April Schwartz' life of being sensitive to ghost's and the paranormal and her troubled young adulthood continues. April has propetic visions she cannot control, the arguments continue as she alone fights the fear involved with her newfound powers and then gets sent first to church, and then second to her room, and told that she must pray the demons away by her family and devoutly religious Mother. Then, one day she cannot take it anymore, she must be herself, the things that she is experiencing are real, and she takes a stand against them all. As several years go by and April and her family move again to another haunted location it is starting to become apparent that April's family members might all be sensitive to spirits. Who is drumming in the woods at night outside their new home? What is scaring the crap out of Champ the family dog and who or what was standing over April's young son's new fish aqaurium? Find out in the stunning conclusion of guest April Schwatz' story. Listeners, if you have had a paranormal experience and you would like to be a guest on the show please write in to paranormalrecordpodcst@gmail.com…