Almost otaku slightly WEEBS, we are The Anime Enthusiast!
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التشغيل لاحقا
التشغيل لاحقا
35:32Adriabie dan Syauqisehat kembali membuat podcast setelah sekian lama, membahas kehidupan nyata mereka di era 'new normal', anime yang baru ditonton syauqisehat, dan drama ending serial manga favorit adriabie.
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Menjadi Wibu yang Beretika di Bioskop
التشغيل لاحقا
التشغيل لاحقا
10:23Penggalan percakapan saat mencoba gear podcast baru. Membahas etika menonton bioskop, dan tim SUB vs DUB.
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Membahas sosok director anime keren dan memberikan judgement (sotoy) akan karya karyanya,
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syauqisehat dan adriabie membahas dan mereview manga berjudul GANTZ!
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Well, it’s the end of AEG. Well, for now anyway. But we end it with bang. EVA.The New World Gospel. Probably the deepest episode yet. But don’t worry, there’s still all the tangents that you know us for. ROBIN WILLIAMS IS EVANGELION. *This episode has been sanitized for your convenience. STREAM IT!:…
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Well, well… What do we have here? A surprise episode? Or just some raw material left on the cutting room floor? Eitherway, this newly deemed “chibicast” is here. We talk about some anime-esque games that we personally enjoy. One again, the audio is on the shoddy side. We’ll try to give you a better sounding show next week. DO A BARREL ROLL. Stream …
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The AEG returns! Sorry for all the audio hiccups and the overall less than less than stellar quality, we had a funky recording setup this week. This week is Mechas. And we kinda tangent into videogames. There was an awkward amount of singing in this one too. IT’S A GUNDAM! BELIEVE IT. Stream It!:…
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We get angsty this week. Or was it last week? Whatever. Rants. Race. The most haphazard show ever! Oh yeah. 4Kids has the power to change a person’s skin color. BELIEVE IT. Stream It!: Download It!: A.E.G. – Episode 3: I’ll Ta…
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It’s our second podcast and guess what, we have a new name! The topic this week is stereotypes in anime. And pornography that’s not pornography. Also, it’s the April Fools [week] show. Would we prank you? Who knows? Stream It!: Download It!: A.E…
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The first episode of Otaku Talk A.E.G., the tentative title for our NEWEST PODCAST EVER, is live! Not much focus here boys and girls, the loose show “topic” is the Adult Swim revolution, or basically how we got introduced to the world of anime. Mickey Mouse, Pokemon with the right to bear arms, and stay tuned afterwords for some bonus interperative…
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