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两位全平台百万粉丝女性运动和健康生活方式博主;每周关于女生健康,运动,饮食及健康生活方式的私聊;治愈,轻松,私密,无论你正在减肥,刚开始运动,初入职场;还是对自己的身材,相貌,生活方式不满意想要改变;这每周一小时的闺蜜私聊,都是你的治愈暖汤。 加入听友群 方法1️⃣:加“fit4life999”等小助理加你(如果添加次数太多可能会出现无法添加的情况,齐给大家稍安勿躁过一天在申请,或者直接通过方法二添加企业WX) 方法2️⃣:公众号回复“我要进群”即可 Apple Podcast/喜马拉雅/小宇宙/网易云/Spotify/荔枝/蜻蜓:fit4life 微博/小红书/B站:fit4life 公众号:fit4life健身与美食 淘宝直播:fit4life健身与美食 (记得订阅) 商务联系:Shanshan@fit4life.world
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Weekly Movie Chat

The Player Way Podcast

Join hosts BK & Derreck as they distill out the best movie news, critiques and reviews, every week - the player way! Follow @weeklymoviechat on Instagram and visit PlayLifeYourWay.com for updates.
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先祝大家假期愉快!姥姥姥爷刚刚结束在瑞士的旅行。毫无意外,从登机开始这段旅行注定不平凡。姥姥在头等舱里做瑜伽,姥爷在“后面”牙疼难耐。姥姥在一半山峰一半湖水的风景里冥想,姥爷还在牙疼难耐。瑞士之行结束,姥姥踏上回国之路,姥爷开启欧洲之行。我们祝她好运吧! 00:01:54 咱俩不是一起出发的嘛,怎么你成了被选中的上等旅客? 00:14:36 在最美的风景里牙疼,痛并快乐着具象化了。 00:33:53 在最美的风景里冥想,我太幸福了! 00:41:53 厚厚的奶酪,厚厚的面包,一口下去别无遗憾了。 00:47:10 别硬撑,电动自行车太香了! 00:58:56 跳入云端治好了我的恐高症。 01:00:15 走出国门还得靠方便面硬撑。 姥姥的头等舱 姥爷以为的头等舱 每天早上都有不一样的跑步路线…
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Welcome to another edition of Weekly's Game Chat! We are excited to bring you another episode of the world's greatest podcast about video games. In what we're playing, Chris finished Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 and is standing by his richard from last week. He also has put some time into the new Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom. Jon played a …
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The whole crew is back this week and excited to bring you another episode of the world's greatest podcast about video games. In what we're playing, Jon is now about 50 hours into Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden. Chris is playing Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2. He actually is saying Jon is not allowed to play with him and I once we get the co-op goi…
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曾经有一种说法,说成长就是不断否定原来的自己。 当我们回头去看,曾经的自己弱小、恐惧、彷徨。我们在出入社会的时候扮演成美剧里的角色,试图用成熟的形象包装自己;我们小心翼翼不敢展示真实的自己,但越小心越出错,亲手搞砸面试;我们恐惧衰老和死亡,所以抗拒畅想未来。 但未来到来的时候,我们发现,正是曾经的那些自己,找到解法,从一个个黑暗中走出来。该否定的不是曾经的自己,而是那些虚假的现实。谁说三十多岁就是无聊的中年生活,谁说我们对衰老和死亡束手无策?我们要亲自否定这些刻板印象。 01:14 那些年犯过的傻,头一件就是用英语包装自己,却意外幻化出另一种人格。 15:48 小时候的世界太易碎了,从考试考砸到家人生病,没有一件不让我恐惧。 29:34 二十多岁的我小心翼翼,害怕展示真实的自己,每天绷着一根…
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本期是「fit4life」和「推心置腹」的串台节目。 姥爷终于联系上了那个“穿着Gucci的女中医”,并且来到她的诊室好好体验了一次中医治疗。在荣荣医生的理论讲解和针灸疗效的双重震撼之下,姥爷终于放下对中医的偏见,开始认识中医。 你凭什么号个脉就说我有腰伤还不止一次?外国人来大姨妈吃冰淇淋,我怎么不能吃?“坐月子”到底是不是伪科学?从这些埋在心里的诘问,到放下戒备去了解何为阴阳,中西医的底层逻辑和桥梁。最终可以辩证地看待中西医,借用荣荣医生的一句话,“真正想去解决自身问题,并愿意为自己的这个问题的解决而做出努力的人,无论去找中医还是西医,你都会得到好结果。” 00:04:23 人生第一次针灸,虽然我和医生都差点吓晕,但我这法令纹竟然这么快就变淡了! 00:09:46 我搭上你的脉等了半天,你…
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Juan had a good week.TK had a good week. We'll have more good weeks to share. It's not goodbye. BoOW Twitter BoOW Twitch BoOW YouTube Support Best of Our Week - TK Bay and Juan Bagnell Tech Chat! by contributing to their tip jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/best-of-our-week This podcast is powered by Pinecast. Try Pinecast for free, forever, no c…
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只要姥姥姥爷在路上你们就不缺故事。上期刚听完姥爷搓澡,这期她又再创新高,上演了一出她自己风格的人在囧途。与此同时,姥姥却爱上长途飞行。这期我们来聊聊短暂却收获满满的美国之行。 00:01:45 克服时差影响的秘诀:不倒时差。 00:11:39 这趟旅程,从出关开始就不简单。 00:13:47 怎么做了一趟飞机裤子湿透了?姥爷又干出了让人匪夷所思的事儿! 00:27:20 硅谷的白人饭到底谁能吃饱啊? 00:38:12 在苹果发布会现场看到了平行世界的自己。 00:43:04 苹果公司员工的精气神和海底捞员工是一样的。 00:57:10 电影安利:一个安妮海瑟薇,满足了姥姥姥爷的不同需求。 ———————————— 加入听友群 方法1️⃣:加“fit4life999”等小助理加你(如果添加次数…
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We're down a man this week but Chris and Jon are here to talk all things Astro Bot, Space Marines 2, and Banishers of New Eden. After that we talk about Microsoft layoffs, Sony's PS5 Pro, and Ubisoft's outlook. Please send anything you want to weeklygameschat@gmail.com. This is the official inbox of WGC. Chances are, we will read it LIVE! As always…
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Apple had a MAJOR event showing off new phones and earbuds, but then Huawei said "hold our beer". Our pal Michael Pepper joins us to chat out the top tech of the week! Let's geek out! BoOW Twitter BoOW Twitch BoOW YouTube Support Best of Our Week - TK Bay and Juan Bagnell Tech Chat! by contributing to their tip jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/be…
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�提示:内容过于劲爆,请勿在公共场所收听,收听过程中请勿进食。 从欠你们很久的姥爷搓澡的故事引发“边界感”的话题,到姥爷最近经历的一个无比惊险恶心的故事,被姥姥命名为“世纪终极社交考验”!今天的播客来聊聊最近遇到的“社交难题”。 00:02:10 姥爷搓澡的故事它终于来了! 00:33:22 世纪终极社交考验:你会怎么做? 00:45:30 你咖啡撒我一身,我真挺生气的,但是你态度又那么好 00:47:07 滚烫的热汤撒我身上,我应该说没事儿,但我有事儿。 00:53:22 街边儿推销的人总拿我当软柿子捏。 00:57:48 这算不算,以朋友的名义白嫖我。 01:00:45 你怎么好意思开口的,咱俩熟吗? 01:03:24 大爷,我座位上的小电视好看吗? 01:10:46 北京的哥又稳定发挥…
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Back from break and we thank you for downloading the world's greatest podcast about video games! In What We're Playing - Jon finished the main story of Star Wars Outlaws and gave it praise - even saying he wishes to try for the coveted Platinum. Next on his radar is Banishers. Shaun and Chris also played and are enjoying Outlaws - Chris paused as h…
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脚不沾地忙了一个月,二姥近期又发生了点啥?二姥合体线下活动又玩儿出了新感悟;姥爷人生第一次打球(约等于)重新认识自己;二姥选餐厅,其实退而求其次也没什么不好;姥姥光鲜亮丽出席活动,却“惨遭冷遇”。 00:00:53 原来姥爷是天选篮球player 00:05:56 嘿!练了几年瑜伽突然擅长跑步了 00:21:50 做选择——执着于最好的,还是“这个对我来说就够了”? 00:47:51 怎么我穿得好看还痛失展示机会了呢? 感谢老朋友On昂跑对本期节目的大力支持! 这期节目里和上海分享会提到的鞋都是 On昂跑的 cloud x4,是昂跑的新款综训鞋。 如果大家还想了解更多信息,可以搜索微信小程序@On昂跑! ———————————— 加入听友群 方法1️⃣:加“fit4life999”等小助理加…
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为了不浪费几根儿冰棍儿一口气吃完,然后发烧耽误工作;为了省点旅行车费坐夜间巴士,然后到了酒店全天补觉。这就是典型的“没苦硬吃”。苦倒是不一定有多苦,但想想也觉得自己有点离谱儿。而我们往往容易矫枉过正,于是有些人开始“没福硬享”。不管是“没苦硬吃”,还是“没福硬享”,咱们真的有必要吗? 00:08:07 酸奶杯里的水果坏了不要紧,酸奶不会坏。 00:13:43 十根儿冰棍儿算什么,不就是吃完发烧耽误工作嘛,反正这冰棍儿可不能浪费。 00:17:40 从成都回来撑得我直恶心,但我这肚子里全是酸奶! 00:22:57 我那个喜欢给朋友花钱的朋友啊,拜托你对自己也好一点吧! 00:39:21 经过一番精打细算,已经忘了为什么出发。 00:45:30 嘿!这一个丝滑转场! 00:51:23 没苦硬吃和…
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We have a lot of thoughts on folding phones. Not many thoughts on the new Pixel. And a few thoughts on consumer network storage. Let's geek out! BoOW Twitter BoOW Twitch BoOW YouTube Support Best of Our Week - TK Bay and Juan Bagnell Tech Chat! by contributing to their tip jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/best-of-our-week This podcast is powered …
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Thank you for downloading the world's greatest podcast about video games! In what we're playing - Jon is once again a gamer! He is currently is Rise of the Ronin - and reallllly loves it. Chris played Black Myth: Wukong and likened it to a boss rush type of game. Mostly good vibes. Though he admitted his hype for this Friday when Star Wars Outlaws …
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TONS of tech this week! Google's new phone has just arrived to a "whelmed" reaction. OnePlus rocks our socks with their new buds. Meze wants to be known as a gaming brand. Asus has a crazy travel router. Acemagic delivers a funky laptop. It's a CRAZY week for gadgets!Let's geek out! BoOW Twitter BoOW Twitch BoOW YouTube Support Best of Our Week - T…
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�重大通知!官宣|姥姥姥爷成立MCN啦! 如果你已经开始做自媒体,或者已经摩拳擦掌准备开始做自媒体。并且希望有人帮你在这条路上扫除障碍,打通内容、流量和商业的壁垒。快来联系姥姥姥爷吧! 读留言节目又来啦!在第421期节目的投票中,有将近40%的人希望在留言节目中听到关于友情的内容。这不就来了嘛! 友谊中危机重重,关系各方的价值观冲突、思考方式相悖、生活方式差异,都可能把友情推到岌岌可危的境地。有时候需要我们向前一步主动沟通,有时候又需要我们后退一步保持距离。虽然这之间的分寸有点难以掌握,但是友情也因此而精彩纷呈不是吗? 00:00:01 重大通知!官宣|姥姥姥爷成立MCN啦! 00:04:33 最好的朋友触犯到了我的价值底线,我该拿ta怎么办! 00:27:31 我们不是说好了吗?“是彼此最…
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Thank you for downloading the world's greatest podcast about video games! In what we're playing - Jon finshed and gave a Richard for Flintlock: The Seige of Dawn. Chris platinumed Mass Effect 2 and also played a new game called the Operator. Shaun played Flintlock as well, and also focused in on the WoW: Mists of Pandaria Remix event - mounts yo! W…
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对不起大家久等了!姥爷终于康复来给大家录播客了! 这次病之前,姥爷回母校参加了高中毕业二十年纪念仪式。时间能改变很多事,再见当初和自己水火不容的班主任,不仅能理解当年的她,甚至还能搂搂抱抱成为朋友。时间又能留住很多事儿,曾经的同学,不论这二十年间经历如何,成就如何,再见面依然是当初的模样。 00:01:34 毕业二十年我们还是这么不着调 00:04:17 姥爷连播客节都没出现是去干嘛了? 00:05:54 二十年之后,我们北京四中还是得和人大附攀比一下 00:08:53 年级主任一讲话,高中的感觉不就来了嘛 00:13:06 成绩在我这儿不重要,我今天必须针对你啊我的老师! 00:15:34 老师教我们的时候不过也才32岁,却要面对16岁的侯诗瑶,我太同情她了! 00:17:15 38岁的我…
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Thank you for downloading the world's greatest podcast about video games! In what we're playing - Chris balls deep into Mass Effect 2. Jon has picked up his pistol and fox as he moves through Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn! Shaun continues to love Until Then and is preparing for the prepatch (we love a good prepatch) of the latest WoW expansion! With…
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We're checking in on the X Elite laptops, sharing thoughts on Vivo's new phones, and speculating wildly on the upcoming Pixel launch!Let's geek out! BoOW Twitter BoOW Twitch BoOW YouTube Support Best of Our Week - TK Bay and Juan Bagnell Tech Chat! by contributing to their tip jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/best-of-our-week This podcast is powe…
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你幸福吗?幸福感是一件非常主观的事情,追求进步的姥姥从自我实现中感受幸福,而享受当下的姥爷从每一件小事儿里都能获得意义获得幸福感。你最近一次感受到幸福是什么时候? 00:01:38 你最近的幸福指数是多少? 00:02:25 幸福的反义词不是痛苦是虚无 00:04:49 我的心意你很喜欢我好幸福! 00:12:29 为了送你这个礼物,我在巴黎寻觅了三天。 00:19:15 看你们在我面前吵架拌嘴,我觉得好幸福! 00:20:56 38岁养成系主播上台弹贝斯 00:26:08 我能在每件小事儿里找到意义感 00:30:23 拿冠军和被人喜欢哪个更让你幸福? 00:35:04 “你这样的人没有朋友,但是恭喜你赢了。” 00:43:09 我拿十次冠军,你不喜欢我也得认可我! 00:47:36 竞技…
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Thank you for downloading the world's greatest podcast about video games! In what we're playing - Jon continued to play and give an early Richard for Kunitsu - Gami: Path of the Goddess. Chris continued to play Mass Effect 2 - giving it a Richard of 10. It's one of his most favorite games, ever. A pinnacle of greatness in his eyes. Shaun played and…
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We're back after a little time off! TK is playing with a sexy new Xiaomi flip phone, and both of us are rocking the new OnePlus Pad 2!Let's geek out! BoOW Twitter BoOW Twitch BoOW YouTube Support Best of Our Week - TK Bay and Juan Bagnell Tech Chat! by contributing to their tip jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/best-of-our-week This podcast is pow…
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奥林匹克精神是什么? 我们在现场、在屏幕前喝彩,为运动,为拼搏,为和平,为女性,为历史。每一届奥运会都会带给我们新的意义,每一届奥运会赛场上都会留下值得流传千古的故事。我们为夺冠的英雄鼓掌,为并肩战斗的友情喝彩,为超越的勇气呐喊。感动无国界,全球共此时。 “奥林匹克的精神不是凯旋而是战斗,不是胜利而是参与。” 00:00:44 除了英雄,奥运赛场上还有太多让人难忘的故事 00:02:29 悉尼奥运会上的Eric:报名参加奥运会是为了出国旅游,创下最慢100米自由泳成绩,但却从此走上职业运动员道路。 00:23:52 奥运现场观赛高唱国歌是种什么样的体验? 00:34:01 巴黎奥运会上的杨思琪:15岁的姑娘却要面对大溪地的考验,她为中国冲浪写下历史性的一笔! 00:37:12 东京奥运会上的…
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Thank you for downloading the world's greatest podcast about video games! In What we're playing - Chris continued dominating in Road to Glory winning a National Championship with Ole Miss, before entering the portal to go to the University of Alabama in EA Sports College Football '25. He also found time to platinum Mass Effect 1! GG's! Shaun played…
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Thank you for downloading the world's greatest podcast about video games! In What we're playing Breaking news - Jon played a game! And, it may be on his G.O.T.Y list. The game is Kunitsu - Gami: Path of the Goddess Chris has played a ton of EA Sports College football '25 and gave it a Richard! Shaun played Mass Effect (1), Banishers: Ghosts of New …
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大家都说姥姥慕强,这期我们就来聊聊到底什么是慕强,慕的什么强。姥姥大方承认自己慕强,但她的秘诀是把注意力放在自己身上,只把强者的光借来用用。姥爷却说慕强的代价她早已领会,还不如“向下社交”赢得关注。你在社会关系和感情关系中,是个慕强的人吗? 00:00:59 慕强不是人之常情吗?怎么突然就带上了贬义?慕强到底是什么? 00:05:42 “对,没错,我就是慕强!” 00:12:43 “我就不一样了,我慕弱!” 00:14:16 不管是慕强还是惜弱,底层都是一个自私的内核。 00:18:26 慕强/惜弱可能是对原生家庭的逆反。我终于听我妈的话跟优秀的人一起玩儿了,可她又说:“你看看人家怎么那么优秀?” 00:23:00 姥姥当众表白姥爷! 00:28:41 把别人的优点拿来用用,缺点就算了。 0…
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