How can we communicate with engineers as a non-technical business owner? with Aman Y. Agarwal
Manage episode 279878160 series 2838757
みなさん、こんにちは。ASKForeignConnect Podacstへようこそ! 今日、私たちは、経営者教育会社であるSANPRAM Transnationalの創設者兼社長であり、情熱的な教師兼ライターであるAmanを迎えています。 彼は元エンジニアで、シリコンバレーで自動運転トラックを製造していました。 エンジニアリングに加えて、彼はそれぞれ10億ドルを超える価値のある2つのテクノロジー企業のセールスエグゼクティブでもあり、ビジネスとテクノロジーの両方について同等の流暢さで話すことに慣れています。
Hi everyone, welcome to the ASK ForeignConnect Podacst! Today we have Aman, the Founder and President of SANPRAM Transnational, an executive education company, and a passionate teacher and writer. He was formerly an engineer, building self-driving trucks in Silicon Valley. Besides engineering, he has also been a sales executive at two tech companies worth over $1 billion each, so he's used to talking about both business and technology with equal fluency.
We asked him the following:
1. How do business executives with no technical background make sure to integrate the right technology into their businesses?
2. How can business executives and owners communicate with engineers?
3. How can we stay on top of new technology as an entrepreneur to look out for an opportunity to innovate?
You can read his blog here: ( The Non-Engineer's Ultimate Guide to Software Technology)
You can also learn more about what he does here:
This episode is brought to you by Who we are: Our goal is to help our clients create new opportunities in their targeting foreign economy by developing strategic international partnership development and ongoing communication & task management.
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