquilo. Así que si estás pensando en contratar algún seguro, pásate antes por LíneaDirecta.com o llama al 917-700-700. Cámbiate y te mejoran el precio de tus seguros directamente. Línea Directa, el valor de ser directo. Bueno, son las 9 de la mañana…
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CRASH - Alles verkaufen oder Entwarnung? (Aktien, Bitcoin)
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التشغيل لاحقا
20:41Trump ist zurück – und mit ihm die Turbulenzen an den Märkten! In wenigen Tagen stürzen S&P 500, Nasdaq 100 und Bitcoin dramatisch ab. Doch steckt hinter diesem Crash mehr als nur Panik? Ich erkläre, warum Trumps Strategie die Märkte beeinflusst, was die Zölle damit zu tun haben und wie ich mich jetzt positioniere. Zudem werfen wir einen Blick auf …
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Javi, ¿no te has enterado de que en Jastel tienen luz y gas y que además, si ya eres cliente, tienes un descuento de 9 euros al mes en tu factura de teléfono? Pues como lo oyes ahora, gracias a Jastel, también puedes contratar la luz y el gas a un precio fijo y sin permanencia. Ya estás tardando en llamar al 1510 porque lo bueno, no es caro, tambié…
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Saps com sona el matí a Ràdio Canet?Sona a actualitat, a notícies, a entrevistes, a cultura…T’expliquem què passa a la vila i ho fem sense embuts, sense filtres, simplement… TAL COM SONA.Escolta’l cada dia de 9 a 11 del matí.Amb Lou Pla i Raul Garreta podcast recorded with enacast.com
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Un descubrimiento increíble ha inspirado a Fernando Martín: "Tú ibas a ver las pirámides y eso por debajo... ¡era una estafa piramidal!"
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Relájate con el Océano y su Sinfonía Natural
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2:05:12Disfruta del sonido del mar rompiendo suavemente contra las rocas y siente su efecto relajante. Una escapada perfecta sin salir de casa. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoicesبقلم Sonidos del Mar / SonidosdelMar.com
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Digo, San Sebastián, que no han sido elegidas como sede, pues quieren saber cómo se ha hecho todo. Bueno, que tienes que hacer acopio de comida, de pilas, de agua. No lo digo yo, lo dice Bruselas, que ya nos ha recomendado a todos los europeos tener un kit de supervivencia en casa para 72 horas. Un kit que hoy nos van a explicar con más detalle, pe…
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Why Hahn March is a Leader in Specialized Care for Seniors and Veterans
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5:02Hahn March goes beyond traditional care, offering compassionate support for seniors, veterans, and individuals with disabilities.بقلم Hahn March
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Okay, so you're a rocket scientist. Good morning. Today is Wednesday, March 26th. It's 6 a.m. Good morning and welcome to Cadenación. Good morning, Javi and Mar. Good morning, Maramater. Good morning, Javi Nieves. Cadenación. Well, we start this Wednesday with the information you tell us. José Real, good morning. Hi, Javi, hi, Mar. How are you? Goo…
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The one with political conversion. With Lance Lacour SUPPORT US ON AMAZON – CLICK HEREبقلم marc
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C'est la vie, presentat per Nieves Martínez i Susanna Solans, un programa cultural i cooperativista, que fomenta la creativitat de les persones. Lliure d'edatisme, masclisme, racisme i classisme. Forma part d'aquest viatge tots els dimarts de 20 a 21h. podcast recorded with enacast.com
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Informatiu vespre del 25/3/2025
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التشغيل لاحقا
1:00:00Edició Vespre de l'informatiu amb Carlota Tanganelli. podcast recorded with enacast.com
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Revista d’actualitat jazzística que pretén donar veu als diferents agents del sector com músics, directors de festivals i associacions, fotògrafs, crítics musicals, responsables discogràfics i de clubs de jazz, amb l’objectiu de difondre el jazz a un públic divers. podcast recorded with enacast.com
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