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Islamic Media Podcast

Islamic Media Podcast

Islamic Media Podcast is an independent podcast run by a team of Sunni Muslims who are dedicated to providing the Muslims all around the world with authentic Sunni Islamic knowledge that can be traced back all the way to our Prophet (peace be upon him). We believe the Muslims today are in extreme need for authentic Islamic knowledge to practice their Religion. The ignorance in the Religion is the main reason why the Muslims are going through extremely tough times today. We ask Allah to facil ...
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The Riadi Club Podcast is a place where entrepreneurs are the real heroes. We discuss tools, concepts and ideas that are both practical and inspirational for the entrepreneur في هذا البودكاست ، رواد الأعمال هم الأبطال الحقيقيون إذا كنت ترغب في تحسين عملك وحياتك فقد وجدت المكان المناسب نناقش الأدوات والمفاهيم والأفكار العملية والملهمة لرواد الأعمال في العالم العربي
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أشراط الساعة الدرس الثالث - بعثة النبي - أولى علامات الساعة التي بدأت بالفعل by Islamic Media Podcastبقلم Islamic Media Podcast
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ما هو حال الأصنام يوم القيامة مع المشركين - تفسير سورة الأحقاف - الجزء الثاني by Islamic Media Podcastبقلم Islamic Media Podcast
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استغفرُ الله وأتوبُ اليه مكرره 1000 مره - راحة نفسية كبيرة اتركها شغالة في بيتك by Islamic Media Podcastبقلم Islamic Media Podcast
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Wahabies are considered by many Muslims to be the biggest threat to Al Islam and Muslims due to their influence and money in the Islamic world. They are also very well supported by major Western governments because their existence weakens the Muslims. Learn about their history and their evil agendas and beliefs.…
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‎جُد لي حبي هادينا ‎إني صبٌّ مشتاقُ‎واروِني ذابَ حنينا ‎قَلبي الظامي التَّواقُ------------------------------------‎بكَ أصحابٌ نالوا ‎شرفاً وكذا الآلُ‎وعلَوْا وصفا الحالُ ‎وحلاوةَ ذا ذاقوا‎مِنهُمُ الغُرُّ العَشَرَة ‎قومٌ سيرتهُم عَطِرَة‎أنجُمُ الأمةِ بَرَرَة ‎وَسَناهُم برَّاقُ------------------------------------‎فالصِّدِّيقُ أبو بكرِ ‎وابنُ الخَطاب …
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دقات قلبي تستجير من الأنينما بين أشواقي وأسراب الحنينحنين قلبي للنبي كُلّي أسرفالشوق في نفسي كحبات المطرفمتى أرى نور الحبيب وقد ظهرطال انتظاري أعِن إلهي من انتظرسنين عمري في هواه عشتهاما بين الحب والحنين قضيتهاومن سبى لُبّي ومن له قلبيطه حبيب اللهباقٍ له حبيهذا الذي ازدانت به الدنيامن روضة في جنة علياليتني أُسقىمن كفه الأنقىونظرة بعدهاأنسي فلا أشقى…
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الرد على قول المانعين للمولد: الرسول ما احتفل بالمولد فكيف تحتفلون به - حلقة 1 by Islamic Media Podcastبقلم Islamic Media Podcast
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الرد على قول المانعين للمولد: الرسول ما احتفل بالمولد فكيف تحتفلون به - حلقة 2 by Islamic Media Podcastبقلم Islamic Media Podcast
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03 مقابلة: الرد على قول المانعين للمولد كيف تحتفلون في يوم ثبت أن النبي مات فيه by Islamic Media Podcastبقلم Islamic Media Podcast
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02 مقابلة: الرد على قول المانعين للمولد الرسول ما احتفل بالمولد فكيف تحتفلون به by Islamic Media Podcastبقلم Islamic Media Podcast
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Al-Qaria is the 101st chapter of the Quran, with 11 āyāt or verses. This chapter takes its name from its first word "qariah",[3] referring to the Quranic view of the end time and eschatology. "Qariah" has been translated as calamity, striking, catastrophe and clatterer.[4] According to Ibn Kathir, a traditionalistic exegete, Al-Qariah is one of the…
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Al-Adiyat or The War Horses which run swiftly[1] (Arabic: العاديات, al-ʿādiyāt, also known as "The Courser, The Chargers") is the 100th chapter (sūrah) of the Qur'an, with 11 āyāt or verses. Regarding the timing and contextual background of the revelation (asbāb al-nuzūl), it is an earlier "Meccan surah", which means it is believed to have been rev…
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Al-Adiyat or The War Horses which run swiftly[1] ( العاديات, al-ʿādiyāt, also known as "The Courser, The Chargers") is the 100th chapter of the Qur'an, with 11 āyāt or verses. Regarding the timing and contextual background of the revelation (asbāb al-nuzūl), it is an earlier "Meccan surah", which means it is believed to have been revealed in Mecca,…
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Al-Zalzalah ( الزلزلة, al-zalzalah, meaning: "The Quake") is the 99th chapter (surah) of the Qur'an, composed of 8 ayat or verses. Although it is usually classified as a Medinan surah, the period during which the surah was revealed is not unanimously agreed upon by Qur'anic exegetes. Other Abrahamic religions also support the idea of punishment to …
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Al-ʻAlaq (Arabic: العلق, al-ʻalaq, also known as "The Clinging Thing" or "The Embryo"[1]), is the 96th chapter of the Qur'an. It is composed of 19 verses. It is sometimes also known as Sūrat Iqrā (سورة إقرا, "Read") Chapter 96 of the Qur'an is traditionally believed to have been Muhammad's first revelation. It is said that while Muhammad was on ret…
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At-Tīn ( التين, "The Fig, The Figtree") is the ninety-fifth surah of the Qur'an, with 8 verses Summary 1-4 Oaths that God created man "a most excellent fabric" 5-6 God has made all men vile except true believers 7-8 None may rightly deny the judgment-day[1] This sura opens by mentioning the fig (the sura's namesake), the olive of Jerusalem, Mount S…
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Al-Inshirāḥ ( الانشراح, "Solace" or "Comfort"), or ash-Sharḥ ( الشرح, "The Opening-Up of the Breast") [1] is the ninety-fourth chapter of the Qur'an, with eight or verses. Because of its subject matter, length, style, and placement in the Qur'an, this sura is often coupled with Surah ad-Dhuha (Sura 93). They are generally considered to have been re…
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Al-Ḍuḥā ( الضحى, "The Morning Hours", "Morning Bright", "The Early Hours") is the ninety-third chapter of the Qur'an, with 11 or verses. Qur'an 93 takes its name from Arabic its opening word, al-ḍuḥā, "the morning" The chapter begins with oaths. It is often coupled with sura al-Inshirah, sometimes without the basmala between them. It should be take…
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Sūrat al-Layl الليل "The Night" is the ninety-second sūrah (chapter) of the Qur'an, containing twenty-one āyāt (verses). This sūrah is one of the first ten to be revealed in Mecca. It contrasts two types of people, the charitable and the miserly, and describes each of their characteristics Summary 1-4 Oaths by various natural objects 5-13 The obedi…
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Ash-Shams الشمس "The Sun" is the 91st surah of the Qur'an, with 15 ayat or verses. It opens with a series of solemn oaths sworn on various astronomical phenomena, the first of which, "by the sun", gives the sura its name, then on the human soul itself. It then describes the fate of Thamud, a formerly prosperous but now extinct Arab tribe. The proph…
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Al-Balad البلد, "The City" is the 90th Surah or chapter of the Qur'an. It is composed of 20 verses Summary 1-7 Man, though created in misery, yet boasts of his riches 8-16 Captives to be freed and the poor and orphan to be fed 17-20 Description of the companions of the right and left hand The subject matter and style of Qur'anic chapter al balad re…
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Al-Fajr (Arabic: الفجر, "The Dawn", "Daybreak") is the eighty-ninth chapter of the Quran, with 30 verses .[3] The sura describes destruction of disbelieving peoples: the Ancient Egyptians, the people of Iram of the Pillars, and Mada'in Saleh. It condemns those who love wealth and look with disdain upon the poor and orphans. Righteous people are pro…
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