Fr. Larry Richards is the founder and president of The Reason for our Hope Foundation, a non- profit organization dedicated to ”spreading the Good News” by educating others about Jesus Christ. His new homilies are posted each week.
Welcome to the Enjoying Everyday Life TV podcast with Joyce Meyer. To learn more, visit our website at or download the Joyce Meyer Ministries App. By supporting Joyce Meyer Ministries, you can help us reach hurting people around the world. To find out more, go to
Love God, love people, and change the world. We believe the life and lessons of Jesus aren’t just good advice, but are Good News for us here and now. As a church, we are all about following Jesus and know there’s no end to that journey—we’re more about becoming than arriving. We are committed to becoming a multi-generational, multi-ethnic, multiplying movement of Christ followers, equipping and empowering our kids and students to not only be the church of tomorrow, but the church of today.
National Geographic photographer and conservationist Jaime Rojo has spent decades capturing the beauty and fragility of the monarch butterfly. Their epic migration is one of nature’s most breathtaking spectacles, but their survival is under threat. In this episode, Jaime shares how his passion for photography and conservation led him to document the monarchs’ journey. He and host Brian Lowery discuss the deeper story behind his award-winning images, one about resilience, connection, and the urgent need to protect our natural world. See Jaime's story on the monarch butterflies at his website: , and follow Brian Lowery at .…
In this final lesson of The Consequences of Sin series, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines Genesis 11:1-9, the account of humanity’s language confusion at and people group dispersion from ancient Babel. After reading and making basic observations of the text, Pastor Dave seeks to answer the following interpretation questions: What was the great sin/what were the……
In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia discusses the Ice Age. The Bible never specifically addresses any ice age, but there is evidence of a past ice age all over our world today. How does the Ice Age connect with what the Bible reveals about Noah’s flood? How does a biblically informed model of the flood……
In this lesson looking more at the great flood, Pastor Dave Capoccia focuses on Noah’s ark itself. The Bible gives some description of the size and specifications of the ark, but is the ark believable? How would such a vessel have been able to handle the tumultuous conditions of the flood? And how did Noah……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia finishes examining John 8:31-59, Jesus’ final public discussion with the Jews at the Feast of the Booths. John reports this discussion in his Gospel so that you will recognize your true spiritual state and turn to Jesus with perseverant faith. In the third part of Jesus’ discussion, John 8:48-59,……
In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia considers whether the account of Genesis 6-9 can be fairly interpreted as describing a local flood. Why do many Christians accept or are open to accepting a local flood explanation? What details of the biblical text, beyond the descriptors of total destruction, preclude a local flood interpretation? And how……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia continues examining John 8:31-59, Jesus’ final public discussion with the Jews at the Feast of the Booths. John reports this discussion in his Gospel so that you will recognize your true spiritual state and turn to Jesus with perseverant faith. In the second part of Jesus’ discussion, John 8:37-47,……
In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines the entire Genesis flood account for details about the timing of the flood events themselves and about the specific people and creatures which perished in the flood. Did the flood finish in forty days and forty nights? Is the Bible ambiguous about which people and animals survived on……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia begins examining John 8:31-59, Jesus’ final public discussion with the Jews at the Feast of the Booths. John reports this discussion in his Gospel so that you will recognize your true spiritual state and turn to Jesus with perseverant faith. In the first part of Jesus’ discussion, John 8:31-36,……
In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia begins examining the flood Catastrophe. Why did God send the flood? What does it mean that God regretted making man? Why did God spare Noah? And how does Noah’s situation parallel our own today? The main text for this lesson is Genesis 6:5-7:1.
In this sermon, Pastor Joseph Babij begins a new series studying through the book of Revelation. Pastor Babij explains the opening blessings promised to those who hear and heed the book. Pastor Babij also explains the concept of “the day of the Lord” using 2 Thessalonians 2:1-17 and what must take place before the day……
In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia steps out of Genesis to consider the issue of man’s heart on a broader biblical basis. Is man’s heart basically good, evil, or neutral? Does the doctrine of original sin absolve man of responsibility or compromise the justice of God? And if man can only be saved by the……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines John 8:21-30 and Jesus’ profound warning to religious unbelievers at the Feast of Booths. John reports Jesus’ fourth round of discussion with the Jews at the Feast of Booths so that you will heed Jesus’ warning and not die in your sins.
In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines the account of Cain and Abel in Genesis 4:1-15 and looks to answer three main questions: why did Cain become angry to the point of murder, why was Cain’s sacrifice rejected when Abel’s was accepted, and from where did Cain get his wife?
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines John 8:12-20 and Jesus’ proclamation of himself as the light of the world at the Feast of Booths. John reports Jesus’ third round of discussion with the Jews at the Feast of Booths so that you might by faith gain Jesus as the light of life and not…
In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia looks at Genesis 3:8-24 to discuss the effects of man’s fall into sin. Pastor Dave examines the curse on the Serpent, on the woman, and on the man, but also how these curses are fulfilled or reversed by Jesus Christ.
In this sermon, Pastor Joseph Babij examines the whole book of Amos to warn you against complacency and religious hypocrisy in light of the impending judgment of God.
In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines the Fall account in Genesis 3:1-7 to uncover what really happened at the Fall, what the Serpent’s fundamental mode of deception is (even today), and how the hope-giving gospel appeared immediately after man’s sin.
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines the story of the woman caught in adultery, noting the difficult text-critical background of this unique New Testament passage. The passage’s original writer reports Jesus’ amazing handling of the adulteress’ conundrum so that you also might escape condemnation by believing in Jesus and then might walk in grateful……
In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia introduces the new series studying Genesis 3-11 and then discusses the Seven Cs of History, a biblical outline of history from Answers in Genesis useful for understanding ourselves as humans in light of history’s most key moments.
In this sermon, Pastor Joseph Babij overviews the whole book of Malachi to explain six warning signs that you are becoming a religious hypocrite just going through the motions.
In this special question and answer lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia first discusses the issue of identity in relation to LGBTQ assertions and then answers four submitted questions related to biblical counseling for marriage and parenthood: 1. What does the Bible say about dating? 2. What role should Christian parents play in their children’s dating? 3.……
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines the entire letter from Paul to Philemon, a letter asking Philemon to forgive and accept back Philemon’s runaway slave, Onesimus, as a Christian brother. Pastor Babij explains the letter’s four parts as well as how the whole letter parallels a believer’s own experience of salvation: 1. Gracious Greetings……
In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia discusses how to deal with homosexuality in biblical counseling. Pastor Dave explains the need to take down false justifications for homosexuality, to minister the gospel to those struggling with homosexuality, and to exercise compassion and wisdom with unsaved homosexual family members. Note: You may see an automatically generated notice……
In this Resurrection Day sermon, Pastor Joe Babij discusses from 1 Corinthians 15:50-58 the connection between Jesus’ resurrection and the believer’s resurrection. Specifically, Pastor Babij explains four victorious outcomes the resurrection provides for believers: 1. Comprehensive Change (vv. 50-53) 2. Cataclysmic Permanent Change (vv. 54-56) 3. Certain Victory (v. 57) 4. Continued Perseverance (v. 58)…
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines John 7:37-52 and the account of Jesus’ second round of discussion with the Jews at the Feast of Booths. John reports Jesus’ offer of living water at the Feast of Booths so that you will side with Jesus by faith no matter what others may do or say.
In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia gives basic instruction for counseling abuse situations. Pastor Dave does so by defining “abuse,” overviewing expectations for different types of abuse situations, comparing a worldly and a biblical approach to dealing with abuse, and providing special counsel for the abused.…
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines John 7:10-36 and the account of Jesus’ first round of discussion with his people at the Feast of Booths. John reports Jesus’ first public day at the Feast of Booths to confront your own hesitancy and objections about Jesus so that you might believe and find in Jesus……
In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia overviews seven biblical emphases for parental instruction and four critical considerations for blended/step-families. Pastor Dave then opens up a time a testimony for Christian parents in the class.
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines Jesus’ response to his brothers’ advice in John 7:1-9. John shows Jesus’ commitment to God’s agenda rather than man’s agenda so that you will believe in Jesus and follow Jesus’ example.
In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia introduces the topic of God’s design for parenting and then overviews seven aspects of God’s design for parenting.
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines John 6:60-71 and the depressing aftermath of Jesus’ Bread of Life discourse. Many of Jesus’ so-called disciples leave him over his unacceptable words, but, in these verses, John shows you the life-giving nature of Jesus’ words so that you will believe, rely on, and devote yourself to Jesus’……
In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia overviews God’s design for physical intimacy in marriage and then briefly investigates what the Bible has to say regarding birth control.
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij considers the miraculous, spiritual gift of tongues and explains from the Bible why, despite many claims today to the contrary, this New Testament gift is no longer in operation.
In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia explains from the Bible God’s design for communication. After explaining two critical clarifications regarding communication, Pastor Dave then discusses five rules for godly communication to practice in every relationship.
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij begins presenting the case for cessationism, the belief that, while God can and still does do miracles today, God no longer empowers individual Christians with miraculous sign-gifts (i.e. prophecy, tongues, healings, exorcisms, works of power). In part 1, Pastor Babij presents ten biblical arguments on behalf of cessationism: 1.……
In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia overviews God’s design for husbands according to the Bible. More specifically, Pastor Dave explains three fundamental roles that a husband should seek to fulfill for his wife: 1. A husband is a leader of his wife (Matthew 20:25-28) 2. A husband is a learner of his wife (1 Peter……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines Jesus’ Bread of Life Discourse in John 6:22-59. There, Jesus makes three profound assertions about himself as the bread of life so that you will by faith feed on Jesus as your soul’s exclusive food and thereby experience eternal life: 1. Jesus Is the True Bread from Heaven……
In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia overviews God’s design for wives according to the Bible. More specifically, Pastor Dave investigates three fundamental roles that a Christian wife should seek to fulfill: 1. A Christian wife is a helper to her husband 2. A Christian wife practices submission to her husband 3. A Christian wife honors……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines John 6:16-21 and the apostle John’s account of Jesus’ walking on the Sea of Galilee. John reports Jesus’ miraculous walking on water so that you will fear Jesus as the Christ and Son of God and, believing in Jesus, might find all your fears relieved.
In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia overviews what the Bible teaches about God’s design for marriage. More specifically, Pastor Dave investigates the biblical answers to two fundamental questions: 1. What is marriage? 2. Why marriage?
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij concludes his study of Colossians by investigating the apostle Paul’s final greetings in the letter. Pastor Babij explains how the final four groups of people Paul identifies in the letter serve as instructional examples for Christians, who together are to be going about the gospel mission. The final groups……
In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia provides practical guidance for going about marriage and family counseling. More specifically, Pastor Dave explains what church ministry to families ought to look like generally, what common problems and challenges exist in the lifecycle of a family, and then what specific practical considerations Christians should keep in mind when……
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines Colossians 4:7-11 and the first part of the apostle Paul’s final greetings in the letter. Pastor Babij explains how the final four groups of people Paul identifies in the letter serve as instructional examples for Christians, who together are to be going about the gospel mission. The first……
In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia explains the importance of the family as an institution established by God. Pastor Dave specifically looks to investigate and answer two main questions: 1. Why is marriage and family counseling important? 2. What is the family?
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij looks at Hebrews 6:1-8 and 10:25-31 to warn against the serious sin of apostasy, abandoning Christ and Christ’s truth. Pastor Babij explains how refusing to mature spiritually and abandoning the local assembly are fearful signposts on the way ultimately to despising the triune God and the faith once and……
In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia begins a new, twelve-week series on biblical counseling for marriage and parenthood by reviewing the most fundamental concepts of the Biblical Counseling 101 course ( Pastor Dave will be applying these foundational concepts specifically to marriage and parenting in the coming weeks. More specifically, Pastor Dave answers three key……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines John 6:1-15 and John’s account of Jesus feeding a massive crowd that included five-thousand men. John presents this sign miracle so that you will not come to Jesus to fulfill your own agenda for temporal blessing but to find eternal life in Jesus. The passage can be divided……
In this special New Year’s Eve sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines Ecclesiastes 3:1-15 and Solomon’s teaching about the different times or seasons of life. Pastor Dave explains that, rather than romantically musing about life’s different times, Solomon shows how people ultimately have no control over their times. Solomon then presents how to respond wisely to……
In this special Christmas sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines Matthew 1:21-25 so that you might see and respond appropriately to Jesus’ name, which is like no other. From the passage, Pastor Babij explains five truths in connection with Jesus’ name. 1. The name of Jesus is divinely ordered (v. 21a) 2. The name of Jesus……
In this Christmas sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines Psalm 2 and King David’s exhortation there to do homage to God’s Son. King David gives three reasons why: 1. The World Rebels against God’s Good Messiah (vv. 1-3) 2. The Father Easily Confounds Man’s Rebellious Plans (vv. 4-6) 3. The Son Testifies He Will Rule All……
In this final lesson of our Fundamentals of the Faith series, Pastor Dave Capoccia considers the topic of understanding God’s will for our lives and receiving His guidance. Pastor Dave answers three key questions in relation to this topic: 1. What do we mean by “God’s will”? 2. How should we respond to the different……
In this special baptism service sermon, Pastor Joe Babij looks at Paul’s testimony before Agrippa in Acts 26:1-32. Pastor Babij identifies three key parts of any person’s salvation testimony by looking at Paul’s model: what a person was like before conversion, what happened to a person in conversion, and how a person became different after……
In part two of this Fundamentals of the Faith lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia finishes overviewing what biblical obedience to Jesus is and looks like for the true Christian.
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines Colossians 4:5-6 and explains more of how a truly Word-filled and Spirit-filled person is transformed to walk in greater Christlikeness. 1. Gospel transformation changes what we are devoted to (v. 2-4) 2. Gospel transformation changes the way we think and act (v. 5) 3. Gospel transformation changes the……
In this Fundamentals of the Faith lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia explains some introductory points for the biblical concept of obedience and than overviews the biblical call to obedience.
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines Jesus’ concluding words in John 5:41-47 to religious people who will not believe in him despite supernatural testimony. Jesus exposes two fundamental realities of such religious unbelief to convict you of your own self-righteous way and to move you to believe in Jesus. 1. You Seek Men’s Approval……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines Jesus’ words in John 5:30-40 regarding the ultimate testimony validating Jesus’ declaration of divine sonship: the testimony of God the Father. John the apostle presents the Father’s testimony of Jesus’ divine sonship so that you will not trust vainly in mere religion but believe in Jesus and be……
In this Fundamentals of the Faith lesson, Mark Twombly overviews the Bible’s teaching on evangelism, stressing that this is a task to which every Christian is called and that we Christians must know how to present the full and true gospel message.
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines Colossians 4:2-4 and the apostle Paul’s exhortation there as to how all Spirit-filled, Word-filled Christians must devote themselves to thanksgiving and prayer, praying especially for the faithful going forth of the saving gospel message of Christ.
In this Fundamentals of the Faith lesson, Mark Twombly finishes discussing the topic of spiritual gifts, distinguishing between the temporary miraculous gifts of Bible times and the other supernatural gifts true Christians are to use in ministering to one another today.
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines Colossians 3:22-4:1 and the apostle Paul’s exhortation there as to how workers and bosses should live Spirit-filled, Word-filled lives in relation to one another. Full Transcript: Let’s take our Bibles and turn to Colossians 3 as we continue to move through this book. I’m going to be reading……
In this Fundamentals of the Faith lesson, Mark Twombly finishes overviewing the Bible’s teaching on Christian fellowship and worship and begins discussing the topic of spiritual gifts.
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines Colossians 3:21 and the apostle Paul’s exhortation there as to how parents and especially fathers should live Spirit-filled, Word-filled lives in relation to their children.
In this Fundamentals of the Faith lesson, Mark Twombly begins overviewing the Bible’s teaching on Christian fellowship and worship and the central place both of these must have in the lives of true believers.
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines Colossians 3:20 and the apostle Paul’s exhortation there as to how children should live Spirit-filled, Word-filled lives in relation to their parents.
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia finishes examining John 5:17-29 in which Jesus declares his divine sonship. John presents Jesus’ declaration of divine sonship so that you will not remain condemned in mere religious tradition but might find resurrection life in Jesus. In part 2, Pastor Dave covers John 5:25-29 and the final of three……
In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia finishes overviewing the Bible’s fundamental teaching on the Holy Spirit. In part 3, Pastor Dave discusses the work the Holy Spirit does in believers today and how believers have an opportunity and obligation to cooperate with the Holy Spirit.
In this sermon, guest speaker Naoto Funada examines Isaiah 6:1-13 and God’s supernatural commissioning of Isaiah the prophet. Naoto Funada explains from the passage three ways to be heart broken for the Lord so that the Lord will use you to bring the gospel to all the nations. 1. We Must Be Heartbroken over Who……
In this lesson, our guest speaker Naoto Funada tells us about his upcoming ministry to Japan and the great spiritual need there. Naoto also takes time to answer a few questions.
In this sermon, our Jews for Jesus missionary Dan Sered examines Paul’s profound statement in Philippians 1:21 that “to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” After explaining the meaning of this verse, Dan Sered shares his personal testimony and urges believers to embrace Paul’s same attitude.
In this lesson, our Jews for Jesus missionary Dan Sered tells us about his ministry and the great spiritual need among Jews worldwide. Dan Sered then takes time to answer questions.
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij investigates Colossians 3:18-19 and Paul’s first explanation of how life as the new person in Christ should transform household relationships. The first relationship Paul considers is the marriage relationship, and Paul gives commands to both wives and husbands. 1. The Imperatives for a Transformed Wife (v. 18) 2. The……
In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia continues overviewing the Bible’s fundamental teaching on the Holy Spirit. In part 2, Pastor Dave investigates the work of the Holy Spirit, especially in salvation.
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines Colossians 3:15-17 and the fourth aspect of the new self in Christ that, according to the apostle Paul, believers are to put on by faith like new clothing. After some review, Pastor Babij explains the three central priorities of the new self. The New Self Puts on New……
In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia begins overviewing the Bible’s fundamental teaching on the Holy Spirit. In part 1, Pastor Dave explains the personhood and deity of the Holy Spirit and, relatedly, the nature of God as Trinity.
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia begins examining John 5:17-29 in which Jesus declares his divine sonship. John presents Jesus’ declaration of divine sonship so that you will not remain condemned in mere religious tradition but might find resurrection life in Jesus. In part 1, Pastor Dave covers John 5:17-24 and the first two of……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines John 5:1-16 and Jesus’ healing of the sick man by the Pool of Bethesda on the Sabbath. John presents this sign-miracle so that you might be rescued from self-righteous religious tradition to believe in Jesus.
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines the second sign-miracle of John’s Gospel in John 4:43-54. John presents Jesus’ healing of a royal official’s sick son so that you will not merely look for temporal deliverance but instead believe in Jesus.
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia finishes examining the account of Jesus and the Samaritan town of Sychar in John 4:1-42. John presents the account of Jesus and Samaritan Sychar so that you will not miss out in dead religion but join humble outsiders in finding eternal life in Jesus. In John 4:27-42, Jesus reaps……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia continues examining the account of Jesus and the Samaritan town of Sychar in John 4:1-42. John presents the account of Jesus and Samaritan Sychar so that you will not miss out in dead religion but join humble outsiders in finding eternal life in Jesus. In John 4:15-26, Jesus shows……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia begins examining the account of Jesus and the Samaritan town of Sychar in John 4:1-42. John presents the account of Jesus and Samaritan Sychar so that you will not miss out in dead religion but join humble outsiders in finding eternal life in Jesus. In John 4:1-14, Jesus meets……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia finishes examining John 3:22-36, the final testimony of John the Baptist about Jesus in the Gospel of John. John the apostle presents the final testimony of John the Baptist so that you will devote yourself to Jesus Christ alone and not mere earthly messengers. The presentation of the testimony……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia begins examining John 3:22-36, the final testimony of John the Baptist about Jesus in the Gospel of John. John the apostle presents the final testimony of John the Baptist so that you will devote yourself to Jesus Christ alone and not mere earthly messengers. The presentation of the testimony……
In this sermon, Greg Ho examines 1 Peter 1:3-9 and the word Peter gives there to Christians wondering, “Why does God allow our suffering?” Peter gives a three part answer to help Christians endure joyfully for the sake of Christ. 1. The Promise to the Suffering Christian (vv. 3-5) 2. The Purpose of the Suffering……
In this sermon, Khaleef Crumbley examines Matthew 7:13-23 and other scriptures to consider what does and what does not show that a person is saved in Jesus Christ. Khaleef first considers what does not necessarily indicate salvation and second what actually does.
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij finishes looking at Colossians 3:1-14 and the new life of a believer in Christ. In part 3, Pastor Babij examines the third characteristic of the new self as explained in Colossians 3:10-14: the new self puts on new clothing. Three Characteristics of the New Self in Christ 1. The……
In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia finishes going over the fundamental truths of salvation according to the Bible. In part 3, Pastor Dave explains the connection between saving faith and good works. While good works are not the root of salvation, they are the fruit; true believers will seek to become more like Christ through……
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij continues looking at Colossians 3 and the new life of a believer in Christ. In part 2, Pastor Babij examines the second characteristic of the new self as explained in Colossians 3:5-9: the new self deals decisively with the old man of sin. Three Characteristics of the New Self……
In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia continues going over the fundamental truths of salvation according to the Bible. In part 2, Pastor Dave discusses what role man has in salvation by conversion (repentance and faith).
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij begins looking at Colossians 3 and the new life of a believer in Christ. The first characteristic of the new self appears in Colossians 3:1-4: the new self has new pursuits. 1a. The new self is risen with Christ (v. 1a) 1b. The new self is consecrated for Christ…
In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia begins going over the fundamental truths of salvation according to the Bible. In part 1, Pastor Dave considers what role God has in salvation and examines the following topics: 1. Man’s Condition 2. Salvation’s Connected Process 3. God’s Foreknowledge 4. God’s Reason for Saving 5. God’s Sovereignty vs. Man’s……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia finishes examining John 3:1-21, which is Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus as recorded by the apostle John. In this passage, John reveals four astonishing truths that should cause you to give up your own ideas about salvation and instead believe in Jesus. In verses 16-2, John reveals the final two……
In this lesson, Mark Twombly finishes overviewing the work of Jesus Christ. Specifically, Mark looks at the motive for Christ’s salvation work as well as the resolution and continuation of Christ’s work. Mark concludes the overview by discussing reflections and personal application.
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia continues examining John 3:1-21, which is Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus as recorded by the apostle John. In this passage, John reveals four astonishing truths that should cause you to give up your own ideas about salvation and instead believe in Jesus. In verses 9-15, John reveals the second of……
In this lesson, Mark Twombly begins overviewing the work of Jesus Christ. Specifically, Mark first looks at how Christ’s person corresponds to Christ’s work and then Mark considers man’s need for Christ’s work, the cost of Christ’s work, and the provision of Christ’s work.
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia begins examining Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus in John 3:1-21. Through this conversation, the apostle John reveals four astonishing truths that should cause you to give up your own ideas about salvation and instead believe in Jesus. Pastor Dave explains the first astonishing truth of John 3:1-8 as 1. Only……
In this lesson, Khaleef Crumbley overviews the person of Christ in his humanity and deity. Khaleef also considers how Christ as the coming king ought to affect the way we live now.
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines Colossians 2:20-23 and the warning the apostle Paul presents there against being lured away into false religion—even false Christianity. Paul gives three reasons to resist false religion: 1. Because their false religious practices are transitory (v. 22) 2. Because their false religious practices are merely human (v. 23a)……
In this lesson, Greg Ho finishes overviewing the attributes of God by discussing eight other attributes: eternality, immutability, omniscience, omnipresence, omnipotence, love, truth, and mercy.
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia finishes examining John 2:12-25. John presents Jesus’ cleansing visit to Jerusalem on Passover so that you will not present God with corrupted worship but instead believe in Jesus. After a brief review, Pastor Dave explains specifically how verses 18-25 show why you must come to Jesus with full, genuine……
In this lesson, Greg Ho begins explaining the attributes of God by first discussing the importance of studying God’s attributes and then by examining three of God’s attributes: holiness, righteousness, and sovereignty.
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines Colossians 2:16-19 and the two warnings Paul gives Christians against false teachers demanding legalism, ascetism, or cult-like submission. 1. Sever yourself from any deformed pattern of Christian living and practice (vv. 16-17) 2. Sever yourself from those who have a diminished view of Christ (vv. 18-19)…
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines Colossians 2:13-15 and Paul’s explanation of Christ’s salvation work made personal to believers so that they need no supplement to or substitute for Christ. Specifically, Paul presents three wondrous aspects of Christ’s salvific work: 1. Christ’s complete forgiveness of all our sins (v. 13b) 2. Christ’s complete obliteration……
In this lesson, Pastor Joe Babij begins explaining how to learn and grow from the Bible. Specifically, Pastor Babij discusses seven compelling reasons for knowing God’s word and then four ways to do so.
In this Resurrection Day sermon, Pastor Joe Babij explains how Jesus’ bodily resurrection represents complete victory for those who believe in Jesus over mankind’s five great enemies. Pastor Babij concludes with a crucial question: are you by faith and repentance on the side of Jesus the conqueror, or are you still defeated and dead in……
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines Colossians 2:11-13 and the three pictures of believers’ completeness of salvation in Christ so that believers need no addition or substitute. 1. We are in union with Christ in his death (v. 11) 2. We are in union with Christ in his burial (v. 12a) 3. We are…
In this lesson, Pastor Joe Babij completes the introduction to the Bible by discussing the Bible’s inspiration, canonization, and believability. Pastor Babij also takes some time to talk about Bible translations.
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines Colossians 2:8-10 and explains how believers are to walk faithfully based on whom they have received. Pastor Babij walks through the passage using three headings: 1. The Command (2:8a) 2. The Warning (2:8b) 3. The Completeness (2:9-10)
In this first lesson of our new Fundamentals of the Faith Sunday school series, Pastor Joe Babij begins with an introduction to the Bible. More specifically, Pastor Joe explains the meaning of “revelation” and its two types: general and special.
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia begins examining John 2:12-25 and Jesus’ first visit to Jerusalem during Passover in his public ministry. The apostle John presents Jesus’ cleansing visit so that you will not present God with corrupted worship but instead believe in Jesus. In Part 1, Pastor Dave looks at John 2:12-17 and how……
In this bonus lesson to the Creation Foundation series, Pastor Dave Capoccia answers submitted questions having to do with creation and the first two chapters of Genesis.
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines John 2:1-11 and the account of Jesus’ first sign at the wedding in Cana. John the apostle presents Jesus’ first sign-miracle of turning water into good wine so that you will believe in Jesus and find eternal life.
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines John 1:35-51 and John the apostle’s report of Jesus’ first disciples’ first experiences with Jesus. To be more specific, John presents two come-and-see experiences of Jesus’ first disciples so that you also might come, see, and believe.
In this final lesson of the Creation Foundation series, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines what Genesis 1-2 and the rest of the Bible teach us about stewarding the earth. Pastor Dave first investigates the Genesis 1 mandate given by God to mankind to rule the earth and then overviews biblical principles for responding to modern environmentalist……
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines Colossians 1:29-2:5 and the believer’s need to strive for maturity in Christ and contend against false teaching. Full Transcript: There are certain words that have been spoken that have actually shaken the world. ‘What hath God wrought’ was the first long-distance message by morse code or by morse……
In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines what the Bible has to say about the age of the earth. With the help of a couple videos from Answers in Genesis, Pastor Dave first overviews why Christians should not accept the popular old earth timeline from today’s scientists, then examines what earth-age information is given to……
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines and explains the apostle Paul’s teaching in Colossians 1:24-29. Having clearly established the supremacy of Christ and Christ’s gospel, Paul next teaches how Christians should respond by laboring for Christ. Paul gives four requirements in order to labor for Christ’s supremacy: 1. Laboring for Christ’s Supremacy Requires Suffering……
In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines the topics of dinosaurs and dragons from a biblical perspective. Pastor Dave first overviews the topic of dinosaurs and then examines the descriptions of Behemoth and Leviathan from book of Job to argue that, unlike what is commonly believed today, dinosaurs were created just as Genesis 1 says……
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines Colossians 1:23 and Paul’s exhortation for believers to persist in the true gospel. Pastor Babij first outlines reasons given in the passage to persist in the gospel, then explains what the hope of the gospel is, and finally outlines some main ways to guard against being moved away……
In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines the account of the creation of Adam and Eve from Genesis 2:4-25. After making observations on the passage, Pastor Dave considers whether the passage could fit with popular evolutionary theory; whether Genesis 2 truly contradicts Genesis 1; and what the passage teaches us about God, sex, gender, and……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia finishes examination of the spiritual discipline of evangelism. After reviewing the first main principle, Pastor Dave then explains the other five of six main principles from the Bible for maximizing your effective in evangelism: 1. Evangelize Biblically (1 Corinthians 15:1-5) 2. Evangelize Strategically (Acts 17:1-3) 3. Evangelize Holily (1……
In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines the account of creation days five and six and the creation of animals and mankind. After making basic observations of Genesis 1:20-31, Pastor Dave considers questions of interpretation and application, including what it means to be made in the image of God and what the significance is of……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia begins talking about the “how” of evangelism from the Bible. Focusing on the first of six principles from the Bible for maximizing your effectiveness in evangelism, Pastor Dave explains what it means to 1. Evangelize Biblically. 1A. You must get the gospel message right (1 Corinthians 15:1-5) 1B. You……
In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia considers what the word “day” means in reference to the days of creation in Genesis 1. Pastor Dave then defends the 24-hour day view against several popular objections. Finally, Pastor Dave examines Genesis 1:1-19 to find out what exactly took place on the first four days of creation.…
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia explains four main reasons from the Bible why you must discipline yourself for evangelism. 1. You Will Obey God’s Command (Matthew 28:18-20) 2. You Will Show God’s Love (Matthew 22:35-40) 3. You Will Magnify God’s Glory (2 Corinthians 4:13-15) 4. You Will Demonstrate God’s Power (Matthew 28:18-20)…
In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia overviews the Genesis 1 account of creation, compares the order of the Genesis 1 account with the order of the prevailing secular view of origins, and then considers what application Genesis 1 has for the Christian life.
In this special New Year’s Day sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines and explains Ecclesiastes 11:1-6. In this passage, King Solomon exhorts you to three resolutions in order to risk well for Christ while you can. Resolution 1: I Will Not Hoard My Treasures But Invest Them Boldly and Generously (vv. 1-2) Resolution 2: I Will……
In this special Christmas Day sermon, Pastor Joe Babij presents the true meaning of Christmas by way of the person of Jesus Christ. More specifically, from Luke 1:31-35, Pastor Babij explains three foundational truths that inform you about the uniqueness of the identity of Jesus. 1. Jesus Is God (v. 35) 2. Jesus Is Man……
In this special message on a day of elder and deacon commissioning, Pastor Joe Babij explains the biblical basis, qualifications, and function of the two offices of the church: elder and deacon. Full Transcript: This morning, we’re going to do something a little bit different in our service. It comes time in a church where……
In this final lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia discusses the “fall” of the Roman Empire, reviews the state of Christ’s church at the end of the classical period, and previews the challenges the church would face in the medieval period.
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines Colossians 1:20-23 and Paul’s reminder of the change Christ has accomplished on behalf of believers. Christians need to remember what they have been saved from to draw even more lovingly after Jesus Christ. 1. The condition in which God found us prior to the act of grace (21a)……
In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines two more fourth century church fathers and their legacies : Ambrose (the Church Supremacist) and Augustine (The Legacy Provider). Augustine’s influence has been particularly significant on the Western church and even Western civilization.
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines John 1:29-34, where John the apostle presents John the Baptist’s testimony about Jesus. The author presents John the Baptist’s four-part testimony about Jesus so that you will believe and follow Jesus alone. 1. Jesus Is God’s Saving Lamb (v. 29) 2. Jesus Is the Revealed God-man (vv. 30-31)……
In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines three important fourth century church fathers and their legacies: Athanasius (the Trinity Defender), John Chrysostom (the Expositor), and Jerome (the Translator).
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines John the Baptist’s testimony about himself in John 1:19-28. The author, John the Apostle, presents John the Baptist’s three-part testimony about himself so that you will believe and exult in Jesus alone. John the Baptist testifies in the same three ways that you should testify about yourself as……
In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia finishes up presentation of the Polemical Fathers by introducing a final third century theologian, the controversial Origen. Pastor Dave also discusses two issues brought up the second and third century fathers: the allegorical hermeneutic and the proper Christian response to world culture.…
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines Colossians 1:15-20 and the apostle Paul’s presentation of the supremacy of Christ. Paul describes Christ’s supremacy in four different relationships so that you will also give Christ first place in your life. 1. Christ Is Preeminent in Relation to God (v. 15) 2. Christ Is Preeminent in Relation……
In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia introduces key church fathers from the second and third centuries, men known as the second century apologists and polemical fathers. As Pastor Dave discusses these men and their legacies for the church, Pastor Dave asks us to consider a crucial question: what is the proper way for Christians to……
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines Colossians 1:12-14 where the apostle Paul prays that believers might be filled with joyful thankfulness. From this passage, Pastor Babij explains four things God has done for his children that should generate thankfulness as the crowning virtue of your Christian life: 1. God Qualified Us For an Inheritance……
In this Sunday school lesson, Mark Twombly presents an overview of some key figures of the Pre-reformation and Reformation periods: John Wycliffe, John Hus, Martin Luther, John Calvin, and William Tyndale. Though these men were not perfect, God used them in a powerful way to bring his saving gospel to the world.…
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines Colossians 1:9-11 and the three prerequisites for growth that will cause you to experience ongoing spiritual growth and maturity. Those three prerequisites are: knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. Full Transcript: This morning let’s take our Bibles and turn to Colossians 1:9-11. Let me pray. Father, thank You this morning……
In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia briefly discusses the issue of canonicity, how the Christian church came to recognize which books belonged in the Bible and which books did not. Pastor Dave then introduces several apostolic fathers, those church leaders who came right after the apostles and some of whom were even taught directly by……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines the prologue of John’s Gospel, John 1:1-18. In this prologue, John gives four arresting identifications of Jesus so that you will pay attention to Jesus as the supreme Word of God. 1. Jesus Is the Wise and Powerful Creator (1:1-5) 2. Jesus Is the True and Ultimate Light……
In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia discusses the seven ecumenical councils of the early and medieval church that sought to clarify what the Bible teaches about the Trinity and the nature of Christ against various emerging heretical beliefs. In many ways, we Christians today still benefit from the pronouncements of these ancient councils, but not……
In this sermon, missionary Brian Shortmeier looks at the account of the rich young ruler in Mark 10:17-31 to challenge you as to whether you really are going “all in” as a follower of Jesus. Brian also takes some time to explain his current ministry with Ethnos360 and how you can be a part. Full…
In this lesson, our missionary Brian Shortmeier discusses what it really means to walk by faith and why serving as a missionary is actually a manifestation of normal Christian faith.
In this first sermon in a new series going through the Gospel of John, Pastor Dave Capoccia gives an introduction to the Gospel. Pastor Dave explains five main areas of background information that will help you better understand and appreciate the Gospel of John: author, date, origin, purpose, and structure.…
In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia discusses the four main heresies affecting the Christian church before the fourth century. Pastor Dave emphasizes how the early church stood on the word handed down from the apostles to defend the faith and how we need to do the same today as we see new forms of the……
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij continues discussing Paul’s teaching from Colossians 1:5-8 in how the gospel makes all things new for the Christian. In Part 2, Pastor Babij explains the pattern of God’s work in spiritually growing people: 1. The Gospel Must Be Heard (v. 5) 2. The Gospel Must Be Understood (v. 6)……
In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia discusses how the situation for early Roman Christians transformed dramatically with the emperorship of Constantine. Pastor Dave explains what happened to bring Constantine to power, what Constantine’s policies were toward Christians, and how his policies—and those of his successors—had profound effects on Christianity, both positively and negatively.…
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines Paul introductory words in Colossians 1:3-8. Pastor Babij explains how, in Paul’s words of thanks, Paul clarifies how the gospel of Jesus transforms believers to progress in three areas of living: thanksgiving, hope, and steadfastness in the one, true gospel.…
In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines the persecutions Christians suffered in the first to early fourth centuries. Specifically, Pastor Dave explains: 1. What were the persecutions? 2. Why were Christians persecuted? 3. How did Christians respond to persecution?
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines the apostle Paul’s introductory greeting in Colossians 1:1-2. Pastor Babij explains how what was true about the ancient Colossians’ spiritual position is and ought to be true of believers today. Full Transcript: Let’s take our Bibles again and turn to Colossians 1. I’ll be reading just two verses……
In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia begins examining early church history by first discussing the gospel’s expansion in the first four centuries. Pastor Dave explains the extent of gospel expansion, the ways God prepared for this expansion to take place, and the chief means God used to bring about the expansion.…
In this introductory sermon for a new series studying the book of Colossians, Pastor Joe Babij explains the background of the book and the apostle Paul’s original purpose in writing. Pastor Babij breaks down Paul’s original purpose into a three-fold intention: 1. Establish a rapport with the Colossian believers and express to them a pastoral……
In Lesson 1 of our new Sunday school series on church history and the early church, Pastor Dave Capoccia tackles a fundamental question: Why Study Church History? Pastor Dave first considers what we already know about church history and why we often don’t study it. Pastor Dave then offers three main reasons why we should……
In this sermon, our guest, Pastor Tom McConnell, examines Luke 8:29-39 and the account of Jesus delivering the man with the legion of demons. Pastor Tom explains two lessons about deliverance that should result in the exaltation of Jesus—even new belief in Jesus and new boldness for Jesus. 1. The Need for Jesus’ Deliverance (vv.……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia looks at Paul’s teaching about contentment in Philippians 4:10-13. Paul clarifies three parts to the secret of contentment so that you also will find true contentment in Christ. Introduction: Renewed Partnership Brings Joy in the Lord (v. 10) 1. True Contentment Is Learned through Practice (v. 11) 2. True……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia finishes examining the spiritual discipline of the church from the Bible. In part 4, Pastor Dave completes looking at the “how” of the discipline of the church and explains the last three of six principles from the Bible to maximize mutual upbuilding in the church. 1. Engage in the……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia looks again at the spiritual discipline of the church from the Bible. In part 3, Pastor Dave begins looking at the “how” of the discipline of the church and explains the first three of six principles from the Bible to maximize mutual upbuilding in the church. 1. Engage in……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia continues looking at the spiritual discipline of the church and the Bible’s four main reasons to discipline yourself for the church. In part 2, Pastor Dave reviews the first main reason and then examines the three others: 1. The Church Is God’s Precious Mystery 2. The Church Is God’s……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia begins looking at the spiritual discipline of the church, explaining that the Bible provides four main reasons to discipline yourself for the church. In part 1, Pastor Dave considers the first main reason of the four: 1. The Church Is God’s Precious Mystery 1a. The Church Is God’s Family……
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij completes his look at the topic of declining love for Jesus by examining Revelation 2:1-7 and Jesus’ words to the Ephesians church. Pastor Babij explains Jesus’ commendation, condemnation, counsel, and challenge, first to the ancient church and then to us today. We must remember and return to our first……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij continues looking at the topic of declining love for Jesus, this time from the book of Malachi. After discussing the historical background of Malachi, Pastor Babij examines six evidences of declining love in Israel so that we also might examine ourselves.
In this sermon, Pastor Babij looks at Jude 21 and then the rest of the Bible as he considers the topic of declining love for Jesus. Pastor Babij especially looks at the life of Peter as someone who drifted from Jesus into backslidden living but then was later brought back into loving his lord. Full…
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines Psalm 133 and King David’s celebration there of the united gathering of God’s people, accomplished today in Christ’s church. Pastor Dave explains how this psalm teaches you both to seek and celebrate the united gathering of God’s people as the place of blessing. 1. The Blessing of United……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines the model prayer-song of Psalm 24. Pastor Dave explains from the psalm three reasons to celebrate King Yahweh in a life of holy worship. Full Transcript: 1. King Yahweh Owns and Rules All (vv. 1-2) 2. King Yahweh Dwells with the Holy (vv. 3-6) 3. King Yahweh Is……
In his final sermon on Jude, Pastor Joe Babij examines the letter’s doxological ending. After some review, Pastor Babij explains from Jude one more way believers must stand strong and not drift in the midst of apostasy: rest in the one who is for you. 4. Rest in the one who is for you (vv.…
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia finishes examining the spiritual discipline of prayer and why and how believers should devote themselves to it. In part 3, Pastor Dave looks at the how of prayer and gives six principles from the Bible to maximize your effectiveness and enjoyment in prayer: 1. Pray Biblically (Matthew 6:9-13) 2.……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia continues examining the spiritual discipline of prayer and why and how believers should devote themselves to it. In part 2, Pastor Dave looks at the final two of four main reasons from the Bible to discipline yourself for prayer: 1. You will obey God’s command (Colossians 4:2) 2. You……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia begins examining the spiritual discipline of prayer and why and how believers should devote themselves to it. In part 1, Pastor Dave looks at the first two of four main reasons from the Bible to discipline yourself for prayer: 1. You will obey God’s command (Colossians 4:2) 2. You……
In this sermon, Greg Ho explains how the short book of Jonah is a mirror to show you how and whether your life is drawing people to God. More specifically, Greg Ho examines three characteristics that hindered Jonah’s evangelistic mission and that will greatly hinder yours as well: 1. Being unafraid to disobey God’s direct……
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij finishes examining Jude 22-23 and how believers must be rescuers of those caught up in false teaching. Pastor Babij explains the last of the the three ways that you as a believer must rescue the doubting, the duped, and the wandering: A. To those that are doubting: mercy (v.……
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij begins examining Jude 22-23 and how believers must be rescuers of those caught up in false teaching. More specifically, Pastor Babij explains two of the the three ways that you as a believer must rescue the doubting, the duped, and the wandering: A. To those that are doubting: mercy……
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij overviews the Bible’s teaching when it comes to the roles of man and woman in marriage. After introducing where the roles for husband and wife come from, Pastor Babij looks more specifically at the characteristics of the husband as the loving leader and the wife as the respectful, submissive……
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines Jude 20-21 and Jude’s exhortation to remain in the love of God. Pastor Babij explores what this phrase means practically according to Jude’s explanation: A. By continuing to build (v. 20a) B. By continuing to pray (v. 20b) C. By continuing to wait (v. 21b)
In this special baptism day sermon, Pastor Joe Babij presents three key observations on believer’s baptism from the Bible: 1. Believer’s baptism underscores the common experience of all believers (Ephesians 4:4-6) 2. Believer’s baptism underscores the centrality of the gospel in saving people (1 Peter 3:18-22) 3. Believer’s baptism unites believers with Christ’s death and……
In this special Resurrection Day sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines 1 Corinthians 15:3-5 and the apostle Paul’s summary there of what the true, saving gospel is. After a word of introduction, Paul gives four essential points of the true gospel that you must believe and hold fast to be saved: Introduction: The Gospel Is of……
In this special Palm Sunday sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines Matthew’s account of Jesus’ triumphal entry in Matthew 21:1-11. The apostle Matthew shows how Jesus’ gentle entry into Jerusalem proves Jesus to be the true, sovereign, and glorious Messiah King. Matthew’s account of Jesus’ entry proceeds in two main parts: 1. The King Prepares (vv.……
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines Jude 17-19 and the need to recall the words of apostolic teaching in light of the definite existence of false teachers. From Jude, Pastor Babij calls on believers to devote themselves to the word of God and remain on guard for the appearance of false teachers in all……
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij looks at Acts 20:21 and various other scriptures to explain the two essential things needed for you to inherit eternal salvation: 1. You must have repentance toward God 2. You must have faith in our Lord Jesus Christ
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia finishes explaining from the Bible about the Christian’s necessary spiritual discipline of the Bible. For part 2, Pastor Dave considers the “how” of this discipline and presents six principles from the Bible to maximize your soul’s feasting on the Bible: 1. The Bible Requires Multifaceted Pursuit (Dt 6:6-9) 2.……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia begins explaining from the Bible about the Christian’s necessary spiritual discipline of the Bible. For part 1, Pastor Dave considers the “why” of this discipline and presents four truths about the Bible that should move you to pursue the Bible as your necessary food: 1. The Bible Is God’s……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia begins a mini-series on the disciplines of grace, that is, the positive spiritual activities that should characterize the lives of believers as believers pursue Christ. Pastor Dave starts with an overview of the topic of spiritual discipline from 1 Timothy 4:7-8. In these verses, Paul exhorts you to discipline……
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines Jude 14-16 and the fourth characteristic of false apostate teachers: the punishment they earn. Pastor Babij explains from the passage three things that show false teachers have earned their judgment and condemnation: 1. Their condemnation is determined beforehand (v. 14) 2. Their condemnation is definite and comprehensive (v.……
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij pauses his examination of the book of Jude to consider more generally why God judges people at all and judges them so harshly. Many, especially false teachers, would like to dismiss the idea of judgment, but Pastor Babij explains using various Scriptures, why God’s judgment is justified in light……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia concludes his examination of the book of Habakkuk and the three-part process of dealing with the question, “God, what are you doing?” Worship is the final step in the process, and, in Habakkuk 3:1-19, the ancient prophet provides a model prayer song of worship to show you how to……
In this special sermon, Chad Dexter looks at John 20:10-31 and one of the most powerful evidences for the truth of Christ’s resurrection: the testimony of three skeptical eyewitnesses of their radical transformation by Christ.
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia continues a mini-series on Habakkuk, the prophet who asked the same question that Christians often ask during ongoing trials: “God, What Are You Doing?” Part 2 sees Pastor Dave examine the second step of rightly dealing with God’s difficult providence: Listening. In Habakkuk 2:1-20, Habakkuk gives three reasons for……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia begins a mini-series on Habakkuk, the prophet who asked the same question that Christians often ask during ongoing trials: “God, What Are You Doing?” Part 1 sees Pastor Dave introduce the book of Habakkuk and examine the first step of rightly dealing with God’s difficult providence: Questioning. In Habakkuk……
In this special sermon, Pastor Joe Babij preaches from several passages on God’s design for marriage and sexuality. As misunderstandings and distortions of these topics are being asserted with new fervor today, Christians must seize the opportunity to clarify again God’s authoritative standard. Pastor Babij gives two major points for what believers must do to……
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij considers the third description of false apostate teachers according to Jude: the portraits of deception false teachers exemplify. In Jude 12-13, Jude provides five metaphors that expose the destructive and empty ministries of false teachers: hidden reefs (v. 12a), waterless clouds (v. 12b), fruitless trees (v. 12c), storms that……
In this special New Year’s sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines Jesus’ teaching on forgiveness in Matthew 18:21-35. Jesus shows you three reasons why God’s children, the forgiven, always forgive others: 1. God Has Forgiven Your Great Debt (vv. 21-27) 2. God Demands You Forgive Lesser Debts (vv. 28-30) 3. God Will Not Forgive the Unforgiving……
In this post-Christmas sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia finishes examining the introduction of the Gospel of John. John the apostle gives four vital clarifications regarding the identity of the incarnate Word so that you will not miss who he is but instead behold and believe. In part 2, Pastor Dave looks at the latter three of……
In this pre-Christmas sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia begins examining the introduction of the Gospel of John. John the apostle gives four vital clarifications regarding the identity of the incarnate Word so that you will not miss who he is but instead behold and believe. In part 1, Pastor Dave looks at the first clarification: 1.……
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij looks at Jude 8-11 and the first two of five characteristics of false teachers: sinful pride (vv. 8-10) and profound resemblance to Old Testament apostates (v. 11). Christians must be careful not follow such teachers, listen to them, or be like them. Full Transcript: We’re going to have some……
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij looks at Jude 8-10 as Jude begins to describe five characteristics of false teachers so that Christians can identify and avoid such teachers. The first characteristic is pride, which manifests in multiple ways: 1. Sinful Pride Is Depicted in Rebellion (v. 8) 2. Sinful Pride Is Depicted in Arrogance……
In this sermon, Khaleef Crumbley looks at Song of Solomon 2:15 and the admonition to “catch the little foxes.” After giving some background information to the book and passage, Khaleef explains why and how we must catch the little foxes of sin in our lives. Khaleef also looks at other verses in Scripture for examples……
In this concluding sermon on the study of Ecclesiastes, Pastor Dave Capoccia briefly reviews the answers to the book’s fundamental questions before reading the entire book from start to finish. The three questions Pastor Dave considers are: 1. What is the main message of Ecclesiastes? 2. How is the message of Ecclesiastes developed? 3. How……
In this tenth and final lesson of the Biblical Counseling 101 class, Pastor Dave Capoccia finishes presenting a practical method for counseling based on biblical principles. Pastor Dave explains the last four steps of this method in part 2: 1. Begin Counseling 2. Gain Involvement 3. Gather Data 4. Interpret Data 5. Provide Instruction 6.……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines the epilogue section of Ecclesiastes. Pastor Dave explains how, in these last verses, Solomon provides five final clarifications so that you will not miss the message of Ecclesiastes but instead put God’s wisdom into practice: 1. These Words Were Carefully Prepared by a Discerning Teacher (v. 9) 2.……
In this ninth lesson of the Biblical Counseling 101 class, Pastor Dave Capoccia begins presenting a practical method for counseling based on biblical principles. Pastor Dave explains the first four steps of this method in part 1: 1. Begin Counseling 2. Gain Involvement 3. Gather Data 4. Interpret Data…
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij looks at Jude 5-7 where Jude reminds believers of three groups that suffered God’s judgement so that we hold fast to God and his truth and do not become led away by false teaching. 1. Remember the condemnation of the unfaithful for their unbelief (v. 5) 2. Remember the……
In this eighth lesson in the Biblical Counseling 101 Sunday school class, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines two more topics commonly misunderstood yet central to the Christian life and biblical counseling: forgiveness and the past.
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines Jude 3-4 and the main purpose of this short letter: to urge believers to contend for the faith against infiltrating false teachers. Pastor Babij explains Jude’s primary exhortation as a call to two actions: 1. Know What You Believe (v. 3) 2. Live with a Cautious Awareness (v.……
In this seventh lesson of the Biblical Counseling 101 class, Pastor Dave Capoccia looks at two frequently misunderstood topics that are so important in the process of biblical change: guilt and repentance.
In this introductory sermon to a verse-by-verse exposition of Jude, Pastor Joe Babij introduces the author and occasion of the letter and also examines the profound salvation truths presented in the letter’s greeting. 1. Salvation and Its Order (v. 1) 2. Salvation and Its Security (v. 1) 3. Salvation and Its Abundant Blessing (v. 2)…
In this sixth lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia overviews what the biblical process of change toward greater Christ-likeness looks like. First, Pastor Dave takes a macro view of what should be the biblical expectation regarding change over one’s lifetime. Second, Pastor Dave takes a micro, more moment-by-moment view of how what one loves and worships in……
In this sermon, Greg Ho examines the account of Jesus cleansing the temple in John 2:13-17 and explains how Jesus’ zeal for God’s house is an example for all God’s people to follow in their commitment to serving God and his church. Full Transcript: Let’s start out by playing some fill in the blank, ready?……
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines John 10:9 and explores the sobering and wonderful reality of Jesus as the only way to eternal life. 1. There Is Only One Entry Point into Christ’s True Church (vv. 7-11) 2. There Are Many Presumed Entry Points into Christ’s Church 3. The Person Who Enters through God’s……
In this fifth lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines psychology and its theories of the person from a biblical perspective. Pastor Dave first gives some introductory information regarding psychology and then compares the theories of six influential psychologists with the teaching of God in the Bible.
In this fourth lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia considers what the truths from the previous lessons about the Bible’s sufficiency and the mind-body connection mean for the issue of psychotropic drugs. Pastor Dave overviews the topic of psychotropic drugs from a biblical perspective and then considers a few frequently asked questions.…
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines Solomon’s final charge to seize the day in Ecclesiastes 11:7-12:8. Solomon provides five prodding reminders for why you must fear God and make the most of the best days God has given you. 1. Dark Days Are Coming (11:7-8) 2. God’s Assessment Is Coming (11:9) 3. Your Youth……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines Ecclesiastes 11:1-6 and Solomon’s teaching there about making the most of life amid risk. As Pastor Dave explains, Solomon gives three fundamental exhortations toward bold action so that you will not miss out on God’s good in life: 1. Take Wise Risks (vv. 1-2) 2. Beware Over Analysis……
In this third lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia explains how the physical body factors into biblical counseling. Specifically, Pastor Dave discusses from Scripture man’s fundamental makeup, the body’s effect on the mind, and the mind’s effect on the body.
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij finishes examining 1 Corinthians 12:12-20 to show how all Christians are called to minister. In Part 2, Pastor Babij explains the second primary reason Christians stifle spiritual gifts: a superiority complex in which believers feel they do not need others. Pastor Babij further explains the wisdom of God’s design……
In this second lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia discusses how the Bible is totally sufficient for the Christian life, including for counseling people about their problems. Pastor Dave presents the Bible’s sufficiency in three points: 1. The Bible Claims Sufficiency 2. The Bible Illustrates Sufficiency 3. The Bible Demonstrates Sufficiency…
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij begins examining 1 Corinthians 12:12-20 to show how all Christians are called to minister and not simply to wait for someone else to do so. In Part 1, Pastor Babij explains the church-as-Christ’s-body metaphor as well as the first primary reason Christians do not get involved in using their……
In this first lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia explores what to expect from the class, how the world answers the fundamental questions of “Why do I do what I do, and how can I change?”, and what biblical counseling is and is not.
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia finishes looking at Solomon’s instruction regarding foolishness in Ecclesiastes 10:1-20. In part 2, Pastor Dave examines Solomon’s final two of four self-destructive characteristics of foolishness, especially in government, so that you will guard against folly and pursue wisdom instead. Pastor Dave also considers Solomon’s brief concluding bit of practical……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia begins looking at Solomon’s instruction regarding foolishness in Ecclesiastes 10:1-20. In part 1, Pastor Dave examines Solomon’s introduction and the first two of four self-destructive characteristics of foolishness, especially in government, so that you will guard against folly and pursue wisdom instead. Introduction: Wisdom Delivers, Folly Destroys (vv. 1-4)……
In this sermon, our guest speaker Aaron G. looks at the exchange between Jesus and the Jews in John 8:12-59. Aaron explains how the passage emphasizes one main truth: who Jesus is guarantees that those of the world will be repulsed by his witness. Aaron also clarifies, though, that man’s fundamental rejection of Jesus is……
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij continues examining Paul’s teaching regarding what it means to be an ambassador for Christ in 2 Corinthians 5:11-21. In part 2, Pastor Babij gives the second two of four distinguishing marks of baked dirt ambassadors for Christ. Believers, in order to carry out their ambassadorship from God with confidence……
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines Paul’s teaching regarding what it means to be an ambassador for Christ in 2 Corinthians 5:11-21. In part 1, Pastor Babij gives the first two of four distinguishing marks of baked dirt ambassadors for Christ. Believers, in order to carry out their ambassadorship from God with confidence and……
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines Paul’s teaching about believers’ resurrected bodies in 2 Corinthians 5:1-10. Pastor Babij explains how God’s amazing promises regarding what he will do with us—who are no more than baked dirt—equips us to serve him with hope while on the earth. Pastor Babij presents Paul’s teaching in four main……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia looks at Solomon’s teaching in Ecclesiastes 9:11-18 regarding the need for wisdom in light of life’s uncertainty. Specifically, Solomon provides four poignant observations about life so that you will seek the limited but real power of wisdom. 1. No Outcome Is Guaranteed (v. 11) 2. Disaster Falls Down Suddenly……
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij looks at several Bible passages to teach the importance of applying the law of God, especially the Ten Commandments, to the raising of children. Pastor Babij explains how God’s commands and our failure to keep them expose the sinful heart and point each of us to our need for……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia looks at a surprising, carpe diem style exhortation from Solomon in Ecclesiastes 8:16-9:10. Solomon gives two simple reasons why you should stop waiting and start making the most of your vaporous life from God: 1. Life Is Uncertain (8:16-9:1) 2. Death Is Certain (9:2-6) 3. Conclusion: Make the Most……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia again looks at Solomon’s wisdom for how to regard authorities, but this time from Eccl 8:10-15. Solomon’s counsel is that, despite injustice, you should fear God and enjoy life. Solomon presents this counsel by drawing attention to two difficult realities and two wise responses to those realities: 1. Reality:……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia, looks at the wisdom from Solomon about how one should regard authorities in Ecclesiastes 8:1-9. Solomon teaches that, If you want to be wise and avoid trouble, you should obey the authorities God has set up in your life. Solomon also gives four wise reasons why should obey even……
In this special Father’s Day sermon, Pastor Joe Babij considers Joshua 4 and God’s command to Joshua to memorialize the miraculous crossing of the Jordan River. Pastor Babij explains that Christians, too, need to be purposeful in visually memorializing the great works of God in our lives, both for our own sake and for the……
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines select verses from Proverbs 29 regarding the benefits of true justice for society. Along with considering some of the cultural issues facing Christians today, Pastor Babij outlines three benefits for a government/society that practices righteousness: 1. The Benefit of Happiness (v. 2) 2. The Benefit of Stability (v.……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia completes examination of Solomon’s surprising teaching in Ecclesiastes 7:23-29. Solomon warns against vainly pursuing deep knowledge and instead urges you to understand and apply three basic life truths. In part 2, Pastor Dave explains the second and third basic truths from Solomon. Introduction: You cannot know the fundamental scheme……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia begins examining Solomon’s surprising teaching in Ecclesiastes 7:23-29. Solomon warns against vainly pursuing deep knowledge and instead urges you to understand and apply three basic life truths. In part 1, Pastor Dave examines the introduction and first basic truth. Introduction: You cannot know the fundamental scheme of the world……
In this final sermon in 2 Peter, Pastor Joe Babij concludes examination of the last section of exhortation in 2 Peter 3:11-18. Pastor Babij explains the final two of the four eternal perspectives that people are to apply in light of Christ’s soon coming. 1. We should believe in Christ without delay (vv. 9, 15)……
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij begins examining the final section of exhortation in 2 Peter. Pastor Babij explains that believers must remain ready for Christ’s return and continue to pursue spiritual growth and holiness. More specifically, Pastor Babij outlines two of the four eternal perspectives Christians are to apply in view of the day……
In this special Mother’s Day sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines the short account about Mary, Martha, and Jesus in Luke 10:38-42. Christ teaches in this passage a simple but critical truth about following him: devoted discipleship comes before happy service. As Pastor Dave preaches through the text, he identifies three highlighted characters who underscore the……
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines Peter’s teaching in 2 Peter 3:7-12 as to why the Lord Jesus has delayed his return and what is certain to happen at Christ’s return. As Pastor Babij explains, these truths from 2 Peter should cause us to rest securely in the character of God and to wait…
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia begins examining Solomon’s teaching as to how exactly God’s wisdom works with both great power and sobering limitation in life. In Ecclesiastes 7:15-22, Solomon gives two humbling exhortations to help you keep calm and carry on well in a fallen world. 1. Avoid Proud Extremes (15-18) 2. Remember Common……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia looks at the introductory poem to the second half of Ecclesiastes articulating true wisdom’s narrow way. In Ecclesiastes 7:1-14, Solomon provides five poignant comparisons to show how wisdom, while not ultimate, makes life better. 1. Facing Death Is Better Than Chasing Fun (vv. 1-4) 2. Rebuke Is Better Than……
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij finishes looking at the sobering background information about the coming Day of the Lord from 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12. After reviewing the first three events of the future Tribulation period, Pastor Babij explains the final three events discussed in 2 Thessalonians so that believers will both be comforted but also……
In this special Resurrection Day sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines the apostle Paul’s teaching on the resurrection in 1 Corinthians 15:20-28. Pastor Babij explains not only how Jesus’ resurrection is the most well-established fact in antiquity but also how Jesus’ resurrection results in two mighty guarantees for believers: 1. Christ’s Resurrection Guarantees Our Resurrection (vv.……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines Solomon’s teaching in Ecclesiastes 6:1-12, a passage that functions as a kind of mirror to Ecclesiastes 5:8-20 and as a summary of the main points of the first half of the book. In Ecclesiastes 6:1-12, Solomon teaches that life without grateful enjoyment of God’s good gifts is miserable.……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij continues giving important background information on 2 Peter 3 by further investigating teaching about the day of the Lord in 2 Thessalonians 2:5-10. Specifically, Pastor Babij explains from Thessalonians what will happen once the man of lawlessness, the antichrist, arrives on the world scene. Christians are to find sober encouragement……
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij continues looking at 2 Peter 3 and focuses on the phrase “the day of the Lord.” Pastor Babij explains the background of this phrase and, considering 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4, clarifies the Bible’s own assurance that believers will have no involvement in the day of the Lord. More specifically, Pastor……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia finishes looking at Solomon’s teaching on wealth in Ecclesiastes 5:8-20. Specifically, Pastor Dave explores in verses 13-20 Solomon’s second main reason to beware vainly seeking after wealth and instead rejoice gratefully in your portion from God: wealth ultimately won’t protect you. Full Transcript: Like last time I preached to……
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij begins examining the final chapter of 2 Peter and the apostle’s teaching there on the soon, future return of Christ. In part 1, Pastor Babij looks at 2 Peter 3:1-10 and outlines three established facts that, when remembered, will aid you in being ready for Christ’s coming: 1. The……
In this special baptism service sermon, Pastor Joe Babij looks at Paul’s testimony before Agrippa in Acts 26:1-32. Pastor Babij identifies three key parts of any person’s salvation testimony by looking at Paul’s model: what a person was like before conversion, what happened to a person in conversion, and how a person became different after……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia begins looking at Solomon’s teaching on the vanity of wealth in Ecclesiastes 5:8-20. Solomon gives two main reasons to beware vainly seeking after wealth and to gratefully rejoice instead in your portion from God. In part 1, Pastor Dave covers Solomon’s introduction in verses 8-9 about government corruption and……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines Solomon’s teaching in Ecclesiastes 5:1-7 about pious words. Pastor Dave explains how Solomon gives two sobering admonitions about words and worship so that you will wisely fear God instead of ruin yourself with religious folly. 1. Slow Down in Worship (vv. 1-3) 2. Be Careful in Promises (vv.……
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij finishes his look at the propensities of false teachers in 2 Peter 2. Pastor Babij details three final characteristics of false teachers that believers are to beware: 1. They have a propensity to have an empty and unstable character (v. 17) 2. They have a propensity to use swelling……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij examines 2 Peter 2:15-16 and the comparison of false teachers afflicting the church with ancient Balaam. Pastor Babij explores the OT narratives regarding Balaam in Numbers 22, 24, 25, and 31 to reveal another propensity of false teachers: these teachers leave the right way for the wrong way. This wrong……
In this special sermon from one of our kingdom workers, Dan Sered overviews his work and then examines the list of Israel’s feasts in Leviticus 23. Dan Sered explains how the spring feasts connect with the events of Jesus’ first coming (crucifixion, resurrection, coming of the Holy Spirit) and how the fall feasts connect with……
In this special New Year’s sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines the topic of repentance, what it is and why it is necessary both for salvation and for ongoing holiness. Pastor Dave defines repentance as the turning of the entire self (or inner man) from sin to God. Pastor Dave then looks at several Bible passages……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia concludes his look at Solomon’s teaching on companionship in Ecclesiastes 4. After a brief review, Pastor Dave explains the final two crucial lessons from Solomon in Ecclesiastes 4:9-16 as to why this difficult and vaporous life is lived better together. In total, the five lessons from Solomon in this……
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij begins looking at characteristic behavior of false teachers in 2 Peter 2:10-22 so that true believers will be committed to teaching and living the whole Bible. In part one, Pastor Babij identifies three propensities of false teachers in 2 Peter 2:10-14: 1. False teachers have a propensity to be……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia begins examining Ecclesiastes 4:1-16 and Solomon’s teaching on companionship. Solomon presents five crucial lessons on companionship so that you will realize that this difficult and vaporous life is lived better together. In part one, Pastor Dave explains the first three more negative lessons on companionship in Ecclesiastes 4:1-8: 1.……
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij returns to 2 Peter 2 to examine the encouragement and hope that the godly have of God’s future rescue and vindication. As Peter explains in 2 Peter 2:5-10, the godly can take comfort in God’s past examples of rescue as well as in God’s sovereign control. Full Transcript: This……
In this sermon, Pastor Joseph Babij looks at Israel’s experience with the bronze serpent in the wilderness and the analogy of that experience to Jesus Christ and salvation. Specifically, Pastor Babij considers four things sinners must see in order to look, be saved, and live: 1. Your Condition (vv. 4-5) 2. The Judgement Your Sin……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia continues to investigate Solomon’s teaching on how to respond wisely to life’s great frustrations. In Ecclesiastes 3:16-22, Solomon considers the frustration of life’s unresolvable injustice and gives three wise ways to respond: 1. Rest in God’s Justice (v. 17) 2. Remember Your Humble Position (vv. 18-21) 3. Rejoice in……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines Ecclesiastes 3:1-15 and Solomon’s teaching about the different times or seasons of life. Pastor Dave explains that, rather than romantically musing about life’s different times, Solomon shows how people ultimately have no control over their times. Solomon then presents how to respond wisely to the frustratingly uncontrollable times……
In this sermon, Pastor Joseph Babij presents God’s judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah as a third example of God’s judgment in the past proving the surety of God’s judgment in the future. Pastor Babij also explains why homosexuality is a uniquely heinous sin and why Christians must guard against popular pressure from American culture on……
In this special election day sermon, Pastor Joseph Babij examines several key passages of Scripture to present three principles with regard to the Christian and government. As an application of these principles, Pastor Babij also gives several observations about how Christians should choose a presidential candidate to vote for in the upcoming election. Full Transcript:……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia finishes looking at the foundational teaching of Solomon in the beginning of Ecclesiastes. In Ecclesiastes 2:12-26, Solomon gives his final reflections on his personal experiments with wisdom and joy. More specifically, Solomon presents three truths about our coming deaths that should cause us to stop living for vapor and……
In this sermon, Pastor Joseph Babij continues teaching regarding God’s coming judgment on false teachers and their followers. Pastor Babij considers another historical example of judgment demonstrating God’s ability to judge the wicked and rescue the righteous: the worldwide flood and Noah’s ark. Pastor Babij also considers what a love of justice and fear of……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij returns to consecutive teaching through 2 Peter. Pastor Babij begins by reviewing 2 Peter 2:1-3 and the various threats of false teachers. Pastor Babij then starts examining the next section in 2 Peter 2:4-10: discerning the terrors awaiting false teachers. Pastor Babij explains how God’s judgment on certain fallen angels……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia continues looking at Solomon’s epic experiments with wisdom and joy in Ecclesiastes 1:12-2:26. In Part 2, Pastor Dave looks specifically at Solomon’s experiment with joy in 2:1-11, explaining how Solomon shares his failure in his epic experiment with joy so that we will not vainly pursue the passing treasures……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij finishes his time in John 15 by looking at two more secrets from Jesus important for being a productive Christian. Pastor Babij focuses on prayer, explaining the necessary qualifications Jesus gives for such a generous expectation of answered prayer. 3. Liberty in Prayer (vv. 7-8) a. Must abide in Jesus……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia begins looking at Solomon’s epic experiments with wisdom and joy in Ecclesiastes 1:12-2:26. In part 1, Pastor Dave looks specifically at Solomon’s experiment with wisdom in Ecclesiastes 1:12-18 and explains that Solomon’s failures in his epic quest for wisdom show the vanity of pursuing knowledge as a means of……
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij continues looking at the teaching of Jesus in John 15 about becoming a spiritually productive Christian. Pastor Babij explores further the nature of God’s disciplinary pruning in John 15:1-6 by comparing what God also says in the book of Proverbs and in Hebrews 12:1-11. Specifically, Pastor Babij explains the……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines Solomon’s first section of teaching in Ecclesiastes (1:3-11). Solomon provides four startling observations on the vapor-like nature of life so that you will not be deceived into living for this world. 1. The earth toils in an unsatisfying circle 2. Man toils in an unsatisfying circle 3. Man……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia introduces the book of Ecclesiastes and explains its main message: life is a vapor, but embrace it is a gift and not as gain. Full Transcript: Something I’ve been wanting to do since graduating from seminary is to go through a book of the Bible with you verse by…
In this sermon, Pastor Joseph Babij begins examining Jesus’ private teaching in John 15 on what being a spiritually productive, fruit-bearing Christian looks like while awaiting Jesus’ return. Specifically, Pastor Babij discusses the first two secrets related to being a real and productive Christian: 1. The Pruning of the Father (vv. 1-3) 2. Remaining in……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia completes a two-part look at Paul’s teaching in Romans 14:1-15:13 about how Christians should respond to one another over Christian liberty issues. Dave Capoccia outlines the four main ways Christians should respond when convictions collide but focuses on explaining the second main way in detail. Following the apostle Paul’s……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia begins a two part look at Paul’s teaching in Romans 14:1-15:13, a section about how Christians should respond to one another over Christian liberty issues. In part one of this look, Dave Capoccia considers the situation in the early Roman church and also explains the first of Paul’s four……
In this sermon, David Capoccia examines a psalm all about joy in the one true and covenant-keeping God, Yahweh. From Psalm 16, David Capoccia explains five reasons believers should have joy in Yahweh—who is the Lord Jesus Christ—amid troubles. 1. Yahweh is our exclusive refuge 2. Yahweh is our communal delight 3. Yahweh is our……
In this sermon, David Capoccia examines the prophet Elijah’s descent into despair in 1 Kings 19 and how God ministered to Elijah and restored Elijah to service. The account not only demonstrates how God is working good even through difficult circumstances but also how believers can practically move from depressed doubt to obedient faith. 1.……
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines the apostle Paul’s teaching on the body and sexual immorality in 1 Corinthians 6:12-20. Paul presents three critical truths about the body that should cause believers to flee immorality and glorify God in their bodies instead. 1. Our Bodies Matter to God (vv. 12-14) 2. Our Bodies Are……
In this sermon, Pastor David Capoccia examines Jesus’ teaching on worry in Matthew 6:25-34. In this passage, Jesus commands his disciples not to worry but instead to seek God. Pastor Dave identifies three main reasons from the text as to why Jesus’ followers can obey Jesus’ command: 1. Worry Is Idolatrous (vv. 25-30) 2. Worry……
In this sermon, Pastor David Capoccia investigates Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 5:21-26 regarding God’s command, “You shall not commit murder.” How does the truly righteous person act in regard to murder? David Capoccia explains Jesus’ answer: 1. The truly righteous person refrains even from damning anger (vv. 21-22) 2. The truly righteous person hurries to……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij returns to 2 Peter 2:1-3 to finish discussing the threats of false teachers to the church. After reviewing the previous main points of the passage, Pastor Babij expands on the fifth way false teachers threaten the church and then presents a sixth and final way: 5. By false teachers, the……
In this special Father’s Day sermon, Pastor Babij examines Paul’s ministry to the Thessalonians in 1 Thessalonians 2:9-12 as a model for spiritual fathers raising up spiritual sons. Pastor Babij identifies four vital characteristics of a spiritual father’s responsibility to both teach and model godliness for his children: 1. A Spiritual Father’s Work (v. 9)……
Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 8 Lesson 80 This week in Sunday school, we take some time to briefly review what we’ve seen over the last nine lessons but also address a topic we did not have time to cover previously: psalms that David wrote while running from Saul. We look at two such…
Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 8 Lesson 79 This week in Sunday school, we continue to investigate the long period in which David was on the run from King Saul. What are the different ways God rescued David from Saul? How did David demonstrate righteous faith by refusing to kill Saul when David had……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij preaches from Psalm 27 how those who know the true God can face the many fears of life with faith as a shield. Pastor Babij shows from the text how the Psalmist David dealt with his fears and ultimately triumphed with gladness in the Lord Full Transcript: Today we’e going……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij explains the Great Physician’s analysis of the human condition in three steps: a diagnosis of an evil and spiritually dead heart unable to be fully restrained, a prognosis of permanent spiritual disease incapable of self-reform, and a prescription for the only cure for man’s heart and the only salvation from……
Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 8 Lesson 78 This week in Sunday school, we look at how God provided for David as jealous Saul turned against David. How did God use Michal and Jonathan—Saul’s own children—to protect David? What was the nature of Jonathan and David’s love for one another? And what can we……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij talks about the most important question in life: how to get right with God. In explanation, Pastor Babij examines Romans 3:28 and discusses both the wrong way that most people take to try to get right with God and also the right way. Full Transcript: Let’s take our Bibles and……
Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 8 Lesson 77 This week in Sunday school, we come to the famous battle between David and Goliath. However, in our seeming familiarity with this story, do we actually misremember and/or misinterpret it? What is the record of David’s battle with Goliath meant to teach us about God? And……
Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 8 Lesson 76 This week in Sunday school we look at how God marks out young David to replace Saul as king of Israel. What is so significant about the way God makes his choice of David known? Why did God choose David out of the thousands of men…
In this sermon, Pastor Babij continues teaching from 2 Peter 2:1-3 about the different dangers of false teachers. Specifically, Pastor Babij discusses how false teachers slander the way of truth and greedily fabricate clever words. Pastor Babij also takes time to discuss a proper definition of “truth” and why any definition of “truth” that excludes……
In this sermon from 2 Peter 2, Pastor Babij continues discussing the different threats of false teachers. Specifically, Pastor Babij explains how false teachers seduce many to follow their shameful and immoral lifestyle. Pastor Babij outlines how Christians should respond to such a dangerous spiritual threat: 1. Avoid the two most common human strategies for……
Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 8 Lesson 75 This week in Sunday school, we move forward in the book of 1 Samuel and look at Israel’s first king. Why was it sinful for Israel to ask for a king when God had already promised that a king would come? How did Saul go from…
In this special Mother’s Day sermon, Pastor Babij teaches from Ephesians three vital characteristics of a Christian mother who walks wisely: 1) She walks carefully before God in order to please Him 2) She walks in a controlled manner with God as a Spirit-filled believer 3) She walks compliantly before God in reverential fear Full……
Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 8 Lesson 74 This week in Sunday school, we look at how God raises up Israel’s last judge: Samuel. How is Israel doing spiritually at the end of the Judges period? Why does God condemn and curse the previous judge, Eli? And what do these chapters show us about……
Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 8 Lesson 73 This week in Sunday school, we’re studying the entire book of Ruth. What do Naomi’s life reversals teach us about God and his redemptive purposes? Why does Ruth propose marriage to Boaz in such a strange way? And how can we apply the account of Ruth……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij lists and refutes several of the false teachings of today’s health and wealth (prosperity) preachers: · Christians are prohibited from judging them · People must not disagree with them as they are God’s anointed · Jesus personally speaks to them · New Testament prophets are fallible · Christians are little……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij discusses the signs of a true prophet and warns against those claiming to be prophets today. False prophets’ teachings have no divine authority and distort God’s Word to fit those prophets’ own beliefs and desires. Pastor Babij reminds his listeners that prophets no longer exist today as Christians have God’s……
Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 8 Lesson 72 This week in Sunday school, we look at the account of mighty Samson from the book of Judges. What deliverance did God accomplish through Samson for Israel? What foolish choices led to Samson’s downfall? And what can we learn from Samson about God’s sovereignty, sinful temptation,……
Pastor Babij continues his preaching from 1 Peter 1, where Peter calls on Christians to remember Who is coming back. Pastor Babij explains the two informants that must be used for remembering: 1) The apostolic witness and experience 2) The prophetic word Pastor Babij emphasizes that, because the Scriptures are God’s own words and not……
Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 8 Lesson 71 We resume Sunday school this Sunday by returning to the book of Judges and investigating the deliverance of Gideon. Why does God call fearful Gideon to be the deliverer? Why does God insist that Gideon go into battle with only a small group of men? And……
In this Resurrection Sunday sermon, Pastor Babij preaches from Zechariah 3:1-7 on the need to be properly clothed for eternal life. Pastor explains that are three types of garments: 1) Garments of Filth 2) Garments of Righteousness 3) Garments of Access Pastor shows from Scripture that all people need to replace their garments of filth……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij teaches from 2 Peter on how believers can grow in the assurance of their salvation: by diligently performing good works, praying, and studying the Scripture. Pastor also reminds believers of Jesus’ imminent return and of how the knowledge of Jesus’ soon coming ought to inflame believers’ passion for their Lord.……
Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 7 Lesson 70 In this review lesson for Unit 7, we take an introductory look at the ancient geography of Israel. Israel obtained the promised land under Joshua, but what was the land like? When the Bible refers to geographical details like “the hill country” or “the valley of……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij preaches on how a Christian becomes fruitful unto the Lord in applying the seven qualities taught in 2 Peter 1:5-11. Pastor details both positive results when believers apply these principles and several negative results when believers disobey. On the basis of the passage, Pastor Babij also exhorts Christians to make……
Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 7 Lesson 69 This week in Sunday school, we begin the book of Judges and discover the unthinkable: after receiving the land and seeing the many mighty works of God, Israel turns from the living God to serve dead idols. Why did Israel so senselessly turn from God? What……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij teaches from 2 Peter on how a true Christian is controlled by God’s Word and desires to do God’s will. Pastor Babij therefore calls on Christians to practice visible love for others, especially their brethren. Pastor concludes by exhorting Christians to examine honestly their walks before God. Full Transcript: This……
Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 7 Lesson 68 In this lesson, we see how Joshua finishes the work of conquest given to him by God, assigns the tribes of Israel their land allotments, and exhorts the people to continue to follow Yahweh and be blessed. How much of the land remained to be conquered……
In this sermon, Khaleef Crumbley teaches from Philippians 4:1-9 how a Christian stands firm in the Lord. Khaleef Crumbley explains six principles from the text: 1) Live in harmony with other believers in the Lord 2) Always be joyful 3) Cultivate a gentle spirit 4) Do not be anxious for anything 5) Pray transparently to……
Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 7 Lesson 67 This week in Sunday school, we continue in the book of Joshua by looking at two significant events during Israel’s conquest of Canaan: the defeat at Ai and the miraculous victory at Gibeon. After an astounding victory at Jericho, why was Israel suddenly defeated at little……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij teaches from 2 Peter 1:6-7 regarding what walking in godliness looks like before others. Pastor Babij explains how living in godliness has two directions, towards God and towards people, and how godliness also leads to brotherly affection and love. Full Transcript: Alright let’s take our Bibles to 2 Peter 1……
Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 7 Lesson 66 This week in Sunday school, we look at Israel’s first conquest in the promised land: the city of Jericho. Why was Jericho such a difficult but important obstacle to overcome? Why did God give the battle directions that he did? And what was God demonstrating for……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij, preaches from 2 Peter 1:6 regarding perseverance and how the practice of perseverance leads to godliness. Pastor Babij reminds Christians that life is full of trial and trouble; Christians must always be willing to persevere and even be thought of as fools for Christ.
Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 7 Lesson 65 This week in Sunday school, we take a look at another momentous event at the beginning of Israel’s conquest of Canaan: the crossing of the Jordan River. Why would the Jordan River have been such a dangerous obstacle for the people of Israel? How did God……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij preaches from 2 Peter 1:6 regarding the Christian’s responsibility to practice self-control, to master one’s passions and emotions and not be ruled by them. Pastor Babij teaches that, when Christians run from temptation, God will rescue them. Full Transcript We are continuing to look at the believer’s responsibility for Godly……
Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 7 Lesson 64 This week in Sunday school, we look at how Joshua sends spies into Jericho and how God helps Israel via a very surprising person: a Canaanite prostitute. Why did Rahab welcome the spies? Was it right for her to lie to protect them? And what was…
In this sermon, Pastor Babij continues in 2 Peter 1:5 elaborating on the second foundational quality of holy living to develop: knowledge. Christians are not to check their minds at the door but use the intellect God has given them to grow in righteous zeal for Him.
Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 7 Lesson 63 This week in Sunday school, we start to see circumstances turn around for Israel as God prepares the way for the second generation to inherit the promised land. God causes Israel to vanquish two entire kingdoms on the eastern side of the Jordan River and then……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij continues in 2 Peter 1:5 by focusing on the development of moral excellence, the first of two foundational qualities Christians need for holy living. Pastor Babij explains that Christians can only obtain this high state of mind through constant practice. Full Transcript Okay let’s take our Bibles and……
Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 7 Lesson 62 This week in Sunday school, we join Israel in their wilderness wandering to see what they’ve learned after missing out on entering the promised land. Surely this people, chastened for their unbelief, will have finally humbled themselves before God…right? Shockingly, we’re going to see through Korah’s……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij teaches from 2 Peter 1:5 the Christian’s responsibility to live godly and to cultivate the means of grace provided by God. Pastor details three elements of necessary spiritual discipline: 1. Examining yourself 2. Crucifying the old self 3. Practicing the new ways Pastor Babij concludes with an admonishment to Christians……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij discusses the divine basis for Godly living taken from 2 Peter 1:1-4. Pastor Babij teaches two fundamental objectives for the Christian: 1. To know God 2. To become like Him Pastor Babij also details several privileges and benefits Christians receive from knowing and becoming like God. Full Transcript: Okay this……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij overviews the letter of 2 Peter. Pastor Babij explains the controversy over the letter’s authorship and also introduces the letter’s main purposes: 1) Reminding Christians of vital teaching concerning the person and work of Jesus Christ 2) Combating the rise of false teaching in the church at large 3) Giving details concerning……
Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 6 Lesson 59 This week in Sunday school, we’re taking a look at the tabernacle, the place God chose to dwell with his people as they journeyed through the wilderness to Canaan. What were the different elements of the tabernacle that God commanded Israel to make? What do these……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij preaches on the final three unique marks of an ambassador for Christ: 1) The new relationship between God and men 2) The message of reconciliation between God and men 3) The objective hope of reconciliation with God Pastor Babij calls Christians to remember that they are Christ’s ambassadors and must……
Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 6 Lesson 58 For this week in Sunday school, we’re looking at how Israel turned to worship a golden calf right after receiving God’s covenant at Sinai. How did Israel so easily commit this heinous breach of covenant? Why didn’t God destroy Israel as God desired to do? And……
Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 6 Lesson 57 As Sunday school resumes for this first Sunday of 2020, we’re continuing on in the book of Exodus by looking at Israel’s arrival at Sinai and their reception of the Ten Commandments. Under what circumstances did Israel receive these commands? Why did God give the Ten……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij teaches on the first of four unique marks of an ambassador for Christ: personal integrity. Pastor Babij discusses what activities Christ’s ambassadors pursue, how Christ’s ambassadors manifest integrity to the world, and where being Christ’s ambassador brings people in their lives. Full Transcript: This morning I want you to turn……
In this sermon, David Capoccia examines Jesus’ Parable of the Ten Virgins. The main message of this parable is that all people must get ready to meet Christ and enter into his kingdom. David Capoccia explains how this message is developed through the different parts of the parable and then explains how one should get……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij explains the true meaning of Christmas. Specifically, Pastor Babij discusses: 1. The Purpose of Christmas to Find Its Meaningfulness 2. The Price to Make Christmas Meaningful 3. What the True Meaning of Christmas Produces 4. For What People Is the True Meaning of Christmas Pastor Babij admonishes listeners that they……
Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 6 Lesson 56 This week in Sunday school, we look at how Israel was tested by God as the people journeyed from the Reed Sea to Mt. Sinai. God tested the people with lack of food and water in the wilderness. How did the people respond? How did their…
In this sermon, Pastor Babij continues his teaching on the doctrine of the perseverance of the saints. Using various scriptures, Pastor Babij explains the following points concerning this doctrine: • Levels of belief in those who profess Christ • Points of security for the true believer • Heart transformation distinctions in true believers • God’s promises to those……
Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 6 Lesson 55 This week in Sunday school, we look at God’s great deliverance and judgment accomplished at the Red Sea. Many have heard about or seen depictions of this great biblical event, but what actually happened historically? Where did this crossing take place? Could the parting of the……
Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 6 Lesson 54 This week in Sunday school, we focus on the final plague God sent against Egypt and the special means of protection God provided for Israel. Why did God bother to warn Pharaoh of what was about to happen to the firstborn? Why did God command the…
In this sermon, Pastor Babij teaches on the perseverance of the saints. Pastor Babij explains how true saints (Christians) will persevere in the faith amid a general increase of lawlessness and apostasy before the Day of the Lord. As Christ’s coming gets closer, many will fall away from the faith, and many false teachers will arise.……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij preaches on Jesus’ message to the church at Philadelphia in the book of Revelation. This church is the second of two churches that receives no condemnation from Jesus, only commendation. Pastor Babij explains three key characteristics of this church: 1. They drew their strength from the Lord 2. They kept……
Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 6 Lesson 53 We’re continuing in Sunday School this week by examining how God displayed his power in the plagues of Egypt. What happened in the plagues? Who hardened Pharaoh’s heart and why? How did the Egyptian magicians copy some of God’s miracles? And how should this account affect……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij preaches on Jesus’ message to the church at Smyrna in the book of Revelation. This church is one of two churches that receives no condemnation from Jesus, only commendation. Smyrna is commended for being spiritually rich and for standing publicly for the Lord despite intense and bitter suffering. Christ challenges……
Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 6 Lesson 52 We continue in our study of the book of Exodus with God’s call to Moses. God amazingly appears to Moses in a burning bush to send Moses to Egypt to confront Pharaoh and deliver Israel, but Moses is not ready to go. Why does Moses bring…
In this sermon, Pastor Babij preaches on Jesus’ message to the church at Laodicea in the book of Revelation. This is the last of the warnings to the churches of Revelation. Jesus offers no commendation for Laodicea but condemns the church for its indifference and lukewarm attitude toward Him. Jesus also counsels the church to……
Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 6 Lesson 51 This week in Sunday school we begin a unit of lessons all about the Exodus, starting with an investigation into how God protected Moses before sending Moses to deliver Israel. What were the different ways that Moses’ life was put into danger even before Moses grew……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij preaches on Jesus’ message to the church at Sardis in the book of Revelation. Jesus gives no commendation to Sardis but roundly condemns the church for its complacency, its comfort with pagan culture, and its deadness despite outward appearances. Pastor Babij explains Jesus’ challenge to the church to wake up,……
Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 5 Lesson 49 This week in Sunday school, we’re looking at the prophetic blessings Jacob announces over his twelve sons and over Joseph’s sons. What special blessings did Jacob announce over Ephraim and Judah? How are these blessings fulfilled in later biblical history, especially in the Messiah? And how……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij preaches on Jesus’ message to the church of Thyatira in the book of Revelation. First, Pastor Babij details Thyatira’s commendation of its love and faith for Christ. Second, Pastor Babij explains Thyatira’s condemnation for tolerating a false teacher who may have been teaching Gnosticism. Third, Pastor Babij relates Jesus’ challenge……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij preaches on Jesus’ message to the Pergamum church in the book of Revelation. First, Pastor details Pergamum’s commendation for resisting emperor worship and holding fast to Jesus’ name and nature. Second,Pastor Babij explains Pergamum’s condemnation for tolerating the teachings of Balaam and the Nicolaitans. Third, Pastor Babij relates Jesus’ call……
Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 5 Lesson 48 This week, we look at the culmination of the Genesis account of Joseph’s life: the salvation of Joseph’s family and Joseph’s reconciliation with his brothers. Why does Joseph not reveal himself to his brothers right away? How is it that Joseph was able to forgive such……
Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 5 Lesson 47 This week in Sunday school, we’re looking at Joseph’s dramatic rise from slave and prisoner to second-in-command of Egypt. What brought about this incredible reversal of life situation? What important work did Joseph accomplish in his new position that would affect his family in Canaan (and……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij begins preaching on Jesus’ messages to the seven churches of Revelation, starting with the Ephesian church. Pastor Babij first explains, using several Scripture verses, how Jesus’ sovereignty is displayed over all the churches. Second, Pastor Babij details Jesus’ pattern of review for each church. Third, Pastor Babij discusses how the……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij teaches on how all people need Jesus to negate the deadly effect of sin and to enter into new life with Jesus. Using several Scripture passages, Pastor Babij explains how we are all born spiritually dead and enemies of God. We therefore all need divine intervention to bring us new……
Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition Unit 5 Lesson 46 This week in Sunday school, we learn about what happened to Joseph after he was taken to Egypt. How did God bless Joseph, even in bondage? Why did God still ordain Joseph to suffer when Joseph did nothing wrong? And how does this account teach us……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij ask you to examine your prayer life honestly and enjoins you to attend congregational prayer times. Pastor Babij discusses how many of the prayers in Acts are inherently corporate. Pastor Babij also reviews the prayer of Hezekiah against the Assyrians and draws out the importance of: 1.) to Whom we……
Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition Unit 5 Lesson 45 This week in Sunday school, we begin to talk about the lives of Jacob’s sons, especially Joseph. Why did God give Joseph dreams that only made Joseph’s brothers angry? What caused Joseph’s brothers to sell Joseph into slavery instead of killing him? And what amazing comfort……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij preaches on corporate prayer and why it should be a priority for believers. Pastor Babij stresses why prayer requires putting on the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-19) as well as understanding correct doctrine. Pastor Babij also identifies five temptations congregations must resist when praying together: 1) Canceling regularly scheduled……
Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition Unit 5 Lesson 44 This week in Sunday school, we take one more look at the life of Jacob and witness Jacob’s return to Canaan. This event is one of the peaks of the narrative of Genesis but also leads us to several important questions: How had Jacob changed since……
In this sermon, Greg Ho asks you to consider whether God accepts your individual and corporate worship, reminding that there are many times in Scripture when God rejected the worship of those who claimed to follow Him. Greg Ho explains that one worships whatever a person honors and respects and that such honor and respect……
Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition Unit 5 Lesson 43 This week in Sunday school, we learn about how God affirmed his promises to Jacob and provided Jacob with a family. There are many questions that arise from this section of Genesis. What is the significance of Jacob’s ladder? Why did Jacob marry multiple wives? And……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij teaches on the ordinance of the Lord’s Supper. Pastor Babij stresses that this celebration was instituted by Jesus Himself as part of worship and that only believers are to participate. Pastor Babij explains five reasons Christians should be eager to “break bread”: 1) It is commanded by Christ 2) It……
Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition Unit 5 Lesson 42 This week in Sunday school we look at the next big event in the life of Jacob: his stealing of the blessing from Esau. Why did Isaac try to give the blessing to Esau and not Jacob? What was so significant about the blessing? And what…
In this sermon, Pastor Babij continues teaching on Christian fellowship and how to understand and maintain unity in the church. Pastor Babij explains that, because Christians are part of Christ’s body, they are to build an atmosphere of care and respect for one another and to practice the gifts that God has bestowed on each……
Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition Unit 5 Lesson 41 We start out Unit 5 of the ABC Second Edition with a look at the birth of Jacob and Esau and the selling of Esau’s birthright. Why did Esau agree to such an unequal exchange with Jacob? Did Jacob do wrong in taking advantage of his…
In this sermon, Pastor Babij continues teaching on Christian fellowship and how it works out in the local church. Using the human body as a metaphor (as did the apostle Paul) Pastor Babij explains the necessity for all the members of the church to work together for the common goal of glorifying the Lord Jesus……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij continues his teaching regarding Christian fellowship, both with the Lord and with fellow believers. Using Scripture, Pastor Babij explains why Christian fellowship is not a luxury but a necessity for growing in grace and for displaying God’s glory to the world. Pastor Babij calls on believers to resist the inherent……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij continues teaching on the purpose of the Church by discussing the importance of genuine Christian fellowship. Pastor Babij explains that, in participating in true fellowship with one another, Christians ought to be devoting themselves to shared relationships, partnering with other Christians to glorify God, and agreeing on the revealed truth……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij continues teaching on the purpose of the church and the high priority of correct doctrine. Pastor Babij stresses the need for Christians to know and practice the doctrine of the apostles that was delivered to them by God Himself. Pastor Babij details how true Christians love to learn and do……
In this introductory sermon, Pastor Babij begins his new series on the four-fold purpose of the Church. Pastor Babij first discusses the make-up of a genuine Christian and what happens when a person becomes a Christian. Pastor Babij next explains why Christians are not think and behave like the people of the world and why……
In this sermon, Khaleef Crumbley teaches on the Lord’s Prayer found in the Gospel of Matthew. Comparing Matthew’s version of the Lord’s Prayer to the same prayer in Luke, Khaleef Crumbley explains how Jesus warned against hypocrisy in prayer, why prayer is meant to be worshipful communion with God, and how God should be approached……
In this sermon, David Capoccia teaches on God’s design for the church as revealed by the apostle Paul in Ephesians 4:7-16. Specifically, David Capoccia explains why all believers should obey the call of Christ to use their gifts to minister to His church: 1. Christ conquered to give believers their gifts 2. Christ gave teachers……
In this sermon, David Capoccia examines the crucial principles of Colossians 2:6-8, where God commands believers to hold fast to the person and word of Christ so that believers are not taken captive by false wisdom. David Capoccia also applies the passage’s principles to popular modern assertions made from philosophy, science, and psychology. Full Transcript:……
In this sermon, David Capoccia examines a short testimony from God in the prophecy of Jeremiah concerning how a person obtains a cursed or a blessed life. David Capoccia explains how God provides two vivid pictures of blessing and cursing to warn people not to trust in mere man and to encourage people to trust……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij teaches on the differences between the true gospel and the inadequate message often proclaimed in evangelism today. Pastor Babij demonstrates how God’s holiness and the call to suffering as a Christian, as shown in Scripture, are totally missing from today’s popular preaching — preaching that instead lowers God’s holiness, elevates……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij preaches on battling sin with a gospel-oriented strategy. Pastor Babij explains that Christians can battle sin because God’s Ten Commandments are written on their hearts and because the gospel has changed believers’ relationship to the Law. Pastor Babij outlines two ungodly strategies for battling sin, antinomianism and legalism, and contrasts……
Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition Unit 4 Lesson 39 This week in Sunday school, we look at how God brought about the marriage of Isaac and Rebekah. What is so remarkable about the way they were brought together? Why did Moses write this account for the people of Israel? And what should be our own……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij continues to discuss what the Ten Commandments, and the law of God in general, mean for believers. Specifically, Pastor Babij explains how God’s law shows believers what grateful service to God looks like and moves believers to obey according to the superior Law of Christ. Full Transcript: We’re going to……
Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition Unit 4 Lesson 38 This week in Sunday school, we look at the great test of Abraham: the command from God to offer up Isaac as a sacrifice. Why did Abraham obey God? What can we learn about walking by faith before God today? And what is the connection between…
In this sermon, Pastor Babij explores what the Ten Commandments, and the law of God in general, mean for believers. Pastor Babij clarifies that God’s law cannot save, sanctify, or secure, but Christ can. Full Transcript: Let’s take our Bibles and just read the second Law in Deuteronomy 5:6-21. You going to see that before……
Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition Unit 3 Lesson 37 This week in Sunday school, we’re looking at the long-anticipated birth of Abraham’s promised son, Isaac. Why, in anticipation of Isaac’s birth, does God ordain that Abraham and his descendants adopt circumcision? Why did God make Abraham and Sarah wait so long before providing their child?……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij discusses the use of the Ten Commandments with those who are unsaved. Pastor Babij explains how the Law of God informs the unsaved of their deadly state before God and how they can be reconciled to Him. Full Transcript: We are looking at our Bibles this morning in Exodus chapter……
Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition Unit 4 Lesson 36 This week in Sunday school, we look at two very significant episodes in the life of Abraham: the ceremony formally establishing the Abrahamic Covenant and the failed effort of Abram and Sarai to obtain the son of promise through Hagar. What can we learn from these……
Pastor Babij continues his look at the last of the Ten Commandments and its prohibition against covetousness. Pastor Babij warns how easy coveting is and how difficult it is to detect. Pastor Babij then explains several warning signs of a covetous heart along with several admonitions and remedies against covetousness. Full Transcript: We’re are still……
Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition Unit 4 Lesson 35 This week in Sunday school, we investigate what God did with Sodom and Gomorrah in the days of Abraham. What does Abraham’s intercession on behalf of the city reveal about God’s justice? What are we to learn from the fiery judgment and angelic rescue accomplished afterward……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij teaches on the last of the Ten Commandments: “You shall not covet.” Using Scripture, Pastor Babij shows that the purpose of this commandment is to promote contentment with one’s station in life rather than covetousness. Pastor Babij further explains that it is not wrong to want to better one’s station……
Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition Unit 3 Lesson 34 This week in Sunday school, we look more at the life of Abram. Abram and Lot eventually have to separate from each other. Why was this separation important in God’s sovereign plan? How does this event become an occasion for displaying Abram’s faith in God? And……
In this sermon, Greg Ho, preaches on the Parable of the Talents from Matthew 25. From the passage, Greg Ho explains what the talent represents and how God is more concerned with what a person does with what he receives than how much a person accomplishes. Greg Ho further clarifies that Christians should think and……
Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition Unit 4 Lesson 33 This week in Sunday school, we return to Genesis and meet the important Hebrew patriarch Abram (later Abraham) and see him receive God’s call. Why did God call Abram? Why did Abram obey? How was the salvation promise of Genesis 3:15 moving forward in the life……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij looks again at the ninth of the Ten Commandments (“You shall not bear false witness”), focusing on gossip as a form of lying. Pastor Babij explains three important truths from Scripture about gossip: 1) The gossip’s character 2) The gossip’s motive 3) The results of gossip Pastor Babij shows from……
Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition Unit 4 Lesson 32 This week in Sunday school, we briefly leave Genesis to consider the life of Job. Why did God bring such suffering on righteous Job? What is the main lesson of the book? And how should we respond to those who suggest that trials and even illnesses……
In this, sermon Pastor Babij returns to his series on the Ten Commandments by looking at the ninth commandment: “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.” Pastor Babij teaches that the main purpose of the command is to maintain an accurate witness. Pastor Babij also explains what kind of actions the ninth commandment……
Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition Unit 4 Lesson 31 In this lesson, we want to consider several questions related to the Babel division of Genesis 11:1-9. What were the world’s first people groups and where did they settle? Did cavemen ever really exist? And if all humanity is really one race, why do today’s people……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij teaches on the benefits of Christ’s resurrection, beginning with the assertion that the resurrection affects the eternal destiny of all who are born of Adam and Eve. Pastor Babij discusses four marvelous benefits that only believers in the resurrection of Jesus enjoy. Consequently, Pastor pleads with those who do not……
In this Palm Sunday sermon, Pastor Babij details how Jesus died a supernaturally empowered death. Pastor Babij shows, through several Bible passages, how Jesus demonstrated He is the God-man with complete control in all matters concerning his crucifixion and death. Pastor Babij specifically discusses six observations: 1. Christ’s authority over death 2. Christ’s command over……
Full Transcript: This morning, let us take our Bibles and turn to Exodus 20. We are looking and starting with that passage this morning, as I continue to look at the ten commandments. Let us look at verse 1 through verse 15. It says: Then God spoke all these words, saying, I am the Lord…
In this sermon, Pastor Babij finishes his exposition of the seventh of the Ten Commandments, “You shall not commit adultery.” Pastor Babij explains how marital faithfulness reflects the faithfulness of God. Pastor Babij also gives three reasons why a person must avoid adultery and any conduct that promotes sexual impurity: 1) The Lord is the……
Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 3 Lesson 28 This week in Sunday school, we’re considering the Ice Age. The Bible never specifically addresses any ice age, but there is evidence of a past ice age all over our world today. How does the Ice Age connect with what the Bible reveals about Noah’s flood?……
Pastor Babij continues his look at the seventh of the Ten Commandments, “You shall not commit adultery,” showing the scope of this commandment in the Bible and God’s mandate for sexual purity. Pastor Babij details three areas of a Christian’s new life that are incompatible with sexual impurity: 1) The Christian’s new connection to Christ……
Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 3 Lesson 28 This week, in our continued study of the great flood, we’re focusing on Noah’s ark itself. The Bible gives some description of the size and specifications of the ark, but is the ark believable? How would such a vessel have been able to handle the tumultuous……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij begins examining the seventh of the Ten Commandments: “you shall not commit adultery.” Pastor Babij explains how the central principle of the commandment is to honor God’s institution of marriage. In application, Pastor Babij discusses several key ways for believers to protect their marriages from compromise. Full Transcript: Today, we……
Answers Bible Curriculum Unit 3 Lesson 26 This week in Sunday school, we consider whether the account of Genesis 6-9 can be fairly interpreted as describing a local flood. Why do many Christians accept or are open to accepting a local flood explanation? What details of the biblical text, beyond the descriptors of total destruction,……
In this sermon, Greg Ho preaches from the first chapter of Ecclesiastes concerning the futility of life without God. Greg Ho explains how all labor and pursuits done without God produce no lasting joy. Greg then discusses three conclusions from Ecclesiastes as to how people can live a full and joyful life: 1) Realize your……
Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 3 Lesson 25 In this lesson, we examine the entire Genesis flood account for details about the timing of the flood events themselves and about the specific people and creatures which perished in the flood. Did the flood finish in forty days and forty nights? Is the Bible ambiguous……
Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 3 Lesson 24 This week in Sunday school, we begin talking about the next of our Seven Cs of History: the flood Catastrophe. Why did God send the flood? What does it mean that God regretted making man? Why did God spare Noah? And how does Noah’s situation parallel……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij teaches on the deeper meaning behind the Sixth Commandment: “Thou shall not murder.” Pastor Babij explains how the Scriptures teach that people are to fundamentally care for and protect human life. Making note that the correct interpretation is “murder” not “kill,” Pastor Babij delineates the different kinds of killing that……
In this special sermon, Pastor Babij explains the biblical foundation for a plurality of elders and deacons in the church and clarifies that these are the only two scripturally based church offices. Pastor Babij delineates the biblical qualifications for elders and deacons, their respective spheres of responsibility, and the necessary character of their wives. Pastor……
Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 3 Lesson 23 This week in Sunday school, we’re stepping out of Genesis to consider the issue of man’s heart on a broader biblical basis. Is man’s heart basically good, evil, or neutral? Does the doctrine of original sin absolve man of responsibility or compromise the justice of God?……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij focuses on the fifth of the Ten Commandments, the command to honor one’s mother and father. Pastor Babij first points out this command’s transitional position within the Ten Commandments, moving from responsibilities toward God to responsibilities toward men. Pastor then explains the two key components of this particular rule: 1)……
Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition Unit 3 Lesson 22 This week in Sunday school, we examine more of the aftermath of the Fall, this time looking at what happened to Adam and Eve’s first children. Why was Cain’s sacrifice rejected and Abel’s accepted? How does Cain’s murderous response to Abel and callous response to God……
Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition Unit 3 Lesson 21 We return this week in Sunday school to our study of the Fall of man, this time focusing on the effects of the fall. How was man changed as a result of sin? What curses did God announce on the serpent, on the woman, and on…
In this sermon, Pastor Babij explains how the Sabbath commandment was originally designed by God to provide rest from life’s normal temporal and physical labors so that people might enjoy the worship of God. Pastor delineates four assertions from God concerning what is and what is not true rest: 1) God’s promise 2) God’s warning……
Pastor Babij continues his teaching on the fourth of the Ten Commandments by directly comparing the Sabbath and the Lord’s Day. Pastor explains how the Sabbath was specifically designed for Israel but also how the Sabbath always pointed to Jesus Christ, Who is the Christian’s Sabbath rest. Regarding the Lord’s Day, Pastor discusses several reasons……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij preaches on the fourth of the Ten Commandments, explaining the principles gleaned from the Sabbath command that are applicable to today’s observance of the Lord’s Day: 1) The Necessity of the Sabbath 2) The Idea of Rest 3) The Idea of Redemption 4) The Idea of Righteousness Pastor concludes by……
In this sermon on the third of the Ten Commandments, Pastor Babij teaches Christians how to reverence the name of God before the world and what the consequences are of not doing so. Pastor points out three ways people violate God’s name: 1) Connecting God’s name to falsehood 2) Abusing God’s name by treating it……
Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition Unit 2 Lesson 18 This week in Sunday school, we consider what Genesis 1 has to say about man acting as a ruler and steward of God’s creation. What should be our role, as Christians, in preserving and using the earth and its resources? What biblical principles should guide us……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij continues teaching on the second of the Ten Commandments. After a brief review, Pastor Babij explains several reasons why God cannot let idolatry go unpunished or faithfulness unrewarded. Christians, therefore, must undertake firm action regarding any form of idolatry in their hearts and lives. Pastor concludes the sermon by urging……
Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition Unit 2 Lesson 17 This week in Sunday school, as part of our study on creation, we consider the issue of the age of the earth head on. Is denying evolution but asserting an old earth a viable option for Bible-believing Christians? Can the Genesis 5 and 11 genealogies be……
Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition Unit 2 Lesson 16 In this lesson, we consider the issue of dinosaurs and dragons in creation. Does the Bible talk at all about dinosaurs? If so, what does the Bible tell us about them? And what of the universally accepted notion (among evolutionary scientists) that dinosaurs lived and died……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij continues his series on the Ten Commandments with his exposition on the Second Commandment. After a brief review of his previous sermon, Pastor gives several prohibitions contained in the Second Commandment and reasons God gave the Second Commandment. Pastor concludes the sermon warning that those who practice idolatry hate God……
In this sermon, Pastor Mike Riccardi asks and answers the question, “What makes someone a Christian?” Pastor Riccardi teaches from 2 Corinthians 5:16-17 three points concerning what constitutes a Christian: 1) The Christian is a new creation brought to life by God 2) The Christian regards Christ spiritually and not by the flesh 3) The……
In today’s Christmas sermon from 1 John 4:9-10, Pastor Babij teaches three astonishing truths demonstrated by the advent of Jesus Christ: 1) God’s initiative to save His people 2) The extent of God’s actions to bring eternal life 3) The extent of God’s sacrifice Pastor Babij explains that the true message of Christmas is the……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij focuses on the first of the ten commandments and teaches how the first commandment shows several truths about God: 1) God reveals Himself through His word 2) God provides redemption for His people 3) God’s sovereignty is absolute Pastor Babij reminds Christians that not all idols are physical; anything that……
Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition Unit 2 Lesson 15 This week in Sunday school, we examine the more specific account of man’s and woman’s creation in Genesis 2. What genre is the Genesis 2 account? Does the account contradict Genesis 1? What are the implications from Adam and Eve’s creation for gender, marriage, and our……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij teaches on the third body of law Christians must know and follow: the Law of Christ. Pastor Babij explains through numerous Scriptures how the Moral Law is not nullified but expanded and elevated by the Law of Christ and how the Law of Christ is designed to engender love for……
Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 2 Lesson 14 This week in Sunday school, we turn our attention to days five and six of the creation week. What did God do on each day? What does it mean to be made in the image of God? And how should we understand animals being created “after…
Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 2 Lesson 13 This week in Sunday school, we investigate the word “day” as used in Genesis 1 as well as the first four days of the creation sequence. Could the Genesis 1 “day” be legitimately understood as something other than a 24 hour period? What exactly happened on……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij begins teaching on the relevance of the Ten Commandments for Christians today. Pastor Babij explains that there are two main bodies of law described in Scripture: the law of Moses and the law of God (moral law). All men are obligated to keep God’s moral law, while the law of……
In this sermon, David Capoccia examines Jesus’ teaching on forgiveness in the parable of the unmerciful slave in Matthew 18:21-35. David Capoccia explains how Jesus, through the parable, gives three reasons why God’s children, the forgiven, always forgive others: 1. God has forgiven our great debt. 2. God demands we forgive lesser debts. 3. God……
Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 2 Lesson 12 In this lesson, we begin our chronological study of the Bible starting in Genesis 1:1. Specifically, we overview the creation account and answer some fundamental questions: What genre of literature is the creation account? What is the relationship of Genesis 1:1 to Genesis 1:2? And can……
In this sermon, Pastor Babij concludes the teaching through 1 Peter by drawing out numerous reasons why suffering is allowed in a Christian’s life and what benefits result from suffering. Pastor Babij then exhorts Christians to stand firm in the faith. Full Transcript: Okay, let’s take our Bibles this morning and turn to First Peter.……
Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition Unit 2 Lesson 11 In this lesson, we’re returning to Answers in Genesis’ Seven Cs of History but from a slightly different perspective from our last gospel-focused look. This time, we’re focusing on how the Seven Cs function as an essential outline of human history, how we can estimate the……
Full Transcript: I’m excited for several reasons. It’s always exciting to be going to the word of God and bring it to you. This is actually the first time that I’m preaching before the Doctor Joseph Babij. Usually when I preach, I’m filling in for him when he’s not here, but this time, I actually…
Answers Bible Curriculum Unit 1 Lesson 10 In this lesson, we look at a video from Answers in Genesis ( that ties together many of the topics we’ve discussed about the Bible thus far in our Sunday school curriculum. We then take time to review and discuss the unit with a series of questions.…
In this sermon, Khaleef Crumbley looks at John’s account of Jesus’ washing the disciples feet. Khaleef explains how Jesus’ words to Peter about the need for feet washing points to every Christian’s obligation to pursue holiness. Full Transcript: Good morning, Calvary. As we look at the whole book of John, you see a marked division.……
Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition Unit 1 Lesson 9 This week in Sunday school, we look at the central message of the Bible that men must believe in order to be saved. Though there are different ways of explaining the Bible’s “good news” or “gospel”, we’re going to explain this message by outlining the main……
مرحبًا بك في مشغل أف ام!
يقوم برنامج مشغل أف أم بمسح الويب للحصول على بودكاست عالية الجودة لتستمتع بها الآن. إنه أفضل تطبيق بودكاست ويعمل على أجهزة اندرويد والأيفون والويب. قم بالتسجيل لمزامنة الاشتراكات عبر الأجهزة.
Fr. Larry Richards is the founder and president of The Reason for our Hope Foundation, a non- profit organization dedicated to ”spreading the Good News” by educating others about Jesus Christ. His new homilies are posted each week.
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Love God, love people, and change the world. We believe the life and lessons of Jesus aren’t just good advice, but are Good News for us here and now. As a church, we are all about following Jesus and know there’s no end to that journey—we’re more about becoming than arriving. We are committed to becoming a multi-generational, multi-ethnic, multiplying movement of Christ followers, equipping and empowering our kids and students to not only be the church of tomorrow, but the church of today.