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show episodes
Lord Blood-Rah, host of the syndicated TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre" in which he presents the Best, Worst and Wildest Horror and Science Fiction Films ever made, turns his attention to the vast, haunted landscape of old time radio horror. Set in the theatre of the mind on the stage of your imagination, Lord Blood-Rah presents tales of terror, awe and the uncanny. Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Auditorium is made possible by the generous supporters of ...
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Madaz Podcast

Gondoltál már az építészetre úgy, mint környezetszennyezésre? A fenntarthatóság nem csak egy divatos hívószó, hanem egy gondolkodásmód, amelynek mentén változatos formában őrizhetjük meg a minőségi épített örökségünket. A Magyar Építőművészek Szövetségének meggyőződése, hogy az építészetnek fontos szerep jut az ökológiai problémák megoldásában. A házak, terek, települések tervezőinek nem csak alkalmazkodniuk kell a változó környezethez, de aktívan részt is kell vállalniuk annak alakításában. ...
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show series
a cura di Paolo Pellegrini PROGRAMMA Gioachino Rossini (1792 - 1868) Petite messe solennelle per quattro voci, coro e orchestra 1. Kyrie 2. Gloria 3. Gratias 4. Domine Deus 5. Qui Tollis 6. Quoniam 7. Cum Sanctu Spiritu 8. Credo 9. Crucifixus 10. Et Resurrexit 11. Preludio religioso 12. Sanctus 13. O Salutaris 14. Agnus Dei María José Moreno, sopra…
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Some salesmen have a knack for good timing. This one was perfect. From Lights Out comes the tale "The Coffin in Studio B." Lord Blood-Rah, host of the TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre" in which he presents the Best, Worst and Wildest Horror and Science Fiction Films ever made, turns his attention to the vast, haunted landscape of …
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A cura di Paolo Pellegrini Edvard Grieg (1843 - 1907) Norwegische Tänze (Danze norvegesi), op. 35 Versione per orchestra 1. Allegro marcato 2. Allegretto tranquillo e grazioso 3. Allegro moderato alla Marcia – Tranquillo 4. Allegro molto – Presto e con brio – Prestissimo hr-Sinfonieorchester (Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra) Paavo Järvi, diretto…
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a cura di Paolo Pellegrini PROGRAMMA George Enescu (1881 - 1955) Romanian Rhapsody n. 1 in la maggiore, op. 11 n. 1 London Symphony Orchestra Antal Doráti, direttore Romanian Rhapsody n. 2 in re maggiore, op. 11 n. 2 London Symphony Orchestra Antal Doráti, direttore Orchestral Suite n. 3 in re maggiore ‘Villageoise’, Op. 27 - Renouveau champêtre (A…
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A classic from the mind of Edgar Allan Poe. From Suspense comes the tale "The Pit and the Pendulum." Lord Blood-Rah, host of the TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre" in which he presents the Best, Worst and Wildest Horror and Science Fiction Films ever made, turns his attention to the vast, haunted landscape of old time radio horror.…
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a cura di Paolo Pellegrini PROGRAMMA Gustav Mahler (1860 - 1911) Sinfonia n. 2 in do minore "Risurrezione" in cinque tempi per soprano e contralto soli, coro misto ed orchestra 1. Allegro maestoso. Mit durchaus ernstem und feierlichem Ausdruck (Allegro maestoso. Con espressione assolutamente seria e solenne) 2. Andante moderato. Sehr gemächlich (An…
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Grown to a terrifying size, it had the power to mesmerize and kill. From The Hall of Fantasy comes the tale "The Crawling Thing." Lord Blood-Rah, host of the TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre" in which he presents the Best, Worst and Wildest Horror and Science Fiction Films ever made, turns his attention to the vast, haunted landsc…
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a cura di Paolo Pellegrini PROGRAMMA Isaac Albéniz (1860 - 1909) Concerto n. 1 in la minore per pianoforte e orchestra “Concierto fantástico” 1. Allegro ma non troppo (la minore) 2. Rêverie et Scherzo: Andante - Presto (re minore) 3. Allegro (si minore) Aldo Ciccolini, pianoforte Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Enrique Batiz, direttore Iberia orchestr…
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This SPECIAL ENCORE looks at the horrors and the futility of hate. From The Witch's Tale comes the story "The Altar of Hate." Lord Blood-Rah, host of the TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre" in which he presents the Best, Worst and Wildest Horror and Science Fiction Films ever made, turns his attention to the vast, haunted landscape …
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a cura di Paolo Pellegrini PROGRAMMA Béla Bartók (1881 - 1945) Rapsodia per pianoforte e orchestra, op. 1 - BB 36b - SZ 27 Andor Földes, pianoforte Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin Ferenc Fricsay, direttore Concerto per orchestra, BB 123 - SZ 116 1. Andante non troppo, Allegro vivace 2. Gioco delle coppie: Allegretto scherzando 3. Elegia: Andan…
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Captured by alien soldiers in time of war, one man rises to the occasion. From X Minus One comes the tale "The C-Chute." Lord Blood-Rah, host of the TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre" in which he presents the Best, Worst and Wildest Horror and Science Fiction Films ever made, turns his attention to the vast, haunted landscape of ol…
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The house was beautiful, but the curse was deadly. From The Witch's Tale comes the tale "The House of the Bridegroom." Lord Blood-Rah, host of the TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre" in which he presents the Best, Worst and Wildest Horror and Science Fiction Films ever made, turns his attention to the vast, haunted landscape of old …
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a cura di Paolo Pellegrini PROGRAMMA Robert Schumann (1810 - 1856) Ouvertüre in fa minore, op. 128 per il "Julius Caesar" di William Shakespeare - Kraftig gemessen. Etwas schneller. Tempo wie zu Anfang. Etwas schneller Wiener Philharmoniker Sir Georg Solti, direttore Sinfonia n. 3 in mi bemolle maggiore per orchestra "Renana", op. 97 1. Vivace 01:1…
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She wanted the excitement of Paris. What she found was very different. From Lights Out comes the tale "It Happened." Lord Blood-Rah, host of the TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre" in which he presents the Best, Worst and Wildest Horror and Science Fiction Films ever made, turns his attention to the vast, haunted landscape of old ti…
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a cura di Paolo Pellegrini PROGRAMMA Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (1809 - 1847) Meeresstille und gluckliche Fahrt (Calma di mare e viaggio felice) Ouverture da concerto in re maggiore per orchestra, op. 27 (MWV P5) - Adagio. Molto Allegro e vivace. Allegro maestoso London Symphony Orchestra Claudio Abbado, direttore Sinfonia n. 3 in la minore per or…
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The voice came from nowhere. He should have listened From Dark Fantasy comes the tale "Dead Hands Reaching." (This episode, produced in 1942, contains stereotypical and arguably offensive racial depictions.) Lord Blood-Rah, host of the TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre" in which he presents the Best, Worst and Wildest Horror and Sc…
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a cura di Paolo Pellegrini PROGRAMMA Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 - 1827) Sinfonia n. 7 in la maggiore, op. 92 1. Poco sostenuto - Vivace 2. Allegretto 3. Presto 4. Allegro con brio Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra Bernard Haitink, direttoreبقلم Ameria Radio - Sc. di Musica
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An old familiar classic to bring in the New Year. From Nightfall comes the story "The Tell-Tale Heart." Lord Blood-Rah, host of the TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre" in which he presents the Best, Worst and Wildest Horror and Science Fiction Films ever made, turns his attention to the vast, haunted landscape of old time radio horr…
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We here at Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Auditorium wish you all a very Happy New Year. We will return with all new thrills and chills next week. Lord Blood-Rah, host of the TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre" in which he presents the Best, Worst and Wildest Horror and Science Fiction Films ever made, turns his attention to the va…
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a cura di Paolo Pellegrini PROGRAMMA Georg Friedrich Händel (1685 - 1759) Te Deum in re maggiore, HWV 283 Inno per la vittoria di Dettingen 1. We praise Thee, oh God 2. All the earth doth worship Thee 3. To Thee all angels cry aloud 4. To Thee Cherubim and Seraphim 5. The glorious company of the Apostles 6. Thou art the King of Glory 7. When Thou t…
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a cura di Paolo Pellegrini PROGRAMMA Arthur Honegger (1892 - 1955) Concerto in do maggiore per violoncello e orchestra, H. 72 1. Andante 2. Lento 3. Allegro marcato Mstislav Rostropovich, violoncello London Symphony Orchestra Kent Nagano, direttore Sinfonia n. 3 "Symphonie Liturgique", H. 186 1. Dies irae: Allegro marcato 2. De profundis clamavi: A…
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A harried husband has a lethal Christmas surprise for his wife, and receives a surprising gift. From Suspense comes the story "Back for Christmas" starring Peter Lorre. Lord Blood-Rah, host of the TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre" in which he presents the Best, Worst and Wildest Horror and Science Fiction Films ever made, turns hi…
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a cura di Paolo Pellegrini PROGRAMMA Manuel de Falla (1876 - 1946) Homenajes Suite per orchestra 1. Fanfare sobre el nombre de Enrique Fernández Arbós 2. À Claude Debussy (Elegía de la guitarra) - Rappel de la Fanfare 3. À Paul Dukas (Spes Vitae) 4. Pedrelliana Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra Jesús López-Cobos, direttore El Amor Brujo Suite dal balle…
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She heard her daughter calling too late. From The Hermit's cave comes the story "Spirit Vengeance." Lord Blood-Rah, host of the TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre" in which he presents the Best, Worst and Wildest Horror and Science Fiction Films ever made, turns his attention to the vast, haunted landscape of old time radio horror. …
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a cura di Paolo Pellegrini PROGRAMMA Anton Bruckner (1824 - 1896) Messa n. 3 in fa minore "Grosse Messe" per soli, coro e orchestra 1. KYRIE - Moderato 2. GLORIA a. Gloria in excelsis Deo - Allegro b. Qui tollis peccata mundi - Andante, mehr Adagio c. Quoniam tu solus sanctus - Tempo I d. In gloria Dei patris, amen - Ziemlich langsam 3. CREDO a. Cr…
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Tonight a bleak future grows a bit less bleak. From Dimension X comes the story "Hello Tomorrow." Lord Blood-Rah, host of the TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre" in which he presents the Best, Worst and Wildest Horror and Science Fiction Films ever made, turns his attention to the vast, haunted landscape of old time radio horror. Se…
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A cura di Paolo Pellegrini PROGRAMMA Alexander Borodin (1833-1887) Sinfonia n. 1 in mi bemolle maggiore (1867) 1. Adagio - Allegro 2. Scherzo: Prestissimo 3. Andante 4. Allegro molto vivo Moscow Radio Symphony Orchestra Gennadi Rozhdestvensky, direttoreبقلم Ameria Radio - Sc. di Musica
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A cura di Paolo Pellegrini PROGRAMMA Richard Strauss (1864 - 1949) Sinfonia n. 1 in Re minor, o.Op. 69, TRV 94 (1880) 1.Andante Maestoso 2.Andante 3.Scherzo: Molto Allegro, leggiero 4.Final: Allegro Maestoso Nurnberger Symphoniker Klauspeter Seibel, direttoreبقلم Ameria Radio - Sc. di Musica
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Tonight a criminal faces a justice he did not expect. From Lights Out comes the story "The Haunted Cell." Lord Blood-Rah, host of the TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre" in which he presents the Best, Worst and Wildest Horror and Science Fiction Films ever made, turns his attention to the vast, haunted landscape of old time radio ho…
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A cura di Paolo Pellegrini PROGRAMMA Hector Berlioz (1803-1869) Le corsaire (Il corsaro), ouverture in do maggiore per orchestra, op. 21 1. Allegro assai 2. Adagio sostenuto 3. Allegro assai Orchestre de Paris Paavo Järvi, direttore Grande Symphonie funèbre et triomphale, op. 15 1. Marcia funebre - Moderato un poco lento 2. Orazione funebre - Adagi…
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Tonight two travelers fall into a haunted web of murder and revenge. From The Witch's Tale comes the story "Tourists Accommodated." Lord Blood-Rah, host of the TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre" in which he presents the Best, Worst and Wildest Horror and Science Fiction Films ever made, turns his attention to the vast, haunted land…
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A cura di Paolo Pellegrini PROGRAMMA Alexander Glazunov (1865 – 1936) Oriental Rhapsody per orchestra, op. 29 1. Andante 2. Presto 3. Andante (a capriccio) 4. Moderato alla marcia 5. Finale: Allegro Orchestra Sinfonica Statale di Mosca Veronika Dudarova, direttore Sinfonia n 1 in mi maggiore, op 5 1. Allegro 2. Scherzo - Allegro 3. Adagio 4. Finale…
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Tonight we present a tale of the dark woods and an even darker curse. From Dark Fantasy comes the tale "The Demon Tree." Lord Blood-Rah, host of the TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre" in which he presents the Best, Worst and Wildest Horror and Science Fiction Films ever made, turns his attention to the vast, haunted landscape of ol…
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A cura di Paolo Pellegrini PROGRAMMA Gabriel Fauré (1845 - 1924) Requiem in re minore, Op. 48 per soli, coro, organo e orchestra 1. Introito - Kyrie - Molto largo (re minore) 2. Offertorio - Adagio molto (si minore) 3. Sanctus - Andante moderato (mi bemolle maggiore) 4. Pie Jesus - Adagio (si bemolle maggiore) 5. Agnus Dei - Andante (fa maggiore) 6…
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Tonight for Halloween we present a SPECIAL ENCORE EPISODE of one of the most disturbing and shocking tales we've ever presented. From The Black Mass comes the tale "The Death of Halpin Frayser." Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Auditorium will return with new episodes November 9th. Lord Blood-Rah, host of the TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wracki…
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a cura di Paolo Pellegrini PROGRAMMA Gustav Mahler (1860 - 1911) Sinfonia n. 1 in re maggiore “Titano” 1. Langsam, Schleppend, Wie ein Naturlaut; im Aanfag sehr gemächlich; belebtes Zeitmass (Lentamente, trascinato, come un suono della natura; all'inizio molto tranquillo) 2. Kräftig, bewegt, doch nicht zu schnell; Trio, Recht gemächlich (Vigorosame…
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Tonight we present a tale of music, a grieving family and horrific murder. From Suspense comes the tale "Fugue in C Minor" starring Vincent Price and Ida Lupino. Lord Blood-Rah, host of the TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre" in which he presents the Best, Worst and Wildest Horror and Science Fiction Films ever made, turns his atten…
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a cura di Paolo Pellegrini Antonin Dvoràk (1841 - 1904) Leggende, op.59, B.122 Versione per orchestra 1. Allegretto non troppo, quasi andantino 2. Molto moderato 3. Allegro giusto 4. Molto mosso 5. Allegro giusto 6. Allegro con moto 7. Allegretto grazioso 8. Un poco allegretto 9. Andante 10. Andante Philharmonia Orchestra Rafael Kubelik, direttore …
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Tonight we present a macabre chiller of the open road and destiny. From Suspense comes the tale "The Hitch Hiker" starring Orson Welles. Lord Blood-Rah, host of the TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre" in which he presents the Best, Worst and Wildest Horror and Science Fiction Films ever made, turns his attention to the vast, haunted…
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a cura di Paolo Pellegrini PROGRAMMA Ferruccio Busoni (1866 - 1924) Konzertstück per pianoforte e orchestra op. 31a, KV 236 1. Moderato 2. Allegro molto (6:18) 3. Vivace (10:35) Gino Gorini, pianoforte Orchestra Sinfonica della RAI di Torino Dietfried Bernet, direttore Concerto in re maggiore per violino e orchestra op. 35a, KV 243 1. Allegro moder…
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Tonight we present one of the most frightening tales ever aired. From Suspense comes the tale "Three Skeleton Key" starring Vincent Price. Lord Blood-Rah, host of the TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre" in which he presents the Best, Worst and Wildest Horror and Science Fiction Films ever made, turns his attention to the vast, haunt…
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a cura di Paolo Pellegrini PROGRAMMA Alban Berg (1885 - 1935) Tre pezzi dalla Lyrische Suite Arrangiamento dei numeri 2, 3 e 4 della Lyrische Suite per quartetto d'archi 1. Andante amoroso 2. Allegro misterioso 3. Adagio appassionato Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra Herbert Von Karajan, direttore Concerto per violino e orchestra "Alla memoria di un an…
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Tonight we present a tale of a woman haunted. From Suspense comes the tale "The Yellow Wallpaper." Lord Blood-Rah, host of the TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre" in which he presents the Best, Worst and Wildest Horror and Science Fiction Films ever made, turns his attention to the vast, haunted landscape of old time radio horror. S…
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a cura di Paolo Pellegrini PROGRAMMA Béla Bartók (1881 - 1945) Concerto per orchestra, BB 123 (SZ 116) 1. Andante non troppo, Allegro vivace 2. Gioco delle coppie: Allegretto scherzando 3. Elegia: Andante non troppo 4. Intermezzo interrotto: Allegretto 5. Finale: Pesante hr-Sinfonieorchester – Frankfurt Radio Symphony Andrés Orozco-Estrada, diretto…
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Tonight we present a tale of hope in the midst of ultimate disaster. From Quiet, Please comes the tale "Adam and the Darkest Day." Lord Blood-Rah, host of the TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre" in which he presents the Best, Worst and Wildest Horror and Science Fiction Films ever made, turns his attention to the vast, haunted lands…
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a cura di Paolo Pellegrini PROGRAMMA Vincenzo Bellini (1801 - 1835) Messa in mi minore 1. Kyrie 2. Gloria 3. Laudamus 4. Domine Deus 5. Qui Tollis 6. Qui Sedes 7. Cum Sancto Spiritu Leila Bersiani, soprano Valentina Di Cola, soprano Stella Salvati, contralto Jose Antonio Campo, tenore Carlo Lepore, basso Choeurs de la radiotelevision tcheque Orches…
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Tonight we present the chilling tale of a man who simply slips away. From The Hermit's Cave comes the tale "The House of Purple Shadows." Lord Blood-Rah, host of the TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre" in which he presents the Best, Worst and Wildest Horror and Science Fiction Films ever made, turns his attention to the vast, haunte…
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a cura di Paolo Pellegrini PROGRAMMA Franz Schubert (1797 - 1828) Ouverture in mi minore per orchestra, D. 648 - Allegro moderato L'Orfeo Barockorchester Michi Gaigg, direttore Sinfonia n. 8 in si minore "Incompiuta" D. 759 1. Allegro moderato (si minore) 2. Andante con moto (mi maggiore) 3. Allegro (si minore) e trio (sol maggiore) - Restano solo …
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Tonight we present a haunting tale of a dark castle and it's deadly secret. From The Hall of Fantasy comes the tale "The Castle of La Voca." Lord Blood-Rah, host of the TV series "Lord Blood-Rah's Nerve Wrackin' Theatre" in which he presents the Best, Worst and Wildest Horror and Science Fiction Films ever made, turns his attention to the vast, hau…
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