Sunday Sermons
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生命河靈糧堂 主日信息 及 主日敬拜
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笃信圣经长老会宣信堂讲道信息 | Evangel Bible-Presbyterian Church Weekend Sermons | Visit us at
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目的:在資訊充斥的世代,裝備信徒成為主的門徒,養成聆聽神話語的習慣,反覆思想,讓生命得著改變 目標:每天聆聽15分鐘,90日聽完新約聖經
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This is the weekly Sunday worship from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.بقلم 吳嘉洛弟兄
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This is the weekly Sunday sermon from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.بقلم 曾興才牧師
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經歷耶穌寶血的大能بقلم Henry 牧師
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This is the weekly Sunday worship from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.بقلم 余健弟兄
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This is the weekly Sunday sermon from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.بقلم 劉 彤牧師
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展開神心意的藍圖بقلم 張譽騰 牧師
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This is the weekly Sunday worship from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.بقلم 陳甘霖、 吳宥樺姊妹
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This is the weekly Sunday sermon from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.بقلم 卓爾君牧師
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報答神對你的投資بقلم Anton 牧師
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This is the weekly Sunday worship from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.بقلم 蕭景洲弟兄
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This is the weekly Sunday sermon from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.بقلم 劉彤牧師
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突破者的心:謙卑與神同行بقلم 黃韻如 牧師
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This is the weekly Sunday sermon from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.بقلم 劉彤牧師
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This is the weekly Sunday worship from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.بقلم 吳嘉洛弟兄
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進入安息經歷得勝بقلم 陳瑞曾 牧師
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This is the weekly Sunday sermon from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.بقلم 王亞辰牧師
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This is the weekly Sunday worship from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.بقلم 余健弟兄
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你想突破嗎?بقلم 利未 牧師
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This is the weekly Sunday worship from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.بقلم 陳甘霖姊妹、王亞辰牧師
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This is the weekly Sunday sermon from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.بقلم 曾興才牧師
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耶和華是醫治我的神(五)بقلم 江秀琴 牧師
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This is the weekly Sunday worship from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.بقلم 劉仲偉弟兄
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This is the weekly Sunday sermon from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.بقلم 劉彤牧師
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2025走進神敞開的天門بقلم 吳蒙恩 牧師
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This is the weekly Sunday sermon from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.بقلم Pastor Pearson Lau
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This is the weekly Sunday worship from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.بقلم 吳嘉洛弟兄, NewWave Team
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This is the weekly Sunday worship from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.بقلم 王亞辰牧師
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This is the weekly Sunday sermon from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.بقلم 劉彤牧師
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耶和華是醫治我的神(四)بقلم 江秀琴 牧師
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This is the weekly Sunday sermon from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.بقلم 卓爾君牧師
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This is the weekly Sunday worship from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.بقلم 施弘美姊妹
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耶和華是醫治我的神(三)بقلم 江秀琴 牧師
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This is the weekly Sunday worship from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.بقلم 吳嘉洛弟兄
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This is the weekly Sunday sermon from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.بقلم 曾興才牧師
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耶和華是醫治我的神(二)بقلم 江秀琴 牧師
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This is the weekly Sunday sermon from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.بقلم 劉彤牧師
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This is the weekly Sunday worship from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.بقلم 余健弟兄
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身心靈全人得醫治的秘訣بقلم 利未 牧師
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This is the weekly Sunday worship from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.بقلم 陳甘霖、吳宥樺姊妹
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This is the weekly Sunday sermon from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.بقلم 劉彤牧師
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耶和華是醫治我的神بقلم 江秀琴 牧師
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傾盡所有-喚醒我們的君王位份بقلم 黃韻如 牧師
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從神的眼光看美國大選的結果بقلم 吳蒙恩 牧師/黃韻如 牧師
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先求神的國بقلم Henry 牧師
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將祂的國度,祂的家表明出來بقلم David Demian 牧師
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活出神愛的心意(五)بقلم 江秀琴 牧師
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環境是事實但我要注視的是真理بقلم 吳蒙恩 牧師/黃韻如 牧師
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神的愛就是我的底氣بقلم 吳蒙恩 牧師
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活出神愛的心意(四)بقلم 江秀琴 牧師
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