Oscar, wir müssen reden - Bonus Biennale 1932: À Nous la Liberté & Mädchen in Uniform
Manage episode 458618589 series 3632021
"Oscar, wir müssen reden ..." ist ein Podcast, bei dem wir in der Regel die Filmgeschichte durch die Linse der Best-Picture-Oscarkategorie und aller Nominierten betrachten... und möglicherweise verzweifeln. In dieser zweiten Bonusfolge für das Oscarjahr 1932 betrachten wir aber nun eine Gegenperspektive, nämlich das erste Filmfestival überhaupt, die Biennale (6. bis 21. August 1932), indem wir die humorvolle Klassensatire "À Nous la Liberté" (1931) von René Clair (Gewinner "Amüsantester Film") dem ersten lesbischen Film aller Zeiten, "Mädchen in Uniform" (1931) von Leontine Sagan (Gewinner "Beste technische Perfektion"), entgegenhalten wollen. Für Interessierte: Biennale o. A. (o. A.). "1932. The First Venice International Film Festival from the Archive of La Biennale di Venezia." In: La Biennale di Venezia. https://www.labiennale.org/en/news/1932-first-venice-international-film-festival-archive-la-biennale-di-venezia. o. A. (o. A.). "Venice Film Festival. History 1932-2022." In: La Biennale di Venezia. https://www.labiennale.org/en/history-venice-film-festival#accordion-8-collapse. o. A. (o. A.). "Venice Film Festival. The 1930's." In: Carnival of Venice. https://www.carnivalofvenice.com/?page_id=494&lang=en. À Nous la Liberté Boon, Jean-Pierre (1982). "Narrative Voices in a nous la liberté." In: The French Review 55(2). 514-519. Clair, René (1966). "The Art of Sound." In: MacCann, Richard Dyer (Hg.). "A Montage of Theories." New York: E. P. Dutton. 38-44. https://archive.org/details/filmmontageofthe00macc/page/38/mode/1up. Faulkner, Christopher (1994). "René Clair, Marcel Pagnol and the Social Dimension of Speech." In Screen 35(2). 157-170. https://archive.org/details/Screen_Volume_35_Issue_2/page/n56/mode/1up. Flaus, John (2000). "À nous la liberté." In: Senses of Cinema. Zugriff unter: https://www.sensesofcinema.com/2000/cteq/nous/. Fournier-Lanzoni, Rémi (2002). French Cinema. From its Beginnings to the Present. New York, London: Continuum. https://archive.org/details/frenchcinemafrom0000four/page/n6/mode/1up. McGilligan, Parick (2001). Film Crazy. Interviews with Hollywod Legends. New York: St. Martin's Griffin. https://archive.org/details/filmcrazy0000mcgi/mode/1up?view=theater. Mädchen in Uniform Colbeck, Paul (2018). "Out on the Stairs. Dresses and spaces in Leontine Sagan's Mädchen in Uniform (1931)." In: Balloon, mein Herr? https://www.ballooonmeinherr.org/home/out-on-the-stairs. McCormick, Richard W. (2009). "Coming Out of the Uniform. Political and Sexual Emancipation in Leontine Sagan's Mädchen in Uniform (1931)." In: Isenberg, Noah (Hg.). An Essential Guide to Classic Films of the Era Weimar Cinema." New York: Columbia Univ. Press. 271-290. https://archive.org/details/weimarcinemaesse0000unse/page/270/mode/2up. Dyer, Richard (1990/2003). Now You See It. Studies in Lesbian and Gay Film. 2nd Ed. London, New York: Routledge. https://archive.org/details/nowyouseeit00dyer. Kracauer, Siegfried (2004). From Caligari to Hitler. A Psychological History of the German Film. Rev. & Exp. Ed. Princeton, Oxford: Princeton Univ. Press. https://archive.org/details/fromcaligaritohi00krac/mode/2up. Koe, Amanda Lee (2021). "The Femme Solidarity and Queer Allyship of Mädchen in Uniform." https://www.criterion.com/current/posts/7429-the-femme-solidarity-and-queer-allyship-of-m-dchen-in-uniform. Rich, Ruby (1981). "Maedchen in Uniform. From repressive tolerance to erotic liberation." In: Jump Cut 24-25. 44-50. https://www.ejumpcut.org/archive/onlinessays/JC24-25folder/MaedchenUniform.html. Schlüpmann, Heide & Gramman, Karola (1998). "Mädchen in Uniform." https://archive.md/AHlAQ. Wittmann, Gerda-Elisabeth & Liebenberg, Ian (2013). "Mädchen in Uniform – Gender, Power and Sexuality in Times of Militarisation." In: Scientia Militaria, South African Journal of Military Studies 41(1). 138-154. DOI: 10.5787/41-1-1056. Twitter: @Oscar_wir
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkRpqMYYeSrE3Nw7LIDsXTw.
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