😎 Somos um Nerdcast RPG da Shopee 👍 🎧 Podcast de RPG Sonorizado 🎲 ‼️Escute a gente pelo link abaixo 👇🏾 https://beacons.ai/quackmire_rpg
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RPGClinic campaigns deliver professional storytelling, performances, and tech to bring RPGs to life for veterans and new players alike. There will be laughter, tears… and many double-entendres. Current Campaign: Werewolf the Apocalypse: Montreal by Moonlight. Previous Campaigns: ExalTwitch: Nexus, Changeling: The Streaming, Star Wars: Reach, ExalTwitch: Academy, Changeling: Riverwild, Blades in the Dark: Whispers in the Water, and Avatar Legends: The Mirror Scale.
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Nerdy actual play with epic stories and fascinating facts. Tales of danger, drama, nonsense and joy - plus lore-drops on our favourite topics! UK-based TTRPG show, live on Wednesdays from 7pm.
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Transplanar RPG is an all-transgender, people of color-led dark fantasy actual play series streaming THE CHAOS PROTOCOL Saturdays at 8pm ET on Twitch. Podcast episodes drop Tuesdays and Thursdays. Transplanar RPG is GMed by Connie Chang and produced by Sea Thomas.
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Join Stu Horvath and John McGuire as they delve into their favorite tabletop roleplaying games from the past, present and future!
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Produção de podcasts e conteúdo envolvendo o RPG.
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Join the RPGFan crew as they play through and discuss classic RPGs and adventure games!
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The Valentyne Heresy: A Warhammer 40K RPG is a Dumb-Dumbs & Dice live-play podcast where professional voice actors and improvisers journey into the grim darkness of the 41st millenium - playing the Genesys adaptation of Warhammer 40K's "Dark Heresy" TTRPG! Join Inquisitor Lucius Valentyne, and hive-bred siblings Lyric and Alto, as this unlikely trio try to save the Emperor from a cabal of mysterious enemies! This series features our Game Master Tom McGee (@mcgeetd), and regular players Ryan ...
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This Podcast is about grinding your way through life stirring up controversy and trying to play a few RPGs along the way.
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Podcast gravado em forma de RPG; cada episódio, um novo mundo fantástico, uma nova história fechada, com início, meio e fim.
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Thanks for being a Supporter of RPG Bookclub!
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Kat Bailey, Nadia Oxford, and Eric Van Allen explore Final Fantasy, Skyrim, and all the best in the wonderful world of role-playing video games! Support us on Patreon: https://patreon.com/bloodgodpod
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RPG Backtrack is a podcast in which we reflect upon some of the staple titles in this wide-ranging genre.
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The RPGBOT.Podcast is a thoughtful and sometimes humorous discussion about Tabletop Role Playing Games, including Dungeons and Dragons and Pathfinder as well as other TTRPGs. The discussion seeks to help players get the most out of TTRPGs by examining game mechanics and related subjects with a deep, analytic focus. The RPGBOT.Podcast includes a weekly episode; and The RPGBOT.News and The RPGBOT.Oneshot. You can find more information at https://rpgbot.net/ - Analysis, tools, and instructional ...
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Join Sam, Bernard and Trish as they play through classic RPGs together, pausing each week to talk about what has happened so far, and speculate, and discuss, and all those good things that bookclubs do.
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A discussion-based podcast for GMs where we break down horror ttrpg scenarios for systems like Call of Cthulhu and Delta Green, discuss what worked for us, what didn't, what changes we made while running them, and how it all turned out for the table. Additional special topics include general game philosophies, advice, and occasional actual plays.
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The Thirsty Mage is the pub where friends meet to have a drink and talk about their favourite new and retro RPGs. Whether specific games or RPG related topics, the pub is always open for positive discussion.
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Follow along and have some fun, in one of the longest running Real Play Podcasts.
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Audio only versions of our LIVE Twitch events
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A family friendly roll playing podcast based in the world of Dungeons and Dragons. The Dice Tower team takes you through epic stories and battles that will make you laugh.
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Athena returns to her hometown to root out a conspiracy at the heart of the city.
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James D'Amato, the creator of One Shot and Author of The Ultimate RPG series for Adams Media invites you to join him in getting to know some of your favorite creative people by listening to them create. Every other week he invites a new guest to discuss their latest work and creative process before joining him in a character or worldbuilding exercise from the Ultimate RPG series. Gain insight and watch inspiration with The Ultimate RPG Podcast!
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ProfPlaysGames (from the Prof and Dev Plays Games podcast) has a huge backlog of RPGs that he'd love to play through, and he has friends he'd like to play them with. So he smashed those two lovely things into an RPG-playing, RPG-talking podcast! Here you'll find regularly published episodes, diving deep into the RPGs of yore.
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Morning does not rise this day on Barovia, and the gloom is darker than ever in this domain of dread. Four Barovians are going to experience what it truly means to survive the end of days. Perch on the shoulder of the Unnamed and follow this new Dungeons & Dragons adventures set in the gothic horror world of Ravenloft.
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The staff of RPG Site discuss role-playing video game news, new releases, retro classics, and go off on lengthy off-topic tangents based on current events in gaming and beyond.
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The show where you can learn from our mistakes... We talk about our games, and the lessons we learned while playing them.
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The world’s biggest tabletop RPG weekly news show! News and chat about Dungeons & Dragons (and other tabletop roleplaying games) since June 2018! Now recording LIVE on YouTube every Friday at 2pm UK time (9am Eastern).
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The Lazy RPG Talk Show and the Lazy GM Prep show. D&D news, commentary, spotlights, Q&A, and lazy GM prep with Mike Shea of Sly Flourish.
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Duas amigas feministas discutem RPG e contam suas histórias de caquita toda quarta e sexta e alguns domingos a gente coloca a mão na massa e joga na Twitch.
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A bi-monthly podcast where hosts Brent and Nick sit down with a guest to discuss classic RPGs.
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Join the staff of RPGFan as they discuss the wide world of RPG music both old and new.
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A podcast exploring the intersection of metacognition and tabletop gaming. Join educator Lucas Hutson and clinical therapist Josh Pate-Terry as they discuss tabletop role-playing games and bring some of their professional experience to help make our games better. Let's think about how we think at our game table.
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Join Jeff & Seth as they take you through TTRPG game systems, 3rd party modules, community game aides, industry news, and more!
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That RPG Podcast is a podcast about tabletop roleplaying games and the art of game mastery, where we create roleplaying game adventures on the fly from prompts submitted by our listeners.
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We post our actual plays for listeners as well as discuss folk, indie and old school tabletop roleplaying games.
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A Forja é um podcast de bate papo que discute, de forma descontraída, sobre o universo Nerd e de RPG. Uma produção RPG Next. Acesse os conteúdos exclusivos se tornando um apoiador em https://apoia.se/rpgnext
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Join the Party! Wayfinder Legends is a Pathfinder 2e RPG with a great group of friends around the table and microphones. We hope to channel the ADVENTURE and LAUGHS with awesome Pathfinder content that you can enjoy with us until YOUR next gaming session!
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Nastygram is an actual play RPG podcast that is all about the game! We might take our RPG nerdage seriously but not ourselves. Our goal is for you to feel like you are at the table with us as we build stories collaboratively across a variety of game worlds and systems while keeping the authentic feel of tabletop roleplaying amongst friends. Join us weekly to listen and let's get Nasty!
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Join the staff of RPGFan as they discuss the latest news and topics in the world of role-playing games.
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A podcast about the Traveller RPG, Cepheus Engine, and Traveller derivatives, produced by Super Adventure Friends Co.Send your praise, questions, and comments to SafcoMailbag@gmail.com
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Nosso principal programa, o Tarrasque na Bota (TnB), surgiu com um grupo de jogadores que se reuniram para jogar e gravar as partidas do RPG Dungeons and Dragons 5ª edição. Hoje ele conta com novos sistemas, novas aventuras, novos mestres e jogadores. Nosso diferencial é o tom de humor nas interpretações e edição em formato de áudio-drama. Uma produção RPG Next. Acesse os conteúdos exclusivos se tornando um apoiador em https://apoia.se/rpgnext
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From old-school games, to new narrative systems, from the sublime to the ridiculous, we’ve got Actual Play RPGs for every taste. Our APs are unedited, but have some of the best role-players and GMs you will ever see (or hear!) in action. If you are looking for shows that make you feel like you are sitting at the table with friends, look no further!
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If you're having fun, you're doing it right!
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O Movimento RPG é um site que busca levar o RPG cada vez mais longe. Entregando material de qualidade para mestres e jogadores. Iniciantes e veteranos encontram no nosso site, material para ajudar em seu início (iniciantes) ou expansão de horizonte (veteranos). No portal possuimos dois podcasts, o MRPG Podcast que é lançado mensalmente no dia 10 e trás alguém do mundo RPGistico para tomar uma bebida e falar sobre um assunto relevante aos RPGistas. E o Dicas de RPG que é lançado semanalmente ...
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Lazysloth's RPG (formerly Vanguard) is a monthly actual play tabletop roleplaying podcast featuring a Sloth and his many friends. We've play a different system every campaign to keep things spicy. Our podcast is kept family friendly by a team of baby sloths that edit out the bad words. We post our episodes on the 15th every month. Tune in to the goofs!
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Eigentlich wollte Baselle nur Ersatzteile kaufen. Eigentlich war er nur ein Farmer. Doch plötzlich findet er sich auf diplomatischer Mission im Novaheim Sektor wieder, zwischen Intrigen und unerforschten Winkeln des Alls. Und dann ist da ja noch diese Kleinigkeit. Baselle hat vor, eine Sonne zu stehlen. Ich spiele das Solo-Rollenspiel Ironsworn Starforged! Ein Actual-Play Podcast.
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Old Dragon Online - Taverna do Anão Tagarela #165
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50:15Igor Detona, Gustavo Estrela, Julio Monteiro e Guilherme Mir falam sobre Old Dragon Online nessa taverna. Venha entender melhor sobre esse serviço de organizações de fichas e campanhas para Old Dragon 2ª Edição, saber mais sobre a evolução da plataforma e os planos para seu futuro. A Taverna do Anão Tagarela é uma iniciativa do site Movimento RPG, …
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Bastion Episode 0: Love for Supergiant Games
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29:11Travis and Prof are back for a new arc: Bastion from Supergiant Games. Here, they dig into the general facts of the game and discuss their history with Supergiant Games' games.
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Critical Hit #782: The Narwhal Opens (PANS01E94)
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39:15In this installment of Critical Hit, a Major Spoilers TTRPG Podcast: The spell is cast, the cost is paid, and the doorway to Carcosa opens! Character sheets and battle map images for this episode are available at Patreon.com/MajorSpoilers Show your thanks to Major Spoilers for this episode by becoming a Major Spoilers Patron at Patreon.com/MajorSpo…
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526 Por que se fala mal de D&D, GURPS e Vampiro?
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40:13A gente tá sempre descascando D&D, GURPS e Vampiro, mas será que é de graça? Hoje contamos com a presença da Mônica de Faria e do Julio Matos pra entender por que eles não são tão bons como muitos querem que a gente acredite. Confira os jogos do Julio na Secular Games, e seus escritos no Substack Quem quiser anunciar com a gente, pode entrar em con…
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Bonus Episode- Barkley, Shut up and Jam: Gaiden
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21:33Kyle goes solo in this mini episodeبقلم The RPG Show
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229 | Project Sigil Sunsetting, TTRPG Print Prices Up 50%, Shadowdark, Magnus Archives, Fallen London
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1:18:09Back after a week off (our first ever?) we'll be talking about D&D's Project Sigil cancellation, THREE new million-dollar crowdfunders, increasing print-on-demand print costs, and more! Livestreaming as always today at 2pm UK time (10am EDT)! DriveThruRPG Print-on-Demand Prices Going Up By As Much As 50% In The US New Ravenloft Novel Heir of Strahd…
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Victory Lap 029 - Arthur! Ready to Race GOTY 2000
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31:22Thanks for being a supporter of RPG Bookclub! In Victory Lap, the RPG Bookclub gang talks about whatever random topics come to mind after recording the regular episode. This episode was recorded after RPG Bookclub Unplugged - Steam Spring Sale Spectacular.بقلم RPG Bookclub
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The Campaigns: Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen. Episode 33
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42:59https://therpgacademy.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/DL-ep33.mp3 Hello and welcome to The Campaigns, the Actual Play podcasts from The Rpg Academy. Here is episode 26 from our live streamed game The RPG Academy Presents: Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen. Chris Burlew (@Burlew_Chris) our GM for this series. Overview: The world has ended, and …
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The Chaos Protocol | Arc Three | E22: who shiver and weep
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1:04:43Xainan gets inked. Lumièra retraces her steps. Seir wins a stuffed sheep for Ying He. And Rho resonates with a Time mage. Content warnings: food, eating, romance, kissing, complex relationships, blood, shaving, death of loved ones, grief, memory loss, and references to sex and war. Arc Three is proudly sponsored by Hero Forge, a website where you c…
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Shopping Cliffhanger – Dragon Empire Prep Session 17
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42:23Mike prepares the next session of his Tales of the Valiant Dragon Empire campaign. Visit the Sly Flourish Blog Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Podcast Support Sly Flourish on Patreon Buy Sly Flourish Books Midgard Worldbook Tales of the Valiant Obsidian for TTRPGs…
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The Inquisitorial band are in trouble on Mars! Valentyne (Ryan LaPlante, @theryanlaplante) barely dodged a death by scarabs, Attikus (Tyler Hewitt, @Tyler_Hewitt) used his brawn to protect the band, Gideon (Josh Halbot, @baesier_crane) led his fellows directly into capture by the Crimson Thatch chapter, and Morgan (Del Borovic, @deltastic) was disc…
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RPG Bookclub Unplugged - Steam Spring Sale Spectacular
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44:31We didn't have time to play Lufia II this week, so here's an episode where we recommend games in the Steam Spring Sale (ending Thursday 3/20/25 at 10:00 AM PT). Visit rpgbook.club to pitch in and unlock cool rewards, including a weekly bonus episode! Check out https://linktr.ee/rpgbookclub for our Discord server and our socials!…
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S1:E37 – Unland - Dissection with Scott Dorward
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1:56:29Episode Notes In this episode, we dissect and reanimate the Call of Cthulhu scenario UNLAND written by Scott Dorward, with the author himself! We dissect the creepy amusement park rides and talk about Silent Hill 2 more than a bit, while Scott shares how he runs this scenario very differently than written, as the scenario that made it to print beca…
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Episode 25 | Brambletrek: Tales In The Hundred Acre Wood Playtest Preview
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55:36Imagine stepping into the heart of the Hundred Acre Woods, where rustling leaves whisper secrets and a gentle breeze carries hints of honey and adventure. Yet today, something is off—an eerie silence replaces familiar laughter, and the once cozy paths seem mysterious. Jeff & Seth got early access to Brambletrek: Tales In The Hundred Acre Wood, a ne…
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Atelier Yumia Review and Series Primer w/ Lucas White
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1:30:48The only two good things to come out economic recession. Eric, Nadia, and special guest Lucas White are here to give the long-running, cult-classic Atelier series it's flowers. But can the latest entry, Yumia, hang with the Ryzas and the Maries and the Irises and the Eschas and the Logys? Listen up to find out! Tune in to live recordings of the sho…
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In the aftermath of a terror-filled battle, Inara, Boddy, Fawin, and Plame each deal with their near-death experiences in ways which reveal more of their inner selves. With treasure and opportunity before them, the Heroes of Breachill ponder what to do next. Special Thanks: Theme Music - "Together We Rise" by Wind Rose (used with permission) Sound …
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Carnival of Crime, Part 3! (Mutants & Masterminds, 3E)
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28:15Dusty and Tanner discuss the conclusion to their Mutants & Masterminds game, and cover the volatility of 1-on-1 combat encounters, sidestepping GM prep, luck rolls, and how to talk GM-to-player instead of GM-to GM. Carnival of Crime, Part 3: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11D7cdBx1fZtZ7FK483V8um6RSWY6qb7P/view?usp=sharing Dusty's Mutants & Masterm…
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ReZero RPG | A Rota do Orgulho: Fomos Heróis - Ep. 01 | RPG Sonorizado
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31:46#rezero #rpgdemesa #animerpg. SINOPSE: Dois humanos são transportados para um mundo assolado por cultistas de bruxas. Após se tornarem guerreiros lendários e serem proclamados pilares da salvação, uma reviravolta inesperada abala seu caminho. Agora, precisam confrontar não só seus inimigos, mas as incertezas sobre o destino profetizado pelo oráculo…
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Neon Heat - S4 Episode 23 - Kinda Mandated
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1:30:47Athena indulges in bad habits. Sorry for the delay in posts, life has been hectic but we’re here to serve up another tasty episode! Join our show's Discord! Our Patreon Our Show's Website Crockett Waveshaper Marcus D Pinnacle Entertainment Groupبقلم RPG for You and Me
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The Four Coins - Episode 15 - Choices Choices
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1:54:32The Dice Tower continues their D&D adventure in the world of the Four Coins. Tom Vasel is the dungeon master and the others try to keep up. New adventures await!
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Is that the streetlight buzzing, or an insectoid monster wanting to lay eggs in my eye? This week on the Vintage RPG Podcast, we welcome the Goblin Archives on to chat about the Liminal Horror! A minimalist game spinning out of Cairn, LH has been wowing folks for a while with its sharp mechanics, spooky visuals and horrifying modules. And a Deluxe …
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RPG Backtrack 331 – Time Is On Our Side
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2:30:29It was 30 years ago this week that RPG legends Hironobu Sakaguchi, Yuji Horii, and Akira Toriyama gave Japan (and the U.S. five months later) their legendary RPG, Chrono Trigger. Does this beloved game hold up to the test of time? Find out with guests Pascal, Ryan R, Wheels, and Jahwon. The post RPG Backtrack 331 – Time Is On Our Side appeared firs…
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The Greatest Moments in RPGs - Part 2
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57:01The celebration continues, as David and Casey pick up the discussion in the PlayStation era in video games and chat about the greatest RPG moments in the early 3D era.
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Tetracast 386: A Post-Ryza World
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2:09:48In this episode, we go deep into the newest release of the long-running Atelier series as Chao and James review Atelier Yumia. Plus new NIS titles, a Trails in the Sky remake trailer, and more.بقلم RPG Site Staff
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Desperate Colonials - Session 8: Above and Beyond
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2:19:43Send us a text The Desperados finally scramble aboard their newly fixed free merchant ship to slip the surly bonds of Shar and touch the distorted blue of freedom.بقلم Sloth
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Criatividade nos Games: Como os Jogos Transformam Educação e Inovação | Jornal da Mix
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28:30🎮 Criatividade nos Games: Como os Jogos Transformam Educação e Inovação 🚀 O Rafael 47 teve o prazer de participar do Jornal da Mix Curitiba em um bate-papo incrível com Rapha Lobo sobre o impacto dos jogos eletrônicos no futuro da inovação. Falamos sobre: ✅ Como os games influenciam criatividade e desenvolvimento de habilidades✅ O … O post Criativi…
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Josh and Lucas tackle Verisimilitude. Should our games just be abstractions? How much truth is too much truth in the fantastic? Isn't that what mechanics are for? Josh and Lucas talk about the difference between feeling real and being realistic and more.بقلم RPG Psych
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Due to health issues, we have to postpone the release of the March episode to later this Month. We're not sure exactly when it will be published, but it'll appear in your feed as surely as razorvine grows on any unattended surface.بقلم Milestone RPG
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Baselle packt sein Tricksertalent aus und macht sich zwei Raben zum Feind.
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Adventures in the Void Ep46 - "Our Adventure Ends" - Episode 22 - Classic Traveller Actual Play
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1:39:20We see the fate of the Travellers. Kevin McLeod Incompetech https://incompetech.com/ Greg Gibson TMBR Zeal https://timbrzeal.bandcamp.com/ Get Classic Traveller for free! https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/355200/Classic-Traveller-Facsimile-Edition Come and join our games! https://discord.gg/YZkfWePb Mythic Mountains RPG logo owned by Myth…
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Cyberpunk Red Rising: Ep 5. Red Team (Everyday Heroes)
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58:10We come back to the other side of the brain dance and find that the crew we had gotten to know are actually the targets. Our new team is coming for them and will squeeze Baron in anyway they need to to get it, but types like him have a few hardwire tricks up their sleeves... Thanks to A Wilhelm Scream for intro music, "Walkin' with Michael Douglas"…
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Episode 17 - The Evolution of Actual Plays with Jeff Stormer!
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1:39:44EPISODE SUMMARY James is joined by Jeff Stormer in a discussion about Jeff's evolving sense of what "Party of One" is, the evolving perceptions of what actual play should be, and the possible negative side effects of that. They also talk about what WebFests mean to Jeff as an artist. In the second half of the episode they create a superhero with re…
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MDS1E17 – Pesadelo na Casa da Bruxa | RPG D&D 5e
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1:15:15Tarrasque na Bota apresenta: Maldição de Strahd, uma aventura do RPG D&D 5e. Episódio 17 – Pesadelo na Casa da Bruxa. Após um combate mortal contra um formidável inimigo, Bulgor, o Bárbaro, e Renesmee, a Bruxa Giomorgo, são traídos pela fada que os contratou. Separados do restante do grupo, são enviados para os planos do … O post MDS1E17 – Pesadelo…
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BOBS09 Jeremy Crawford | What About Bobs? | Mausritter
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2:51:26Join four unlikely mouse-heroes named Bob on an epic quest to uncover the secret of the mouse town of Steves. As they hunt for clues across the magical, critter-filled world of the Fairwilds, can the Bobs save the Steves before it’s too late? Maybe. The path is perilous and the world can be a dangerous place when you’re just a little mouse. System:…
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Adam Kovac has been on the show before with Jeffrey Jones of RPG Ramblings to discuss their Scoundrels of Brixton projects for 2d6 SF RPGs. Adam has recently started his own publishing imprint called Boondock RPG Adventures and has published a couple of adventures for Cepheus Engine or other 2d6 SF games. In this episode we catch up with him and fi…
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Vibes Not Visions: Tips to Manage Play Expectations in RPGs
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1:38:35In this episode of That RPG Podcast, we talk about managing the social contract at the table, simulating horror in RPGs, and wild magic golems run amok. We all come into the game with different expectations of play, with game masters looking to execute their vision for how the campaign will play out, and players looking to fulfill whatever archetyp…
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