Are You Looking Out the Windshield, or the Rear View Mirror?
Manage episode 348766597 series 3185855
Today I’d like to address some very common thinking you might relate to, what I call “past-thinking.”
“It’s not whether you get knocked down; it’s whether you get up.” – Vince Lombardi
I think this is also mentioned once or twice in one of the Rocky movies.
Many well-intentioned people say to our customer service team:
“I’d like to get back to my high school weight,” or
“I’d like to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight.”
Today I suggest to you this is counter-productive. See, the problem with wanting to go back is that many of us have been trying to attain those goals, and have been met with failure.
When we define our goals by some point in our past, I think many humans include the failure, regret and frustration not attaining those goals represents.
It can be easy to become discouraged and feel hopeless about our current goals.
What I recommend instead is to accept my past exactly as it should have been.
Perfect, even.
From here, I choose to move forward, toward the future, applying my energy into the NOW and what I might become.
It’s much more productive for me this way.
After all, the past is gone. There is no going back! The good news is, you and I can OWN our future. We can, starting right now, create a future that’s better than our past. We do not have to be defined by who we used to be!
If you ever find yourself saying things like:
“That’s the way I’ve always been.”
“That’s how I’ve always done it.”
“I’ve never been good at that.”
Those are clear signs that you’re being defined by your PAST. Your past does not have any more control over you than you give it!
--->Right now, and every moment, you have a choice to refuse to be controlled by your past!
--->Right now, you can take charge of your NOW and create a future based on what you want, rather than what you’ve done.
It’s time to look to the road ahead, to create the future you want. Your past set you up to be the person you are today, and right now it’s time to get excited about the future.
You got this!
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