California Highways: Route by Route is a podcast exploring California's state (and county) highway system, starting with the history and proceeding route by route through all highways in the state.
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Route: 616 is a comics-based podcast where a few comic fans go through the main Marvel continuity in order; starting with Fantastic Four #1.
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Les routes enchantées
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Route 66 Stories as told by people living and working along The Mother Road
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A podcast for those who eat, sleep and breathe Maryland basketball. Steve Gorgei takes an in-depth look at the Maryland Terrapins men’s basketball team with reaction, analysis and more.
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PokéCouple Mack and Jaylee talk about their experiences playing through the Pokémon games. Updated Fridays!
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Acteurs, réalisateurs, comiques, chanteurs, écrivains, ils sont nos invités sur la route...
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Clara Amfo invites you to grab the window seat and travel the world from your favourite podcast app! Welcome to ROUTES FROM LNER — the podcast that makes travel feel closer than ever. We’re setting off for adventure with some well-known faces and exploring what travel means to them. From wild adventures to chill getaways, join Clara for laid-back, meaningful and humourous conversations. ROUTES from LNER is about to take you on a journey through the places, people, and stories that make the w ...
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Right on Time with RouteSmart is a monthly podcast featuring interviews with leaders in the routing technology and logistics industries. RouteSmart is the world's leader in intelligent routing, serving clients in newspapers, public works, postal/local delivery and utility industries.
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Becoming an entrepreneur takes grit. Deciding to do it solo takes courage. This is 1,000 Routes, the podcast where we explore the stories of solopreneurs who have made the bet on themselves to build a business that serves their life. Every episode you'll hear about the lessons they've learned and the uncommon routes they've taken to stand out in a world that is purposefully trying to commoditize them.
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Se déplacer ne sera jamais plus comme avant… Toutes nos formes de mobilité ont entamé leur révolution… Préserver l'environnement, tirer le meilleur des nouvelles technologies pour se déplacer mieux… Pour tout comprendre de ces nouveaux enjeux… En route pour demain, votre nouveau rdv à la pointe de l'innovation de la mobilité sous toutes ses formes.
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The High Route Podcast: explore the world of human powered backcountry travel involving turns on snow.
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Cold case ou affaires élucidées, certains faits-divers ont comme décor macabre une autoroute, une route ou parfois même un simple parking. Dans ce podcast, nous « rouvrons » l’enquête avec un grand témoin qui nous raconte les « Crimes de la route » les plus retentissants de ces dernières années. Distribué par Audiomeans. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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L'association Albiréo78 est un club d'astronomie du sud des Yvelines. L'émission radio "En route vers les étoiles" est animée par Lionel Bourhis, président de l'association. Elle est diffusée chaque dimanche de 17H00 à 18H00 sur les ondes de la station RVE (103,7 FM) Cette émission contient toute l'actualité de l'univers, des étoiles et de l'astronomie. Elle est rediffusée chaque nuit du lundi au vendredi de 3h00 à 4h00.
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The Life and Times of Christ the King Lutheran Church, Lodi, Ohio. Conversations, devotions, sermons by Pastor Chris Cahill, and more. Episodes are archived after 90 days. You can find archived episodes of the Route 42 Playlist on the Christ the King Lutheran Church YouTube channel here:
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Two longtime friends and sports fanatics breaking down the latest news of the week with humor and a New York edge. New episodes drop Wednesdays and/or the occasional Friday! Hit us up at or through our social media for questions, comments, picks, and segment suggestions: IG: @faderoutepodcast Twitter: @FadeRouteDandZ Check out our merch line:
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The High Route Gear Shed Podcast: explore the gear we use for human powered backcountry travel involving turns on snow.
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Forget the fast lane! The Scenic Route is where perfectionists slow down, get better, and create real change. We explore: Mental health wisdom (minus toxic positivity) Social change (that starts from within) System critiques (with actionable solutions) Inner wisdom (over external validation) Mindfulness for minimalists (no crystals required) Join Jennifer Walter, sociologist (MASoc UCC) and recovering perfectionist, for weekly conversations that blend critical thinking with oh-so-much compas ...
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Discussions with creators on the correlation between arts and mental health
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Ever struggled with slow internet, forgotten Wi-Fi passwords, or weak security? In this episode of TechTalk, Talha and Ubaid break down the essentials of router settings! Learn how to access your router, change passwords, optimize speed, and secure your network like a pro. Whether you're a beginner or tech enthusiast, this guide will help you take control of your Wi-Fi. Stay tuned for expert tips and tricks to keep your internet fast and secure! #WiFiTips #RouterSettings #TechTalk
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Bizarre, disjointed, mildly legitimate conversation amongst friends 'focusing' on college football with a touch of something different.
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Join the UQ Computing Society as we explore the human side of studying and working in technology.
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Uncalled Route is a podcast that will discuss various topics. Like leadership, health, business, spirituality and personal development
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Le balado essentiel pour tous les passionnés d’automobiles. Chaque semaine, Benoît Charette et Alain McKenna, experts reconnus dans le domaine, analysent les dernières tendances de l’industrie automobile, partagent leurs impressions sur des essais de véhicules et discutent des innovations technologiques qui façonnent l’avenir de l’automobile. Au programme : Essais routiers détaillés et sans compromis Nouveautés et tendances de l’industrie Véhicules électriques et technologies de demain Conse ...
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🎧 Are you an expat navigating the complexities of life abroad? Whether you’re looking for information about school curriculums and extracurricular activities for your kids, or finding connections from your roots to new routes, or integrating with local culture while embracing your own, or adapting to a new climate—the answers aren't always clear before we actually start the expat journey. But what if you could find possible solutions to these challenges from fellow expats? This podcast is ju ...
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Apprenons la Route Ensemble !
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Two guys hailing from different backgrounds provide non-expert opinions on the trending and underrated stories in sports, entertainment, and other areas of the pop culture world. Email us at
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Voici les différentes chroniques et entrevues diffusées sur nos ondes. Pour encore plus de contenu, visitez le
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CNC Router Tips Podcast is a show which answers one question from you, the listener about cnc router tables, cnc software, hardware, web hosting and business. We'll help you get started in your CNC hobby or business and help you CUT THROUGH THE CONFUSION.
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Explore the wonderful world of travel through the ramblings of a extremely inexperienced traveller, making it up as he goes
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An audio journal of my reselling journey Support this podcast:
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Le podcast du voyage d’aventure et découverte en Asie – par Romain Lazzarotto.
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DJ Pesa zeigt die Wurzeln der aktuellen Popmusik auf, durchleuchtet und analysiert sie. «SRF 3 Pop Routes» nimmt euch mit auf die spannenden Routen, auf denen der heutige Pop entstanden ist.
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Ein Podcast, der sich mit dem Thema Glaube, vegane Ernährung und Nachhaltigkeit beschäftigt.
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The Routes podcast offers insight on route development and aviation, featuring some of the most pivotal people from the global industry. We’ll explore the major issues facing airlines, airports and destinations now and into the future. This podcast is created by Routes, the world’s leading air service development conference and networking event business.
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Welcome to our all new Route of all podcast where we will be jumping from various topics telling our point of view and all with a little comedic value.
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This is a show that asks: "What is rural in the 21st century?" Rural Routes is the production of The Leslie Harris Centre of Regional Policy and Development at Memorial University of Newfoundland.
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Music. Music Production. Composition . Motivation.
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Route 2 Adventure has interviews, reviews and research for the outdoor enthusiast as well as those in the RV world. Join Pete Robinson and his Airstream Meadowlark as he ventures into a life lived one rivet at a time.
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Podcast acerca de fútbol americano universitario en el que Álvaro Rodríguez, Alejandro Montoro y Diego Sanz analizarán en profundidad la hornada de jugadores que se presentan al draft de la NFL.
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How can you make it in the global economy? Meet those who have made it & those trying.
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The Bread Route represents a direction in your hustle . It is an empowerment and informative brand . The Bread Route will bring you lifestyle topics and current events in all genres . The Bread in This Route symbolizes Knowledge , Life and Growth . The Bread Route will be a platform geared towards upcoming entertainers and entrepreneurs
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Ce podcast s'adresse à ceux qui veulent se divertir et parler de la famille, des années 80, de la musique, de films et parfois de travail.
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Routes Unknown is an actual play of Monster of the Week game that is played 1st and 3rd Wednesdays on
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Listen to all sermons and recordings from Bikers Church Garden Route
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Welkom bij KVS en route. Deze podcast loodst je als een echte gids door de KVS-creaties. En fluistert je op de heen- of terugweg van de voorstelling een hoop extra info toe. Afhankelijk van artiest tot artiest, maken wij de podcast in het Nederlands, Frans of Engels. De taal zal dus variëren, maar we vermelden telkens welke taal je mag verwachten.
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L'été sur la route Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Sur les traces du ''Garçon'' avec ses réalisateurs Zabou Breitman et Florent Vassault
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11:52Tout débute avec les photos d’une famille. Une famille inconnue, qu’on a l’impression pourtant de connaître. Au centre : un garçon. Qui est-il ? Quelle est son histoire ? Une enquête familiale vertigineuse, où réalité et fiction se mêlent jusqu’à se confondre parfois.بقلم Virginie Decorte
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RVR Level 74 - S5e13 - B2&W2 Ep. 2: Route 19 to Virbank City Gym
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34:44Send us a text Time to drop the beat(down) as we face off against the Rocker who is Poison on the Stage! Roxie is about to change her tune when we rock her socks off to a hip-hop bop. Shuffle your expectations as we stomp the yard this week in the Virbank Complex and Gym! Support the showبقلم MackseatGaming & Jayleebeans_
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Instant Reaction to Maryland's First-Round NCAA Tournament Win Over Grand Canyon
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41:04Steve reacts to Maryland's 81-49 NCAA Tournament win over Grand Canyon and looks ahead to the Terps' second-round game vs Colorado State.
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On parle relation Canado-Américaine avec Daniel Breton
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50:08Le Canada sera bientôt en élection, le Québec va présenter un nouveau budget et nous sommes à l’aube des tarifs sur l’automobile aux États-Unis. Comment tout ce branle bas de combat va affecter le secteur automobile. Nous en discutons avec le président et directeur général de Mobilité Électrique Canada, Daniel Breton En essai deux gros calibres éle…
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Sean Blanda is the owner of Gate Check Studios, providing fractional brand, content, and marketing leadership for startups. In this episode, Sean shares his journey from journalism to entrepreneurship, his experience as a founding marketer at Crossbeam, and why he ultimately chose to go solo. Sean discusses the creative exhaustion that led him to t…
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D and Z make their Final Four picks, discuss the proposed ACC/Big East merger, what the Chase and Higgins signings mean for the Bengals, and more!بقلم The Fade Route with D and Z
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Les trous noirs primordiaux : la nouvelle mode, et peut-être la réponse à beaucoup d'énigmes...بقلم En route vers les étoiles
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Our theme for this week is “Forgiveness.” During this season of Lent, up near our altar and under the crucifix is the word “SCARS.” We remember that after Jesus died by being nailed to the cross, when He rose from the dead He still had the nail scars on His hands. This morning we’ll remember that the word SCARS can challenge us to think about the w…
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Hybride rechargeable : un choix pertinent pour le SUV familial BMW X3 ?
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21:03BMW lance son X3 de quatrième génération que nous avons pu tester dans sa version hybride rechargeable, xDrive 30e. Sur ce SUV best-seller de la marque allemande, cette motorisation profite d’une batterie d’une capacité plus importante que sur le précédent X3, avec la promesse d’une autonomie électrique de 90 km en complément de la partie thermique…
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Is Your Empathy Overwhelming You? Here’s How to Fix It.
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34:41For decades, empathy has been celebrated as the glue of human connection— but what if it’s actually burning you out? In this thought-provoking episode of The Scenic Route, we unpack why empathy alone isn’t enough and why it’s time to shift toward something more sustainable: compassion. 💡 What You’ll Learn in This Episode: ✔️ Why empathy is exhausti…
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Anthony Muroni : mort mystérieuse sur l’autoroute de l’Est
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22:15Anthony Muroni, jeune styliste français de 33 ans, travaille dans le milieu de la mode en Italie. Il mène "une vie de rêve" qu'il partage avec sa compagne italienne, avec qui il projette de fonder une famille. Mais en mars 2020, alors en visite chez ses parents en Moselle, son corps est retrouvé en pleine nuit sur l’autoroute A4. Cet étrange accide…
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CA RxR 3.08: I-5: Whatever Happened to I-5W
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31:43Episode 3.08 continues our exploration of I-5 with a slight digression: A discussion about I-5W. In the late 1950s, I-5W was proposed as a spur route from I-5 running along what is today Route 132, I-580 (both the Tracy Diagonal and the former US 50 portion between the I-205/I-580 junction and Oakland/Berkeley), I-80 between Berkeley and near Vacav…
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See You Tomorrow: Author Jeremy Evans on Snowboarder Marco Siffredi
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1:03:31Before we roll into this episode full steam, here’s some basic information: this interview was recorded in the fall of 2023. That was when a group from the US, including Jimmy Chin and Jim Morrison, planned to approach Mount Everest’s north side to attempt to ski the Hornbein Couloir. The project was part of a larger documentary project. This past …
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Route: 616 Episode #87: Set Sail for Ragnarok!
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1:15:01The Crew is back with some more classic comics; this time with some Tales of Asgard stories! The Oversword is cracked! Ragnarok is coming! Thor and Loki battle for control of their ship! The Warriors Three! Entries Covered:-Journey into Mystery #'s 117-123 (B Stories)
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60. The Ariston Cafe, Litchfield, IL
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46:35THE ARISTON CAFE The Ariston Cafe located in Litchfield, IL, is the longest continously operated family restaraunt along Route 66. Established by Pete Adam, a Greek immigrant who arrived here in America in 1905 at the age of 15. Hear the whole history of The Ariston Cafe by the founders son, Nick Adam. At 85 years old, Nick tells about how his fath…
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Part 2: Getting Progressive while Uphilling
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47:20In this episode, we’ve got Barry Wicks as our host for part two in our series on developing a free-rider ski for resort uphilling. (Talk about niche). To close the quest out, he speaks with Jonno Jacobs the founder of Ronin skis based in Chamonix, France. At Ronin, Jacobs builds made-to-order custom planks. As you’ll hear in the podcast, what Jacob…
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