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show episodes

Helio Peixoto

Helio Peixoto

Aqui você encontra as mensagens de 5 Minutos e as séries do Na Missão. Quem é o Helio Peixoto? Helio Peixoto é pastor e mestre da Palavra de Deus há mais de 20 anos. É o fundador da ACADEMIA DA FÉ COMUNIDADE CRISTÃ, onde publica seus ensinos na internet.
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Hello PEI

Mike Montague

Hello PEI is your insider’s guide to life, real estate, and culture in Prince Edward Island. Hosted by Mike Montague, a seasoned REALTOR® with RE/MAX Charlottetown, this podcast dives into the stories, people, and places that make PEI one of Canada’s most sought-after destinations. Whether you're a local, visitor, or considering a move to the Island, you'll discover market insights, lifestyle tips, and hidden gems that define Island life. 🎧 Subscribe for new episodes! 📩 Contact Mike: mike@gi ...
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Peine Pastors Podcast

Peine Ridge Church

Welcome to the Peine Ridge Church "Elders Meeting Aftershow" where we hang out to discuss theology and issues relevant to covenant members at Peine Ridge Church in Wentzville, Missouri. It’s like a bible study, covenant members gathering, elders hangout, and talk show all wrapped up into one! And it’s all about making disciples of Jesus Christ. So grab a another cup of coffee and let’s get started.
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Peixe Voador

Patricia Palumbo

Sobre a vida, sobre as maravilhas do dia a dia, sobre nossas buscas e ferramentas, sobre música e sobre livros, sobre vinhos, mar e viagens. O peixe voador é um animal marinho que plana sobre o mar. Um peixe que voa! Um dragãozinho da boa sorte. E mais que tudo é um podcast pra deixar o seu dia melhor. Patricia Palumbo é jornalista e marinheira. Apenas ouça.
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Peiling med Noresjø og Hagen

NHO Logistikk og Transport og Grønt landtransportprogram

Podcasten ”Peiling” med vertene Ole A. Hagen (NHO Logistikk og Transport) og Ingelin Noresjø (Grønt landtransportprogram). De diskuterer samferdselspolitikk, transport, logistikk og det grønne skiftet. Gjester i studio er ledende personer i samferdsels-Norge innen alle transportformer.
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我是PeiPei,喜歡吃、喜歡旅行,喜歡追求自己的理想,也喜歡陪身邊的人實現夢想。我在 2022 年 12 月開了一間店叫做 Yellow Monday,將會在節目裡分享開店創業的心路歷程和一些生活觀點,希望可以在這 Pei 你開店、Pei 你聊天,也希望你們一起 Pei 我創業! 在『Monday Mailbox』的單元裡,你會聽到我在 Yellow Monday 和客人發生的溫馨日常,也歡迎你們在簡介連結投稿生活中的小故事,我們一起度過美好的星期一。 在『Pei你聊天』的單元裡,我會分享我的近況,最近的生活感觸和體悟,一些心裡話,你可以準備一杯咖啡靜下心來,讓我 Pei 你聊聊天! 在『Pei我創業』的單元裡,分享開店過程會發生的各種大小事,我會怎麼思考和解決,或是邀請和創業相關的來賓來一起分享開店創業會遇到的事情和心境分享,希望你們大家一起,Pei我創業。 歡迎追蹤IG看我的日常:@peipeitalks 如果想聽到更多餐飲店家專訪、美食介紹 可以到我主持的另個節目『談話食間 Beyond Yo ...
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Zuckerstück + Peitsche

Rebecca & Mathias

Der Benjamin Blümchen „Fan Podcast“. Jeden zweiten Dienstag eine neue Folge mit Rebecca & Mathias! +++ Achtung: Enthält eine gehörige Portion schwarzen Humor & Satire – Nicht unbedingt für Kinder geeignet! +++
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Peilikuva Podcast

Peilikuva-podcast on ajatuksia, tarinoita ja kysymyksiä kauneudesta. Onko media vastuussa vaikutuksesta itsetuntomme? Voiko itsevarmuutta opetella? Millaista on edustaa seksuaalivähemmistöä? Näihin kysymyksiin parturikampaajat Emilia Laitinen & Elisa Alioravainen etsivät vastauksia tapaamalla huikeita haastateltavia, pohtimalla maailmaa ja haastamalla itsensä.
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Pei's Talk

Pei's Talk

哈囉 我是pei 準備進入20的女子 在這裡分享我的成熟與不成熟、快樂與難過 歡迎大家聽聽我的故事、經驗 有什麼好奇、疑問的也歡迎填寫表單和我互動! 表單: Powered by Firstory Hosting
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My name is David Cyrus MacDonald and I am a REALTOR® with RE/MAX Charlottetown and the host of Real PEI Podcast - formerly known as Chattel Fixtures PEI Real Estate Podcast. My goal with this show is to enjoy learning from interesting conversations about PEI real estate and to share those talks with you. Subscribe to this podcast to stay up to date with what is happening in the PEI real estate market. Learn more at or feel free to call or text me at 902.940.5455.
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Ein Podcast, bei dem nichts und niemand verschont bleibt. Ein Mix aus Humor, Ernsthaftigkeit aber auf jeden Fall der ganzen Wahrheit. Hast du Lust mir eine Rückmeldung zu geben oder willst du mal dabei sein? Dann schreib mir sehr gerne: Mail: [email protected] Insta: julikuenzler Fb: Julia Künzler
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Peilingen en Poppetjes

Peilingen en Poppetjes

Peilingen zijn palingen. Nou niet dus. Ginio Beij en Kamiel Reckman duiken de onderbelichte achtergrond van politieke campagnes, peilingen en de poppetjes in. Een politieke podcast over ... inderdaad, Peilingen en poppetjes.
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MGE Peine Podcast

MGE Peine

Wir sind eine lebensverändernde Kirchengemeinde in Peine, Deutschland! Bei uns in der MGE ist jeder willkommen. Wir feiern sonntags immer um 10:00 Uhr und um 11:30 Uhr Gottesdienst. Weitere Infos über uns findest auf
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In this free Podcast I share tips that will help you, the marketer society community, to build your online business fast by launching and creating high value coaching programs. Join this exclusive digital marketing community that focuses on getting you results as fast as possible even if you’re just starting out. Making money online doesn’t need to be confusing. In fact you need to be as focused and single minded as possible. This podcast will give you that absolute certainty that you need t ...
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The Pein Cast

The Lads Associate

Here we talk about many things, ranging from serious real life topics all the way down to anime and video games. We will have guests on the show from time to time to discuss topics as well. Thanks for stopping by!
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Os portugueses adoram peixe, mas apesar de chegarem perto de 200 espécies de pescado aos portos nacionais, o consumo está demasiado focado numa estrita dezena de variedades. Neste podcast, Edgardo Pacheco ajuda-nos a perceber que todo o peixe pode ser nobre.
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Welcome to the PEI Connects Podcast from PEI-Genesis, your go-to source for everything related to electrical connectors. Whether you're an electrical engineer, a technician or simply someone who wants to learn more about this exciting field, this podcast has something for you. From the basics of connector design to the latest advances in material science and manufacturing, we'll cover it all. PEI-Genesis is a leading global provider of custom engineered connector and cable solutions. PEI par ...
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Damchith Peiris' Podcast

Damchith Peiris

In our interview, you’ll get to know the real Simon Sinek. With YouTube videos watched nearly 30 million times, his magnetism is known worldwide. He reveals how he discovered why WHY is so important and how it drives everything, and why we need new business theories that put people first. Simon has some interesting views on Donald Trump, what makes a real CEO and what REAL innovation is.
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Hier diskutieren Tanja May und Janina Kirsch, was die Unterhaltungs-Welt beschäftigt. Hat Boris Becker seine Fehler wirklich eingesehen? Warum vermarkten die Wendlers ihr Baby ausgerechnet auf einer Erotik-Plattform? Und wer ist wohl die Böse im irren Liebes-Stress bei Familie Klein/Katzenberger? „Zuckerbrot und Peitsche“ erscheint samstags und analysiert die wichtigsten Leute-Meldungen der Woche.
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Welcome to Getting Retirement Right with your hosts Darrin McComas and Shon Peil where we strive to simplify your financial life and provide you freedom from taxes, risk, stress and poor advice. For more resources or if you have any specific financial questions contact us at The Getting Retirement Right podcast and related materials are provided for general information and entertainment purposes only and do not constitute accounting investing legal, tax or professional advice. ...
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Knäckebrot & Peitsche

Charlotte Karlinder & Anna Angelina Wolfers | Podimo

Knäckebrot & Peitsche – der Podcast von Charlotte Karlinder & Anna Angelina Wolfers. Für ihren gemeinsamen Podcast haben sich die beiden unterschiedlichen Medien-Frauen zwar nicht gesucht - aber sie haben sich definitiv gefunden. Und zwar auf eine sehr ungewöhnliche Weise, wie sie in Folge 1 ihres Podcasts verraten. Und so begeistert „Knäckebrot und Peitsche“ durch den ungeschminkten Austausch zweier starker Frauen, die mit viel Tempo, Empathie und Humor über Themen wie Beziehung, Körper, Fa ...
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Gibt es heute überhaupt noch Tabus? Wie vermeide ich peinliche Momente beim ersten Date? Und wie oft muss ich meine Unterhose eigentlich wechseln? Gerade Themen wie Sex, Dating und andere peinliche Dinge recherchiert man heutzutage lieber selber im Internet. Doch wenn es um den eigenen Körper und die eigene Gesundheit geht, ist die Scham offen zu reden, immer noch groß. Deswegen kümmert sich Wissenschafts-Redakteurin Clara Ott in “Peinlich, gibt’s nicht – schnelle Helfer” um eure Fragen – ga ...
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1 Q&A on Ayn Rand

Leonard Peikoff

Now you can find answers to urgent, real-life questions. Listen to Leonard Peikoff, the world’s leading authority on Ayn Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism, as he explores subjects of general interest, such as human relationships, career and morality. His answers are posted online every week, on Mondays. Some recent questions include: Is love more important than career? Can science answer everything? Is it proper to be competitive with one’s friends? What’s more dangerous: religion or socialis ...
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show series
No development has impacted the private equity market over the past year like the rise of semi-liquid and evergreen funds. Semi-liquid/evergreen funds are similar to mutual funds in that investors can buy in one day, sell another day and access a seeded portfolio from the moment capital is invested. GPs seemed to launch some kind of semi-liquid fun…
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🌊🏖️ From the famous red cliffs of Cavendish to hidden local gems, we’re diving into the best beaches Prince Edward Island has to offer. 🏝️ Whether you’re looking for the perfect sunset 🌅, the warmest waters 🌡️, or a quiet escape 🌿, this episode of Hello PEI will guide you to the island’s top coastal retreats. Don’t miss out on insider tips, local f…
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『Yellow Monday』和『逗可可』即將一起在松菸聯合出攤! 歡迎來吃現烤可頌鬆餅、宜蘭直達的可麗露,還有我們的聯名可頌露也會在這個週末重出江湖! 時間:2/22-2/23 12:00-20:00|地點:松菸文創大街(松菸誠品廣場對面) 這集和逗可可的 Andrea 來聊聊,當我們的店都經營一段時間後,遇到新進來勢洶洶店家品牌,我們會有什麼心情?哪些想法?會互相比較競爭嗎?還是創造一個共好的環境? 聽完節目後也歡迎追蹤 IG:@peipeitalks 我會不定期分享生活近況和『Yellow Monday』的小日記 如果有什麼希望我在節目分享的內容或問題也可以寄信到 [email protected]! 喜歡這個節目,也歡迎你小額贊助支持我繼續創作! https://op…
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Kanae, or Kanae-chan as I usually refer to her, just happens to be one of Japan’s most well-known Latin dancers. But to me what stands out more is how that happened, and that's all about her mindset and approach to dance. We met at a dance festival in Tokyo - actually she had a solo performance, and I managed to work up the nuts to ask her for a da…
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This episode is sponsored by Nuveen and Quinbrook Infrastructure Partners The state of renewable energy is a series of contradictions. On the one hand, solar panels are cheaper, but they may not stay that way with the threat of tariffs from the incoming Trump Administration. Distributed energy and behind-the-meter power generation are promising, bu…
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What does it take for new teams – first-time GPs and spin-out GPs – to succeed in today’s environment? That's a question we put to Warren Hibbert, founder and managing partner at Asante Capital, a placement agent and advisory firm. Asante has raised capital for firms including GRO Capital, eevolve, Maguar Capital Partners and Artá Capital. The firm…
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當金曲歌后徐佳瑩發現在 Uber Eats 上(應該)都點得到,居然狂點一波! 雖然點不到白馬和失落沙洲,但香水、辣椒或其他吃的用的都點得到~ 快上 Uber Eats 想要的都點點看⮕ —— 以上為 KKBOX 與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 每個月底會在『Monday Malibox』這個單元分享在 Yellow Monday 發生的日常! 有任何問題或想聽我分享的內容,都歡迎來信到 [email protected] 也歡迎追蹤IG:@peipeitalks 我會不定期分享生活近況和經營『Yellow Monday』的大小事! 如果喜歡這個節目,也歡迎你小額贊助支持我繼續創作! https://o…
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Sjefen i Rederiforbundet, tidligere samferdselsminister og miljøvernminister Knut Arild Hareide gjester Peiling. Vi går dypt inn i det grønne skiftet og maritim næring og trafikksikkerhet, men får også vite om Knut Arild ville prioritert jernbane på Østlandet eller broer i distriktene. Han er overhodet ikke en handyman, men leverer både baking og m…
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😃 😊 🎉 ☀️ 💛 🌸 🌞 What makes Prince Edward Island such a happy place to call home? In this episode, we explore the unique qualities that make PEI one of the happiest places in Canada. From its breathtaking coastal beauty and a strong sense of community to a slower pace of life and deep-rooted Island traditions, we’ll uncover why so many people find jo…
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Clarissa Pinkola Estés Audre Lord Hilda Hilst por Ledusha Floating Bear - Luiza Leite - Instruções Para Escrever Poemas Renato Felipe Cardoso Manuel Antonio Pina - O Coração pronto Para o Roubo (org. Leonardo Gandolfi / ed.34) Torquato Neto - Só Quero Saber do Que Pode Dar Certo (org. Tarso de Melo e Thiago E / ed. Impressões de Minas) MIcheliny Ve…
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With uncertainty surrounding potential U.S. tariffs, Prince Edward Island businesses and consumers are doubling down on Canadian-made products. From local campaigns to understanding the difference between ‘Product of Canada’ and ‘Made in Canada’, Islanders are taking steps to support homegrown industries—especially in sectors like dairy and poultry…
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California Public Employees' Retirement System, the US's largest public pension, last year introduced to its board a radically different method of investing: the total portfolio approach. TPA has already been adopted by multiple sovereign investors around the world, including Australia's Future Fund and the New Zealand Superannuation Fund. In this …
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Thinking about making the switch from oil heating to an electric heat pump? You’re not alone—and the Canadian government is making it more affordable than ever. With up to $10,000 in federal support through the Oil to Heat Pump Affordability Program and Canada Greener Homes Grant, homeowners can cut heating costs, reduce emissions, and upgrade to a…
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Ever heard of a place where winters take their time to leave, but the summers are pure magic. Welcome to PEI! Mainland friends always ask: What’s the weather really like? In this episode, we break it all down—snow, fog, sun, and storms—plus a few classic Island weather tales that prove you just have to live it to believe it. | PEI Real Estate | Pri…
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From Summerside’s ambitious East-West Housing Corridor to Stratford’s game-changing Crossroads development, Prince Edward Island is gearing up for a major real estate transformation. But with new building codes, sustainability goals, and a maze of permits, what does this mean for developers, homebuyers, and communities? In this episode of Hello PEI…
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