"A Searcher Searches..." (Ecclesiastes 1:1)
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03/26/24....”A Searcher Searches..” (Ecc. 1:1) -Chapter 1
(Searching For Significance, A Devotional Journey Through Ecclesiastes)
00:00 - 2:07 Introduction…Last podcast (03/12/24) we started a new series where I am reading my Book, (Searching For Significance, A Devotional Journey Through Ecclesiastes)
With commentary & questions for response each session.
Last time we went over the book’s preface today we begin by reading chapter 1 “A Searcher Searches” Ecclesiastes 1:1 “The Words of the Preacher . The son of King David, in Jerusalem”
QUESTION: Have you ever lost something(or someone) of great value or meaning in your life that caused you much grief & pain? ..I’m thinking everyone has
02:07-7:22 READING OF Chapter ONE:
- The Author of Ecclesiastes is Solomon
- Ecclesiastes & “The Words of The Preacher ''(Qoheleth, in Hebrew) are synonoymous meaning Searcher, , one who searches for,correlates or assembles data for observations,& conclusive ideas about a topic.
- This Book is a paradox…He started out in God’s Favor with wisdom, yet fell away from that enlightenment
- This book represents a dark time in Solomon’s life when he had fallen away from God, the last 10-15 years of his life are in view here in Ecclesiastes
- SIGNIFICANCE: Be careful not to allow life’s hurts, distractions, unconfronted issues or everyday cares of life cause you to drift from a close relationship with God. Everyday we must seek FRESH words from ABBA!
07:22 - 10:50 Additional Commentary….Proverbs 9:10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,& knowledge of the Holy one is understanding…….
a.) Solomon started his journey as King fearing God …yet different things in life caused him to drift away from that premise in his life.
b.)The Life of Solomon is possibly the greatest PARADOX in God’s Word
c.) As a God-Fearing King He rose to a place of world Renown where many nations & people sought His direction & counsel
d.) Yet by the time Ecclesiastes was penned….He had fallen from God & lost that LIGHT & so Ecclesiastes is a negative discourse in many respects..an “Under the sun” view of Life
e.) For me, this paradoxical view is very eye-opening , & can offer some real revelation for us
10:50–15:55 I KINGS 3:4 Solomons’ DREAM from GOD , granting Him whatever He desired
a.) Solomon approached God in HUMILITY…HE ASKED for WISDOM to Govern Israel
b.) Solomon, therefore was given more wisdom than anyone whoever lived outside of Jesus Christ (Jesus was the Greater Solomon)
c.) IF ….HE (Solomon) continued in Obedience/Relationship to Abba
d.) Solomon’s dream was from God & BECAME A REALITY!
e.) A KEY to obtaining God’s WISDOM is having child-like Humility
15:55-21:07 I KINGS 4:20 An Overview of SOLOMONS Wealth, Influence & Prosperity
a.) At this time Israel was the Greatest nation on EARTH…at the Zenith of All The world
b.) Israel was enjoying such Prosperity because of David & Solomon both serving God
c.) Solomon’s name meant Peace….TRUE PEACE with ABBA always results in Prosperity
d.) Wealth & Provision detailed for just a MONTH!?
e.) I KINGS 4: 29 And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much, and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the sea shore….some translations say “He had More wisdom & understanding than all the sands on ALL the seashores of the world!”
f.) Solomon & Israel were a LIGHT to all the nations just as God had intended!
g.) He was a writer, a Psalmist, a scientist as well, He also penned The Song of Solomon …all came to seek Him out for HIS WISDOM ( a TRUE Picture of JESUS in type)
21:07-26:46 I KINGS 10 The QUEEN of Sheba Visits Solomon for counsel
3And Solomon told her all her questions: there was not anything hid from the king, which he told her not.
4 And when the queen of Sheba had seen all Solomon's wisdom, and the house that he had built,
5 And the meat of his table, and the sitting of his servants, and the attendance of his ministers, and their apparel, and his cupbearers, and his ascent by which he went up unto the house of the Lord; there was no more spirit in her.
a.) The Queen of Sheba actually fell out & fainted in the Presence of Solomon!! Because she was so impressed with His Wisdom, Riches, & Influence..
b.) God wants us to FALL OUT in His Presence!!
c.) A Picture of US /Many coming to JESUS…HAPPY ARE THEY!!
d.) The QUEEN just like Nebbycadnezzer under Daniel WORSHIPED GOD!
e.) Other Nations & Kings sought out Solomon & Israel because they served God & PROSPERED….
F.) Solomon & Israel were Blessed by God & Prospered because they had committed themselves to walk in His Ways
26:44 - 31:03 Solomon’s Fall …I Kings 11:1-11
a.) PROBLEM: Solomon took to himself too many wives (700 wives & 300 Concubines), though God ‘winked’ at this in O.T., yet God warned Solomon about this
b.) His wives turned His Heart away from God…His Heart was no longer totally committed to ABBA, as his Father’s David had been
c.) these wives became HIS IDOL…what of Us, what are our Idols?
d.) He did EVIL….actually built altars to his wives gods for them…what things turn our hearts away?
e.) ADVERSARIES raised up to get Solomon’s attention
f.) Hurts, distractions, unconfronted issues, & cares of life can get in our way of serving ABBA
g.) We must continue to Follow ABBA daily..we need FRESH Manna from the Father daily
33:01- 38:09 QUESTION:
Have you ever LOST something precious to you, such as a possession, possibly a relationship?
a.) Your parents, other siblings, Divorced parents relationship, a Love relationship A Class ring, a Falling out with your famil
b.) Solomon LOST His relationship with God, He failed In “Keeping the MAIN THING (ABBA) The Main Thing”
c.) Through all these types of trials of LOSS,,God wants to come & actually make you stronger…encourage you
d.) REMEMBER: The Fear of The Lord is the beginning of ALL Knowledge,,,do not be as a fool & shun correction/advice
- Is there a specific reason(s) in your life currently as to why you are searching for Purpose & Meaning
- As of Today How is your search for Meaning & Purpose progressing?
- Do you feel that Money & Experiences can bring purpose & meaning to your Life?..Why/Why Not?
PLEASE NOTE POST YOUR ANSWERS In the facebook Group…https://www.facebook.com/groups/timesandseasonswithmatt
40:20-42:00 Closing Prayer & Encouragement
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