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Stamina Jones, Jack Crackstone and various members of the Dial Up crew analyze only the latest and most important topics affecting the world today through the lens of aggressive tomfoolery. Follow us on Twitter @DialUpStuff!
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台北撥接 Taipei Dial-Up


本頻道提供以下內容: ✔穢語 ✔腥羶色 ✔連續失言 ✔政治不正確 ✔無差別地圖炮 ✔其他:故事時事好笑的事 IG追蹤taipeidialup 若您需要其他特殊內容服務,歡迎來信至chronosvstudio@gmail.com Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Do you struggle to get the visibility you need at your workplace or find it difficult to positively influence the team you are leading? Let’s understand the nuances of managing and improving yourself so well that people have no choice but to take you seriously, this podcast is aimed at pulling back the curtains ‘On your presence’ and helping you grab that much deserved recognition. Each episode contains powerful information to help you grow your corporate presence regardless of whether you a ...
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show series
Send us a text One is often led to believe that being naturally gifted is the most important pre-requisite for being successful. Almost all successful music artists and sports persons are believed to be born with some kind of natural talent. Do you really think though that all these sports personalities and singers and musicians who have achieved n…
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Send us a text Description In this episode you will hear me talk about how to stand for what you believe in even in the face of a pressure from a demanding team that either reports to you or does not. I'm going to talk about how you can evaluate your own standards and plan ways to stick by you own personal high standards without having to dilute th…
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Send us a text In this episode you will hear me talk about how to exude confidence and what you can do to allow yourself the opportunity to embody that executive presence that will have people sit up and take notice of you. I'm going to talk about how you can evaluate your reasons for holding back and what you can do to express your point of view a…
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Up Up Up! One more one more! 我要大聲喊出來,槓片給他甩起來! 旁人聽得很奇怪,老闆看到臉歪歪... ---- 在聽Podcast的你們,會邊聽Podcast邊運動嗎? https://open.firstory.me/story/ckgywuqjuylue0903e6q7554x?m=comment 贊助羅哥,讓他可以上更多次健身房~(應該是林三比較需要吧!) https://pay.firstory.me/user/taipeidial-up Powered by Firstory Hosting
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拍照拍美美,肉肉全都沒 健美健起來,電視一直看 你各位啊!到底是來QK還是來運動的啊? 蛤!!! 在聽Podcast的你們,會邊聽Podcast邊運動嗎? https://open.firstory.me/story/ckgywuqjuylue0903e6q7554x?m=comment 贊助羅哥,讓他可以上更多次健身房~(應該是林三比較需要吧!) https://pay.firstory.me/user/taipeidial-up Powered by Firstory Hosting
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一名女子趁丈夫熟睡時一鎚敲破丈夫頭顱,再拿水果刀猛刺丈夫,鮮血不停地從破爛不堪的軀體流出,血流得越多,她越安心... 究竟,她和丈夫之間有什麼不可告人的陳年舊恨,才讓兩人的婚姻化為一攤血泊? 讓我們一起進入海~龜~推~理~ 分享你的結婚/婚姻觀點,認不認同婚姻制度? https://open.firstory.me/story/ckgpale3964ez0803atwrjylk?m=comment 喜歡海龜推理系列嗎?喜歡就拜託一下↓ https://pay.firstory.me/user/taipeidial-up Powered by Firstory Hosting
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婆媳問題八成與老公有關。 一邊是最親的女人,一邊是最愛的女人。左右為難的老公,應該如何抉擇? 這次邀請到深陷婆媳泥淖的高雄阿震與我們分享他的婆媳調解之術! 本集精彩內容包括: 婆婆說:「我很想把你老婆當女兒,但她實在是太過份了!」 老婆說:「你們家到底在堅持什麼,懂不懂女權啊!」 公公說:「不行!小孩一定要在我們家這報戶口!」 岳父說:「孩子都跟你們姓了為什麼不能我們來取名字!」 揪竟,阿震要如何化解這場風暴呢,敬請收聽台北撥接! 分享你的婆媳故事: https://open.firstory.me/story/ckghszpy2goih0875ot08m4sw?m=comment 打個賞,讓我們邀請更多來賓聊更多話題: https://pay.firstory.me/user/taipei…
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工作效率得第一,人緣不好卻怪自己! 羅哥頓悟了嗎? 你有OCD嗎?哪方面的OCD? 討厭有OCD嗎? https://open.firstory.me/story/ckgdrmmf8r0qq0875y3tq8irj?m=comment 贊助OCD,救救OCD https://pay.firstory.me/user/taipeidial-up Powered by Firstory Hosting
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一直撥接之撥接食堂! 深夜肚子餓千萬不要聽!內有大量煎煮食物和試吃的聲音! 這一集我們把錄音器材搬到廚房,別上Mini Mic, 所以音質和之前有些不同, 希望可以讓大家深夜用聽的望梅止渴(?) IG搜尋「台北撥接」或 taipeidialup看好吃的煎餃過程照片 喜歡這樣的料理Podcast嗎?聽起來好吃嗎? https://open.firstory.me/story/ckgb0o9zzmpu00875zx3m0q2a?m=comment 贊助聲夜食堂,讓我們做更多料理給你聽: https://pay.firstory.me/user/taipeidial-up Powered by Firstory Hosting…
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康軒的疑似吹哨者被離職,大眾媒體一致為他打抱不平! 大家都說吹哨者是真勇者,但在馬路上認真的吹哨者呢? 檢舉達人和檢舉魔人怎麼被劃上等號了, 以後請正名:法律志工! 你有當過吹哨者嗎? https://open.firstory.me/story/ckg7t9tfj3frb0875kppy0ell?m=comment 逼逼~逼逼逼~都聽了還不打個賞~ https://pay.firstory.me/user/taipeidial-up Powered by Firstory Hosting
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外省豬?本省羊?美國牛? 不會講台語臭了嗎?到底會不會聊天啊! 羅哥的台語人生經驗,歡迎開嗆! 請用台語留言: https://open.firstory.me/story/ckg10nqcp5vwh08752zusvdns?m=comment 支持羅哥,支持台北撥接: https://pay.firstory.me/user/taipeidial-up Powered by Firstory Hosting
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雙北最後一間茶の魔手關店了, 為什麼在台南有280幾間分店的茶魔, 居然在大台北滑鐵盧。 你們有喝過茶の魔手嗎?喜歡還是討厭? 喜歡哪個飲料品項?不喜歡哪個部分? https://open.firstory.me/story/ckfy8yu3m1jvg0800qnv4mqk5?m=comment 捐一杯可不可給林三邊喝邊錄音XD https://pay.firstory.me/user/taipeidial-up Powered by Firstory Hosting
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【台北撥接復播啦!】 台北撥接為什麼要整修? 台北撥接未來會做什麼內容? 台北撥接的吉祥物羅哥去哪了!? 謝謝舊聽眾的等待,歡迎新聽眾的加入! 我們回來啦~ #不過真的有聽眾嗎 #這裡有撥接粉嗎 https://open.firstory.me/story/ckfvmxdqrzm140800ildyesxd?m=comment #請用數位新台幣上架我們 https://pay.firstory.me/user/taipeidial-up Powered by Firstory Hosting
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電視上看漫畫?!你大概是瘋了吧! 三井壽要跳投了!三井壽要投出去了!三井壽要射了!(老師片尾字幕請上) 到底以前的動漫有多好看?還是純粹保有很多想像空間? 那麼,胖虎可以進來了嗎? --- 【還在撥接】系列每一集討論一件80年代出生的爛草莓會遇到的人事物。 --- 分享 https://open.firstory.me/story/ckeram3vyodca0839j3sa60dc?m=comment 贊助我們,讓我們可以繼續錄更多給你聽! https://pay.firstory.me/user/taipeidial-up Powered by Firstory Hosting
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大家都說小孩的性教育不能等,但其實是長輩的教育不能等! 從小時候的摸頭擁抱摟肩、學生時期對師長的愛慕,一直到職場上的性騷擾,從信任到性侵,大多都在權力不對等的關係下發生。 希望藉由這集分享我們自身的經驗,讓大家意識到性的權力遊戲不只有Pornhub會演,你我都隨時身在這樣的環境中,可能是受害者,也可能成為模仿犯。 重點時間軸 01:14 新北衛生局女員工稱遭性侵墜樓自殺 06:50 是我們缺乏母愛還是父愛嗎?愛慕的起點 12:12 羅哥分享小時候的同性性騷擾 15:26 小羅哥國小愛慕的女老師~ 31:21 連大喇喇的阿惠在大學時期都被狼師襲胸了 39:40 N姓導演的性侵案件 41:48 「你不可以這樣子。」 53:19 檢討被害人?關於體操A級醜聞 【還在撥接】系列每一集討論一件80年代…
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一通神秘電話,把祖孫三人叫到許久未見的兒子住處。門一開,一顆頭顱滾了出來。 ***溫馨提醒:本集內含活靈活現的血腥口述,需要提神者請立即點擊!*** (當然也有林三唱歌的提神橋段XD) 【海龜推理】系列以海龜湯推理法帶你抽絲剝繭,揭開各種懸疑怪奇故事背後的恐怖真相,並延伸討論相關議題。 --- 關於這一集推理之後延伸討論的議題,你有什麼看法呢? https://open.firstory.me/story/ckebmn9o7g9880839dozyhq8z?m=comment 贊助起來,讓我們可以錄更多內容給你聽! https://pay.firstory.me/user/taipeidial-up Powered by Firstory Hosting…
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正在發育的莘莘學子們,強烈分泌賀爾蒙。 上一節課喜歡你,下一節課在一起。 十分鐘的戀愛、狼吞虎嚥的肥仔。 什麼地方讓人忘了課本也要去呢? 不知不覺還加入了好肥大聯盟!(肥肥) 【還在撥接】系列每一集討論一件80年代出生的爛草莓會遇到的人事物。 --- 分享你的福利社回憶!或是自爆曾經加入「好肥大聯盟」的經驗,我們保證不出賣會員資料! https://open.firstory.me/story/cke786pjbzups0839g3evfer7?m=comment 笑一個就贊助起來,讓我們可以錄更多給你聽! https://pay.firstory.me/user/taipeidial-up Powered by Firstory Hosting…
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三個礦工在黑暗的坑道裡挖著煤礦,當炸藥點燃之際,卻只有一個礦工逃了出來。 染血的煤礦落滿整個坑道,在這一條走得進去卻躺著出來的坑道,到底發生什麼事? (礦坑音效聲) ***這一集角色有些複雜,建議聽之前可以開啟手機的記事本app或拿張小紙條,就可以跟著我們一起燒腦推理啦!*** 【海龜推理】系列以海龜湯推理法帶你抽絲剝繭,揭開各種懸疑怪奇故事背後的恐怖真相! --- 關於這部電影或是這一類的電影,你有什麼看法請留言: https://open.firstory.me/story/cke0uvmv7wh8l0803166bx192?m=comment 笑一個就贊助起來,讓我們可以錄更多給你聽! https://pay.firstory.me/user/taipeidial-up Powered…
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不知道蔡依林都怎麼倒帶的?我們都用原子筆捲錄音帶倒帶! 三個懷舊死老人聊聊錄音帶的事給你聽。 【還在撥接】系列每一集討論一件80年代出生的爛草莓會遇到的人事物。 --- 快來留言分享你蒐集的第一張卡帶,不用掩飾年紀啦! https://open.firstory.me/story/ckdw7c2s33c4908801x2tautu?m=comment 笑一個就贊助起來,讓我們可以錄更多給你聽。 https://pay.firstory.me/user/taipeidial-up Powered by Firstory Hosting
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家裡的東西總是找不到? 明明記得放在這邊,卻在那邊出現? 你需要的可能不是令人怦然心動的人生整理魔法,跟著我們一起找找你家到底是不是有什麼髒~東~西~ 【海龜推理】系列以海龜湯推理法帶你抽絲剝繭,揭開各種懸疑怪奇故事背後的恐怖真相! --- 分享你的「金魚記憶」經驗,我們保證不取笑你XD: https://open.firstory.me/story/ckdqjtqpo08h80862gvybo0ql?m=comment 笑一個就贊助起來,讓我們可以錄更多給你聽! https://pay.firstory.me/user/taipeidial-up Powered by Firstory Hosting…
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在台灣似乎大部分的人都是無照騎機車去考照,簡直是雞生蛋蛋生雞的問題。 考機車駕照前到底要去哪裡練習?怎麼去監理站考? 沒人告訴我們答案的撥接時代。     ***本台不鼓勵違法行為,希望未來要考駕照的同學們,要用正確合法的方式騎歐都賣、考歐兜邁喔!*** --- 【還在撥接】系列每一集討論一件80年代出生的爛草莓會遇到的人事物。 --- 分享你的「騎歐兜邁」經驗,我們保證不報警: https://open.firstory.me/story/ckdmolmufdlhd0862fjfhcisp?m=comment 笑一個就贊助起來,讓我們可以錄更多給你聽! https://pay.firstory.me/user/taipeidial-up Powered by Firstory Hostin…
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婚禮的祝福不是祝福,你要的一切如今都變成我的心碎~ 一場葬禮,揭開欲蓋彌彰的人倫悲劇。     【海龜推理】系列以海龜湯推理法帶你抽絲剝繭,揭開各種懸疑怪奇故事背後的恐怖真相! --- 分享你遊走法律邊緣的經驗,我們保證不報警處理: https://open.firstory.me/story/ckdh8n4wp3cgl0862v1hm1mvy?m=comment 笑一個就贊助起來,讓我們可以錄更多給你聽! https://pay.firstory.me/user/taipeidial-up Powered by Firstory Hosting
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聰明的藝術家模仿,偉大的藝術家偷竊。 聰明的研究生抄四頁,偉大的研究生抄整本。 據說傳統工藝米上刻字的起源來自於作弊刻小抄,現在與我們一同見證另一項大中華藝術之崛起! --- 【還在撥接】系列節目每一集討論一件80年代出生會有記憶的人事物。 --- 分享你的「抄作業」經驗,我們保證不報告老師: https://open.firstory.me/story/ckdc2ib3j36xs0804aajrq9iz?m=comment 笑一個就贊助起來,讓我們可以錄更多給你聽! https://pay.firstory.me/user/taipeidial-up    Powered by Firstory Hosting…
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On this week's episode we're throwing it back and paying tribute to the Boy Bands of the past, present, and future. Was Justin Timberlake really the most talented member of NSYNC? Who's going to win the One Direction solo career battle Royale? These questions and so many more on this week's Dial Up!Follow us on: Instagram: @dialupofficialTwitter: @…
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New Year, same bullshit*t. We're back with our first episode of 2018 talking about the Aziz Ansari, Time's Up, The Golden Globes, and how Oprah's speech left us dead and motivated at the same time. Follow us on Twitter: @dialuppodcastOn Instagram: @dialuppodcastAimee on Twitter: @aimeevictoriaCarrington on Twitter: @callmekinsey…
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We're back with Episode 14 of the Dial Up Podcast!We're starting off Season 2 of the Dial Up Podcast with #TheReturn of Jack Crackstone, and breaking down Week One of the Resistance. Let's see if we can determine just how many L's we should plan on taking over the next couple of years, and lament the fuckery that is already the Trump Administration…
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Episode 12 of the Dial Up Podcast! Well, we didn't think that we would end up here now did we? Racism is flying the biggest W they have in a while and we just have to sit here and wait for the world to end. But don't worry, we are giving our expert analysis of the events that are occuring and offer our own thoughts and feelings about how America ju…
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