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show episodes
Der Podcast zur großen History-Dokureihe von ORF III. Eine Spurensuche nach den großen Themen von heute in unserer Geschichte. Die namhaftesten Historikerinnen und Historiker des Landes stehen Mariella Gittler Rede und Antwort über gegenwartsrelevante Themenkomplexe wie „Klima und Umwelt“, „Gesellschaft und Frauen“, „Ernährung und Gesundheit“, „Migration und Minderheiten“, „Demokratie und Menschenrechte“ u.v.m.
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עושים חשבון Osim Heshbon

רשת עושים היסטוריה

עומר מואב, פרופ' לכלכלה, ושירה הדס נקר, עיתונאית וחוקרת, מנתחים מדי פרק יחד עם מיטב המומחים את האירועים שמניעים את הכלכלה בארץ ובעולם.
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Parenting is full of decisions — starting the moment you learn you’re pregnant (sometimes before) and continuing indefinitely. For the past decade, Emily Oster has been a guide through the challenges of pregnancy and parenthood using data. She translates the latest scientific research into answers to the questions people have in their day-to-day lives. ParentData brings Emily together with other experts in areas of pregnancy and parenting to talk about some of the most complicated of these i ...
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Os comentadores não se livram do comentário. “Os Comentadores” é um debate feito a partir da análise do que dizem maioritariamente os comentadores de atualidade política na comunicação social portuguesa. Todas as semanas, os jornalistas Paula Cardoso, Pedro Tadeu e Nuno Ramos de Almeida dão opiniões alternativas nas páginas do AbrilAbril.
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A weekly report on the COVID-19 pandemic from infectious disease expert Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH. Dr. Osterholm is the director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) at the University of Minnesota and has spent a career investigating outbreaks. Since 2005, he has emphasized supply chain and other vulnerabilities and a critical need for pandemic preparedness. In this podcast, Dr. Osterholm dissects the latest COVID-19 news, data, and guidance. CIDRAP’s Chris Dal ...
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Jason Bell and two-time Super Bowl champ Osi Umenyiora take you through the biggest stories in the NFL. No script. No filter. Just two former players taking you into the locker room and inside the game. AN OFFICIAL NFL PODCAST A Platform Media Production
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עושים תוכנה Osim Tochna

רשת עושים היסטוריה

בועז לביא מגיש פודקסט על קוד, שפות תכנות, באגים היסטוריים ולמידת מכונה. "תוכנה זוללת את העולם", קבע המהנדס והיזם האמריקאי מארק אנדריסן. ואין ספק שזה נכון. זהו פודקאסט למפתחים ולמפתחות, ולכל מי שרוצה לדעת ממה עשוי עולמנו המפוקסל, זה שנבלע בבטן האלגוריתם. עמית בן דור, מייסד הפודקאסט (לצד חן פלדמן) יתארח בפרקים נבחרים
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Sylwia Planicka

Podcast z humorystycznymi opowiadaniami. Seria 1: Z kroniki osiedlowej - 10 opowiadań z życia mieszkańców pewnego osiedla, z narracją głównej bohaterki - ekscentrycznej nauczycielki fortepianu przed emeryturą, która klnie jak szewc (ale pracuje nad sobą na prośbę dorosłego syna), jest nietowarzyska i lubi kryminały.
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Ősi Pecsét

Ősi Pecsét

Ritka az olyan szellemi rendszer, amely az élet nagy kérdései mellett képes a XXI. században is alkalmazható, gyakorlatias választ adni mindennapi kérdésekre és problémákra. Csatornánkon arról beszélgetünk, milyen értéket képvisel számunkra, mai modern embereknek az ősi szellemi út, a taoizmus gyakorlása.
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Bruno Perini e Malu Perini são sócios no matrimônio, na vida e nos negócios. Toda quinta-feira você pode esperar um podcast muito divertido e com convidados especiais para falar de temas relacionados ao mundo do empreendedorismo, dinheiro e desenvolvimento pessoal.
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Österreich WTF?!

Sarah Grundner/Kathrin Quatember

Wir sind Kathrin und Sarah und unterhalten uns mit Menschen, die ihr aus völlig anderen Zusammenhängen kennt über außergewöhnliche Dinge, die ihr bisher nicht wusstet.
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Join us as we dive deep into the world of OSINT (Open Source Intelligence), exploring the tools, techniques, and strategies that help uncover hidden truths in publicly available data. Each episode features expert guests and real-world tradecraft, case studies, and practical tips for professionals and enthusiasts alike. Whether you're a seasoned investigator or just curious about digital sleuthing, Insights & OSINT by Greypike is your gateway to mastering the art of open-source discovery. Lea ...
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Dirk Neubauer

Das ist der Podcast von Dirk Neubauer. Landrat, vormals Bürgermeister, politischer Denker im lokalen Raum. Spiegel-Bestsellerautor und Mitbegründer des Denkwerkes Ost. Hier werden Themen des sächsischen Outbacks behandelt. Die letzte Meile der Politik will hier Denkanstöße platzieren, Debatten spiegeln und Einsichten geben in das, was uns im lokalen, politischen Kleinstraum beschäftigt.
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Os Meus Direitos

RDP Internacional - RTP

Rubrica semanal, da autoria de Isabel Flora e Graça Cabral da DECO. Aqui analisam-se questões de consumo que afetam a comunidade portuguesa residente no estrangeiro.
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O programa da Jovem Pan que revolucionou o jeito de noticiar política e economia, abordando os temas de modo crítico, em um formato de bate-papo e discussão aberta. Os Pingos nos Is alcançou a liderança da audiência no rádio e se tornou referência no segmento no YouTube.
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Poseidon is the god of the sea, Dionysus of wine and merrymaking, and Emily Oster? She’s the god of parenting. An economics professor at Brown University, Oster has built a massive and loyal audience by providing overwhelmed parents with the information and data they need to make solid and sound parenting decisions in a very confusing world. Her first book, Expecting Better: Why the Conventional Pregnancy Wisdom Is Wrong—and What You Really Need to Know, sold over a million copies and was tr ...
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A uniquely produced syndicated radio show by Dr. Kenya Oscar Radoli, the Technology Social Entrepreneur, that airs on Mawalking Radio (www.mawalkingradio.com), Pittsburgh's WRCT 88.3 FM (www.wrct.org), and Toronto's Asher Radio Prime (https://zeno.fm/radio/asher-radio-prime/) on Saturday at 8-10 pm EST. The show intentionally contributes to Pittsburgh's diversity programming and features Afro House, Soulful House, Reggae, Dancehall and a splash of Rhumba. Enjoy, subscribe, and support the gr ...
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Os Podrinhos

Podrinhos Podcast

Podcast sobre variedades, comandado por Guilherme Calciolari, Mileto Neto, André Serviuc, Leandro Bola, Patricia Giovanetti. Bora jogar conversa fora conosco!
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Mit dem Blick aus dem Osten schauen Anja Maier und Malte Pieper nach Berlin: Wer dealt mit wem und warum, welcher politische Schachzug bedeutet was und welchen Einfluss haben wir zwischen Rügen und Thüringer Wald eigentlich auf die Entwicklung an der Spree? Alle 14 Tage neu, immer freitags, ziehen sie einen Schlussstrich unter das politische Geschehen und fassen die Entwicklungen zusammen. Was bewegt die Politik? Was hemmt sie? Was bewirkt sie?
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עושים פוליטיקה Osim Politika

רשת עושים היסטוריה

פודקאסט על מאחורי הקלעים של הפוליטיקה הישראלית: טל שניידר צוללת לעומק הנושאים העומדים במרכז הפוליטיקה הישראלית, בעזרת פוליטיקאים, פקידי ממשל ואנשי מקצוע.
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Reach out to us directly for a faster response to purchase this or any course with discounted price. Email - amitvaz01@gmail.com Whatsapp - +62895391432806 Telegram - https://telegram.me/Subhsharma01 Visit - https://Courses4sale.pro You can check here our all available courses list and course proof here. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-g3UcbwkrneSXW7FM_NM2T6iKekOyItnXq1CNRURksI/edit?gid=0#gid=0
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Bare mellem os

Ekstra Bladet

Hvad sker der i kulissen på en tv-optagelse? Hvor går kronprins Christian i byen? Og hvad skal man lægge i det nye easter egg, Taylor Swift har lagt? Kom med indenfor, når Nikita Klæstrup og hendes skarpe panel kaster sig over ugens mest opsigtsvækkende og underholdende historier fra kendisverdenen og de kongelige gemakker. Forvent store armbevægelser, ærlige meninger og kærlige opsange - for det hele bliver bare mellem os. Nyt afsnit hver torsdag - lyt med der hvor du ellers lytter til dine ...
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Todos os países do mundo

Marcus Vinicius Biagio

O brasileiro que decidiu entrevistar todas as nacionalidades do mundo. Cada episódio, eu converso com um estrangeiro de nacionalidade diferente e o papo é em português. Rola também informações e curiosidade sobre os países para que os ouvintes fiquem situados sobre o país. Bora conquistar #Todosospaisesdomundo Página no Instagram: @tp.mundo.podcast
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show series
🎙️ Neste episódio, recebemos Rui Miguel Tovar. O Gil tem um projeto, o Canhoto gosta de bacalhau e o Blanco bate o recorde das vezes que alguém diz "Di Maria" num episódio.⚽ 🎯 Temas deste episódio: 🏆 Taça da Liga 🧱 Hjulmand e Florentino 🌫️ Nevoeiro do Porto na Madeira 🔥 Gostaste deste podcast? ✔️ Deixa o teu Like👍 ✔️ Subscreve 🛑 ✔️ Ativa as notific…
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Francisco Mendes da Silva fala sobre um caso de violações e exploração sexual com 14 anos no Reino Unido e que Elon Musk tornou agora viral. Rogério Alves discute a amnístia proposta pela Igreja Católica. Pablo Iglésias aborda a vontade que os EUA têm de invadir os seus vizinhos e o papel que a comunicação social tem em preparar o terreno. São os c…
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No quarto episódio da série do Starman, Luwig Sá, Reginaldo Yeoman, Maurício Dantas e Jamerson Tiossi discutem as edições 29-35, 37-41, 43 e 45 de Starman. Nesse recorte, o papo será em torno do “vilão” regenerado Bobo Bennetti, a viagem à mente de Grundy, o crossover com Shazam e os preparativos para a saga espacial de Jack Knight. *** E Read More…
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Masterclass gratuita! O maior trade da história: ⁠https://r.vocemaisrico.com/b0369226ed⁠ Bitybank é a corretora do Bruno Perini para comprar Bitcoin - abra sua conta: ⁠https://r.vocemaisrico.com/0e566a9fff⁠O Bitcoin, primeira moeda digital e a criptomoeda mais negociada do mundo, sinaliza estar no centro de uma transformação global que deve reconfi…
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Klimakongen Frederik taler varmt om klimaet, men kongehusets investeringer fortæller en mere sort historie. Ugens panel skal også se nærmere på tv-personligheden Emil Thorups ekstreme livsstil, som han håber kan give ham (næsten) evigt liv. Og så bliver vi nødt til at tale om, at Donald Trump vil købe Grønland, altså hvad sker der? Nyt afsnit af 'B…
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Happy New Year! | 0:00 | 1 | Criminals (Chromeo Remix) | Meghan Trainor | 2:40 | 2 | You Can Be the One (Original Mix) | Late Night Alumni | 5:35 | 3 | The Hard Way (Original Mix) | PNAU, Khalid | 8:02 | 4 | Told You So (Extended Mix) | Jex, Martin Garrix | 11:04 | 5 | Need To Feel Loved feat. Delline Bas | Reflekt, Delline Bass | 16:02 | 6 | Close…
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breve comentário aos textos bíblicos lidos em comunidade | Tempo de Natal – Família de Jesus C | Hospital de Santa Marta, Lisboa, 28 de Dezembro de 2024. 1 Samuel 1,20-28; 1 João 3,1-24 e Lucas 2,41-52. Instagram © Max Richter, All Human Beings – International Voices (Universal Music Operations Limited, 2020) – Todos los Seres Humanos (Narrado por …
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No programa de hoje Guilherme Calciolari, Leandro Bola e Mileto Neto fazem a retrospectiva do ano de 2024 em forma de Draft! Relembre os momentos, filmes, memes, músicas e episódios dos Podrinhos e escolha o vencedor do Draft na enquete! Sigam Os Podrinhos nas redes sociais: Twitter: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠@ospodrinhos⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Instagram: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠…
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Send us a text Der Protest gegen den AxD-Parteitag in Riesa war friedlich. Junge Menschen in Sitzblockade. Dazu Omas und Opas gegen Rechts. Dennoch lag von morgens an etwas in der Luft, was sich dann streckenweise entlud. Hundeeinsatz. Ein mutmaßlich von Polizei niedergeschlagener Landtagsabgeordneter und der zynische Hinweis der CDU im Nachgang, e…
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Barbara und Clemens diskutieren die lebensgefährlichen, undurchführbaren oder einfach nur vollkommen surrealen Alltagsexperimente aus DAS KNOFF-HOFF-BUCH (1987) und DAS NEUE KNOFF-HOFF-BUCH (1988) von Joachim Bublath und blicken gemeinsam ins Herz der Finsternis einer 90er-Jahre-Kindheit.
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Send us a text When you are ready to fully engage in Spiritual Warfare you must be certain that you do not take on False Responsibility. When you feel guilt, pressure or manipulation it can often be due to taking on False Responsibility. This teaching will help you to recognize False Responsibility and will give you the steps to be set free from it…
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Wir sind Kathrin und Sarah und unterhalten uns mit Menschen, die ihr aus völlig anderen Zusammenhängen kennt über außergewöhnliche Dinge, die ihr bisher nicht wusstet. Diesmal unterhalten wir uns mit Dani Brodesser über die Themen Mountainbiken, Skifahren, Fotografie, was Hobbies mit Teilhabe von Armutsbetroffenen zu tun haben, was jede*r von uns g…
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Ein neues Jahr und zwei fantastische Gäste: "Willkommen Österreich" meldet sich zurück aus der Winterpause und startet am 14. Jänner mit Gags, Gags, Gags und hochspannenden Talks in die Frühjahrssaison! Während Ex-Politikerin und Neo-Dancingstar Eva Glawischnig erstmals in den Marxpalast kommt, ist Musiker, Liedermacher und Autor Ernst Molden ein i…
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Ein neues Jahr und zwei fantastische Gäste: "Willkommen Österreich" meldet sich zurück aus der Winterpause und startet am 14. Jänner mit Gags, Gags, Gags und hochspannenden Talks in die Frühjahrssaison! Während Ex-Politikerin und Neo-Dancingstar Eva Glawischnig erstmals in den Marxpalast kommt, ist Musiker, Liedermacher und Autor Ernst Molden ein i…
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In the Wildcard Round of the NFL Playoffs, Jason Bell and Osi Umenyiora break down all the action, brought to you by 888 sport & La-Z-Boy—official partners of NFL UK and Ireland. Jason and Osi discuss Justin Herbert’s struggles in the LA Chargers’ loss to the Houston Texans, while Derrick Henry and Lamar Jackson led their teams to a dominant home v…
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Az év első epizódja egyben az évad utolsó része, amelyben visszatekintünk a Yang Fa Sárkány évére, hogy telt, mi valósult meg az előrejelzésekből, intelmekből. Arra is keressük a választ, hogy vajon milyen emberekké válunk 10 év múlva, ha a mai önmagunkból indulunk ki?:) Hallgassatok minket!
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בפרק הקודם של "עושים תנ"ך" דיברנו על מלחמה ושלום – על חוקי מלחמה בעולם העתיק. הזכרנו מספר קבצים של חוקים בעולם העתיק ואת הלך המחשבה המניח שהאל הוא חלק בלתי נפרד מהמלחמה עצמה. הפעם נרד לעומקם של דברים וננתח מקרה בוחן מהתנ"ך אותו נחקור בעזרתה של פרופ' נילי ואזנה מהאונ' העברית. הכוונה היא כמובן לדברים פרק כ'. לאיזו מלחמה מתייחס דברים כ'? האם מדובר בטק…
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Welcome to Tembo Sounds - The Culture, where Afro-House and Deep House rhythms come alive! This recorded mix takes you on a journey with Verified Buddha’s pulsating "Drugs & Drums," the soulful "Bambo Lwam" by AcaSoul MusiQ, and the captivating "Vuthelani" by THEMBA & Benchek. From Blanka Mazimela’s intricate "Three Is a Crowd" to Bob Ezy’s emotion…
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Reach out to us directly for a faster response to purchase any plugin, theme, script, code, or source code at a discounted price. Email - codeellipse@gmail.com Telegram - https://telegram.me/codeellipse Visit - https://codeellipse.com/ This plugin, source code, app script, or theme is now available for download. With over 6 years in business, acces…
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Reach out to us directly for a faster response to purchase any plugin, theme, script, code, or source code at a discounted price. Email - codeellipse@gmail.com Telegram - https://telegram.me/codeellipse Visit - https://codeellipse.com/ This plugin, source code, app script, or theme is now available for download. With over 6 years in business, acces…
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Reach out to us directly for a faster response to purchase any plugin, theme, script, code, or source code at a discounted price. Email - codeellipse@gmail.com Telegram - https://telegram.me/codeellipse Visit - https://codeellipse.com/ This plugin, source code, app script, or theme is now available for download. With over 6 years in business, acces…
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עושים חשבון מארחים את פרופסור אילן אלון, שמסביר מדוע לדעתו הביטקוין הוא הזהב המודרני, מרחיב על סוגי מטבעות דיגיטלים נוספים, ומסביר מדוע הביטקוין אינו בועה. צוות עושים חשבון מאתגר את הטענות. עוד בפרק: מה זה בכלל בועה, ודיון על בועות שאינן סכום אפס.بقلم רשת עושים היסטוריה
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Wenn er sich beleidigt fühlt, dann kennt er nur noch eines: Rache. Wer in sein Visier gerät, der wird mit der Maschinenpistole niedergestreckt. Mit dem Franz, da legt sich keiner an. Das ist die Geschichte des größten Serienmörders der Steiermark.Sieben Menschen müssen sterben, weil Franz Löcker sich beleidigt fühlt. Die Ermittlungen finden entwede…
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