On this episode of Beyond Ultra, I will have the pleasure of talking with a Twenty Year fitness veteran, personal trainer to the likes of Tom Cruise, Gerard Butler, Katie Holmes, Sasha Baron Cohen, Isla Fisher, Ed Weeks, and Casey Wilson. Yes, the one and only, WESLEY OKERSON. You may have recently seen Wes on the new reality TV Show "Strong", which aired on NBC in April and May of 2016. Wes faced many challenges on the show, and never faltered. He was continually positive, while helping out his partner Jasmine, as she attempted to reach amazing weight loss and strength training goals while on the show. Wes is also known for designing workouts to meet short time frames, but showing quick results. He also currently trains clients and group classes in the L.I.T. method at the "LIT Method Studio" in West Hollywood, CA. In addition to all of these things, Wes also builds on-site gyms in many different locations, and has traveled to many locations around the world, to train his clients. So join us on the next show, where I will talk with Wes about the "Strong" Show, his personal training of amazing clientele, and of course the L.I.T. method. You will not want to miss this one! You can check out Wes Okerson online at www.wesokerson.com for more information...…