Happy Valentine’s Day! You know what that means: We have a brand new season of Love Is Blind to devour. Courtney Revolution (The Circle) joins host Chris Burns to delight in all of the pod romances and love triangles. Plus, Meg joins the podcast to debrief the Madison-Mason-Meg love triangle. Leave us a voice message at www.speakpipe.com/WeHaveTheReceipts Text us at (929) 487-3621 DM Chris @FatCarrieBradshaw on Instagram Follow We Have The Receipts wherever you listen, so you never miss an episode. Listen to more from Netflix Podcasts.…
This series of messages is a collection of questions and answers from the members of Kootenai Church and answered by Jim Osman, a pastor at Kootenai Community Church.
This series of messages is a collection of questions and answers from the members of Kootenai Church and answered by Jim Osman, a pastor at Kootenai Community Church.
Pastor Jim Osman interviews Joel Baker, a candidate for a lead biblical counseling role at Kootenai Church. Questions and Answers Salvation Testimony : How did you come to know the Lord? What are the details of that, and tell us that story? Southern California Transition : What was your dad doing in Southern California? Theological and Spiritual Influences : Who were your early theological and spiritual influences? Theological Convictions : Have you always had your current theological convictions, and how would you characterize them? Family Introduction : Tell us a little bit about your family. What is your wife’s name, and how did you meet? Educational Background : Can you share the steps you went through in your education and the degrees you earned? Biblical Counseling Definition : Can you define biblical counseling? Difference in Counseling Approaches : How is biblical counseling different from other forms of counseling? Hobbies and Non-Ministry Interests : What are your hobbies and interests outside of ministry? Influential Books : What five books have most influenced and shaped you? ...and more. ★ Support this podcast ★…
Questions and Answers Did the prophecy concerning Damascus in Isaiah 17 happen in Sennacherib's time or is there something yet future? Question about Zipporah being upset with Moses about circumcision and casting bloody foreskins at his feet (Exodus 4:25) Over 30 years of ministry, where has Pastor Jim's mind been changed? What about languages/tribes that have been lost before hearing the gospel - how will they be represented in heaven if "every tongue and tribe" will be there? What happens to babies who die before reaching an age of understanding? Article: What Happens to Infants Who Die? The OT Answers Article: What Happens to Infants Who Die? The NT Answers Regarding Exodus 20 and visiting sins of fathers on children - how does this align with individual accountability? For tribes that have never heard the gospel, does the judgment based on knowledge principle apply to adults and children? How does the Doctrine of Sovereign Election align with children being imputed Christ's righteousness? Since faith is a gift of God, is there any reason babies cannot be given the gift of faith? Can 1 John 2:2 about Christ being the propitiation for "sins of the whole world" be correctly understood just by reading 1 John, or does one need cross-references from other Scripture? ★ Support this podcast ★…
Some of the questions include: Revisiting and clarification of women’s role in the church and explanation of egalitarianism? Is what we see in Genesis Chapter 2, prescriptive or descriptive, as God communicated to Adam first, then created Eve, so every teaching without exception must be by men? (Genesis 2:15-18) Does Titus 2:3-5 mean women can teach women, but ONLY about “women’s stuff?” Are women restricted to only teaching other women’s groups, etc., restricted from any teaching of men? Will there be dinosaurs on the new earth that God will create described in Revelation 21:1? Who are the gods held in the judgment referred to in Psalm 82:1? Specifically and practically, what is the opposite of idolatry, and what is a good way to turn my heart from worshipping an idol of my heart and turn it towards God? Thoughts on tithing and what it says in Malachi 3:8? (2 Corinthians 9:7) Can you please clarify that we as men learn from women all the time? Is there a specific context for this? What are your thoughts on Abortion? Answering Abortion Arguments Conference – It is the unjustified taking of human life. ★ Support this podcast ★…
Some of the questions include: If man is totally depraved, why is he capable of performing selfless “good” acts? Can you explain what 1 Timothy 2:14-15 means regarding Adam not being deceived? Depending on how 1 Cor 14:34-36 is interpreted would we conclude that women are NOT TO SPEAK in church? Does all their instruction come from their husband? What if the husband is not a believer? What is the purpose of the book of Revelation? I’ve heard people say that God causes calamity. Does God cause it or allow it or is there a difference? Should Christians concern themselves with “conspiracy theories” and “satanic” goings-on in the world? One look on YouTube and there are a ton of ministries dedicated to exposing these theories. Bill Gates seems to be a hot topic right now. Are lions going to eat grass during Millennium? or this allegorical regarding the nature of man? How do you respond to those who say Christians deny science? Can a person that has truly had a Christian rebirth experience have their heart hardened later in life? For a science-thinking, meditating neighbor who could be open to truth, what book might you recommend? What is the proper interpretation and application of the passage dealing with women and head coverings? What can be said to people who quote Hulk Hogan’s statement “God said, ‘you want to worship athletes, I will shut down the stadiums. You want to worship musicians, I will shut down Civic Centers. You want to worship actors, I will shut down theaters. You want to worship money, I will shut down the economy and collapse the stock market. You don’t want to go to church and worship Me, I will make it where you can’t go to church.” It bugs me. People tell me it's correct. What does a wife’s submission look like in a Christian marriage? Do you think it is possible that in some cases when someone takes their own life would God show them mercy if their mind is so far gone they are no longer accountable? ★ Support this podcast ★…
Some of the questions include: Is there going to be birth and death in the new earth based on Isaiah 65:17-25? What Podcasts do you listen to? STRAsk – Greg Koukl https://www.str.org/podcasts Alpha and Omega Ministries by James White https://www.aomin.org/aoblog/webcast/ American Conservative University – Avoid Sunday stuff from Mormons https://player.fm/series/american-conservative-university-podcast Art of Manliness https://www.artofmanliness.com/category/podcast/ Ben Shapiro Show https://www.iheart.com/podcast/404-the-ben-shapiro-show-28178102/ Christian Worldview Radio Program https://player.fm/series/the-christian-worldview-radio-program Contra Krugman https://contrakrugman.com/category/podcasts/ Crossroads Bible Church http://cbcbellevue.com/podcast Dan Bongino Show http://www.westwoodonepodcasts.com/pods/the-dan-bongino-show/ Expositor with Pastor Steven Lawson http://www.onepassionministries.org/expositor-podcast Freekanomics https://freakonomics.com/podcast/peak/ Grace to you Pulpit Podcast with Pastor John MacArthur https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/grace-to-you-pulpit-podcast/id295647558 Grace Life Pulpit with Phil Johnson https://www.thegracelifepulpit.com/sermons.aspx Listening In from World Magazine https://world.wng.org/radio/listeningin Matt Walsh https://soundcloud.com/mattwalshshow Motley Fool https://www.fool.com/podcasts/ Steve Deace Show https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/conservative-review/steve-deace-show Thinking Out Loud https://www.rzim.org/listen/thinking-out-loud Tom Woods show https://tomwoods.com/podcasts The Verdict with Ted Cruz https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/verdict-with-ted-cruz/id1495601614 The way I heard with Mike Rowe https://mikerowe.com/podcast/ The world and everything in it https://world.wng.org/radio/worldandeverything Wretched Radio https://www.wretched.org/radio/ How I built this with Guy Roz https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/how-i-built-this/yelp-jeremy-stoppelman-JcsACjH9QiN/ What is the sign hanging over your shoulder? Is it always wrong for a Christian to lie? Is a Christian supposed to follow the old testament law? Clarified what about current civil law? Where does the soul come from, is it created or does it come from our parents? ★ Support this podcast ★…
Some of the questions include: What does “Without Wax” mean on your email signature line? What are the core/essential doctrines that Christians must agree on? Why did David lament Saul’s death in 2 Samuel, then write Psalms calling for the judgement of his enemies? Imprecatory Psalms/Prayers Was it wrong for David to have 2 wives? What’s distinctive about Reformed Theology vs Arminian Theology? What is hyper-Calvinism? Spurgeon V. Hyper-Calvinism: The Battle for Gospel Preaching https://www.amazon.com/Spurgeon-V-Hyper-Calvinism-Battle-Preaching/dp/1848710976 Does God cause sin and does He have two wills? How long was the famine option following David’s census, 3 or 7 years, as the bible seems to contradict itself form 1 Chronicles 11:9? 1 Chronicles 21:11-12 2 Samuel 24:13 Keeping Faith in an Age of Reason: Refuting Alleged Bible Contradictions https://www.amazon.com/Keeping-Faith-Age-Reason-Contradictions/dp/1683440927 Rabbits don’t chew the cud, so is the bible wrong? https://answersingenesis.org/contradictions-in-the-bible/do-rabbits-really-chew-the-cud/ What is Pastor Osman’s thought about the Corona Virus as it relates to the bible? If the Devil is beaten why does he keep fighting? What verses talk about the different kinds of love God has for people? What is Pastor Osman’s favorite fictional book. To be addressed in the future: Was it wrong for David and Jonathan to lie to Saul? Is it wrong for a Christian to Lie? ★ Support this podcast ★…
Some of the questions include: What exactly is gluttony and is it a sin? Recently has something caused you to change your doctrinal position? Ephesians 1:7 NASB Have you wrestled through all the scripture that is on the scope of the atonement debate? 1 John 2:2 | John 3:17 How do we explain election to unbelievers? Is categorizing sins as large or small biblical, or are all sins equal? Book Recommendation: Respectable Sins: Confronting the Sins We Tolerate By: Jerry Bridges How do we not be judgmental of other people struggling with their sins? Is there a hierarchy in heaven and/or hell? How do we describe believers who were pre-reformation, were they Christians? Is it appropriate for a Christian to rejoice when terrorists are killed? How should we deal with people who either hate or love the current administration? ★ Support this podcast ★…
Some of the questions include: Ezekiel 18:20 lays out that children will not be punished for the sins of their fathers, yet in Esther 9:10, they hung the 10 sons of Haman with their father on the gallows? What happens to babies when they die, do they go to heaven or hell? https://thecripplegate.com/theologians-on-infant-salvation/ https://thecripplegate.com/what-happens-to-infants-who-die-the-ot-answers/ https://thecripplegate.com/what-happens-to-infants-who-die-the-nt-answers/ Is there a specific chapter and verse that fully explains what happens with infants when they die? What is the age of accountability? As a Christian what should we say to someone who has lost a child? Are there two stages to salvation, first to be declared innocence then righteousness? When a child dies what are they going to be in heaven in their glorified body? https://smile.amazon.com/Heaven-Alcorn-Randy-ebook/dp/B000FCKCJC As we’re not given in marriage in heaven how would raising a child? What age will we be in heaven? What is Federal Vision and who are the pastors that hold to that view? Guidance on using discernment when reading books from questionable authors. How many questions are too many to ask a pastor in a Q&A session? (Hint: apparently 18) Some good references for solid online content: John MacArthur Grace to You – https://www.gty.org The Cripplegate – https://thecripplegate.com/ R.C. Sproul Ligonier Ministries – https://www.ligonier.org/ Todd Friel Wretched Radio – https://www.wretched.org/ Greg Koukl Stand to Reason- https://www.str.org/ Scott Klusendorf Life Training Institute – https://prolifetraining.com/ Ray Comfort Way of the Master – https://www.livingwaters.com/ Jim Osman Kootenai Community Church – https://kootenaichurch.org/ ★ Support this podcast ★…
Some of the questions include: Do you believe in the Calvinist or Arminian soteriological position? Do you believe there are individuals born who are not God’s chosen people? Why would God choose some and not others? In relation to John 3:16 would you address the scope of the atonement? 2 Peter 3:9 who is the “all” that this passage addresses? Is God wringing His hands in Heaven waiting to see if they’ll repent? Define Dispensationalism? How does this pertain to Infant Baptism? Does baptism replace Circumcision? Address the concept of having no presuppositions, are we supposed to be neutral when we approach the Bible? What does it mean to say Jesus and the Father are consubstantial? ★ Support this podcast ★…
Some of the questions include: What does Paul mean in 1 Timothy 4:10 that Jesus is the “Savior of all men?” What is Covenant Theology? How do Covenant Theologians handle Romans 9-11? How should we understand the concept of a “Messianic Jew?” Are the promises of an earthly kingdom conditional? 1 Chronicles 29:29 mentions the “Chronicles of Nathan” and the “Chronicles of Gad.” Do we have these books? Can you explain the paradoxes of Galatians 2:20? Why do some Christians speak as if their salvation depends on their own efforts at persevering? Is this a gospel issue? ★ Support this podcast ★…
Some of the questions include: Why are false teachers able to call Jesus Lord? Does this show that they are not false teachers? What about the eternal subordination controversy that sprang up this last summer? What is the significance and meaning of Mark 16:15-18? Were annoying bugs part of the original creation, or are they part of the curse? Will there be bugs in Heaven? ★ Support this podcast ★…
Some of the questions include: The Providence of God in “bad” events. What about Messianic Jews and Sabbath-keeping? Can I light a candle for my quiet time? What are “Coptic Christians?” What about head coverings? ★ Support this podcast ★
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