In this Oxford World’s Classics audio guide, listen to Dominic Berry, senior lecturer in the School of History, Classics and Archaeology at Edinburgh University and the translator of this volume, introduce Cicero and his world. “Two things alone I long for: first, that when I die I may leave the Roman people free... and second, that each person’s fate may reflect the way he has behaved towards his country.” Cicero (106-43 BCE) was the greatest orator of the ancient world and a leading politician of the closing era of the Roman republic. His political speeches reflect the development, variety, and drama of his career; among them two speeches from his prosecution of Verres, a corrupt and cruel governor of Sicily; four speeches against the conspirator Catiline; and the Second Philippic, the famous denunciation of Mark Antony which cost Cicero his life. Listen to this audio guide to learn more about Cicero, his life, work, and most importantly – speeches. #OWCAudioGuides…