This is a Podcast selection of CAV weekend messages from our pastors.
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In jeder Folge diskutieren Stefan Seefeldt und Katharina Haselhorst in einem Gespräch unter vier Augen über ein Thema aus Gesellschaft, Philosophie, Politik oder Tagesgeschehen. Dabei gibt es zwar keine Denkverbote, aber immer sachliche und fundierte Argumente – vielseitig, verständlich, reflektiert. Alle Folgen, weitere Infos und Links zu Facebook und Twitter gibt es auf
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Podcast by Marko Koivuporras
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たとえその生き方が、世間の常識であっても、違っていても。 自分だけの世界観をもって、まるで子供のようにイノセントに、純真な気持ちで、その道を真っ直ぐいく。 「こよなく愛すること」「こだわり」「好き」をひたすら追求し、行動している人々。 この番組では、その突出した偏愛力が世界を変えるのではと感じさせる、そんな人々をインタビューしたり、関連するエピソードを紹介します。偏愛力を持った方々は、心の底から溢れる、愛のこもった想いを持っています。その本質部分をお節介ながらも、多くの人に届けたくて仕方がないのです。 同時に、リスナーの皆さんが、自分の「こよなく愛すること」「こだわり」「好き」に気づき、「私もありのままの自分でいいんだ」「本気の想いそのままで羽ばたいていいんだ」と、一歩踏み出すきっかけになるような番組にしていくことが私の願いです。 インタビュアー 稲垣ヴィエラ プロフィール: 人々・サービスの唯一無二の価値を引き出し、音声で伝えるコミュニケーター。インタビュアー。 幼少期からマイノリティーとして育ち、数多くの転校、転居、転社、海外居住と変化の多い人生を歩んできた体験や通訳経験か ...
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Podcastissa ProAgria Etelä- ja Keski-Pohjanmaan MKN maiseman asiantuntijat keskustelevat haitallisten vieraslajien vähemmän tunnetuista torjuntakeinoista. Keskusteluissa käsitellään sitä, mitä torjuntamenetelmistä on opittu, millaisiin kohteisiin ja mille vieraslajeille ne voisivat soveltua, sekä niiden käyttöä mahdollisesti rajoittavia seikkoja. Podcast-sarjan on tuottanut Viisasta vesiensuojelua -hanke.
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بقلم Brandon Rieb
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Jesus, Boundaries, Toxic People, and Lasting Relationships
التشغيل لاحقا
التشغيل لاحقا
41:31بقلم Jay Austin
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The ability to communicate well is often the key indicator to a healthy relationship. In this episode of TSGP, Mark, Jay and Brandon discuss practical techniques, passive aggressiveness, and healthy vs. unhealthy non-verbal communication. Website: Email:…
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بقلم Mark Ragsdale
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There are seven verses in scripture dedicated to a woman named Dorcas (Acts 9:36-42). She was known for "always doing good and helping the poor." As Christians, through her life, we can learn that we should serve from compassion, serve others using our talents, and serve others with purpose.…
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The practice of generosity in the life of a Christian is both impactful for the receiver as well as the giver. Pastor Mark, Jay, Carrie and Brandon discuss the value of joyfully releasing the resources we have back to the purposes of God. This is part one in the conversation around our For 321 Initiative. If you would like to partner with us in the…
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بقلم Brandon Rieb
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Prayer and fasting is the "one-two punch" of the spiritual practices in a Christian's walk with Jesus. In this podcast, John, Jay and Brandon discuss the importance and the benefits of both regular prayer and fasting. And yes, John, once again, shares about how much he loves salami.بقلم Brandon Rieb, Jay Austin, John Leathers
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بقلم Mark Ragsdale
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In John 15, Jesus used an illustration of a vine and it's branches to share a powerful spiritual truth. In this episode The Sharing Grace team discuss the practice of abiding in Christ so that our lives bear much fruit. Like a good grower, Jesus will often take Christians through seasons of pruning and discipline so that lives produce abundant frui…
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بقلم John Leathers
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This is the first episode of The Sharing Grace Podcast. We discuss the origin and the vision of the podcast. We also dive deeper into the importance of practicing the sabbath in the life of every Christian.بقلم Brandon Rieb, Jay Austin, Mark Ragsdale
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بقلم Mark Ragsdale
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بقلم Mark Ragsdale
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Global Impact Sunday - Guest Speaker: Ronny Marmol
التشغيل لاحقا
التشغيل لاحقا
42:31بقلم Carrie Thompson, Ronny Marmol
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بقلم Jay Austin
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بقلم Mark Ragsdale
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بقلم Shane Winnings
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بقلم Mark Ragsdale
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بقلم Brandon Rieb
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بقلم Jay Austin
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بقلم John Leathers
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بقلم Mark Ragsdale
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بقلم Mark Ragsdale
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بقلم John Leathers
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بقلم Brandon Rieb
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Out of the Shadows - Walking in Jesus
التشغيل لاحقا
التشغيل لاحقا
39:41بقلم Jay Austin
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بقلم Mark Ragsdale
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بقلم Mark Ragsdale
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بقلم Wendell Mathis
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بقلم Mark Ragsdale
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بقلم Mark Ragsdale
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بقلم Mark Ragsdale
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بقلم Carrie Thompson, John Leathers
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بقلم Mark Ragsdale
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Connected: Shoulder to Shoulder, Face to Face, Heart to Heart
التشغيل لاحقا
التشغيل لاحقا
38:14بقلم Jay Austin
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بقلم Mark Ragsdale
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Living Unoffended & Unified For Jesus
التشغيل لاحقا
التشغيل لاحقا
39:38بقلم Jay Austin
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بقلم Brandon Rieb
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بقلم Mark Ragsdale
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بقلم Mark Ragsdale
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بقلم John Leathers
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بقلم Jonmark Ragsdale
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بقلم Mark Ragsdale
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بقلم Jay Austin
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بقلم Mark Ragsdale
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بقلم Mark Ragsdale
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بقلم Wendell Mathis
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