Op 24 maart 2023 wordt in het buitengebied van het Brabantse dorp Wouwse Plantage de 58-jarige Gradus Haisch op een gruwelijke manier vermoord. Recht voor de neus van zijn dochter. In de dagen na de moord krijgt de zaak een verrassende draai. Juist zij en haar vriend zouden de moord hebben beraamd door middel van honderden berichten op Snapchat. Waarom moest Gradus dood? Welke rol speelde de plek, pal naast de beruchte martelcontainers? En hoe verloopt de rechtszaak tegen de twee? Sven de La ...
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Discover the magic of Snapchat Planets in this exciting episode! 🌍✨ Learn how this unique feature ranks your closest friends in a solar system, making interactions more fun and engaging. From Mercury to Neptune, explore how friendships evolve and why this feature is a game-changer for Snapchat Plus users.
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Ever wondered what the Planet BSF List on Snapchat really means? Join Talha and Ubaid as they break down Snapchat’s Best Friend List Planet feature, explaining how the planets rank your friendships. From Mercury to Neptune, find out where you stand in your friends' Snapchat universe! Tune in now to explore this fun feature and see what your planet says about your Snap streaks
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Welcome to Snapchat Planets, where we explore the fascinating universe of social media and digital connections! Inspired by Snapchat’s innovative Planets feature, our show dives deep into how platforms like Snapchat shape our friendships, interactions, and online presence. Each episode orbits around a new topic, from mastering Snapchat’s latest tools to understanding the psychology behind virtual relationships. Whether you're a social media enthusiast, a digital marketer, or just curious abo ...
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English class Cover art photo provided by Vanessa Ives on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@vanessaives
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Snapchat is one of the most interesting social networks out there. Each episode will cover new features of the app as it gets updated, news about Snap Inc. and anything else interesting happening in the world of Snapchat. Hosted by Nate Gorby.
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Each week, your host Brad Ouldhouse (nextgenbizman on Snapchat) will bring you tips and tricks from some of Snapchat's best, as well as insightful information about the app and its users. The Snapchatters Podcast is a production of Imaginbound Media.
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Podcast #1 is about Samsung s9, Snapchat, and HomePod
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Today I share some new music and talk about the new Snapchat update!
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Welcome to the Snapchat Mod APK Podcast! This is your go-to channel for exploring the exciting world of Snapchat mods. Each episode dives into the unique features and customization options offered by Snapchat Mod APKs. From unlocking exclusive filters and advanced privacy settings to exploring creative tweaks and hacks, we cover it all. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast, a Snapchat power user, or simply curious about how mods can enhance your experience, our discussions are packed with insigh ...
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Snapchat Galaxy is an innovative and fun feature on Snapchat that takes your creativity to new heights with a cosmic twist. It offers galaxy-themed filters, lenses, and interactive effects that transport your snaps into a celestial universe filled with stars, moons, and nebulae. The Snapchat Galaxy lets users explore outer space through stunning visuals, adding a unique touch to photos and videos. In addition to the visual effects, Snapchat Galaxy introduces the concept of a "galaxy order," ...
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#9 Nieuwe vragen voor Sven en Nicole
التشغيل لاحقا
التشغيل لاحقا
26:07Opnieuw beantwoorden Nicole en Sven alle ingezonden vragen over de zaak rondom de Snapchatmoord. Want waarom heeft Jeroen L. niet bekend, als dat zijn straf had kunnen verminderen? Is er mogelijk een derde verdachte in het spel? En waarom kocht Jeroen nou precies die wasmachinemotor? Aan het einde van de aflevering hoor je ook nog een update over d…
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Snapchat’s Planet BSF List – What’s Your Friendship Rank?
التشغيل لاحقا
التشغيل لاحقا
2:09Snapchat’s Planet BSF List is changing the way we see friendships! In this episode, Talha and Ubaid dive into how the Best Friend List Planet feature works, what each planet represents, and how your interactions determine your spot. Are you someone’s Mercury, Venus, or Neptune? Tune in to find out where you rank in the Snapchat universe!…
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De rechtbank velt een stevig vonnis: 20 jaar cel voor Jeroen, één van de hoofdverdachten in De Snapchatmoord. Je zit als luisteraar spreekwoordelijk op de eerste rij tijdens de uitspraak. Daarnaast blikken Sven en Nicole al vooruit op het vervolg van de zaak later dit jaar. Dan komt de dochter van de vermoorde Gradus voor de rechter.…
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Snapchat Planets: Your Friends in Orbit
التشغيل لاحقا
التشغيل لاحقا
2:52Ever wondered how Snapchat Planets work? In this episode, we break down this fun and interactive feature that ranks your closest friends in a solar system! 🌍🔥 From Mercury to Neptune, find out what each planet means and how you can move up in someone’s orbit. Discover why Snapchat Planets make friendships more exciting and how this exclusive Snapch…
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#7 Sven en Nicole beantwoorden al jullie vragen
التشغيل لاحقا
التشغيل لاحقا
27:34Het is wachten op de eerste uitspraak van de rechter in de zaak rond De Snapchatmoord. Dat zal later deze maand zijn. In de tussentijd beantwoorden Sven en Nicole al de vragen die leven bij luisteraars van de podcast. Hoe kijken de podcastmakers naar de verdachten? Waarom ging het nou zo mis tussen het slachtoffer Gradus en zijn dochter? En hoe bij…
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RS on Snapchat (https://mysnapsplanet.com/what-does-rs-mean/) stands for "Real Sh*t," a term often used in casual conversations to emphasize the authenticity or seriousness of a statement. It’s a way to convey that what someone is saying is genuine or heartfelt. The abbreviation has gained popularity, especially among younger users, as Snapchat its…
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Discover the magic behind Snapchat’s Solar System (https://mysnapsplanet.com/what-does-rs-mean/), with our all-new podcast, Snapchat Planets! We dive into how these virtual “planets” rank your closest friends based on interaction frequency—Mercury for your #1 best friend, Venus for #2, and so on. This fun twist creates a cosmic layer of excitement …
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In this episode, we dive into the exciting world of Snapchat Galaxy—a feature that transforms your snaps with cosmic filters and lenses while also adding a unique twist to how you connect with friends. We explore how Snapchat Galaxy lets users capture space-themed moments with stunning filters like the Stars & Moon Lens and Galaxy Nebula Lens, crea…
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#6 Stel nu je vraag over de Snapchatmoord!
التشغيل لاحقا
التشغيل لاحقا
0:40Binnenkort komt er een Q&A-aflevering over De Snapchatmoord. Heb jij een goede vraag? Stel hem! Stuur je vraag voor 10 januari 2025 in naar [email protected]بقلم Omroep Brabant
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Het is de tweede dag van de rechtszaak tegen Jeroen. Justitie komt met stapels bewijsmateriaal, waaronder de Snapchatgesprekken. De zaak is helder: Jeroen heeft Gradus op brute wijze vermoord. De advocaat maakt gehakt van het bewijs. Worden we iets wijzer? En hoe moet het nu verder met de zaak?بقلم Omroep Brabant
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Tips to use snapchat Mod APK by Experts.
التشغيل لاحقا
التشغيل لاحقا
6:14Welcome to the Snapchat Mod APK Podcast! Your ultimate guide to unlocking the full potential of Snapchat through modified APKs. Each episode is designed to take you on an exciting journey through the world of Snapchat mods, where we explore how these innovative tweaks can enhance your user experience and provide exclusive features that go beyond th…
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#4 Moord 'met karakter van een liquidatie'
التشغيل لاحقا
التشغيل لاحقا
24:45De dag van de rechtszaak. Zouden er eindelijk antwoorden komen? Waarom moest Gradus Haisch dood? Wat is er nou precies gebeurd die fatale nacht? En wie had welk aandeel? Het wordt een lange, emotionele dag. En... kort voor de rechtszaak is er een onverwachte wending...بقلم Omroep Brabant
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#3 Hoe Wouwse Plantage wereldberoemd werd
التشغيل لاحقا
التشغيل لاحقا
20:37Wouwse Plantage. Een grensdorpje in West-Brabant in het buitengebied van het grote Roosendaal. Iets meer dan 1000 inwoners en de laatste kroeg is inmiddels verdwenen. Daar gebeurt niet veel zou je denken. Toch werd het dorp wereldnieuws door de vondst van een zeecontainer met daarin een heuse martelkamer. En laat Gradus, de hoofdpersoon in De Snapc…
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#2 Onvoorwaardelijke liefde... Of toch niet?
التشغيل لاحقا
التشغيل لاحقا
21:16In de dagen na de moord op Gradus Haisch, arresteert de politie twee hoofdverdachten. Nieuws dat de zaak totaal verandert, als blijkt dat het om zijn bloedeigen dochter en haar vriend gaat. Al snel stapelen de bewijzen zich volgens justitie op. Hoe werd Gradus in de fatale val gelokt? Waarom moest hij überhaupt dood? En welke rol speelde Snapchat i…
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We gaan terug naar de avond van de moord. Even voor half tien belt een jonge vrouw overstuur 112. Ze vertelt dat zojuist haar vader is aangevallen met een mes. Als even later de hulpdiensten aankomen, is het voor het slachtoffer te laat. Maar wat is er gebeurd? Wie is de man? En hoe kwam het nieuws binnen bij bekenden?…
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24 maart 2023. In het buitengebied van het Brabantse Wouwse Plantage wordt de 58-jarige Gradus Haisch op gruwelijke manier vermoord. Recht voor de neus van zijn dochter. In de dagen daarop krijgt de zaak een verrassende draai, als blijkt dat juist zij en haar vriend de moord zouden hebben beraamd door middel van honderden berichten op Snapchat. Waa…
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It’s been a while. Some things have changed, others.... have not. Be patient while I dust off my podcasting skills, or lack there of. New Season of SnapCast is coming soon!
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Some of my thoughts and hopes for this 2nd Snap Summit coming this week. Really hoping for some cool new app features and an iPad version of Snap Lens Studio.
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A quick update to the last episode. Many thanks to all that have reached out to me on Snap!
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Eek! It’s been months since the last episode. Here me ramble on about what I have been up to for the last few months (spoiler alert: nothing).
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In this episode I do a quick follow up on Bitmoji TV and what I think of the service. I also take a look into a possible redesign rumor of Snapchat, and what I think that would do to the app. Also there is a really great video by Sam Sheffer about a Spectacles and where they stand today.
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A short episode this time around— some news on the launch of Bitmoji TV, new snap code stickers, an easy way to buy Snap stock and I get caught being a dork.
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A few quick updates on all things snap. Cameos is an awesome feature and I am loving it. Also there is a new Bitmoji TV series coming to Snapchat and I give my thoughts on that and a few other things that are great about Snapchat.
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This episode I dive into Snap Cameos, kind of. Or at least what we know of them at this time. I also take a look at some new sticker options called “topic stickers” and wonder what the future holds for these. Also I found a really cool snapper... snachatter? .... whatever we call ourselves.
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In this episode I talk about the new spectacles features that are rumored to come, and also I have some beef that needs to be addressed with popular accounts on Snapchat.
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In this episode I talk about the cool new features of Snap’s AR bar feature. I also talk about what it would be like if Snapchat borrowed the Twitter topics idea and integrated it into their own app. Happy listening!
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It is been a long long time since I have last recorded. I’m excited to announce season two of snap cast! In this episode I talk about a few things that of been floating around in the news in the last couple of months surrounding Snapchat. Including Amazons half baked project the Amazon echo glasses as well as some questionably flattering that Insta…
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Breaking! Snapchat is launching a new 3D Snap tool! Do you have it yet?! Also, I talk about a new ‘viral’ lens, offer my thoughts on politics on Snapchat and also talk about the *best* new Snap Original show, Dead of Night.
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Instagram is making another app (eye roll) and it seems like it’s trying to “take a shot” at Snapchat once again with the effort. Snap Lens studio got a welcomed update and there is a new Snapchat focused app on the block, “LMK.”
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Snap surprised us all and released an update on their Spectacles line of sunglasses. Spectacles 3 are very interesting and come with some very exciting new features, but leave out one great feature that was supported in V2! Also, CNN has an article out about the OLC community!
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In this episode I talk about the competing Snapchat app, Instagram, and their new official name. I also talk about some of the ways that people use Snapchat, and also a podcast that talks about that. I also talk about the most exciting thing that there is to talk about, and that is stock prices.
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Spectacles Challenge follow up from the last episode, plus a new #realfriends campaign from Snap as well as trying out the beta version of the iOS app.
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Some news on Snapchat on Android, noticeable changes on the app updates that have some they and...drum roll..... a first ever Spectacles Challenge! Mark your calendars for July 27!
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Spectacles are about to get a little more popular thanks to their official Instagram account. Also, I feel like Specs should get their own dedicated app to increase popularity.
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Thanks for listening! This episode has been long overdue, so I have quite a few things I wanted to talk about, of the many topics I talk about Lens Studio making its way to the Mac App Store and what this could mean for a iPadOS version of that some day down the road. Also in the news are special land markers in Canada with a popular fast food chai…
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And this weeks episode I talk about some of the updates to the snap map that I’ve seen and also a rumored events invite page that will exist in a hopeful future update of the app. I also talk about an update that just recently was pushed to the app on iOS talking about charms and immediately get disappointed by my discovery of it by opening the app…
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Snap Needs a Lens Studio app on iPadOS!
التشغيل لاحقا
التشغيل لاحقا
8:59Just a few stories about tweaks and issues I’ve had with my spectacles in the last couple of weeks, and also I talk about how much I want a Snap Lens creation app for my iPad.
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I Need a Way Better Way to Close The Show...
التشغيل لاحقا
التشغيل لاحقا
22:41On this episode I talk about a few interesting articles I’ve found on the web about Snap rumors and a closer look at how social media is changing. Also, I take a long winded dive into the app to highlight some changes I’ve noticed in the last round of app updates to Snapchat.
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Spectacles!What are they? What are they do? You have probably seen snaps that have these sunglasses videos on them, but you might not know what they are all about. I’ve had a pair for a few years and I absolutely love mine! In this episode I talk about what I like about the sunglasses what I love about the sunglasses and what I’d like to see change…
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Interview with Nicholas Dominici - Offical Lens Creator
التشغيل لاحقا
التشغيل لاحقا
26:01Interview with Nicholas Dominici Nicholas is an official lens creator from Snapchat. This was a really fun time to sit down and chat with Nicholas and find out more about what it’s like to create the lenses that we use everyday on Snapchat. I apologize now for the bad audio quality but I believe you can make out most of what we were saying.Follow N…
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In this very short, and brief, episode I talk about my experiences so far with playing snap games and some of the new Android/Snapchat YouTube videos that have been published.
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Snap Partner SummitSnap Gameshttps://youtu.be/LWD4mfKx3eEBitmoji Partyhttps://youtu.be/zlbRDJhUXwE. Discoverhttps://youtu.be/oKU99fWC1xsLenseshttps://youtu.be/yifzT3n0Ps8 This week I am talking in depth about the first ever Snap Partner Summit keynote that was held in Los Angeles on 4/4/2019. Please feel free to reach out to me and give me any feed…
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Snapchat‘s first ever annual summit is tomorrow April 4. In this episode I talk about some of the rumored features that are coming to the app and what I hope to see you come out of the summit. Follow me on Snapchat at ngorby — Thanks for listening!
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There is a rumored gamer summit that Snapchat is holding on April 4. What does it all mean?!?!
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This week I dive into a few articles that I found on the web over the past few weeks and talk a little bit about what how I think that that can effect Snapchat for the better. Also Snapchat has released its big Android re-release.
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In this episode I discuss some of the new changes to the iOS Snapchat update and what I’d like to see change in future updates. Also, sorry about the bad audio! 😬
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Did you know Snapchat also makes OTHER apps? Well, technically Snap Inc makes other apps. SnapLens is the app at hand today... I discuss what it can do, who can use it and if it’s ever been seen in the wild.
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Hello, I’m Nate and I’m hosting a new show all about Snapchat. Join me on this journey as I talk about the app, the news and all things Snap! Follow me on Snapchat at ‘ngorby.’
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Mr guvens class
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Intro to podcast • Samsung S9 • Snapchat Update • HomePod speaker • Shoutout to TheVerge.com • Ending to podcast
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