Podcast by Eros雅.塔羅
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Eros + Massacre is a cinema podcast hosted by Samm Deighan, focusing on everything from cult and psychotronic to weird arthouse, East Asian movies, and the less frequently explored avenues of film history.
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Beszélgetések arról, hogy mi kik vagyunk, hogy működünk együtt, a kapcsolatunkról, a mindennapokról, különböző eseményekről, amit megélünk
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This is a podcast about how to live the life you want while on your journey to building a business. Learn the Elite Results Operating System... and fall in love with the game. Running a digital marketing agency or local business can be incredibly stressful and can tear you apart with the highs and lows of how to bring purpose and focus into your life so that you can grow your agency without feeling less than human. Looking for coaching on your agency or local business? Check out the Elite Re ...
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Sorry Mr.Bruns
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Following my Artist journey. Creating, marketing and selling art around the world with the new tools of today and tomorrow.
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Welcome to Eros and The Eschaton, where we will unravel the strange interconnectedness of the universe within our podcast.. from synchronicities, meaning of life, and the eventuality of life & death, etc..
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Il 14 maggio 1983 fanatici neonazisti diedero fuoco al cinema a luci rosse di Milano “Eros Sexy Center” uccidendo 6 uomini. Nessuno lo ricorda più... Dove oggi c’è una chiesa evangelica, il 14 maggio 1983, sei uomini morirono in un incendio nel cinema Eros, una sala a luci rosse in viale Monza, a Milano. Non fu un incidente: l’incendio venne appiccato da fanatici neonazisti che volevano purificare il mondo. Per la prima volta l’attentato viene ricostruito attraverso le carte dell’epoca e le ...
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In this podiobook: Canyon Park is bowed down under a relentless torrent of rain. The fields are flooded, the bridges crumble and the increasingly isolated town is host to a serial killer with a grudge against the wealthy Lollo family. Slipping between a small cast of characters; the killer, the tortured policeman hiding a dark secret, the returning son, the inquisitive librarian, the boy caught between cultures.... each of these marred, struggling humans a part of the threadbare fabric of th ...
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The Hard Truth About Scaling Your Marketing Agency | Overcoming Self-Deception & Leadership Gaps
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20:36Growing a successful digital marketing agency isn’t just about tactics—it’s about truth. In this episode of the EROS Podcast, Kraig Bond uncovers the hidden roadblocks agency owners face, from self-deception and imposter syndrome to lack of accountability and leadership struggles. If you’re stuck in a cycle of slow growth, difficult client relation…
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Eros + Massacre Episode 15: Ghost Stories for Christmas with Will Dodson, Part 2
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1:36:30We are still in the no man’s land between Christmas and New Year’s Day, so hopefully this second part of my two-part episode on the BBC’s original Ghost Stories for Christmas series with Will Dodson will get you through. As a reminder, in part one we discussed six M.R. James adaptations, mostly from the original series. Part two takes us through th…
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Eros + Massacre Episode 14: Ghost Stories for Christmas with Will Dodson, Part 1
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1:54:04My sweet Yuletide angels, here is the other two-part episode I’m shoehorning into this December. I’ll have the second part up later this week (though it will be on my Patreon earlier) so you all have something to listen to when you’re driving to and fro family holiday events this week. I have been absolutely dying to do an episode on the BBC’s orig…
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Eros + Massacre Episode 13: Teruo Ishii’s Joys of Torture with Chris Haskell, part 2
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1:05:49Here is part two of this journey through Teruo Ishii’s Joys of Torture with Chris Haskell (from the They Live By Film and Punk Vacation podcasts). Part one covered Tokugawa: Women’s Genealogy (1968), Shogun’s Joy of Torture (1968), and Orgies of Edo (1969), and in this episode we packed in Shameless: Abnormal and Abusive Love (1969), Inferno of Tor…
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Eros + Massacre Episode 12: Teruo Ishii’s Joys of Torture with Chris Haskell, part 1
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1:21:13After a much needed break, I’m back! I have been DYING to do a few podcast episodes on underrated Japanese master Teruo Ishii and Chris Haskell (from the They Live By Film and Punk Vacation podcasts) was kind enough to agree to my insane demand that we cover all the films in Ishii’s Joys of Torture series. Ishii directed seven films in 1968 and 196…
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Eros + Massacre Episode 11: The Labyrinth of Robbe-Grillet with Christopher Norris
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1:58:12For the latest Eros + Massacre episode, designer, writer, musician, and jack of all trades Christopher Norris joined me to talk about one of our mutual favorites, Alain Robbe-Grillet, a giant of modern French literature, a genius filmmaker, and an unabashed pervert. We focused on three of his classic films, each from a different decade: Trans-Europ…
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Eros + Massacre Episode 10: The Battle of Algiers with Andrew Nette
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1:41:28Andrew Nette, my co-editor on Revolution in 35mm, joined me for this rather intense episode about Gillo Pontecorvo’s The Battle of Algiers (1966). We talk a lot about the film’s powerful impact, the Algerian struggle for independence from French colonial occupation, the cost and effectiveness of violence, Pontecorvo’s time in the Italian resistance…
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Eros + Massacre Episode 9: Giallo Fever with Clyde Folley
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1:18:53Starting this September, the Criterion Channel is running a series on giallo films. It includes thirteen films from The Girl Who Knew Too Much (1963) through Tenebrae (1982), covering a lot of the greatest hits of the genre with a few added bonus in the mix as well. Criterion video editor, Channel programmer, and all around lovely person Clyde Foll…
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Eros + Massacre Episode 8: Donald Sutherland is Tapping Your Phone with Robert Skvarla
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2:02:59It broke my heart that the absolutely wonderful Donald Sutherland died this summer, even though he lived a long, extremely full life, so I knew I needed to do an episode on some aspect of his sprawling career. Robert Skvarla was kind enough to join me to talk about some of Sutherland’s thriller films from the 1970s and ’80s. We focused primarily on…
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Eros + Massacre Episode 7: An Interview With Maestro Fabio Frizzi
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1:19:46Over the years I’ve talked a lot about how Fulci’s City of the Living Dead (1980) changed my life as a young teenager and so it goes without saying that Fabio Frizzi’s music has also had a huge impact on me. This September, he’s taking a Zombie live score on an American tour and he was kind enough to speak with me ahead of that. We talk about his p…
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Eros + Massacre Episode 6: Beach Party Bonanza with Keith Allison
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2:24:15I have been wanting to do an episode on American International Pictures’ beach party series with Frankie Avalon and Annette Funicello FOR YEARS. I absolutely love these films and I’m so grateful to my pal Keith Allison, a film and pop culture writer, for going on this long and very sandy journey with me. We talk about what I consider the main films…
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Eros + Massacre Episode 5: A Mario Bava Birthday Special with Bill Ackerman
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2:07:22Happy belated birthday to Mario Bava, who was born on July 31 (much like me).… The post Eros + Massacre Episode 5: A Mario Bava Birthday Special with Bill Ackerman appeared first on Cinepunx.بقلم Samm Deighan
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Eros + Massacre Preview: July Movie Diary Bonus Episode
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4:36Learn more about what wild and obscure movies I’m watching by following me on Patreon… The post Eros + Massacre Preview: July Movie Diary Bonus Episode appeared first on Cinepunx.بقلم Samm Deighan
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Eros + Massacre Episode 4: Third Window Films with Adam Torel
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1:22:19For this episode, I was joined by Adam Torel, the owner of Third Window Films,… The post Eros + Massacre Episode 4: Third Window Films with Adam Torel appeared first on Cinepunx.بقلم Samm Deighan
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This Fourth of July, I wanted to celebrate a real American hero and who better… The post Eros + Massacre Episode 3: American Hero, Sexual Anarchist with Klon Waldrip appeared first on Cinepunx.بقلم Samm Deighan
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Episode two is all about one of my favorite experimental Japanese New Wave films and… The post Eros + Massacre Episode 2: Funeral Parade of Roses with Celeste de la Cabra appeared first on Cinepunx.بقلم Samm Deighan
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It’s heeeere! I’m Samm Deighan and I’m beyond excited to launch the first episode of… The post Eros + Massacre Episode 1: The Last Italian Surrealist with Chris Haskell appeared first on Cinepunx.بقلم Samm Deighan
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Check out this short preview of Samm Deighan’s new podcast EROS + MASSACRE! Thanks! The post Eros + Massacre Coming Soon! appeared first on Cinepunx.بقلم Samm Deighan
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Secrets To Scaling Your SMMA or Digital Marketing Agency Past 20k/ Month : 1 Man Couch Movers
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28:10Summary: Most digital marketing agencies that struggle to scale are running their operations like a one-man couch moving crew. To scale successfully, agencies need to prioritize leadership, systems and processes, teaming culture, and sales and marketing. Building a strong team culture is crucial, as it motivates employees and reduces churn. Hiring …
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The Problem: The Anti-Guru Approach to Digital Marketing.
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18:39Summary: In this episode, Kraig Bond discusses the problems in the digital marketing industry and introduces himself as the 'anti-guru'. He highlights the issues with digital marketing agencies that fail to deliver results and blames the gurus for perpetuating unrealistic offers and tactics. He emphasizes the importance of building a thriving agenc…
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An Introduction to the EROS Conversation - Episode #1
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12:51The EROS podcast is dedicated to helping entrepreneurs navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship while maintaining a balance in their personal lives. The host, Craig Bond, shares his experiences and provides guidance to those who are struggling. He discusses topics such as addiction, relationship problems, and the chaotic relationship between dig…
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Viale Monza oggi, tra migranti, chiese evangeliche, la gentrification che avanza dalla vicina Nolo. Restano domande irrisolte su questa setta di “maghetti” che potrebbe aver generato Ludwig. La vedova di una delle vittime per la prima volta fa sentire la propria voce e manda una lettera per sollecitare una volta per tutte una risposta, una giustizi…
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Due ragazzi veronesi vengono arrestati mentre tentano di dar fuoco a una discoteca nel Mantovano: si scopre che sono stati loro a scrivere la rivendicazione dell’Eros e di altri delitti firmati Ludwig, vengono condannati. Ma molti elementi - primo tra tutti un testimone intervistato nel podcast - oggi indicano che non sarebbero stati soli, bensì av…
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Sei uomini risultano gravemente ustionati e muoiono lentamente in ospedale, mentre gli investigatori trovano tra i resti dell’Eros tracce di benzina. Il 27 maggio spira l’ultimo dei feriti, il sesto, e all’Ansa di Milano arriva la rivendicazione del gruppo neonazista Ludwigبقلم Corriere della Sera
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Milano, la cappa degli anni Settanta lentamente va dissolvendosi, la città cerca nuove forme di evasione, le sale di terza visione sopravvivono grazie al porno. Un sabato di maggio il fuoco distrugge il Cinema Eros di viale Monza. Ma, attenzione, non è un incidenteبقلم Corriere della Sera
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Dove oggi c’è una chiesa evangelica, il 14 maggio 1983, sei uomini morirono in un incendio nel cinema Eros, una sala a luci rosse in viale Monza, a Milano. Non fu un incidente: l’incendio venne appiccato da fanatici neonazisti che volevano purificare il mondo. Per la prima volta l’attentato viene ricostruito attraverso le carte dell’epoca e le voci…
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*I apologize for the mp3 quality. This episode gives reasoning as to why platypuses are the worst pets, tune in to my podcast to hear more related content. Coming soon "Why Cats Are Dogwater"...
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The daily struggle to makes it in a saturated digital univers
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1:03Keep swimming
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Kapcsolatunk története - avagy munkatársból házastársak
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45:13Beszélgettünk egy kicsit arról, hogyan ismertük meg egymást, és onnan hogyan jutottunk el addig, hogy összeházasodtunk. Néhány szót az esküvőnkről és annak szervezéséről is ejtettünk
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Készítettünk egy próba felvételt, ami egyben egy induló podcast is. Röviden arról beszélünk, hogy miért indultunk el :)
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In The Beginning: Part 1 we talk about the meaning of life, religion, and why is all of this important..
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The Forces Causing Weathering, Erosion, and Deposition
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5:34Sorry we didn't edit our mistakes Mr.Bruns ): !
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Let the journey begin
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與曾執導菠蘿電影節開幕影片The Eve的Artist #Nicola Fan 一起玩塔羅, 分享大家對女性權利的意見,究竟相片中四張塔羅牌如何揭示她的事業發展方向呢?精彩內容包括 :藝術與治療由MTV 短片到關注女性電影如何突破電影的題材框框女性主義電影介紹為世界各地弱勢社羣發聲為什麼壞事多於好事بقلم Eros雅.塔羅
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第八集 : 塔羅與前世今生 (一) by Eros雅.塔羅بقلم Eros雅.塔羅
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-In this episode: The final confrontation as the heroes travel to Gary's farm.
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-In this episode: Gary runs home and leaves behind his last vestige of sanity and redemption.
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-In this episode: Grandfather takes Marc and Francine to the reservation for a strange encounter with Oneida mythology.
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-In this episode: Marc and Francine learn the dark secret about Marc's grandfather and begin putting together the pieces of the puzzle.
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-In this episode: Carlton confronts Gary.
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-In this episode: Gary Connors runs away while the voices argue on about how to proceed.
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-In this episode: In this chapter, Marc Lollo finds himself in a precarious predicament while pitching in to help Jerry and Carlton with the local residents.
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-In this episode: Carl comes home to find his wife and her prayer group. They pray about the rain and then Carl and Joyce talk, ending the first day in Canyon Park. It's all downhill from here...
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-In this episode: Gary has a dream about Oprah.
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-In this episode: In this chapter, Francine and Marc talk intimately in the library.
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-In this episode: In this chapter, Carlton runs into John, the Oneida youth, in his police station. Upon questioning John, Carlton gets the idea that things may not be all that they seem. Jerry pops into the office acting his usual obnoxious self when suddenly officer
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-In this episode: Marc gets into a little car trouble but luckily he runs into his old flame from high school, Francine Miller.
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-In this episode: John, a young Oneida man caught between cultures, comes into contact with the worst of Canyon Park. At home on the reservation, his grandfather, a member of the ruling council of his clan, tells him that they must bridge the distance between Whites a
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-In this episode: Ralph, the local mortician finds out some interesting news about the killer and he implores his friend Detective Carlton to dig back into his past to link the serial killings to a dark event from when Carlton first came onto the police force thirty y
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-In this episode: Marc Lollo comes to town for the reading of his Aunt's will. He finds that his Aunt's death was not as natural as he was told and that his home town is not the same as it used to be.
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