Het Oog brengt een overzicht van het nieuws, een blik in de ochtendkranten en het betere journalistieke interview met mensen in en achter het nieuws, omlijst door mooie muziek.
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Taking a Look at Childhood Favorite Films to See If They Stand the Test of Time, Or If They're Past Their Prime
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Just a rag tag group of elder millennials talking about the good, the bad, and the nostalgia of our childhood. Join us every week as we talk about everything from sci-fi films of the 60’s to our favorite cereals of the 90s and maybe a boy band of the early 00’s. Bangarang lost boys, welcome to nostalgialand!
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An unofficial podcast about the Seattle Sounders produced by Sounder at Heart's Jeremiah Oshan and Aaron Campeau, with Likkit Pocinwong
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Each episode we add a new entry to the Nostalgium Arcanum, a repository for the movies, tv, music, games, and other pop culture that still enchants us today. Find us on twitter at: @nostalgiumpod
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Podcast de Nostalgia do portal Supersoda
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Multi media review show with occasional interviews
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Peninha, Luciano Potter e Arthur Gubert em um talk show para falar da História das coisas. "Qualquer coisa MESMA" (SIC).
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Elke dag tijdens de EK indoor in Apeldoorn te beluisteren. Presentator Thierry Boon en sidekick Arman Avsaroglu bespreken met een expert de atletiekdag vanuit Nederlands oogpunt. -------------------------------------------------------------- In de NOS Olympische podcast Parijs editie praten we je iedere dag bij over de verrichtingen van de Nederlandse sporters. We blikken terug op het moment van de dag, en kijken vooruit naar de dag die gaat komen. De Olympische podcast wordt bij toerbeurt g ...
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Welcome to NJ ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery! Listen in on Doctors Reddy, Smith, and Undavia discussing all things ENT. Covering topics related to ear, nose, and throat, the We Nose Noses podcast educates, informs, and answers all your ENT questions. __ NJ ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery 300B Princeton Hightstown Rd, Suite 202 East Windsor, New Jersey 08520 609-710-NOSE (6673) www.njent.com
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De NOS-voetbalcommentatoren nemen de week door. Met aandacht voor de laatste voetbalwedstrijden, het voetbalnieuws en vooruitblikkend naar de komende wedstrijden. Anekdotes van de voetbalexperts die ter plekke waren en er de hele week bovenop zitten. Presentatie is in handen van Arno Vermeulen.
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Adam Schmidt and Chris Whitt. Cousins that don't always think alike talking Cincinnati and National Sports
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Welcome to Jake's Happy Nostalgia Show, the podcast where nostalgia comes alive! Hosted by Jake Deffinbaugh, with co-host, Chris Bixby.
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Um podcast semanal sobre nostalgia e videogames que marcaram as nossas infâncias dos anos 80 e 90.
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A second look at our favorite movies, without the fog of nostalgia
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Nostalgia Trap is a podcast and video series created and hosted by David Parsons. It’s a project that’s concerned with American history, radical politics, pop culture, and apocalypse. This is not Ken Burns.
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Old time radio and new audio versions of classic pulp stories and novels.
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A mix of some of the finest music from legendary performers and personalities of the greatest generation, along with complete vintage broadcasts from the golden age of radio. Mix it together, and that's NOSTALGIA RADIO TIME, hosted by Greg Van Beek. Including the 'Bing Sings' feature each week! Heard each Sunday at 9 AM (ET) over New York's 920 WON: The Apple and each Thursday at 9 AM (ET) streaming over YUSA red on the Yesterday USA Super Station at http://www.yesterdayusa.net/ Join our Fac ...
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In den Nostromo- Gesprächen schnacken Fred, Sebastian und Udo mal im Duo, mal im Trio und ab und an mit erlesenen GästInnen über ihre große Leidenschaft - Filme. Der Schwerpunkt der cineastischen Auseinandersetzungen liegt zum einen auf formalen Qualitäten, wie der Inszenierung, der Produktion und Herstellung, darüber hinaus auf technischen Aspekten, wie Kamera, Lichtsetzung, Schnitt und Colorgrading, und zu guter Letzt auf der inhaltlichen Interpretation der Stoffe. Unsere Herzen schlagen f ...
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Entrevistas de vida às principais figuras que colaboram no jornal e na Rádio Observador. Conversas intimistas conduzidas por Maria João Simões.
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On the Nose is a biweekly podcast by Jewish Currents, a magazine of the Jewish left founded in 1946. The editorial staff discusses the politics, culture, and questions that animate today’s Jewish left.
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The High School Debate Soap Opera
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Nos experts répondent à vos questions sur vos animaux.. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Welcome to The Neighborhood with Yo Nosey Neighbor Inertia Justice. We discuss what’s goin on in the neighborhood. Gettin all up in yo business: Self, Family, Friends Finances with special guests. https://www.facebook.com/yoNoseyNeighbor https://www.instagram.com/yonoseyneighbor/
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Rubrica semanal, da autoria de José Guerreiro, com uma notícia sobre Portugal publicada fora do país, seja em imprensa internacional, blogs, sites ou publicações nas redes sociais.
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Join Esther, Aoife and Neil as they mock, ridicule and (occasionally) praise the classic nostalgic TV shows of their long-long-ago youth. Seriously, why does everything hurt now?
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Ben jij nieuwsgierig en wil je meer weten over wat er in de wereld speelt? In de podcast van het NOS Jeugdjournaal beantwoorden Bart, Annabelle en Pien elke week vragen van kinderen bij een nieuwsonderwerp. Reageren? Dat kan! Stuur een spraakberichtje naar de podcasttelefoon: 06-26586701
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Akkerdjie! Een podcast vol jeugdhelden en nostalgie. Ons graag steunen? http://ko-fi.com/akkerdjie
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Philippe et Sandy vous donnent rendez-vous du lundi au vendredi de 6h à 9h dans Les Matins Nostalgie. Au programme : Bonne Musique et Bonne Humeur.
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Dit schaatsseizoen zit je nog dichter op het ijs met de NOS Schaatspodcast. Na elk schaatsweekend praten de hoofdpersonen je bij over wat je gezien hebt, of juist hebt gemist. Schaatsers schuiven aan en onze huis-analisten gaan dieper in op verschillende thema’s binnen de sport.
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🎙Put your pop-culture past to the ultimate test--THE NOSTALGIA TEST w/ longtime friends Dan & Manny 👬
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Taking your earholes back to the era of Hammerpants, plaid, backwards overalls, grunge, and New Jack Swing! We revisit the music of the ’90’s on Dope Nostalgia. Join us for chats with the artists, laughs with friends, and a lot of reminiscing.
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Head on back to the good ole days! Whether it’s waking up Saturday morning to watch cartoons with a big bowl of cereal, opening an N64 on Christmas, or seeing the Chicago Bears do the Super Bowl Shuffle for the first time, the Nostalgia Junkies are here to walk you down memory lane! Join the squad as they discuss how 80s, 90s, and early 2000s tv shows, music, movies, toys, books, video games, and more shaped their youth and their lives. Come join them as they relive the past and experience t ...
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Nós a EuropaColaboração Europe Direct Madeira Realização: Marta Cília
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Lista diaria de música dos países lusófonos.De luns a venres en Radiofusión
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Les spécialistes cyclisme de la RTBF débriefent et préfacent l'actualité du vélo. Pendant les Classiques, mais aussi pendant le Tour de France. Les membres récurrents de l'équipe sont Samuël Grulois, Rodrigo Beenkens, Jérôme Helguers, Kevin Paepen, Lise Burion et bien sûr aussi nos consultants Cyril Saugrain, Gérard Bulens, Frédéric Amorison, Axel Merckx ou encore notre "sage" Jean-Luc Vandenbroucke.
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Nesse canal o professor Gilberto Penha de Andrade sempre estará abordando sobre importância da escola no contexto sociocultural, e sobre a sua influência na sociedade onde está inserida.
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Your new favorite podcast! Join "Nostalgic" Dave Dynasty as he reminisces about pro wrestling history (Formerly known as the Dave Dynasty Show). -Visit linktr.ee/rasslepod -Subscribe on YouTube at youtube.com/thedavedynasty -Buy a shirt and support the podcast at prowrestlingtees.com/thedavedynasty -Donate to help support the podcast at paypal.me/thedavedynasty -Check out the WrestleCopia Network at wrestlecopia.com -Subscribe to the Savoldi Wrestling Library at classicwrestling.net
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O programa da Jovem Pan que revolucionou o jeito de noticiar política e economia, abordando os temas de modo crítico, em um formato de bate-papo e discussão aberta. Os Pingos nos Is alcançou a liderança da audiência no rádio e se tornou referência no segmento no YouTube.
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Podcast by NoStandardsPodcast
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Doug Walker remembers it so you don't have to! Join him and he dives into movies from your distant and not so distant past.
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Il podcast ufficiale di Giochi sul Nostro Tavolo! Online dal 2009 Giochi Sul Nostro Tavolo si evolve e diventa punto di riferimento anche nel mondo podcast. Qui potete trovare curiosità e aggiornamenti su giochi da tavolo, gdr e libri games da parte dei redattori di questo storico storico sito! Sito: www.giochisulnostrotavolo.it Canale Telegram: https://t.me/GiochiSulNostroPodcast Mail: [email protected]
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Met vandaag: Groot verdriet in Valkenburg vanwege instorten van Wilhelminatoren | Tientallen gewonden en doden bij Amerikaanse aanval op Houthi's in Jemen | Wat is belang van het staatsbezoek aan Kenia en hoe gaat de Koning om met mensenrechtenschendingen in dat land? | Hans Renders bespreekt de biografie van Greet Hofmans | Presentatie; Mieke van …
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#17 - WK Shorttrack: Xandra Velzeboer - "In Peking is mijn bijnaam Barbie Warrior" (S02)
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44:52In de allerlaatste rit van haar WK shorttrack pakte Xandra Velzeboer het goud waar ze zo naar hunkerde. Op háár afstand, de 500 meter, waar ze al twee keer eerder de beste van de wereld was. Het werd een gouden kroon op een wisselvallig toernooi. Velzeboer had eerder weliswaar brons gepakt op de 1000 meter en de vrouwenrelay, daarvoor was ze niet n…
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Raquel Tillo: “O meu pai morreu e eu fazia piadas. Não queria ser uma coitadinha”
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41:23Nasceu no Porto, estudou em Londres, viveu em Nova Iorque, mas é em Portugal que se sente mais feliz. Raquel Tillo fala abertamente sobre a infância, marcada pela morte do pai e como o humor a ajudou nesse processo. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.بقلم Observador
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durée : 00:48:07 - Notre vie avec euxبقلم ici
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Julgamento Bolsonaro / Déficit estatais / Facções terroristas?
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O Sindicato dos Professores no Brasil e a relação com os professores.
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2:40Neste episódio, discutimos a relação entre A relação dos Sindicatos dos Professores no Brasil com os professores. Abordamos como os sindicatos têm se posicionado na defesa dos direitos da categoria, buscando melhores salários e condições de trabalho, mas também os desafios gerados pelo alinhamento político de alguns sindicatos. Será que essa vincul…
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Injuries will severely test Sounders' depth
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55:35The Sounders just finished playing seven games in 21 days, but did not escape remotely unscathed. In addition to losing Paul Arriola to an ACL tear, Pedro de la Vega and Jordan Morris also went out with muscle injuries. In “What we learned this week w/Niko” Jeremiah and Niko Moreno discuss how the Sounders managed all those matches and how well pos…
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Por Peninha, Potter e Arthur Gubert. Pra traduzca.com/nosnahistoria. Os livros citados estão na livrarianosnahistoria.com.br. E você nos ajuda diretamente em apoia.se/nosnahistoria.
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Sons de Nós con los Eternos 14 de marzo de 2025
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48:57Non foi esta unha casualidade, porque Chevis e Cudi xa tiñan creado Os Maruxa anos atrás, mesmo tiñan editado un sinxelo e un LP, pero este proxecto non tivo continuidade ata que volveron a atoparse e dese reencontro nacía un proxecto con máis de vinte anos de vida. Cando estaban no seu mellor momento, tras editar “Back on the Road” coa Warner, no …
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Waarom heeft Roxy Dekker zoveel succes?
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20:02In deze aflevering van de NOS Jeugdjournaalpodcast gaat het over Roxy Dekker. Ze is een van de grootste Nederlandse artiesten van dit moment. Haar carrière gaat razendsnel, want ze scoort de ene hit na de andere. Volgens muziekdeskundigen is dat heel bijzonder. Bart en Pien gaan langs bij radio-dj Domien Verschuuren van Qmusic en zoeken uit hoe dit…
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Conhecemos hoje a jogadora de futebol com ligações a Portugal através de um artigo publicado no site Sportsnet.ca.
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#421 - 'Ajax wint tien keer op rij, dan is er geen sprake meer van geluk'
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49:47In de NOS Voetbalpodcast bespreekt Arno Vermeulen het voetbalweekend met Philip Kooke, Anne de Jong en Jeroen Grueter. Over de tiende zege op rij voor koploper Ajax, eindelijk weer drie punten voor PSV en de naderende ontknopingen in Europa.
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EK-indoor #4: ‘Zo mooi als dit kan toch eigenlijk nooit meer?!'
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18:02Er is atletiekgeschiedenis geschreven in Apeldoorn. Na een meer dan sensationele zondag, met vijf gouden medailles, wint Nederland met afstand het landenklassement bij de EK-indoor. Vincent Kortbeek, technisch directeur van de Atletiekunie, kijkt bij presentator Thierry Boon en sidekick Arman Avsaroglu terug op alle successen.…
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Episode 3 Débrief Strade Bianche, préface Paris-Nice et Tirreno-Adriatico
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1:00:02Déjà le troisième épisode 2025 de votre rende-vous cycliste "On connaît nos classiques" avec l'équipe au grand complet: Cameron Vandenbroucke, Gérard Bulens, Jérôme Helguers, Rodrigo Beenkens et Martin Weynants autour de Samuël Grulois. Qui dit week-end chargé dit débrief chargé: les Strade Bianche (et l'archi-domination de plus en plus gênante de …
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Matte e Simarillon affrontano i ricordi più belli dell'anno 2009. Un anno in cui è stato fondato il blog di GSNT ma che ha dato alla luce tantissimi titoli rimasti ancora adesso. Sicuramente il 2009 è un anno fortunato e probabilmente non siamo riusciti a rendere l'idea di che impatto ha avuto sul nostro mondo ludico ma sarà comunque un anno indime…
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#16 - WK-UPDATE: Joep Wennemars - 'Hoe kan ik nou hebben gewonnen joh?' (S02)
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32:27De NOS Schaatspodcast zit in het oog van een perfecte storm. Joep Wennemars had een moeilijk seizoen, maar op dag 3 van de WK Afstanden kwam alles samen voor hem. Hij werd wereldkampioen op de 1000 meter en vroeg zich vervolgens de rest van de dag af hoe dat toch in hemelsnaam mogelijk was. De Wennemarsen hebben er dus een wereldkampioen bij en daa…
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Episode 289: Nostalgia Radio Time for March 15, 2025
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55:44We celebrate St. Patrick's Day with songs by John Gary, Judy Garland, Dennis Day, Andy Williams, Dick Haymes, John McCormack, Bing Crosby + Old Time Radio Time: Duffy’s Tavern from 3/16/45 with Pat O’Brien!
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Met vandaag: Wat verwachten Oekraïners van de Europese plannen? | Wat te doen tegen online nepnaakt? | Waarom waarschuwt Bas Heijne tegen nationalisme? | Wat voert Bolsonaro in zijn schild? | Wat is het geheim achter het beste theaterlied? | Presentatie: Sheila Sitalsing.
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Documentaire 'ben ik een moordenaar? | Rechtszaak over het overlijden van Maradonna | De Hoop Scheffer over Rutte's bezoek aan Trump | Het verdriet van afstandsmoeders |
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#15 - WK-UPDATE van De Boo-venste plank! (S02)
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35:55Hij deed ons toch weer verbazen, die Jenning de Boo. Het middenterrein stond even stil toen De Boo z'n eerste wereldtitel behaalde. Gelukkig zetten wij van de NOS Schaatspodcast precies op tijd de microfoons weer aan om na te praten! De coach van Jenning de Boo, Dennis van der Gun, schuift ook aan. Dat kwam goed uit want met Femke Kok en Antoinette…
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Met vandaag: Auteur Lex Paleaux als literair reporter op het Boekenbal | Hoe heeft Schoof een kabinetscrisis afgewend? | Hoe lang houdt de Russische economie het nog vol? | Wat te doen tegen een overactieve blaas? | Presentatie: Simone Weimans.
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News Trap 3.14.25 - Blowback w/ Justin Rogers-Cooper (PREVIEW)
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5:14Trump and Elon Musk are actively working to destroy the global economic order, but to what end? This week Justin and I consider the wacky cartoon reality that Americans inhabit, and speculate about the different forms "blowback" might take when the punishment gets real. Subscribe to hear the whole episode…
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"Chris Farley. Karate. Chaos. What could go wrong? 🥋🤣" This week, we’re diving into Beverly Hills Ninja—the 90s martial arts comedy that gave us Chris Farley at his most ridiculously over-the-top. As Haru, an orphan raised by ninjas (who definitely should not be a ninja), Farley stumbles his way through a high-kicking, crime-fighting, sushi-flippin…
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Hey y’allYou’re listening to The Neighborhood where we get all up in yo business talking about Self, family, friends, and finance. This is not a conversation about romantic relationships because we minding our OWN business but trust and believe once we get that straight the rest will follow.You know me I’m yo nosey neighbor Inertia Justice. Go get …
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He-Man Casting, 90s Toys 'R Us Nostalgia Surprise, Best Mario Games from Every Console
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1:08:18Alex and Cruz are back for another episode, diving deep into nostalgia! This week, we're looking at the casting of the anticipated He-Man Movies, debating epic 90s cartoons, and ranking the best Mario games of all time. Plus, we're unboxing a rare Toys "R" Us exclusive baseball card set! Join us as we discuss: He-Man casting: Nicholas Galitzine, Ja…
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Le 6h/9h du 14/03/2025 des Matins Nostalgie avec Philippe et Sandy !
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46:53Retrouvez Les Matins Nostalgie avec Philippe et Sandy du lundi au vendredi de 6h à 9h sur Nostalgie. Au programme : Bonne Musique et Bonne humeur.بقلم Nostalgie France
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Le 8h/9h du 14/03/2025 des Matins Nostalgie avec Philippe et Sandy !
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التشغيل لاحقا
16:34Retrouvez Les Matins Nostalgie avec Philippe et Sandy du lundi au vendredi de 6h à 9h sur Nostalgie. Au programme : Bonne Musique et Bonne humeur.بقلم Nostalgie France
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Jeu - Le Défi de Philippe et Sandy du 14/03/2025
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3:28Toute cette semaine, venez jouer avec Philippe et Sandy pour tenter de gagner votre pack high tech !بقلم Nostalgie France
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La vraie life - Etes-vous fidèle à votre coiffeur ?
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2:42Pendant les vacances changez-vous de coiffeur ?بقلم Nostalgie France
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Y’a Danse avec Les Stars ce soir à la télé ! Ca cartonne toujours et ce matin, c’est vous qui allez sur le parquet pour nous dire….quoi que c’est il que cette danse ?بقلم Nostalgie France
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Depuis 5 ans, le 15 mars c'est sa journée Internationale ! C’est NOSTALGIE qui l’a choisi !بقلم Nostalgie France
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Le 7h/8h du 14/03/2025 des Matins Nostalgie avec Philippe et Sandy
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16:55Retrouvez Les Matins Nostalgie avec Philippe et Sandy du lundi au vendredi de 6h à 9h sur Nostalgie. Au programme : Bonne Musique et Bonne humeur.بقلم Nostalgie France
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La Playlist de Philippe et Sandy - De vos tubes Disco/Funk préférés
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2:39De vos tubes Disco/Funk préférésبقلم Nostalgie France
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Le 6h/7h du 14/03/2025 des Matins Nostalgie avec Philippe et Sandy !
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13:30Retrouvez Les Matins Nostalgie avec Philippe et Sandy du lundi au vendredi de 6h à 9h sur Nostalgie. Au programme : Bonne Musique et Bonne humeur.بقلم Nostalgie France
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Vendredi 14 mars, c’est la 25eme journée nationale du sommeil… Retournons sous la couette ce matin…. Qu’est ce qu’on vit quand on dort?بقلم Nostalgie France
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Y’a du rugby demain soir avec la finale du tournoi des 6 nations. Ce sera France / Ecosse au Stade De France ! Les commentateurs du match sont déjà avec nous ce matin. Quel artiste s’est planqué dans leurs commentaires ?بقلم Nostalgie France
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Tous les matins retrouvez le résumé de votre journée avec l’horoscope Nostalgie !بقلم Nostalgie France
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#14 - WK-UPDATE: Beune stijgt boven zichzelf uit (S02)
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24:19De NOS Schaatspodcast staat op het middenterrein van het Vikingskipet! In de eerste drie afleveringen tijdens dit WK blikken we dagelijks terug met een WK-update. Met nieuwe interviews en analyses kun je als WK-volger deze podcast onmogelijk missen! Luisteren dus, al was het alleen maar om te weten te komen wat de ISU deed met een vlag waarop stond…
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Julgamento Bolsonaro marcado / Corte no Bolsa Família / União oposição
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Nose Bleeds "322" Beethoven Keller
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1:25:19Adam considers making a citizen's arrest, Chris's experience with unruly fans, the Mount Rushmore of units of measure goes off the rails, and rating Andrew Schulz's Netflix special, Life.بقلم Chris Whitt
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Maybe Cruz Azul properly rated us, after all
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55:44The Sounders went on quite a roller-coaster this week, enjoying their most impressive and dominant win followed by a depressing performance against Cruz Azul. Along the way, they lost three players to injury, one of whom is likely gone for the season. Aaron and Jeremiah take stock of it all and try to assess what this means for a season that starte…
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The Jewish Institutional Reaction to Mahmoud Khalil's Abduction
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43:04On March 8th, federal immigration agents arrested Mahmoud Khalil, a former Palestinian student activist at Columbia University, in his New York home and moved him to a detention facility in Louisiana. Khalil, a recent graduate from Columbia’s public affairs masters program and a prominent leader in the school’s movement to pressure the university t…
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Le 6h/9h du 13/03/2025 des Matins Nostalgie avec Philippe et Sandy !
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التشغيل لاحقا
43:08Retrouvez Les Matins Nostalgie avec Philippe et Sandy du lundi au vendredi de 6h à 9h sur Nostalgie. Au programme : Bonne Musique et Bonne humeur.بقلم Nostalgie France
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