Welcome to the second season of DiscipleLife, with your host, Pastor Carlos Garduño, and FBC Devine's Lead Pastor, Pastor Dan Newburg. We invite you to join the conversation on the text covered during the Lord's Day @ FBC Devine. During this episode, we focus on the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness, the impact of God's contending with Satan, and how Scripture has a place in how we relate to God and fend off temptation through Jesus Himself. Send your questions to "Ask the Pastors" by following this link: https://fbcdevine.churchcenter.com/pe... . We invite you to subscribe to our latest channel, "Pulpit & the Word: The Teaching Ministry of FBC Devine." You will have access to the sermons taught from FBC Devine's pulpit weekly. Accessible anywhere podcasts can be found! Follow the link: https://pulpitandtheword.podbean.com . Following this link for all special events at FBC Devine: https://fbcdevine.churchcenter.com/re... We invite you to visit First Baptist Church of Devine, Texas, and to check our social media presence: Website: www.fbcdevine.org Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FirstBaptist. .. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fbcdevine/ Thank you for listening to this week's episode! #SoliDeoGloria #SolusChristus #SolaScriptura #SolaFide #SolaGratia #ChristianLife #Discipleship #RealTalk #ChristianTalk #FaithTalk #2023 #DiscipleLife…