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睽違一段日子,在米其林三星餐廳 ODETTE 工作的 Lesley 已經從助理侍酒師晉升為首席侍酒師,還斬獲數個國際大獎!她娓娓訴說自己心境的轉變;儘管對「美酒」這個工作的熱情始終如一,她卻分享,現在的她更注重聆聽和觀察客人的需求,而不是強加艱深的專業輸出,反而對於為每一位客人提供難忘的體驗有更深的體悟。這種照顧人的心,成了她取得成功的秘訣,也更是她認為女性加入餐飲界的好契機。一起再度來聽她說故事,並且發現,原來,紅酒是絕佳打開話題並促進聯繫的好工具。 【在這集聽她說】 台灣女兒,居然代表新加坡贏得法餐大獎! Lesley 所開啟的 sommelier 之路 從助理到首席侍酒師:從自己,到帶領團隊並統整所有細節 察言觀色的觀察力和設身處地,來加強與「人」的連結 米其林三星或不三星 – 透過服…
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Should HR's main remit be to improve the performance and capacity of employees, so that the organization's resultant performance boost yields a better experience for the employees? Or should HR focus on improving the well-being and work experience of employees directly, regardless of the impact these endeavors have on company performance? Or... per…
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For more info and to register for Katie's Japan Study - Click here: https://kbjanderson.com/japantrip/ What do you think of when you hear the word “kaizen”? An event? A process that you are working on improving? Something else? The Japanese word “kaizen” is usually translated to mean “continuous improvement.” But there is a deeper meaning. It’s act…
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In nonprofits, we have limited budgets. This means we need to be able to prioritize the training and professional development opportunities to be created. How do we do this? With people data. But what data should we be asking for and how can we use it once we get it? That’s what we’re discussing in today’s episode of the Learning for Good podcast w…
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Today’s guest is Matt Gjertsen, former Air Force instructor pilot and founder of Better Everyday Studios. He is giving us an outside perspective on behavior change and bringing some great insights to the nonprofit sector. Why are we surprised when we want our learners to change something and they don't? Behavior change is a funny thing and even a s…
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The World’s Best choose courage instead of fear. They feel the fear, but don’t let it keep them from doing what they want to, have to, or were designed to do. As Jimmy Johnson, the coach who led the Dallas Cowboys to two consecutive Super Bowls, once said, “Do you want to be safe and good, or do you want to take a chance and be great?” This Week's …
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Send us a Text Message. In this captivating episode of Authors Who Lead, I sit down with Arturo Cisneros, a former concert tour manager with 25 years of experience and the author of the new book, The Rock Star Adjacent. Art shares the ups and downs of his remarkable journey, from being a rock star to writing about his personal experiences with hone…
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STORYPOWER TV INTERVIEW WITH FRANCIE STEVENSON OF HOOD COUNTY STAMPEDE Hood County Stampede Follow on Spotify - https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/j-loren-norris #leadingleaderspodcast #storypower #transforminggracetv #jlorennorris LOOK FOR STORYPOWER TV ON THESE PLATFORMS: - OBBM Network TV - WorldTrumpetTV - Apple Podcast - Spotify - Amazon …
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LEADERSHIP AND CUSTOMER SERVICE ARE RELATED BUT NOT THE SAME “As leaders we are responsible to many people. We are responsible to customers, the board, any leaders higher on the org chart, our significant others, our children and ultimately to those we lead. Ironically, we are simultaneously responsible FOR none of them. Perhaps in some very specif…
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HEY LEADERS GUARD YOUR PRESSURE POINTS DILIGENTLY “The vulnerability the masses desire and appreciate comes with transparency and risk. Exposing your weaknesses and humanity as a leader can lead to blind spots being exposed you are not aware of. A great team will know when you have blind spots and your inner circle will expose them only to you. A t…
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Flying an airplane is a challenging activity, even in clear skies and perfect weather… Now imagine you are flying a plane in combat. The enemy on the ground is trying to kill you by shooting down your plane. All while you are trying to save the lives of YOUR TEAM on the ground who are under attack. That's exactly what Martha McSally did as an A-10 …
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LEADERS MUST REGULARLY REARRANGE THE FURNITURE IN THEIR MIND or AI WILL “The notions of AI becoming a major contributor to the body of work we consider intellectual prowess is concerning to me. I won’t call it a fear but a caution. When we consider how often a book or lecture can challenge, shape and redirect our thinking on a subject or relationsh…
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SUCCESS ISN'T PERMANENT - FAILURE ISN'T FATAL - CRITICISM ISN'T CRITICAL “After 30 years of marriage, I have learned some of the highest praise I can expect from my wife is “ya”. That’s it. Not deep in-depth evaluation and feedback causing deep reflection and life choice reevaluation. Not the kind of responsive, thoughtful, endearing and emotionall…
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Why does change fail? There are a lot of reasons, but most of them come down to people. And if we're talking about people, L&D needs to be involved. That’s why on this episode of the podcast, I wanted to share the fastest way to organizational change and explore L&Ds role in change. ▶️ Going through Organizational Change? One Way Nonprofit Training…
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AVERAGE IS AN ATTITUDE LEADERS MUST AVOID “Call it status quo. Call it getting by. Call it a leisurely pace. Call it what you like, when we approach life with an Eeor attitude, greatness will not hunt us done. Success by any measure you define will not be achieved by someone with an attitude of average. Doing just enough to get the job, keep the jo…
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Send us a Text Message. In this episode of Authors Who Lead, I sit down with the incredible Sarah Fejfar to delve into leveraging live events to grow as an author. Sarah's extensive experience in helping entrepreneurs produce profitable events provides a rich backdrop for a conversation filled with insights and actionable advice. Timestamp: 00:00 T…
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“LET’S GRAB LUNCH” IS A LEADERSHIP DECLARATION AND A FADING TRADITION “The idea of comfort and its relationship to the familiar is so subtle it’s almost subconscious. The nostalgic feel of gathering around the family dinner table to share a meal and recap the day together is a lost art. As I see the list of restaurants closing their doors, some of …
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In this episode, Dr. Cindra shares how everyone has limiting beliefs that hold us back. We explore in this episode how to recognize your limiting beliefs and the steps to address your limiting beliefs. Power Phrase this Week: “I choose powerful beliefs about my future.” Quote of the Week: “If you accept a limiting belief, then it will become a trut…
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WHEN THEY CAN’T SEEM TO FOLLOW BASIC INSTRUCTIONS - LEAD WITH CLEAR INTENT “When I was younger, even before joining the military I would be regularly accused of ‘over thinking things’. I would be given an assignment and my brain would go to work instantly, not always correctly, but instantly on working out a solution. Simultaneously my brain would …
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OPINIONS ARE AS CONTAGIOUS AS ATTITUDES - WISDOM IS NOT “If you ask enough random people the same question you will discover the vast diversity of human thought. If you ask a group of friends the same question you will more likely discover the power of group think. This reality is a leadership issue. Great leaders work diligently to inspire, motiva…
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In this episode, Tom, Alex, and Natasha discuss essential tips for new managers to excel in their roles. They delve into the critical importance of clear communication, building trust with your team, and setting realistic and achievable goals. The trio shares insights on the transition from peer to manager, including how to establish authority whil…
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In this episode of Learning for Good, my guest, Quilen Blackwell is taking us inside his nonprofit, Southside Blooms. They grew from zero to 60 employees in just four short years. That means they onboarded a lot of staff and learned a lot along the way. He’s sharing his experience with us, what worked and what didn’t, so you can take a look at your…
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6 WINDOWS EVERY LEADER NEEDS TO SEE THROUGH STORYPOWER “It is way too easy to get stuck in one’s own story, problems, issues, pain and details. When a leader or communicator is overly focused on delivering their story with power and drama, they may lose the impact they desired to have on the crowd. Taking time to perceive your story through the eye…
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Send us a Text Message. Creating a novel is more than just writing words on a page; it's about capturing the essence of stories, memories, and emotions to create a living, breathing world. In this episode of Authors Who Lead, Steve and I provide an intimate look into the making of their first collaborative fiction book, "Gone Missing," the debut no…
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You are here because you want to be the best that you can be. You have high standards for yourself. You want to gain the competitive advantage. That is what Lynne Jensen-Nelson is here today. After earning her master’s degree, she rose through the ranks from front line sales to corporate executive leadership. Now through her skills in keynote speak…
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4 FACES OF A GREAT STORY - HOW MANY WAYS A STORY COULD BE USED TO ENGAGE AND INFORM “Many people struggle to use stories in a talk, a presentation or significant leadership conversation. They struggle because they are concerned that a story might seem too fluffy, soft or warm and not a demonstration of competence. A well selected story can fill in …
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StoryPower TV Interview with Maggie Eckburg and J Loren Norris “After experiencing my own set of hardships, I know the power a photograph can have in showing us that no matter what we are going through, life is still beautiful, and everything really can be a grace. You being here already makes you special to me! Whether you’re a sweatpants and mess…
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HEY LEADER YOUR STORY IS ABOUT YOUR AUDIENCE - NOT YOU - HERE’S HOW “For more than a decade I have been helping leaders and communicators from all walks of life deliver messages with lasting impact. The way communication varies in intent, purpose and delivery might seem indistinguishable to many, but when you’re in the audience a story is very clea…
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In this episode and the first of four in a new series focusing on development within the pharmaceutical industry, Tom and Nic discuss how to maximise the collaboration between your Key Account Managers and your Medical Science Liaisons. Nic also takes us through a five-point framework. Thanks, Tom & Nic…
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Ryan Berman is a keynote speaker, author, and instigator of the Corporate Courage movement. He has worked with countless C-suite leaders from global organizations to celebrate and catalyze courageous action. For his book and podcast, Ryan has interviewed hundreds of “brave, bullish, and brainiac” public figures and leaders. Through this process, he…
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‘JUST GET OVER IT’ SHOULD NOT BE THE ATTITUDE OF ANY LEADER IN THE FACE OF INJUSTICE “There is a war raging right under your nose and you might be unaware, you might be immune, you might be inoculated or you might be involved. It is not a new war. It is not a war without casualties, expenses or long term consequences. It is a war of attrition via l…
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People love communities. But not all communities are created equal. I have a learning community and it can be hard. It's not hard to create; that was pretty easy. But it's hard to get people to engage. That's where the work is. To get better at this, I've been reading books and listening to podcasts about community and I've been reflecting on commu…
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“Christian Success Coach for Families and Entrepreneurs. Have Success Sooner by Building a Solid Foundation!” Ruthy Sonntag https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/j-loren-norris/episodes/STORYPOWER-TV-interview-with-Ruthy-Sonntag-and-J-Loren-Norris-e2jq65s RUTHYSPEAKS.COM/SUCCESSCLUBhttps://www.instagram.com/truthanna/_____________________________…
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As a high achiever, it is good to strive for success and have high expectations. These high standards keep you going, striving to be your best. When you strive to be your best, you help others around you do the same. But perfection is unattainable. Instead, consider striving for excellence instead and Dr. Cindra shares with us how to do just that. …
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6 STORIES EVERY LEADER NEEDS TO CRAFT TO GROW THEIR BUSINESS AND INFLUENCE “Stories serve a purpose beyond engaging entertainment. Stories reveal truths in a deep way when they connect with the needs and experiences of others. An intentionally selected and well crafted story solves many challenges in advance, breaks down walls of misunderstanding a…
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Send us a Text Message. In this episode of "Authors Who Lead," Angela Henderson and I delve into the essential strategies and personal insights that drive success in authorship and entrepreneurship. This conversation not only underscores the importance of establishing strategic partnerships but also emphasizes the intrinsic work necessary to overco…
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