The TechSurge: Deep Tech VC Podcast explores the frontiers of emerging tech, venture capital, and business. For entrepreneurs, investors, tech professionals, or anyone interested in where technology is headed next. Presented by Celesta Capital, and hosted by Founding Partners Nic Brathwaite, Michael Marks, and Sriram Viswanathan. Email feedback and show ideas to Join us as we examine the next major tech cycle, uncover emerging global tech hubs, and analyze where VC investment dollars are headed. Tune in to hear directly from Silicon Valley leaders, daring new founders, and visionary thinkers. Past guests on the podcast and TechSurge Live summits include Kara Swisher, Vinod Khosla, former PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi, Micron CEO Sanjay Mehrotra, and others. Each discussion delves into the intersection of technology advancement, market dynamics, and the founder journey, offering insights into the vast opportunities and complex challenges ahead. Episode topics include AI, data center transformation, blockchain, cyber security, healthcare innovation, VC investment trends, tips for first-time founders, and more. New episodes release every two weeks. Visit for more details and to sign up for our newsletter and other content!
Okay people you know what time it is, get your favorite snacks, sit back, let’s unpack it, streaming now on the Sound of Black and Brown, for "Who is in the field”. It’s interesting that we all just survived what was deemed to be a global health pandemic, yet while we all got a quick glance at what solitary confinement and incarcerated life looks like, have we acknowledged the affiliated PTSD? Tune in and hear more your solidarity is greatly appreciated✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿 #fyp #BlackStories #BrownStories #FacingRacism #BlatantRacism #NormalizedRacism #StopRacism #AmeriKKKa #BlackNationalism#PanAfricanism #PoorPeopleFedUp #Slavery #BlackandBrownUnitedinAction #blackmentalwellness #brownmentalwellness #stopbullying #PeerSupport #PTSD #MassIncarceration #Retail #StressTriggers #HarmReduction #StopAdultBullying #Suicide #SuicideSurvival #Capitalism #EveryDayIsJuneteenth #StopDestroyingBlackWomen #UnlearnToxicBehavior #CollaborativeCapitalism #blackhistory365 #BlackLives #OutsideIsAmeriKKKa #AmeriKKKa
Okay people you know what time it is, get your favorite snacks, sit back, let’s unpack it, streaming now on the Sound of Black and Brown, for "Who is in the field”. It’s interesting that we all just survived what was deemed to be a global health pandemic, yet while we all got a quick glance at what solitary confinement and incarcerated life looks like, have we acknowledged the affiliated PTSD? Tune in and hear more your solidarity is greatly appreciated✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿 #fyp #BlackStories #BrownStories #FacingRacism #BlatantRacism #NormalizedRacism #StopRacism #AmeriKKKa #BlackNationalism#PanAfricanism #PoorPeopleFedUp #Slavery #BlackandBrownUnitedinAction #blackmentalwellness #brownmentalwellness #stopbullying #PeerSupport #PTSD #MassIncarceration #Retail #StressTriggers #HarmReduction #StopAdultBullying #Suicide #SuicideSurvival #Capitalism #EveryDayIsJuneteenth #StopDestroyingBlackWomen #UnlearnToxicBehavior #CollaborativeCapitalism #blackhistory365 #BlackLives #OutsideIsAmeriKKKa #AmeriKKKa
What's happening people? You know what time it is, sit back and relax while Manny Camacho shares thoughts on recent elections here in New Haven and Hamden Connecticut; clutch your pearls all eyes on the DTC, what does that mean for us?
Okay family you know what time it is grab your favorite snack sit back let's unpack it “AmeriKKKa Killed Sonya Massey” #peerrespite #representationmatters #blackproviders #harmreductionsaveslives #harmreduction #blackhistory #antibullying #notonemore #healthcareaccess #selfcare #peersupport #recovery #modernslavery #herstory #capitalism #facism #panafricanism #bbua #juneteentheveryday #blackmentalwellness #afromarxism…
Not sure about everyone else but it’s a hell of a thing when an outrightly racist individual can not only deter being incarcerated but has the power and privilege to reference ‘black jobs being taken away’? Say what? You may have seen the swarm of social media posts referencing what a Black job can be, or is, but what is that really saying about this country? Tune in,to this episode of the Sound of Black and Brown “What’s a Black Job?” let's unpack it. Your solidarity is greatly appreciated! #fyp #BlackStories #BrownStories #FacingRacism #BlatantRacism #NormalizedRacism #StopRacism #AmeriKKKa #BlackNationalism#PanAfricanism #PoorPeopleFedUp #SupportBlackProviders #BlackandBrownUnitedinAction #blackmentalwellness #brownmentalwellness #peersupport #blackpower #PeerSupport #HarmReduction #StopAdultBullying #Suicide #SuicideSurvival #SexualAssaultSurvival #StopDestroyingBlackPeople #UnlearnToxicBehavior #CollaborativeCapitalism #blackhistory365 #BlackLives #OutsideIsAmeriKKKa #AmeriKKKa…
Seems like it's unfathomable for there to be any mental wellness impact after COVID, which required us to be shut in sort of like being imprisoned. Somehow after all that, we seem to think there would be no impact on our mental wellness, thing is, Black people are used to being stressed out. Although we have had and have black providers who have made moves to normalize Black mental wellness we still have a lot of work to do. Tune in, let's unpack it your solidarity is greatly appreciated! #fyp #BlackStories #BrownStories #FacingRacism #BlatantRacism #NormalizedRacism #StopRacism #AmeriKKKa #BlackNationalism#PanAfricanism #PoorPeopleFedUp #SupportBlackProviders #BlackandBrownUnitedinAction #blackmentalwellness #brownmentalwellness #peersupport #blackpower #PeerSupport #HarmReduction #StopAdultBullying #Suicide #SuicideSurvival #SexualAssaultSurvival #StopDestroyingBlackPeople #UnlearnToxicBehavior #CollaborativeCapitalism #blackhistory365 #BlackLives #OutsideIsAmeriKKKa #AmeriKKKa…
In case you missed it, the world just got a glance of Wendy Willams’ struggles with substances and mental wellness; all documented by Liftetime TV. ‘Interestingly’ in comparison to Brittany Spears, Wendy’s case is not receiving the same level of understanding or empathy. And for those who watched the show, note the absence of Black clinical staff or psychiatrists or conversation of such. We are going to unpack that and much more, because right now, more than ever, we must normalize mental wellness and supports in Black communities. Tune in to hear more your solidarity is greatly appreciated✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿 #fyp #BlackStories #BrownStories #FacingRacism #BlatantRacism #NormalizedRacism #StopRacism #AmeriKKKa #BlackNationalism#PanAfricanism #PoorPeopleFedUp #Slavery #BlackandBrownUnitedinAction #blackmentalwellness #brownmentalwellness #stopbullying #PeerSupport #PTSD #Retail #StressTriggers #HarmReduction #StopAdultBullying #Suicide #SuicideSurvival #Capitalism #EveryDayIsJuneteenth #StopDestroyingBlackWomen #UnlearnToxicBehavior #CollaborativeCapitalism #blackhistory365 #BlackLives #OutsideIsAmeriKKKa #AmeriKKKa…
Okay people you know what time it is, get your favorite snacks, sit back, let’s unpack it, streaming now on the Sound of Black and Brown, for "Who is in the field”. It’s interesting that we all just survived what was deemed to be a global health pandemic, yet while we all got a quick glance at what solitary confinement and incarcerated life looks like, have we acknowledged the affiliated PTSD? Tune in and hear more your solidarity is greatly appreciated✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿 #fyp #BlackStories #BrownStories #FacingRacism #BlatantRacism #NormalizedRacism #StopRacism #AmeriKKKa #BlackNationalism#PanAfricanism #PoorPeopleFedUp #Slavery #BlackandBrownUnitedinAction #blackmentalwellness #brownmentalwellness #stopbullying #PeerSupport #PTSD #MassIncarceration #Retail #StressTriggers #HarmReduction #StopAdultBullying #Suicide #SuicideSurvival #Capitalism #EveryDayIsJuneteenth #StopDestroyingBlackWomen #UnlearnToxicBehavior #CollaborativeCapitalism #blackhistory365 #BlackLives #OutsideIsAmeriKKKa #AmeriKKKa…
Okay people you know what time it is, get your favorite snacks folks, sit back, let’s unpack it, streaming now on the Sound of Black and Brown, for "Society only Tolerates one Change at a Time” joining the conversation tonight is our sister in the struggle, Nightingale as she share more of what it has been like being Huey Newton’s niece in a predominantly white town. Hear her story and why peer support is in the Black and Brown bloodline.…
get your favorite snacks folks, sit back, let’s unpack it, streaming now on the Sound of Black and Brown, for "A Thief Never Becomes An Owner”. Slavery never ended folx, it just got revised and you may or may not be surprised to know that some amongst you want what you got, literally. Fact is, are we really liberated or are we ‘free’, comfortably mentally enslaved? What have we done to liberate ourselves and why are we so convinced that the white way is the only way? Tune in and hear more your solidarity is greatly appreciated✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿 #fyp #BlackStories #BrownStories #FacingRacism #BlatantRacism #NormalizedRacism #StopRacism #AmeriKKKa #BlackNationalism#PanAfricanism #PoorPeopleFedUp #BlackandBrownUnitedinAction #blackmentalwellness #brownmentalwellness #stopbullying #peersupport #HarmReduction #StopAdultBullying #Suicide #SuicideSurvival #Capitalism #EveryDayIsJuneteenth #StopDestroyingBlackWomen #UnlearnToxicBehavior #CollaborativeCapitalism #blackhistory365 #BlackLives #OutsideIsAmeriKKKa #AmeriKKKa…
Get your favorite snacks folks, sit back, let’s unpack it, are we really over slavery? Are we, Black and Brown people really and truly ready to lead ourselves? Why do we doubt each other so much and why do we think the only way to be successful is to do things the whyte way? From New Haven to across the United States, white power is re-emerging and they are coming out to take up all the space from the ballot box to the street march, and where exactly does that leave us?…
On this episode of “Outside is AmeriKKKa” we are blessed with a very special guest, who is part of the Black Panther bloodline, niece of Huey P. Newton, the Nightingale, Nicole Gobert. Get comfy and let’s unpack it, as we break bread on peer support, mental wellness in Black and Brown communities and us remembering our power. It seems like we forgot how much we have contributed to society and why Huey would want us to not only remember that but to invest in ourselves and our wellness and build our communities and power.…
Seems like it's unfathomable for there to be any mental wellness impact after COVID, which required us to be shut in sort of like being imprisoned. But think about it are we the same or are we adjusting to being back to "normal"? Tune in, let's unpack it
Get comfy and let’s unpack it, there’s a lot happening there and if you do not think it affects you, well, you’re wrong and it will do so even more soon. Check out this episode of Sound of Black and Brown, "Karenism is Not Leadership”. Besties, we started the convo about Black women on the job and why we should all be mad at all who led #DrAntoinetteBailey to #Suicide. We said very clearly, Stop Destroying Black Women, but why is it so hard to stop? What’s the modern chain? The Karens are in full effect and the impact is serious, but how far does it all have to go before it’s realized it has been far for too long? We talked about why this convo needs to be happening especially in Black communities, and we started talking about why representation matters in leadership. We talked a bit about adult bullying from the streets to leadership #Justice4Bonnie. Well let’s continue that talk and keep in mind how impactful our people have been before slavery, during slavery and after in paving ways, creating, pioneering, leading #CLRJames #DrEricWilliams If you’re learning or relearning or facing parts of Blackness and Black history you didn't know existed, we are glad to be here to help you do that. Black and Brown women are Queens, Leaders, Life, Empower them, Support them, Protect them #Justice4Bonnie #SayHerName #DrAntoinetteCandiaBailey #firemoseley #EmpowerHer #PeerSupport #HarmReduction #BlackStories #BrownStories #FacingRacism #Sexism #BlatantRacism #NormalizedRacism #StopRacism #AmeriKKKa we appreciate your solidarity please continue to like and share and check us out here you're amazing🫵🏽✊🏾✊🏿!…
Friends sit back grab your favorite snack let's unpack it the Karens are out and about and doing what they know to do, as taught by their grandpa Columbus. Just like him their favorite target is none else than Black and Brown people, and like him their behaviors and ethics are accepted in so many places but lately two particular workspaces are getting increasingly worse. Is the Karen timing accidental, we don't think so tune in and find out more. #SayHerName #DrCandiaBailey #Justice4Bonnie…
Alright y'all we are in the building, been busy handling some things, providing support and participating in the Connecticut legislative session. There is so much to unpack, we tried to cover as much as we could particularly in terms of what is not happening to improve the cost and standard of living in our Black and Brown communities.…
What's up besties? We hope all is well with you, no doubt there's a lot going on and we are here to unpack it...tonight let's start talking about why Black history has been carefully portrayed and passed on. There is a reason why they want history told a certain way because guess who it befits? Ears perked up, tune in to find out more #blackhistory365 #blackhistory #justiceforbonnie #sayhername #harmreductionsaveslives #harmreduction #blackhistory #antibullying #notonemore #healthcareaccess #selfcare #peersupport #suicide #modernslavery #herstory #capitalism #facism #blackwomen #bbua #blackpower #afromarxism…
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