3.1 Rabbi Daniel Whitman - Machon Yedidya/Spare the Child
Manage episode 439390932 series 3410957
Machon Yedidya provides practical, Torah-based parenting courses, counseling, and more, based on the teachings of Rav Yechiel Yaakovson Shlit"a, author of the bestseller Spare the Child. Rav Yechiel Yaakovson was urged to enter the field of Chinuch by Rav Shach zt”l and worked for decades under the direct guidance of Rav Wolbe zt”l and Rav Shteinman zt”l. He founded Machon Yedidya and authored the bestseller, Spare the Child at the insistence of Rav Chaim Kanievsky zt"l. R’ Daniel Whitman trained by Rav Yaakovson and works with Machon Yedidya counseling in Chinuch and emotional health matters. Rabbi Whitman worked closely with Rav Mattisyahu Salomon zt”l, counseling in Beis Medrash Govoha. For more information visit https://yedidyausa.org/ or email machonyedidyausa@gmail.com
Chinuch Today Featuring Tools for Schools A Fascinating Look at Innovative Programs and the People Behind Them.
The host Rabbi Yerachmiel Garfield Ed.D. is the Head of School of the rapidly growing Yeshiva Toras Emes in Houston Texas. He has previously served as a mesivta rebbe, assistant menahel, school counselor and adjunct professor at Johns Hopkins University. In addition, he has written on chinuch topics for national publications, educational journals, and has presented multiple workshops. He is the founding director of the Yeshiva Leadership Group which provides networking and growth opportunities to Yeshiva school leadership.
For more information or to suggest a guest, please email chinuchtodaypodcast@gmail.com
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