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The To Read List

The To Read List

Most people have books on their shelves they’ve been meaning to read. Bailey has 125. With this podcast, she and her friends set out to finish their ever-growing To Read Lists.
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क्या आपको कहानी सुनना अच्छा लगता है? स्टोरीजैम में सुनिए कहानियां, कुछ जानी पहचानी, कुछ अनजानी. प्रेमचंद के गाँव हो या मन्नू भंडारी का कनाट प्लेस, भीष्म साहनी का पंजाब या फणीश्वर नाथ रेनू का बिहार, देश भर की चुनिंदा कहानियां आप यहाँ सुन सकते हैं तो सुनो कहानी स्टोरीजैम में आरती की ज़ुबानी ! I read aloud stories/ kahaniyan to you. Stories that are sometimes well known, sometimes lesser known, always memorable! From Premchand to Mannu Bhandari, Bhisham Sahani to Renu, you're sure to find a stor ...
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Read It or List It

Ashley Chandler, Phoebe Wright

Read It or List It is the podcast for the thoughtful, busy reader who needs to know: add to cart or save it for later? We will be taking a critical look into the books we read in all mediums (audio, e-reader, and physical) to help you decide which books to read and when and to generate important conversations in the literary world.
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Read and listen in french

Read and listen in french

The most interesting articles to read and listen simultaneously, in order to train your oral and written comprehension of the French language, while expanding your vocabulary. Website:
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show series
With a diploma in mechanical engineering, Swayam Prakash worked many jobs- in shipping, zinc industry and postal department but his heart was not in anything as much as writing. A keen observer of human nature, he became an important voice in modern story writing in Hindi. मैकेनिकल इंजीनियरिंग में डिप्लोमा हासिल कर, स्वयं प्रकाश ने कई नौकरियाँ कीं …
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Ashok Pande writes. In a world increasingly driven by the “business” of writing, Ashok Pande just keeps writing regardless. He translates works because he likes to, not because a publisher asked him to (though it would be great to see his translations published!). He blogs. His social media page is a rage amongst his readers. He wrote a book of poe…
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पदामश्री सम्मानित हिंदी और मैथिली भाषाओं की साहित्यकार उषा किरण खान ने उपन्यास, कहानियाँ और बच्चों के लिए लेखन किया। उनकी पचास से अधिक पुस्तकें प्रकाशित हो चुकी हैं। साथ ही वे एक सेवानिवृत्त अकादमिक इतिहासकार भी थीं और पटना कॉलेज में प्राचीन भारतीय इतिहास और पुरातत्व विज्ञान की विभागाध्यक्ष रह चुकी थीं। उनकी कहानियों के महिला किरदार अविस्मरणीय हैं।…
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गुलशेर ख़ाँ शानी का जन्म 16 मई, 1933 में जगदलपुर में हुआ।वे एक प्रसिद्ध कथाकार एवं साहित्य अकादमी की पत्रिका 'समकालीन भारतीय साहित्य' और 'साक्षात्कार' के संस्थापक-संपादक रहे ।साथ ही 'नवभारत टाइम्स' में भी इन्होंने कुछ समय काम किया। इनकी रचनाओं का अनुवाद अनेक भारतीय भाषाओं के अलावा रूसी, लिथुवानी, चेक और अंग्रेज़ी हुआ । शानी साहित्‍य और प्रशासनिक पद…
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सूर्यबाला जी को वर्ष २०२४ के व्यास सम्मान की बहुत बहुत बधाई! सूर्यबाला का जीवन परिचय, व्यक्तित्व, कृतित्व और उपलब्धियॉ-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------सूर्यबाला जी का जन्म 25 अक्टूबर 1944 को वाराणसी में हुआ। वे एक लेखिका और व्यंगकार के रूप में सुप्रसिद्ध हैं। अपने जन्मस्थान वाराणसी से सूर्यबाला जी…
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Varsha Vashisht speaks her mind, calmly and clearly. Just the way girls her age and of her social background were not supposed to. When Surendra Verma created her character in 1993, little could he have known that Varsha would continue to speak to women years after her character was born on the pages of “Mujhe Chand Chahiye”. For Varsha takes ‘birt…
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Ali Akbar Natiq was born in a village in the Punjab province of Pakistan, where he received his initial education. Later due to financial constraints he started to work as a mason, and became skilled at building domes, mosques and minarets. His love for education, literature and history specifically, had him complete his BA and MA degrees privately…
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Well, Page-Os, after six years of irreverent book reviews, we have come to the end of The To Read List Podcast. In this, our final episode, we reminisce about our most loved (and most hated) books and share memorable moments from the pod's 150-episode run. We give out our final Bookend Awards, play a final Andrew game, and face the final Russian Ro…
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Well, Page-Os, after six years of irreverent book reviews, we have come to the end of The To Read List Podcast. In this, our final episode, we reminisce about our most loved (and most hated) books and share memorable moments from the pod's 150-episode run. We give out our final Bookend Awards, play a final Andrew game, and face the final Russian Ro…
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When two literary giants meet, not in person but in a common creative playground called ‘translation’, the results are always interesting and satisfying. Oscar Wilde’s short story “ The Devoted Friend” is a satire about a friendship that is anything but nurturing or even reciprocal. Dharamvir Bharti translates without losing any nuance and makes th…
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THE BRIGHT SWORD by LEV GROSSMAN THE CLAN OF THE CAVE BEAR by JEAN M. AUEL Du nuh nuh, nuh nuhhh (to the theme song of A Charlie Brown Christmas) Page-O’s! It’s our last review-centric episode, and boy howdy do we have some good ones. First Toby unsheathes his reviewing rapier to tackle Lev Grossman’s new Arthurian epic The Bright Sword, then Baile…
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THE BRIGHT SWORD by LEV GROSSMAN THE CLAN OF THE CAVE BEAR by JEAN M. AUEL Du nuh nuh, nuh nuhhh (to the theme song of A Charlie Brown Christmas) Page-O’s! It’s our last review-centric episode, and boy howdy do we have some good ones. First Toby unsheathes his reviewing rapier to tackle Lev Grossman’s new Arthurian epic The Bright Sword, then Baile…
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The stories of losing home are the most profoundly disturbing. Yet these “stories” are the reality of millions of people across the world, everyday. Today there are over 117.3 million people who have been forcibly displaced from their homes. We forget and we repeat ad infinitum the same patterns of greed, revenge and loss. And yet, in the midst of …
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HIS DARK MATERIALS by Philip Pullman WATERSHIP DOWN by Richard Adams In our 148th episode, Andrew covers not one, not two, but three books! That's right, it's HIS DARK MATERIALS week on the pod. Will Andrew be captivated by this classic, which Toby reveres? And just in case you were worried that we didn't have enough touchstone works of fiction for…
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HIS DARK MATERIALS by Philip Pullman WATERSHIP DOWN by Richard Adams In our 148th episode, Andrew covers not one, not two, but three books! That's right, it's HIS DARK MATERIALS week on the pod. Will Andrew be captivated by this classic, which Toby reveres? And just in case you were worried that we didn't have enough touchstone works of fiction for…
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If Premchand was looking down from the heavens above at school kids across Hindi speaking India, reading the same two or three stories of his, with the teacher blaring ‘morals’ at the end of class, he would be appalled. In popular imagination over the last seventy five years, Premchand’s writing has come to mean stories set against a depressing pov…
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THE SHADOW OF THE TORTURER by Gene Wolfe / A SEPARATE PEACE by John Knowles Why, hello, Page-os. We apologize for the delay with this episode's release--we had an important announcement to make, and we wanted to do it right. Also, Bailey's been traveling and totally messing with the recording schedule. Shame! After our bittersweet announcement, Tob…
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THE SHADOW OF THE TORTURER by Gene Wolfe / A SEPARATE PEACE by John Knowles Why, hello, Page-os. We apologize for the delay with this episode's release--we had an important announcement to make, and we wanted to do it right. Also, Bailey's been traveling and totally messing with the recording schedule. Shame! After our bittersweet announcement, Tob…
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हिन्दी के सुपरिचित लेखक, कहानीकार, उपन्यासकार व आलोचक राजेंद्र यादव हिन्दी साहित्य में ‘नयी कहानी आंदोलन' के संस्थापक माने जाते हैं। मुंशी प्रेमचन्द द्वारा सन् 1930 में स्थापित साहित्यिक पत्रिका ‘हंस’ जो की सन् 1953 में बन्द हो गयी थी, के पुनर्प्रकाशन की बाग डोर राजेंद्र यादव जी ने सँभाली और उसे प्रेमचन्द की जयन्ती के दिन 31 जुलाई 1986 को पुनः प्रा…
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ASSASSIN’S APPRENTICE by ROBIN HOBB THE LEFT HAND OF DARKNESS by URSULA K LE GUIN All hail King Smart, Page-O’s! This episode is a genre fiction double-shot as Andrew checks out the Six Duchies and lets us know what he thought of Robin Hobb’s Assassin’s Apprentice (Toby has opinions). Meanwhile, Bailey travels light years away to the planet of Geth…
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ASSASSIN’S APPRENTICE by ROBIN HOBB THE LEFT HAND OF DARKNESS by URSULA K LE GUIN All hail King Smart, Page-O’s! This episode is a genre fiction double-shot as Andrew checks out the Six Duchies and lets us know what he thought of Robin Hobb’s Assassin’s Apprentice (Toby has opinions). Meanwhile, Bailey travels light years away to the planet of Geth…
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Sahitya Akademi and Vyas Aamman awardee Nasira Sharma pens a poignant story of how amidst mindless violence and bleak poverty, humanity sprouts in small gestures and kind words. साहित्य अकादमी और व्यास सम्मान पुरस्कार विजेता नासिरा शर्मा द्वारा लिखी मार्मिक कहानी जिसमे हिंसा और दरिद्रता के बीच पनपती है इंसानियत और करुणा।#hindi #kahani,#hindisahitya…
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THE GUEST by Emma Cline / THE PROSPECTS by K.T. Hoffman This week, we review the classic film BULL DURHAM...I mean...we review books! After Toby writhes in the tense discomfort of Emma Cline's THE GUEST, Bailey joins the minor league with THE PROSPECTS, a romantic sports comedy featuring a bevy of trans joy. Finally, Andrew takes us out to the ball…
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THE GUEST by Emma Cline / THE PROSPECTS by K.T. Hoffman This week, we review the classic film BULL DURHAM...I mean...we review books! After Toby writhes in the tense discomfort of Emma Cline's THE GUEST, Bailey joins the minor league with THE PROSPECTS, a romantic sports comedy featuring a bevy of trans joy. Finally, Andrew takes us out to the ball…
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Vijaydan Detha, popularly knowne as “Bijji”, spent several decades collecting folk stories from in and around his village Borunda in rajasthan. In their retelling his stories straddled myths and legends, reality and fantasy, observation and a commentary on the world of his beloved Rajasthan. His work received national and international acclaim – he…
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SLEEPING MURDER & A MURDER IS ANNOUNCED by Agatha Christie / THE TURNOUT by Megan Abbott Miss Marple has entered the chat! This week our valiant hosts cover not one - but two! - Agatha Christie mysteries, SLEEPING MURDER and A MURDER IS ANNOUNCED. Will they solve the crime before the murderer strikes again?? And - if that wasn't enough intrigue for…
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SLEEPING MURDER & A MURDER IS ANNOUNCED by Agatha Christie / THE TURNOUT by Megan Abbott Miss Marple has entered the chat! This week our valiant hosts cover not one - but two! - Agatha Christie mysteries, SLEEPING MURDER and A MURDER IS ANNOUNCED. Will they solve the crime before the murderer strikes again?? And - if that wasn't enough intrigue for…
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Love is a complex emotion. One that few have been able to understand, let alone explain. Mannu Bhandari delves into the mind of a young woman at crossroads, as she tries to untangle the emotions she feels for the two men in her life.There are few love stories as candid and powerful as this one. The story was made into a memorable film by Basu Chatt…
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GHOSTS by Edith Warton / FAMILY MEAL by Bryan Washington Set your plates and don your capes, Page-O’s! This week on the pod Toby dives into GHOSTS by Edith Wharton, which is, well, maybe you can guess what it is. Bailey dines on FAMILY MEAL by Bryan Washington, Andrew serves up a game of ghostly food, and all the hosts absolutely tear apart the New…
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GHOSTS by Edith Warton / FAMILY MEAL by Bryan Washington Set your plates and don your capes, Page-O’s! This week on the pod Toby dives into GHOSTS by Edith Wharton, which is, well, maybe you can guess what it is. Bailey dines on FAMILY MEAL by Bryan Washington, Andrew serves up a game of ghostly food, and all the hosts absolutely tear apart the New…
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TURTLES ALL THE WAY DOWN by John Green / THE LAST HOUSE ON NEEDLESS STREET by Catriona Ward In today's new episode, Andrew tries desparately to make John Green notice him, while Bailey tries desperately not to spoil the book she spoiled for herself. Plus, Bailey shares the shameful result of a trip to a romance bookstore, Andrew brags about his dre…
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TURTLES ALL THE WAY DOWN by John Green / THE LAST HOUSE ON NEEDLESS STREET by Catriona Ward In today's new episode, Andrew tries desparately to make John Green notice him, while Bailey tries desperately not to spoil the book she spoiled for herself. Plus, Bailey shares the shameful result of a trip to a romance bookstore, Andrew brags about his dre…
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मुग़लों ने अपनी सल्तनत अंग्रेज़ों को कब और कैसे बक्शी, ये जानिए गप्पबाज़हीरो जी से। लेकिन अगर वाकयी हिंदुस्तान पर अंग्रेज़ी हुकूमत के पीछे की कहानी पता लगानी है तो William Dalrymple और Anita Anand की podcast 'Empire' सुनिए यहाँ - Thumbnail Art:Title: Shah 'Alam, Mughal Emperor …
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THE NINE BILLION NAMES OF GOD (and RENDEZVOUS WITH RAMA) by Arthur C. Clarke / ARE YOU THERE, GOD? IT'S ME, MARGARET. by Judy Blume Fellow "pleasures to have in class," join us this week for Toby's rollercoaster of a review plus a short journey through Bailey's puberty. First, Toby surprises us all with a review of the film ARMAGEDDON...oh wait, we…
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THE NINE BILLION NAMES OF GOD (and RENDEZVOUS WITH RAMA) by Arthur C. Clarke / ARE YOU THERE, GOD? IT'S ME, MARGARET. by Judy Blume Fellow "pleasures to have in class," join us this week for Toby's rollercoaster of a review plus a short journey through Bailey's puberty. First, Toby surprises us all with a review of the film ARMAGEDDON...oh wait, we…
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Shrilal Shukla was a civil servant and a very observant one too! What he saw around him the hinterlands of Uttar Pradesh and in the corridors of power in big cities gave him ample material for his rich life as a writer. Rural decay and urban apathy, all found their way in his satirical novels. The best known of which remains ‘Raag Darbari’. The nov…
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THE SONG OF ACHILLES by Madeline Miller SPEECH TEAM by Tim Murphy Prepare your position papers and make sure you have your humorous interpretation memorized, because this week, Bailey dives into SPEECH TEAM by Tim Murphy! High School competition not really your style? That's okay, Andrew has plenty of thoughts about Madeline Miller's bestselling no…
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THE SONG OF ACHILLES by Madeline Miller SPEECH TEAM by Tim Murphy Prepare your position papers and make sure you have your humorous interpretation memorized, because this week, Bailey dives into SPEECH TEAM by Tim Murphy! High School competition not really your style? That's okay, Andrew has plenty of thoughts about Madeline Miller's bestselling no…
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There are some relationships that have copious amounts written about them, and then there are a handful that we seldom read about. One such is that of a father-in-law and daughter-in-law. In India their conversations are seldom spoken about, often buried under the heavy burden of familial hierarchy. This story by Ajay Jugran offers a glimpse of ten…
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THE LATHE OF HEAVEN by URSULA K LE GUIN / THE MOST FUN WE EVER HAD by CLAIRE LOMBARDO Dream a little dream of us, Page-O’s! In this episode, Toby gives an ‘effective’ review of Ursula K Le Guin’s THE LATHE OF HEAVEN plus an explanation of what exactly a lathe is. Then Bailey has a rip-roaring good time reviewing Claire Lombardo’s THE MOST FUN WE EV…
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THE LATHE OF HEAVEN by URSULA K LE GUIN / THE MOST FUN WE EVER HAD by CLAIRE LOMBARDO Dream a little dream of us, Page-O’s! In this episode, Toby gives an ‘effective’ review of Ursula K Le Guin’s THE LATHE OF HEAVEN plus an explanation of what exactly a lathe is. Then Bailey has a rip-roaring good time reviewing Claire Lombardo’s THE MOST FUN WE EV…
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1960’s was an era of literary experimentation and introspection. The stories often reflected on the juggernaut of rapid urbanisation and the social changes transforming post-independence India. Gyanranjan, despite having written far fewer stories than his contemporaries became one of the most popular names in Sathotri Sahitya (literature of the 60’…
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THE SPLENDID AND THE VILE by Erik Larson / BEACH READ by Emily Henry In this episode, we get to talk about two of our favorite authors--Emily "The Love Book" Henry and Erik "The Larsman" Larson. Will we be able to stop ourselves from reading every book they've ever written? Will we ever stop talking about Winston Churchill's bathtime? Will our coll…
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THE SPLENDID AND THE VILE by Erik Larson / BEACH READ by Emily Henry In this episode, we get to talk about two of our favorite authors--Emily "The Love Book" Henry and Erik "The Larsman" Larson. Will we be able to stop ourselves from reading every book they've ever written? Will we ever stop talking about Winston Churchill's bathtime? Will our coll…
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Shekhar Joshi was born in Almora, Uttarakhand. His stories carried his home in them. An important voice in the ‘Nayi Kahani’ movement of Hindi literature, Joshi’s stories talked of the struggles of his people, their poverty, exploitation and resistance. This story ‘Dajyu’ was also made into a film by the Children’s Film Society of India. ​​हिंदी सा…
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PALE BLUE DOT by Carl Sagan / THE GIFT OF FEAR by Gavin de Becker Toby makes his triumphant return to the podcast only to reveal his greatest shame yet! While "reviewing" PALE BLUE DOT, he makes us question how much we all care about space. Next, Bailey dives into THE GIFT OF FEAR, a thrilling self-help book that demonstrates why you should listen …
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PALE BLUE DOT by Carl Sagan / THE GIFT OF FEAR by Gavin de Becker Toby makes his triumphant return to the podcast only to reveal his greatest shame yet! While "reviewing" PALE BLUE DOT, he makes us question how much we all care about space. Next, Bailey dives into THE GIFT OF FEAR, a thrilling self-help book that demonstrates why you should listen …
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देश का राजनैतिक तापमान बढ़ता जा रहा है। इस पसीने छुड़ा देने वाली रस्साकशी के माहौल में दो पल रुक कर मीठे व्यंग का शरबत पीजिये। और हाँ, एक सहानुभूति भरी नज़र ज़रा उस छुटभैये नेता की ओर भी जिसका भविष्य हर इलेक्शन से पहले थाली में कंचे सा डोलता है।As the mercury rises on the nation’s elections, we are all sure to get caught in the crossfire of barbs and b…
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THE UNWOMANLY FACE OF WAR by Svetlana Alexievich / UNDER THE BANNER OF HEAVEN by John Krakauer The choosening really brought some heavy hitters to the book nook this time--these tomes pack a punch! First Andrew learns about the women of the Soviet Army during World War II in Nobel Laureate Svetlana Alexievich's THE UNWOMANLY FACE OF WAR, a harrowin…
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THE UNWOMANLY FACE OF WAR by Svetlana Alexievich / UNDER THE BANNER OF HEAVEN by John Krakauer The choosening really brought some heavy hitters to the book nook this time--these tomes pack a punch! First Andrew learns about the women of the Soviet Army during World War II in Nobel Laureate Svetlana Alexievich's THE UNWOMANLY FACE OF WAR, a harrowin…
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