Fr. Larry Richards is the founder and president of The Reason for our Hope Foundation, a non- profit organization dedicated to ”spreading the Good News” by educating others about Jesus Christ. His new homilies are posted each week.
The Village Church exists to bring glory to God by making disciples through gospel-centered worship, gospel-centered community, gospel-centered service and gospel-centered multiplication.
Welcome to the Enjoying Everyday Life TV podcast with Joyce Meyer. To learn more, visit our website at or download the Joyce Meyer Ministries App. By supporting Joyce Meyer Ministries, you can help us reach hurting people around the world. To find out more, go to
In this episode, comedian and tea enthusiast Jesse Appell of Jesse's Teahouse takes us on a journey from studying Chinese comedy to building an online tea business. He shares how navigating different cultures shaped his perspective on laughter, authenticity, and community. From mastering traditional Chinese cross-talk comedy to reinventing himself after a life-changing move, Jesse and host Brian Lowery discuss adaptation and the unexpected paths that bring meaning to our lives. For more on Jesse, visit and for more on Brian and the podcast go to…
* In 1 Timothy 2:3-4 we read that God has a desire for "all men (people) to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth." In 1 John 2:2 we read that Jesus died to be the propitiation for the sins of the whole world. The question is: Do we really believe that? If so, how do we exemplify it in our lives? How do we treat others? * After we have received the free gift of salvation through Christ and have had His righteousness applied to our "account," do we become judgmental of others who have not yet received that gift? Do we forget the wonder and awe of our redemption? Were we ever truly overwhelmed with the forgiveness that God extended us - freely? * In today's passage, we see Jesus' interactions with Simon the Pharisee and a Sinful woman - a man who was self-righteous and a woman who was publicly despised. There is much for us to learn and to be challenged by in this account which is only recorded by Luke.
* In 1 Timothy 2:3-4 we read that God has a desire for "all men (people) to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth." In 1 John 2:2 we read that Jesus died to be the propitiation for the sins of the whole world. The question is: Do we really believe that? If so, how do we exemplify it in our lives? How do we treat others? * After we have received the free gift of salvation through Christ and have had His righteousness applied to our "account," do we become judgmental of others who have not yet received that gift? Do we forget the wonder and awe of our redemption? Were we ever truly overwhelmed with the forgiveness that God extended us - freely? * In today's passage, we see Jesus' interactions with Simon the Pharisee and a Sinful woman - a man who was self-righteous and a woman who was publicly despised. There is much for us to learn and to be challenged by in this account which is only recorded by Luke.
* Dan Nave is the Executive Director of Southeast Church Extension whose mission is to help struggling churches get healthy and healthy churches reproduce. * There are only two paths that are open to you, either to follow God or to reject God. A stable person is the person who follows God; this is individual is blessed. * Whether we are entering a new stage in our life, or are simply realizing where we are, this is THE question we need to ask - will we be blessed of God? * This message was presented by Dan Nave on February 16, 2025 at Family Bible Church in Martinez, Georgia.…
* While Jesus has been teaching the multitudes, we have seen Him addressing the faithlessness of the Pharisees, scribes and lawyers. In the parable of the Prodigal Son, Jesus revealed the callousness of the Jewish religious leaders towards the revival that was going on amongst the "common people." * Two weeks ago, we saw Jesus address this again with the Pharisees while presenting the Parable of the unjust, or unrighteous, steward to His disciples. The Pharisees understood that Jesus was referring to Him and responded with derision. * Last week, we continued that interaction with Jesus' response to the Pharisees - showing them the contrast between their hypocrisy and the fervent desire of the "sinners" to repent and enter into the Kingdom of God. Jesus revealed their hypocrisy and failure to live according to the dictates of the Law, regarding treatment of the poor, through the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus. * Today, we see Jesus build on this moment by providing instruction to His "disciples" that causes alarm in His "apostles." Jesus continues to teach in a manner to transform the mindset of those listening to Him - from trusting in their works, to trusting in the work of God alone. Jesus has continually revealed that according to your works you will never attain the righteousness of God. It is only through faith in the power and work of God, that we can truly walk in righteousness. We must believe that God is able to "work in us both to will and to do for His good pleasure" (Philippians 2:13) and in so doing, we "can do all things through Christ who strengthens us!" (Philippians 4:13) * This message was presented by Bob Corbin on February 9, 2025 at Family Bible Church in Martinez, Georgia.…
* Over the past month, we have been studying Luke 14 through 16. In this portion of Luke, we have seen Jesus teaching various people groups that were following Him. In this section, we have seen Jesus' use of parables - or word pictures - to help illustrate, or portray, the point which He was conveying. Additionally, Jesus tended to teach into a moment by addressing a question, or statement, from those following Him. * Last week, at the beginning of chapter 16, Jesus specifically turned his teaching toward His disciples - sharing with them a parable regarding an unjust, or unrighteous, steward who is at first condemned and then commended by his master. At the conclusion of the parable, we saw that there were "others" (specifically, the pharisees) who were listening in, and who understood that the parable was addressing them. * Today, we want to pick up with that understanding of the Pharisees and consider Jesus' instruction to them after their derision of Him. In this portion, we saw Jesus first quickly address the extent of God's Knowledge, Kingdom, and Law. He then shares a parable which, at its core, is addressing the hardness of the Pharisees' hearts ... but which also opens up an opportunity for us to discuss what post-death might look like. * This message was presented by Bob Corbin on February 2, 2025 at Family Bible Church in Martinez, Georgia.…
* Last week, we saw Jesus share the value of a repentant sinner and the situation of a repentant sinner to the Pharisees and the multitudes in general. The first two parables that he spoke were about a man who had lost a sheep and a woman who had lost a coin. Then he shared the parable regarding the Prodigal Son. * Today, we see that Jesus turns his teaching specifically toward His disciples - sharing with them a parable regarding an unjust, or unrighteous, steward who is at first condemned and then commended by his master. At the conclusion of the parable, we see that there were "others" listening in. Jesus' teaching regarding the actions of this steward and His subsequent applicational principles regarding our faithfulness and allegiance are points to which we ought to give somber consideration in our walk with Christ. * This message was presented by Bob Corbin on January 26, 2025 at Family Bible Church in Martinez, Georgia.…
* Last week, we saw Jesus again telling the multitude the expectations and costs of being His disciple. Jesus declared that being his disciple requires a full commitment - you must be "All In!" The Messiah expected that those who would be His disciples would be fully committed - forsaking everything including family and self! * In today's passage, we see that this teaching got the attention of the multitude. In fact, those who we would think would be repelled by the teaching actually drew closer. Those who should have been open to the instruction, became more repulsed. Jesus addresses the interests of the Pharisees and the multitudes through two sections of parable - the first addressing the value of a repentant sinner and the second addressing the situation of the repentant sinner. * This message was presented by Bob Corbin on January 19, 2025 at Family Bible Church in Martinez, Georgia.…
* Last week, we took a one week break from Luke to examine ourselves as new creations in Christ. Paul declared, "If any one be in Christ he is a new creation." Indeed, he continued by stating that "old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." If you are a disciple of Christ, then you cannot be the same as you were before Jesus came into your life. While you used to live for the things of this world, now you are a minister of reconciliation, an ambassador of Christ, and are becoming the righteousness of God. * Today, as we return to our study in the gospel of account of Luke, we see Jesus giving the multitude a reiteration of the foundational teaching for what Paul declared. Being a TRUE disciple of Jesus Christ is not something that I can turn on and off. Being a disciple of Jesus Christ requires a full commitment - you must be "All In!" On September 13th, when we were studying Luke 9:18-36 we considered the expectation of the Messiah - He expected that those who would be His disciples would be fully committed, that they would deny themselves, take up their cross daily and follow Him. * Today, as we go through this "hard to hear" teaching, we must again ask ourselves, "Am I all in? Am I truly a disciple of Christ?" If in any of these areas you, or I, fall short then we need to be humble enough to call upon the Lord and ask Him to cause us to be more committed! * This message was presented by Bob Corbin on January 12, 2025 at Family Bible Church in Martinez, Georgia.…
* As we enter into a new year, it is generally a time to consider the past and the future, and the changes which we have experienced. It is a time, for many, to institute new "positive" changes, or habits. * Additionally, it is also the first Sunday of the month. As an assembly we traditionally hold our commemoration of the Lord's Supper on the first Sunday of the month. The weeks preceding these commemorations are also good times to assess my relationship with Christ. We are told in 1 Corinthians 11 to examine ourselves to determine whether we are participating in this sacred event in an "unworthy manner." In fact, Paul declares that some were sick and even dieing as a result of not treating the commemoration in a sacred manner. * As I pondered the convergence of these two opportunities to examine myself, I thought it would be good for us to relook at who we are - and/or should be - in Christ. It is easy to begin to take the gift that God has given us for granted and be distracted by the world. It is good to assess my level of commitment and seek His wisdom for the future. * This message was presented by Bob Corbin on January 5, 2025 at Family Bible Church in Martinez, Georgia.…
* The Gospel accounts of Matthew, Mark and Luke report how Jesus performed many miracles on the Sabbath. Two weeks ago, we saw that Jesus healed a woman - in the synagogue - who was bent over and had been bound by Satan for eighteen years. These acts of grace and kindness put Him at odds with the Scribes, Lawyers and Pharisees who viewed healing as "work" which was unlawful to perform on the Sabbath Day - the day of rest. * Yet, the Jewish Leaders continued to listen to His teaching. Some, as we see again today, are doing so to find ways to accuse Him. However, the Word of God does not come back void, but accomplishes what YHWH pleases (Isaiah 55:11). * Today, we once again see Jesus' interactions with the Pharisees in connection to another healing on the Sabbath. This time in the home of one of the Synagogue Rulers. * This message was presented by Bob Corbin on December 29, 2024 at Family Bible Church in Martinez, Georgia.…
* Jesus began His ministry by declaring that the Kingdom of God had drawn near. As a result, people were going to need to change the way they thought. * We have seen that Kingdom awareness and Kingdom teaching has been an important part of Jesus' interaction with His disciples and with the crowds. * As He is making His final trip to Jerusalem, Jesus begins to prepare the people for life after His presence on the earth. He begins to teach them more regarding the Kingdom of God. Jesus will be referring to, and teaching regarding, the Kingdom of God much in the next 11 chapters. He will reference the Kingdom of God 19 times in 18 verses in that span. Today, we will be considering four of those occurrences. * This message was presented by Bob Corbin on December 22, 2024 at Family Bible Church in Martinez, Georgia.…
* Over the past couple of weeks, we have seen how Jesus taught while answering questions from the multitude. In the passage which we plan to consider today, we see that Jesus again is asked one question and then responds with an apparent non-corresponding answer. The Master knew where the hearts of the people were and addressed the core issues. * In today's passage, we see Jesus address the topic of sin dealing with the judgmental nature of people in assessing the sinfulness of individuals and God's desire to see people repent (change the way they think and become productive) and be released from the bondage that has held them captive! * This message was presented by Bob Corbin on December 15, 2024 at Family Bible Church in Martinez, Georgia.…
* Last week, we saw Jesus address the crowd who was following Him to beware of covetousness. Today's portion is actually a continuation of that teaching. Jesus had warned the people to not be anxious about the things of this world but rather to trust God as their provider and protector. Specifically, regarding financial covetousness, Jesus stated, "For where your treasure is, there you heart will be also." * Today, Jesus builds upon that warning by reminding the crowd of the judgment that is to come when the Son of Man returns. This is an exciting teaching in itself because Jesus is declaring His death, resurrection, return, and reign all in one short teaching. Additionally, Jesus let's everyone know that there would be a period of time - a gap - between His resurrection and His return, and what His followers should expect to see during that time. * This message was presented by Bob Corbin on December 8, 2024 at Family Bible Church in Martinez, Georgia.…
* Luke 12 begins with Luke's description of the size of the following that Jesus was beginning to have. The Greek declares that there were myriads of a multitude. In fact there were so many that they were literally stepping upon one another. (cf. Matt 5:13; 7:6; Luke 8:5; Heb 10:29). Two weeks ago, we began to see how Jesus would interact with various individuals in the crowd, who would shout a statement or question. Then, we considered how Jesus' responded to the woman who declared that Jesus' mother was blessed - by stating that those who hear and heed the Word of God are the ones who are truly blessed. * Today, we see Jesus respond to another declaration coming from the crowd and uses this moment as well to teach on an important topic - covetousness. The covetous desires of man have not changed over the millennia and as we move into a season that should be focusing upon the incarnation of Christ to pay the penalty of our sins, we will need to fight a heightened challenge to not participate in the worldly gratification of their covetous desires. * This message was presented by Bob Corbin on December 1, 2024 at Family Bible Church in Martinez, Georgia.…
* Last week, we saw Jesus rebuke the Pharisees and Lawyers for being concerned about their outward appearance and living differently on the inside. * We would call this activity "hypocrisy." Hypocrisy is actually the transliteration of a Greek Word and it is actually what Jesus summarizes their activity as and about which He warns His disciples. * In today's passage, we see Jesus present four warnings to His followers and those pressing in about Him: beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, beware of fearing men, beware of denying the Messiah, and beware of blaspheming the Holy Spirit. * This message was presented by Bob Corbin on November 24, 2024 at Family Bible Church in Martinez, Georgia.…
* Earlier in our study of Luke's account of the Gospel, we saw that Jesus shared an important detail of those who are truly part of the Kingdom of God ... having ears they will hear the message of God and they will heed what they hear! To "hear" and to "keep" - Shema and Shamar - is a very basic Jewish teaching. (cf. Deuteronomy 6:4-12) * Today, we will see Jesus reiterate this concept. The Jewish people wanted to see a sign from heaven. Jesus responds to that request with the foundational principle that the key to being blessed by God is to "Shema and Shamar" ... to Hear and to Heed! * This message was presented by Bob Corbin on November 17, 2024 at Family Bible Church in Martinez, Georgia.…
* When we considered Jesus healing of the demoniac of the Gadarenes (8:26-39), we saw that the Greek term "daimonizomai" which is best translated by it's transliteration: demonized. Biblically, it refers to someone who is being vexed by a demon - whether through possession or oppression. That man of the Gadarenes was possessed by many demons, for when Jesus asked the demon - who was speaking through the man - his name, he declared that it was "Legion" for in the host were many demons. * In Today's passage, Jesus casts out another demon and that begins a conversation and opportunity for Jesus to present teaching regarding the power and activities of demons. * This message was presented by Bob Corbin on November 10, 2024 at Family Bible Church in Martinez, Georgia.…
* During the last five messages in our study of Luke, we have seen Jesus' instructive interaction with His disciples. * Last week we saw that those who are disciples of Jesus will be devoted to the Mind of Christ (loving others) and the Word of Christ (desiring to learn from Him). * The disciples must have heard Jesus' rebuke of Martha and praise of Mary .... For they now come to Jesus to seek teaching and instruction regarding prayer. * This message was presented by Bob Corbin on November 3, 2024 at Family Bible Church located in Martinez, Georgia.…
* The last four messages in our study of the Gospel According to Luke have focused on the expectations, costs, and motivations of being a disciple of Jesus Christ as opposed to being just a convert, or one who is called a Christian. * In the passage that we are examining today, we see that Luke shares two more vignettes of Jesus instruction regarding the passions of a disciple of Christ. A disciple of Christ will be devoted to loving others (taking on the mind of Christ) and will be devoted to learning from the Words of Christ. * This message was presented by Bob Corbin on October 27, 2024 at Family Bible Church located in Martinez, Georgia.…
* Our study of Luke has gotten juggled a little bit. After Hurricane Helene, it seemed appropriate to set aside our study to refocus upon our Great and Sovereign God who is also our Faithful and Loving Shepherd. * While I was in Argentina, David picked up in our study of Luke with the sending of the seventy disciples recorded at the beginning of chapter 10. Today, we will drop back into chapter 9 to finish that portion. * As context, Jesus had just been transfigured before Peter, James and John; and He had healed the demon-possessed boy in a manner that awed all who were there. While all were amazed, Jesus told His disciples to pay attention to what He was telling them, that He was about to be betrayed. However, as we see in this passage, the disciples sadly only paid attention as well as we do many times! * Jesus had communicated the expectation: deny yourself, take up your cross daily, and follow Him. In today's passage we see how this expectation is met practically through six different vignettes displaying our call to humility and commitment. * This message was presented by Bob Corbin on October 20, 2024 at Family Bible Church located in Martinez, Georgia.…
* John Tellis and his family joined us today for worship. John is a native of Scotland who seeking to reach his native Scots with the gospel of Jesus Christ. * John was scheduled to speak prior to Helene hitting the area. The topic of his message - chosen before Helene - was very applicable. This message was presented by John Tellis on October 13, 2024 at Family Bible Church located in Martinez, Georgia.…
* Over the last two months we've worked our way through Luke 8 and 9, where Jesus' disciples have begun to realize that Jesus is truly YHWH incarnate, not just a "human" prophet. Jesus has performed multiple miracles demonstrating His deity, including calming a storm, casting out demons, raising Jairus' daughter from the dead, and feeding the 5000. He sent the 12 disciples out in pairs for ministry, and Peter has proclaimed Jesus to be "the Christ of God." * Luke 9:51 says that Jesus "steadfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem". From Luke 9:51 through Luke 19:27, Jesus is on the way to Jerusalem, culminating with Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem recorded in Luk 19:28-44. In these chapters, while Jesus is traveling through many cities on His way to Jerusalem, Luke records for us a number of events and parables that are not in the other three gospels. * Today, we look at Luke's account of Jesus sending out 70 of His followers, in groups of two, where they are going ahead of Jesus to cities and places that Jesus intends to pass through on His way to Jerusalem. * This message was presented by David Hayes on October 6, 2024 at Family Bible Church located in Martinez, Georgia.…
Today we meditate on Psalm 23 while thanking God for his protection through the recent storm. This message was presented by Bob Corbin on September 29, 2024 at Family Bible Church located in Martinez, Georgia.
* Last week, we considered how what you believe will affect your desires and your actions. Jesus had asked His disciples who the world thought He was and then who they thought that He was. He then proceeded to share with them what would shortly happen to Him and what His expectations would be of those who proclaimed to be His disciples. He would shortly be rejected by the elders, chief priests and scribes, be killed, and then be raised the third day. His disciples would then follow this example - they would deny themselves, they would take up their cross daily and they would follow Him. * At the end of His teaching, Jesus declared, "There are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the Kingdom of God." * Eight days later it became apparent that Peter, James and John would be those who were privileged to see a glimpse of the Majesty and Glory of the King prior to His return to reign on the throne of David! * Today, we see the heavenly and incarnate glory of the Messiah juxtaposed together. This message was presented by Bob Corbin on September 22, 2024 at Family Bible Church located in Martinez, Georgia.…
* Jesus had sent out His twelve Apostles to proclaim the good news of the Kingdom of God and had equipped them with power and authority over all demons and with the ability to cure diseases. He then took them aside to talk about their experiences, but they had been interrupted by the 5,000+ crowd. Jesus used the moment to teach the people, but also to teach His disciples regarding the necessity of faith by having the disciples feed the crowd with just five small loaves of bread and two small fish! * Today, we begin to see the conversation of Jesus and His disciples when He finally gets them away. * As a segue, at Family Camp we discussed - from the Shema - the connection between your faith and your actions. If you have a genuine faith in God, you will naturally have a genuine love for God. This genuine love for God will then lead to a genuine interaction with His Word. Jesus uses this same logical connection between what you believe and how you will act in His discussion with His disciples. This message was presented by Bob Corbin on September 15, 2024 at Family Bible Church located in Martinez, Georgia.…
* Two weeks ago, we considered when Jesus sent His twelve apostles out to herald the good news of the Kingdom of God. Jesus had given them power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases. He had also instructed them to take nothing for the journey (to trust in God), to remain in whatever house they first entered, and to shake off the dust of their feet as a testimony against city that rejected them. * Today, we will examine another miracle which provides further attestation to Jesus' Messianic claim. However, it is two of the sub-themes which we will really focus upon today. This message was presented by Bob Corbin on September 8, 2024 at Family Bible Church located in Martinez, Georgia.…
* Luke is writing in order that those who would read his account of the life and ministry of Christ would be assured of the truthfulness of the message. * What message did the people hear? Where did that message originate? From whom did they hear the message? * In Romans 10, we read: "For 'Whoever calls on the name of YHWH shall be saved." (cf. Joel 2:32) How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: "How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, who bring glad tidings of good things!" (cf. Isaiah 52:7) ... So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." * As we will be reminded today - God has chosen the weak things of the world to confound those that seem mighty - through the proclamation of the Good News of the Kingdom of God: that Christ died for our sins, was resurrected, and reigns on High! * "All" that is required for us is to ... trust and obey. This message was presented by Bob Corbin on August 25, 2024 at Family Bible Church located in Martinez, Georgia.…
* In the beginning of our study of Luke's account of the life and ministry of Jesus, we saw that he was a "Physician." In different passages, we have found that Luke gives details that other writers did not give. * Last week, as we considered the deliverance of the man who had a legion of demons dwelling in him, Luke revealed many details of this man's situation before Jesus, and how he was healed and in his right mind when the townspeople came out to tell Jesus to leave. * Today, we will be considering two more events of Jesus' powerful deliverance of individuals. Again, Dr. Luke gives us specific details to help us understand the veracity of the events. * Though we will consider two deliverances, one is presented as an interruption along the path of the primary object. An important detail to remember in life is that God has many appointments that seem to be only "interruptions" along what we consider to be the primary path! This message was presented by Bob Corbin on August 18, 2024 at Family Bible Church located in Martinez, Georgia.…
* In our study of Luke, we have seen that Luke has declared from the beginning that his purpose in writing this account of the life and ministry of Christ was that believers "Would know assuredly" the things with which they were instructed. Luke recorded immediately how Gabriel was sent to Mary to inform her that she would be overshadowed by the power of God and give birth to a son who "will be called the Son of the Highest," who "will reign over the house of Jacob forever," and who "will be called the Son of God." * As we have recently considered the beginning of Jesus' ministry and His proclamation of the coming of the Kingdom of God, we have seen that He began to certify His ministry through healings and casting out evil spirits. * Over the next two weeks, we will consider a portion of Jesus' ministry where His disciples, and those around Him, begin to realize that Jesus isn't just a "human" prophet; but rather, that Messiah was truly YHWH incarnate. * Today, we consider the display of Jesus' Authority over Nature and the Spiritual Realm ... as He calms the storm and the demoniac.…
* Last week, we considered Scriptures regarding "The Kingdom of God." Jesus declared that His purpose was to share the good news of the Kingdom and then called upon His disciples to share that message as well. He also declared that this Kingdom was not just one that was, or would be, physical. Rather, the ultimate Kingdom of God is spiritual, and begins in the heart. Allegiance to God begins in the heart by expressing childlike faith and trust in the testimony which God has declared in His Word. Being part of God's Kingdom therefore means that an individual is declaring - by faith - fidelity, allegiance and obedience to YHWH as the One True King of the Universe. * When one chooses to believe - by faith - in YHWH and His redemptive plan they become citizens of His Kingdom and are "born-again." Just as they were born physically, they are now born spiritually. * Today, Jesus will share an important detail of those who are truly part of the Kingdom of God ... having ears they will hear the message of God and they will heed what they hear! To "hear" and to "keep" - Shema and Shamar - is a very basic Jewish teaching. (cf. Deuteronomy 6:4-12)…
* As we have begun to study the ministry portion of Jesus' life recorded in Luke's account, we have seen a couple of times that Jesus has declared that His purpose is to declare the good news of "the Kingdom." * Today, we are going to take a one-week detour from our verse-by-verse exposition of the Book to consider the topic of "The Kingdom of God." This term is used 69 times in the Bible; 32 of those occurrences are in the book of Luke! Hence, as we begin to see it's usage and references to it, it would behoove us to understand exactly to what Jesus was referring, and how it specifically applies to our lives as believers. * In fact, as we move forward into chapter 8, Jesus declares to His disciples: "To you it has been given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God ..." So, let's consider some of the facts that we see regarding the Kingdom of God in the Scriptures - and the impact this should make in our lives.…
* In 1 Timothy 2:3-4 we read that God has a desire for "all men (people) to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth." In 1 John 2:2 we read that Jesus died to be the propitiation for the sins of the whole world. The question is: Do we really believe that? If so, how do we exemplify it in our lives? How do we treat others? * After we have received the free gift of salvation through Christ and have had His righteousness applied to our "account," do we become judgmental of others who have not yet received that gift? Do we forget the wonder and awe of our redemption? Were we ever truly overwhelmed with the forgiveness that God extended us - freely? * In today's passage, we see Jesus' interactions with Simon the Pharisee and a Sinful woman - a man who was self-righteous and a woman who was publicly despised. There is much for us to learn and to be challenged by in this account which is only recorded by Luke.…
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Fr. Larry Richards is the founder and president of The Reason for our Hope Foundation, a non- profit organization dedicated to ”spreading the Good News” by educating others about Jesus Christ. His new homilies are posted each week.
The Village Church exists to bring glory to God by making disciples through gospel-centered worship, gospel-centered community, gospel-centered service and gospel-centered multiplication.
Welcome to the Enjoying Everyday Life TV podcast with Joyce Meyer. To learn more, visit our website at or download the Joyce Meyer Ministries App. By supporting Joyce Meyer Ministries, you can help us reach hurting people around the world. To find out more, go to