060 Semifinals Breakdown
Manage episode 416937256 series 3498945
These Events are a lot more “game-y” and entertaining than Quarterfinals.
The tradeoff is that they are more exciting to watch but there will also be less separation, making it partly a test of fitness and partly a spectator sport.
Event 1
5 Rounds for Time
800m Run
10 Clean and Jerks @185/125
Time Cap: 30 Minutes
4k Run = 15+ Minutes
50 C+J = 3+ Minutes
This is a running event.
Assault Runner will favor larger athletes.
Posterior chain hot from this.
This will be about running paces.
Event 2
5 Rounds for Time
100 DU
20 T2B
10 Front Squats @225/155
Time Cap: 18 Minutes
500 DU = 5+ Minutes
100 T2B = 5+ Minutes
50 Front Squats = 1:40-2+ Minutes
Very similar to Open 19.2 and 16.2 only twice as many DU in sets twice as big.
Going to feel the grip and midline on this one.
We’re also going to see sets that are too big. Rich went down to 5s on 19.2 and won.
Rich’s Times
30s for 50 DU
1 Minute for 20 T2B - 10/5/5/5 for 25
Event 3
7 Rounds for Time
10 Cal Echo
10 BJO to 24/30”
Time Cap: 16 Minutes
70 Cal Echo
70 BJO
14 LLRC at 4/minute = 3.5 Minutes
70 Cal Echo at 20 cals/minute = 3.5 Minutes
70 BJO at 20 reps/minute = 3.5 Minutes
Set sizes are less dense, rate will be somewhat high here.
Cap is pretty high to make sure that people who struggle with LLRC still have a similar work requirement.
This will be a close race, separation is spread pretty evenly between all 3 movements.
No distinct limiter here.
A bit of a game seeing how fast other guys do the echo.
Event 4
For Time
400m Row
100’ HSW
600m Row
125’ HSW
800m Row
75’ HSW
Time Cap: 13 Minutes
2013 Regionals
6:30 2k
1.8k Row = 5:50
200’ HSW = 2 Minutes
Again high time caps ensure everyone has the same work requirement.
I think we’ll see more separation on the row than on the HSW.
Event 5
For Time
10 Squat Snatches @185
8 Squat Snatches @205
6 Squat Snatches @225
4 Squat Snatches @245
2 Squat Snatches @265
Had them load their own bars in 2016.
Fraser's Split Times from 2016
1:00 = 1 rep every 5s @185
2:30 = 1 rep every 7s @205
4:00 = 1 rep every 9-10s @225
5:05 = 1 rep every 12-13s @245
6:05 = 1 rep every 15s @265
Event 6
For Time
30/22 Cal Echo
15 Muscle Ups
75’ DB Walking Lunge @70/100#/hand
Time Cap: 6 Minutes
Racing at high paces on stationary bikes is dumb.
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