14: Communication Is King
Manage episode 309310923 series 3030840
I Corithians 13
Connection is King
Vs 1 Though I speak withe tongue
Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.
This is that intimate conversation letting each other know you care about the inner life of your spouse asking each other questions
Face to to face conversation the staring into each others eyes because eye contact is crucial means of conversation
Stop looking at the tv screen phone and start looking at your wife or husband
Eye contact goes a long way this release adrenaline the dopamine in the brain
Be careful who you open up to this is the gateway drug for affairs.
This can produce fears and anxiety which lead to aggressive and accusatory communication. After the honeymoon was over theses things start to creep up on your marriage.
When the love is not there you are consumed with anger and bitterness.
When does this happen when your spuse is away on a business trip
Going to sleep
Waking up
Going to work
Not getting a response or text for three hours
When one is being flirtatious with someone else
When your spouse is angry at you
Your spouse is depressed or sad
Your spouse is turning down your sexual advances
Your spouse is commenting or staring anthers attractiveness
Ignoring your plead for connections
Turning down plans to do something together
Going out with friends without you
Having hobbies without you
Develop an maintain trust in your marriage
Don't be judgmental
Each other comes first for information and secret detalis an d protect it from those who try to harm it
Give to your spouse
giving inspires love
Mystic in marriage
And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.
Beauty is skin deep
Bring your highest self so work on yourself
Be a spiritual leader
Challenge your self to love your spouse more
Practice compassion
Focus on yourself be a student of self and know your short comings and work on them
Get to know your spouse study them and be what they need
Take pride in being a good partner
Be a good listener
Know there friends
Get involved in there hobbies and activities
Connect through the day
have eye contact
Look for opportunity to show support
Show gratitude
Say thank you
Do something for them that make the day easier
Buy gifts
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