Finding Space to Operate — with Adam Schaffner, MD, FACS (Ep. 277)
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Hello, and welcome to "Beauty and the Biz," where we’ll discuss finding a space to operate. Additionally, we’ll discuss the general business and marketing side of plastic surgery.
As always, I’m your host, Catherine Maley, author of "Your Aesthetic Practice – What Your Patients Are Saying." Furthermore, I’m also a consultant to plastic surgeons, helping them get more patients and more profits.
Presenting today’s episode titled, “Finding Space to Operate — with Adam Schaffner, MD, FACS.”Obviously, plastic surgeons oftentimes scramble to find a place to operate.
Furthermore, hospital schedules are filled with higher-priority cases, leaving cosmetic surgeons competing for operating room time at other hospitals or outpatient surgery centers.
As a result, their staff can spend countless hours searching for reliable and available surgery facilities, adding unnecessary stress and delays. Additionally, surgeons are then forced to work in unfamiliar settings with operating room staff they don’t know, and valuable time is lost commuting between locations.
On top of that, now the patient is inconvenienced because they have to adapt to the practice’s logistical limitations rather than have a smooth, patient-focused experience. Certainly, this disruption can affect the surgeon’s reputation and reviews and create a strained patient-surgeon relationship.
Specifically, this week’s "Beauty and the Biz" podcast guest solved this problem for many surgeons in the upper east side of NYC.
Dr. Adam Schafner is a board certified facial and plastic surgeon and founder of The Plastic Surgery Institute in NYC. To be sure, he's built a state-of-the-art surgical facility that operates on a rental model for 15+ independent surgeons to use.
Notably, he enjoys high demand for his center because he focuses on high standards of patient care, employee well-being, and operational efficiency.
In short: Very interesting….
Visit Dr. Schaffner's websiteEnjoy!
Catherine Maley, MBA
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Catherine Maley, MBA:
Everybody that’s going to wrap it up for us today on Beauty and the Biz.
If you have any questions or feedback for me, you can go ahead and leave them at my website at, or you can certainly DM me on Instagram @CatherineMaleyMBA.
If you’ve enjoyed this episode on Beauty and the Biz, please head over to Apple Podcasts and give me a review and subscribe to Beauty and the Biz so, you don’t miss any episodes. And of course, please share this with your staff and colleagues.
And we will talk to you again soon. Take care.
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