Experience Colorado's Premier Rock Station In A Whole New Way. Travel Back And Forth Through Time With Interviews, Events, Bits, And Air Checks From KILO's 40+ Years Of Rocking.
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Der Kilometermacher erzählt Geschichten...
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Kilowatt is a podcast about electric vehicles (EVs) that covers various topics related to EVs, including the latest news and developments, the benefits and challenges of EVs, and the future of transportation. The podcast features interviews with experts in the field and provides in-depth analysis and information about EVs. It aims to educate and inform listeners about the latest trends and innovations in the EV industry. Support this show http://supporter.acast.com/kilowatt. Support the show ...
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Kilograme de fericire este un podcast născut din experiența mea cu obezitatea, prin care îmi propun să aduc inspirație în viața oamenilor care se confruntă cu kilogramele în plus. Vei găsi aici discuții cu specialiști dar și cu oameni care au o poveste relevantă în ceea ce privește implementarea unui stil de viață sănătos. Să îți fie cu inspirație.
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Join spiritual teacher and author Scott Kiloby as he offers unique insights on a variety of topics (consciousness, inquiry, trauma, emotional repression, ending suffering, extra-terrestrial/dimensional phenomena, culture, politics, and LGBTQIA issues). This podcast will bust myths, shatter illusions, and welcome a greater depth of understanding and heart-centered wisdom around consciousness and this absolutely crazy, profoundly beautiful unfolding we call life! Take this free repression test ...
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Welcome to Bodie, where amazing things happen.
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From Beautiful Downtown Merrifield in the shadow of the Mosaic District, it’s the Reddy Kilowatt Hour, presented Thursdays at 9 pm ET on Radio Fairfax (Fairfax, Virginia) and on Saturdays at 8 pm CET on WBRS Belgium. Hosted by a washed-up college DJ that is demonically possessed by a discredited cartoon spokesman for the electric industry. Reddy J Kilowatt is your rock and roll servant, featuring alt-rock, progressive rock, soul, occasional punk rock, deep tracks, forgotten classics, and bra ...
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Vielleicht kennt ihr uns von YouTube, vielleicht aber auch noch nicht! Tarik von den Elektrobays und Jonas von JÖNOHS reden wöchentlich gemeinsam über alles, was den beiden Auto-Verrückten so in den Sinn kommt! Als E-Auto-Experten wird es wohl öfter um Stecker, als Tankstellen gehen, aber es ist alles andere, als Lobhudelei von E-Nerds ;)
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Join the Electrifying.com team for a weekly wander through the world of electric cars. Whether you’re charging, relaxing, or trying to look busy for the boss with your headphones on, our round-up of the electric week is the perfect way to spend half an hour. Discover what the team has been up to, driving, reviewing and complaining about. We discuss the topics that really matter alongside the ones that really don’t. If you love electric cars or are merely window shopping, this is the podcast ...
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Stories. https://linktr.ee/sostkilo
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In de podcast 'Kilowattuur' ontdek je hoe de bedrijfsfiets meer energie kan trappen in je bedrijf.
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A microcast about my thoughts on technology, workflow and the world.
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This is about new music, if your tired of what's going on come here, Rap x Rock x alternative
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Die beiden Profi-Trailrunner Ida-Sophie Hegemann und Kim Schreiber unterhalten sich in diesem Podcast wöchentlich über Rennen, Training, aktuelle und kritische Themen aus dem (Trail) Running Sport und geben Einblicke in das Leben als Leistungssportlerinnen. Ehrlich, (selbst-) kritisch und ungefiltert wird hier von Wettkampfoutfit über Preisgelder bis hin zu zyklusbasiertem Training alles thematisiert, was kein Tabu-Thema sein sollte. Zudem werden sie das ein oder andere Mal den Blick über de ...
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I just doing me bro I'm scuffed asf
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This is a podcast about movies and TV as well as my attempting to start a business in which I make movies and TV shows.
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Podcast a dos voces entre @pigonna y @mg_ocio en el que hablamos de series, libros, pelis y mucho más. ¡DÉCIMA temporada!
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Welcome to Kilowatt-hour, EV Chronicle's podcast. Bringing you current electric vehicle news, reviews, interviews with other EV enthusists, adventures, and a little road noise.
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Podcast ruuhka-Suomen ulkopuolella. Äänessä urbaanit raahelaiset eli kaupunkiopas Hanna Leppikangas ja toimittaja Niko Peltokangas.
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A weekly radio show of new, exciting and rare releases from around the world. Specializing in Deep, Funky, Light Tropical and Jackin' UK House. This show does not disappoint!
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Podcast by KiLo
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Welcome to the Kilo The Kid podcast, Nutrition, Dreams, Goals, Fitness, MindPower, & SelfMastery
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Natürliche Blüten ohne Pestizide oder Herbizide sind gesünder für uns und umweltfreundlicher. Happykilos legt großen Wert auf die Reinheit ihrer Blüten und stellt sicher, dass ihre Produkte 100 % natürlich sind und keine Zusatzstoffe enthalten. Durch den Verzicht auf Pestizide und Herbizide trägt Happykilos dazu bei, eine nachhaltige Landwirtschaft zu fördern und schützt unsere Gesundheit.
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Giving out the best information on Health and Nutrition. Advanced Sports Nutritionist 🍕 Licensed Commercial Pilot ✈️ Certified Personal Trainer 💪🏻 Checkout Health By Kilo on Instagram and Youtube ASAP! 🔥 #HealthByKilo #KabirGrover
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Bienvenido/a a Kilómetro 226: un podcast de Adrián Aira en el que hablamos de Triatlón, salud y deporte de resistencia. En la primera temporada el objetivo fue la meta del Ironman de Hamburgo, algo que ya habrás podido escuchar. Para esta segunda temporada, continuamos con retos, entrenamientos, entrevistas y pruebas de material y consejos desde la perspectiva del deportista amateur. Aquí tendremos invitados especiales que nos acompañarán para hablar, como siempre, de esa gente normal que ha ...
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Super Fan Rachel and First Time Watcher Matt make their way episode by episode through the groundbreaking 1990's Canadian vampire cop television show, Forever Knight.
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Welcome to the Kilos Kaibigan Show podcast, where amazing things happen.
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10-minute weekly podcasts about the often bizarre experiences of a British expat in Greece
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The Kilo Loco Show is a podcast about topics in development, content creation, and entrepreneurship. The host, Kilo Loco, works in all three of these areas and use's this show as a creative outlet for relevant topics. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kiloloco/support
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Politics, philosophy, tech reviews, photography, writing, and general observations.
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Hey there, I share valuable action tips which will help you become emotionally, mentally and physically fit, positive, strong and confident. My holistic approach towards fitness has helped many, and hopefully, will help you too!
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In deze podcast gaan journalisten Lisanne van Sadelhoff en Rosanne Sies op zoek naar het verhaal achter een bermmonumentje langs een Gelderse N-weg. Ze stuiten op ongeluk na ongeluk, en beginnen zich af te vragen: wat is er met deze weg aan de hand? Benieuwd naar onze andere series? Zoek op 'Omroep Gelderland' in je podcastapp.
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Three women with different backgrounds and stages in their lives coming together discussing love in its entirety. From unconditional love, self love and even heartbreak, we share our stories in a hope of giving hope to others on their own personal quest to find their own love.
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Bienvenidos a KILOMETROS, un podcast en el que tratamos temas sobre carreras, entrenamientos, material, relojes, nutrición y todo lo que me apetezca, con la intención de ser un complemento a mi canal de YouTube y seguir aportando contenido de valor a la comunidad. 📩 Ponte en contacto conmigo en info@befinisher.com
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E' fin troppo facile prevedere che, tra i temi cruciali del XXI secolo, un ruolo di primo piano toccherà a quello della sostenibilità energetica. Per oltre 200 anni, dall'inizio della rivoluzione industriale ad oggi, tanto le tecnologie che i modelli di sviluppo sono stati elaborati su un presupposto che oggi mostra più di una incrinatura: la disponibilità di materie prime e combustibili fossili a basso costo. La trasformazione che ci attende, perciò, è estesa e profonda; ed è ormai comincia ...
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20 kilo geleden zat ik niet lekker in mijn vel. Ik had een laag zelfbeeld en zorgde niet goed voor mezelf. Dat is allemaal veranderd na het zien van een aflevering van Obese, die mij inspireerde om mijn leven om te gooien. Mijn eigen Lifestyle Change is nu meer dan 10 jaar geleden, en sindsdien heb ik de eer gehad om honderden mensen te helpen ook grip te krijgen op hun gewicht. In iedere aflevering van mijn podcast geef ik alles wat ik heb om jou te helpen de strijd met de kilo's ook te winnen!
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Echando Kilómetros - Conversaciones sobre running, natación, trail running, ultra running, triatlón y mucho más.
Jimmy Flores y Ana Belén Tapia Gómez
Conversaciones sobre runnning, natación y mucho más de dos novatos que solo quieren aprender.
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XXL-Helden - Abnehmen mit über 100 Kilo | Essgewohnheiten ändern & gesund abnehmen
Tim Gelhausen | Abnehmcoach für Schwergewichte, Lizenzierter Fitnesstrainer & Experte für gesunde Ernährung
Zeigt deine Waage eine 3-stellige Zahl an? Dann bist du goldrichtig hier. Nachdem ich 70 Kilogramm abgenommen habe, plaudere ich im XXL-Helden Podcast über meine Erfahrungen, Hürden und Probleme beim Abnehmen als Ex-Schwergewicht. Ich zeige dir, wie gesundes Abnehmen auf Dauer funktioniert, wie einfach gesunde Ernährung sein kann und wie Du einen schlanken und gesunden Körper erreichst - ohne dabei zu hungern, stundenlang in der Küche zu stehen und OHNE im Endeffekt wieder rückfällig zu werd ...
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Move For Kids - 100 Kilometer, die mein Leben veränderten!
Dennis Dolecki - Move For Kids - Der Podcast
Was macht man, wenn man von einem Freund, der extreme Herausforderungen liebt, unwissentlich zu einem 100-km-Marsch angemeldet wird? "Sich eine Ausrede ausdenken, warum man an ausgerechnet diesem Wochenende nicht kann!" Das war auch mein erster Gedanke. Das der erste nicht zwangsläufig immer der beste Gedanke sein muss, wurde mir durch das gezeigt, was ich erleben durfte. Eben weil mir keine gute Ausrede eingefallen ist, warum ich keine Zeit haben könnte. Ich stellte mich der Herausforderung ...
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Was genau machen die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter im Archiv? Wer nutzt die Akten und warum? Wie diskutieren ForscherInnen, Zeitzeugen und Interessierte über die DDR und das Wirken der Stasi? Der Podcast gibt Einblicke in die Arbeit des Stasi-Unterlagen-Archivs und sucht den Dialog mit Nutzerinnen und Nutzern der Akten. Episoden mit Gesprächen wechseln sich ab mit Veranstaltungsmitschnitten zu historischen und aktuellen Themen aus der Beschäftigung mit dem Archiv und seiner Geschichte. Je ...
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Jamie MacDonald, the comedian you might know better as That Funny Blind Guy, found out that during lockdown the devil does not, it turns out, make work for idle hands; he makes pies and pints. In the first eight weeks of the coronavirus crisis lockdown in the UK, Jamie ate and drank heartily and put on 10 kilograms. His mental health might have suffered too, but he was too drunk to notice. Deciding enough was enough, he enlisted the help of Fran and John of FSR Personal Training to get back ...
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Fresh Off A Rare Long Weekend, The PA Band Plush Rolls Into The KILO Studio For The First Time. Besides Pulling Off 2 KILLER Acoustic Jams, The Ladies Talk About The New EP "Find The Beautiful", And Tell The Twisted Tale Of The Haunted Doll They Bought At An Arizona Good Will And Abandoned At A Truck Stop Somewhere In Colorado. Sid Black Hosts. Off…
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Morgan Stanley Laguna Conference: Lucid Motors
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Description: In this episode, I delve into key highlights from Morgan Stanley's 12th Annual Laguna Conference, featuring Peter Rawlinson, CEO and CTO of Lucid Motors. We discuss Lucid's advanced manufacturing facility and their strategy to scale production beyond 9,000 units, including the upcoming launch of the Gravity SUV to compete in the luxury…
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How to Tell Someone to F*ck Off (Gracefully)
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Scott is in rare form, clarifying the difference between before and after emotional repression with regard to the timeless human experience of telling others to fu*k off. To work with Scott directly, visit https://kiloby.com/scott
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Description: In this episode of Kilowatt, James recommends albertaev.ca, a resource for comparing the environmental impact and costs of electric versus traditional vehicles. I highlight NIO’s Envo L60, Geely's European manufacturing plans, and the legal challenges faced by former Nikola CEO Trevor Milton, stressing the need for transparency. Additi…
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Episode #187 - Alive (9/12/24)
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Send us a text 9:00 PM | The Moss | Alive 9:04 PM | Geordie Greep | Holy, Holy 9:10 PM | Velocity Girl | Crazy Town 9:16 PM | Roxy Music | The Space Between 9:20 PM | Enumclaw | Grocery Store 9:22 PM | RAT BOY | SHE'S THE ONE 9:28 PM | Bomb Shelter | Old School Road 9:32 PM | Bob Dylan | Tangled Up In Blue 9:38 PM | Oasis | Morning Glory 9:43 PM | …
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[NEW] Angry Monks and Vulnerable Dictators - Where Are They?
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Scott humorously notes that you'll never find an angry monk or a vulnerable dictator. What we reject is often within us. By embracing all qualities that create separation, we find freedom and authenticity, instead of being trapped in dualistic mirrors. Listen to this light-hearted, impactful talk on true freedom. If you are interested in working wi…
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Description: In this episode of Kilowatt, we discuss key developments in the electric vehicle (EV) industry beyond Tesla. We start with GM's BrightDrop merging into Chevrolet and tease the upcoming Scout model reveal from Volkswagen Group. We highlight BYD's strategic delay on a Mexican plant and the performance features of Hyundai's 641-horsepower…
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Volkswagen - wenn die Autos besser als das Image sind! die Kilometerfresser #5
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Wir analysieren für euch den Status Quo von Volkswagen und sprechen über deren (E-)Auto Zukunft! Volkswagen ist überall in der Kritik, kaum eine Nachrichtensendung vergeht aktuell ohne VW Beteiligung und wir diskutieren darüber, ob an den Problemen etwas dran ist, wie die aktuellen E-Autos von VW tatsächlich im Vergleich zur Konkurrenz sind und das…
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Unsere letzte Folge, bevor es für uns in eine kurze, wohlverdiente Spätsommerpause geht. Wir brauchen Mal ein bisschen Abstand zu den Mikros, aber wir kommen wieder! Also bitte keine Fehlinterpretationen in Kimis Abschiedsworte legen. Ida ist in Italien und unterstützt Katharina, die bei der Tour des Géants 330 Kilometer bewältigen muss. Ida und Jo…
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Our main habit of unconsciously seeking safety and love is like gravity - it always wins - until we make the unconscious conscious. Listen as Scott explains why some people develop a regular KI practice that ends suffering and brings authenticity and others don’t. The answer lies below the surface. To speak to Scott about the 90-day program he ment…
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Episode 45: Spring falls and the car makers in trouble
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This week, Nicola and Tom discuss the Dacia Spring and name the car makers facing trouble with the ZEV mandate. The team also discuss a buying quandary and dip into the postbag to see what you're thinking. This podcast is also available on the Electrifying.com YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC29JbxEwr7q5bP7ANJMSqAg) where you can …
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Am lansat comunitatea Împreună spre kilograme de fericire, o platformă cu abonament lunar, în care găsești toate resursele și sprijinul necesare pentru a implementa un stil de viață sănătos, sustenabil pe termen lung. Este o comunitate pentru femeile care vor să aibă mai multă încredere în ele, să-și iubească corpul și să se simtă mai bine în piele…
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Want to manifest success, love, good health, or freedom? The unconscious seeks only safety and love thereby thwarting our efforts. Your unrealized potential is waiting for you in the one place you l’re afraid to look. Scott shares the solution. To work with Scott directly, visit https://kiloby.com/scott.…
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Episodul 36: Daddy cool - Și bărbații au nevoie de susținere emoțională
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Robert Diaconeasa, pe care probabil îl știți din online ca Daddy Cool, este unul dintre puținii bărbați care au curaj să se vulnerabilizeze în online, să vorbească despre trăirile și sentimentele sale. Ne-a ieșit o discuție profundă, pe care mi-ar placea să o vadă cât mai multe femei și bărbați. Am discutat despre emoții, depresie, perioade grele d…
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Episodul 35: Dr. Georgiana Gheba - Îngrijirea pielii nu trebuie să fie ceva complicat
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Episodul acesta este un manual de îngrijire a pielii. Împreună cu Dr. Georgiana Gheba am încercat să simplificăm rutina de skin care, să nu ne mai pară un stres. Am povestit despre rutina de îngrijire, vergeturi, hidratare, exfoliere, tratamente corporale dar și tips & tricks despre sănătatea tenului. Totodata, Dr. Georgiana Gheba ne-a spus și pove…
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Battery Swapping, EV Leases, and Scout’s Big Reveal
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Description: In this episode of Kilowatt, we discuss key developments in the electric vehicle (EV) industry beyond Tesla. We start with GM's BrightDrop merging into Chevrolet and tease the upcoming Scout model reveal from Volkswagen Group. We highlight BYD's strategic delay on a Mexican plant and the performance features of Hyundai's 641-horsepower…
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Episode #186 - Ramrod (9/5/24)
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Send us a text 9:00 PM | Bruce Springsteen | Ramrod 9:04 PM | Federale | The Worst Thing I Ever Did Was Ever Loving You (feat. Jenny Don't) 9:08 PM | The Monroes | What Do All the People Know? 9:13 PM | Oso Oso | the country club 9:16 PM | Hope Tala | Thank Goodness 9:19 PM | Wednesday | Quarry 9:26 PM | The Greg Kihn Band | Remember 9:32 PM | We t…
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Episodul 34: Dr. Ioan Boleac - Obezitatea crește riscul de infertilitate
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Sănătatea aparatului nostru reproducător este un subiect pe care îmi doream de ceva timp să îl abordam în acest podcast, care sigur este doar primul dintr-o serie pe acest subiect. Dr. Ioan Boleac este Medic primar obstetrică-ginecologie, doctor în științe medicale, cu specializare în fertilizare in vitro.Am abordat împreună cu dumnealui subiecte e…
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Episodul 33: Elina Umbrărescu - "Pune la îndoială ceea ce gândești"
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De-a lungul vieții căpătăm tot felul de convingeri, care ne limitează potențialul. Elina Umbrarescu este mindset coach și ne învață cum să punem la îndoială gândurile noastre, să identificăm și să schimbăm ceea ce nu mai rezonează cu noi. Un episod despre explorarea potențialului nostru, un episod care te provoacă să îți pui intrebări.…
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Scott points to how both our suffering and our efforts to alleviate it often come from the same hidden source. Discover his solution to this seemingly insurmountable doublebind! To work directly with Scott, visit https://kiloby.com/Scott.
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mit dem GEHEIMEN Auto im Hotelzimmer- die Kilometerfresser #4
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wir nehmen das erste Mal so richtig zusammen auf und reden über unseren Alltag als YouTuber, geheime Fahrveranstaltungen, geheime Preise und den aktuellen Stand der Elektromobilität!بقلم Jonas Thoß, Tarik Ulubay
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Der UTMB ist Geschichte und leider lief es überhaupt nicht so, wie es sich Kimi und Ida erhofft hatten. Eine etwas schwere, aber sehr ehrliche Folge, darüber, wie es innerlich nach so einem DNF (did not finish) in ihnen aussieht. Kimi spricht darüber, wie es zu ihrer Entscheidung kam auszusteigen und was es mental erfordert, eine Top-Athletin zu se…
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Episode 44: "OMODAs, options and oversized Smarts."
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This week, Mike and Tom discuss OMODA's UK plans, the MINI Cooper JCW and the smart #5. The team also discuss a buying quandary, a charging puzzler and dip into the postbag to see what you're thinking. This podcast is also available on the Electrifying.com YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC29JbxEwr7q5bP7ANJMSqAg) where you can leav…
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Folge 0: Das üben wir nochmal (Reupload)
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Istria100, Wettkampf-Nervosität, -Frisur & Selbstkritik Wer sind wir? Was soll dieser Name? Und wie kommen wir dazu, einen Podcast zu machen?Das hier ist die allererste Folge „Höhenmeter pro Kilometer“, Folge 0 also. Heute geht es um unsere Rennberichte aus Istrien vom Istria100 by UTMB World Series, um Wettkampf-Nervosität, -Frisur und Selbstkriti…
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Exploring the VW ID.7 with Bart Busschots
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Description: In this episode of Kilowatt, I speak with Bart Busschots as we discuss his experiences with the VW ID.7. Our conversation covers the anticipation surrounding the delayed Polestar 2, Bart's exploration of alternatives, and the impressive features of the ID.7, including its 702 km range and superior technology. Bart shares insights on th…
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Who Ya Gonna Call? Ernie Hudson: Ghostbuster!
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In Town For The 2024 Colorado Springs Comicon, Working Actor & Ghostbuster, Ernie Hudson Stopped By The KILO Studio For Some Time On The Morning Show. He Shares His Thoughts About The Crow Re-do (he was in the original), Getting Framed By Rebbecca De Mornay (Hand That Rocks The Cradle), Working With Sandler In "Airheads", How A Near Death By Shrimp…
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Scott discusses how the fundamental need to know ourselves as awareness and to allow it all doesn’t get met and we don’t want it to be met because we’re driven by an unconscious need to stay safe and get love. To work directly with Scott, visit https://kiloby.com/scott
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Episode #185 - If I Can't Change Your Mind (8/28/24)
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Send us a text 10:00 PM | Sugar | If I Can't Change Your Mind 10:04 PM | The Jags | Back of My Hand 10:07 PM | Jackson Reed and The Silverbirds | Little Red Corvette 10:12 PM | Christopher Owens | No Good 10:15 PM | Palm Trees in Moscow | Compassion Fatigue 10:21 PM | Hippo Campus | Forget It 10:27 PM | The Scoffs | Miss USA 10:30 PM | Garbage | On…
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Description: In this episode of Kilowatt, I cover the latest Tesla news, starting with the elimination of the rear-wheel drive variant of the Cybertruck to simplify customer options. I discuss a safety recall for over 9,000 Model X vehicles due to roof trim issues and Baltimore's decision to integrate nearly 150 Tesla vehicles into its fleet, raisi…
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Es ist UTMB Woche. Kimi und Ida starten diese Woche in Chamonix bei den großen Finals den UTMB World Series, Kimi über die 57 Kilometer lange OCC Strecke und Ida über die 100 Meilen, beim Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc (UTMB). In dieser Folge geht es darum, wie es ihnen so kurz vor dem Rennen geht, was die Erwartungen an die anstehenden Rennen sind und …
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Wie viel Akku braucht man wirklich? die Kilometerfresser #3
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E-Auto Akku Größen in der Diskussion! hier geht's zum ID Treffen:https://bit.ly/idtreffen hier geht's zum Electrified Horizon Festival:https://bit.ly/4cM6oDgبقلم Jonas Thoß, Tarik Ulubay
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Description: In this episode of Kilowatt, we dissect Rivian's Q2 2024 earnings call, highlighting CFO Claire McDonough's overview of production metrics and a $451 million gross profit loss. Despite challenges, Rivian aims for cost reduction and profitability by Q4 2024. We explore Rivian's joint venture with Volkswagen, as well as the expansion of …
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Something IS Missing on the Avoidant Spiritual Path
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Find the missing key to freedom but also why sabotage is just safer, frankly. Work directly with Scott, visit https://kiloby.com/scott
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Episode 43: "Dithering dealers, budget BYDs and the Pope's i3"
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This week, Mike and Tom discuss the Italian electric car scene (a very short conversation), the BYD Dolphin Active and ask why it's so bloomin' difficult to buy a car. The team also discuss a buying quandary, a charging puzzler and dip into the postbag to see what you're thinking. This podcast is also available on the Electrifying.com YouTube chann…
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Description: In this episode of Kilowatt, I cover the latest Tesla news, starting with the elimination of the rear-wheel drive variant of the Cybertruck to simplify customer options. I discuss a safety recall for over 9,000 Model X vehicles due to roof trim issues and Baltimore's decision to integrate nearly 150 Tesla vehicles into its fleet, raisi…
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Comedian Chad Daniels - Do Yourself A Favor, Get To Know This Guy.
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"I'm Embarassed, Ashamed, And Sad That I Didn't Know Who Chad Daniels Was." That's A Quote Blurted Out By Ross Ford After Seeing Chad's New Netflix Special "Empty Nester". And If You've Never Heard Of Him, You're Gonna Say The Same Thing When You Experience It. Find Out More About Him, His Comedy, His Horrible Father, And More From His 20 Minutes O…
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Episode #184 - Pale Shelter (8/21/24)
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Send us a text 10:00 PM | Tears for Fears | Pale Shelter 10:05 PM | MJ Lenderman | She's Leaving You 10:10 PM | Brendan Benson | Tiny Spark 10:14 PM | SASAMI | Honeycrash 10:17 PM | Ginger Root | All Night 10:20 PM | The Sugarcubes | Hit 10:26 PM | The Clash | Police & Thieves 10:32 PM | The Motors | Dancing the Night Away 10:41 PM | Fleetwood Mac …
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Description: Support the Show: Patreon Acast+ Beyond the Post Podcast: Beyond the Post YouTube Beyond the Post Podcast Please go check out our Beyond the Post episode airing on DTNS, link below Daily Tech News Show (Website) Beyond the Post DTNS episode News: GMC Sierra EV Deliveries Cadillac Recalls Some 2023 and 2024 Lyriq EVs Ford's Future Mid-S…
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[Revised] The Future of K.I. - Unmet Needs
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Scott shares the future of K.I. and how unmet needs become unconscious demands. We create our own suffering. To work directly with Scott, visit https://kiloby.com/scott
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Episode 42: "The Forty one GrandLand and the infuriating squattle"
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This week, Ginny and Mike discuss the Vauxhall Grandland, camping in an electric car, rattles, slow parkrun times (our fault) and electric cars on the big screen. The team also read out the best comments from last week's pod. This podcast is also available on the Electrifying.com YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC29JbxEwr7q5bP7ANJM…
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Ohne Plan oder stur nach Vorgabe? E-Auto Langstrecke - die Kilometerfresser #2
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Tarik und Jonas tauschen sich über ihre Erfahrungen auf der Langstrecke mit dem E-Auto aus. Wie plant man sie, wie verlässlich sind die Auto-Navis und braucht man das überhaupt? Von Spanien bis Schweden, wir erzählen euch von unseren Erlebnissen und nehmen euch die Angst vor der Urlaubsfahrt!بقلم Jonas Thoß, Tarik Ulubay
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Kimi sitzt am Mikro in Chamonix, unmittelbar neben den UTMB-Trails, Ida ist zurück aus Amerika und berichtet von einer schwierigen letzten Woche. Eine Reise, die von einigen Rückschlägen und Herausforderungen geprägt war und ihr so kurz vor dem UTMB einen kleinen Strich durch die Rechnung macht. Kimi dagegen versucht all die Energie, die sie in Cha…
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Paulina Personius: Rethinking Mining and Clean Energy with Earthworks
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Description: In this episode, I chat with Paulina Personius from Earthworks about their report "Minimizing Mining Impacts on the Road to Zero Emissions Transport." We discuss alternatives to reliance on fossil fuels and mining, such as reducing car dependence through the "15-Minute City" concept and promoting smaller electric vehicles. Paulina high…
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Episodul 32: Mirela Retegan - "Nefericirea este problema noastră, nu kilogramele"
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Un episod pe care mi l-am dorit încă dinainte să lansez Kilograme de fericire. Nu e doar un episod de podcast, este o lecție de viață. Mirela Retegan este, din punctul meu de vedere, una dintre cele mai puternice femei din România. Aduce zi de zi bucurie în viețile oamenilor prin ceea ce face împreuna cu @zurliofficial S-a confruntat mult timp cu k…
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Black Stone Cherry - 18 Years Later.
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Hard To Believe It Was November 11, 2006 When We First Heard B.S.C... That's The Day They Released Their Debut Studio Album (Hell And High Water). Since Then The Band Has Released 8 Other Albums And Rocked Many Faces Off In Colorado Springs... And Their Back!! Almost 18 Years Later... Black Stone Cherry Roll Into The KILO Studios To Hang With Sid B…
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Episodul 31: Ema Barbă - Cum ne ajută respirația conștientă în procesul de slăbit
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Respirația conștientă are multiple beneficii. Ne poate elibera de blocaje, ne poate ajuta să fim mai bine cu noi, să gestionăm mai bine stresul de zi cu zi și anxietatea. Surprinzător, respirația poate ajuta și în procesul de slăbit. Ema Barbă este ghid de meditație, yoga și respirație. Este “ghidul spre liniștea din tine”. Am povestit cu Ema despr…
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Episode #183 - In Your Mind (8/14/24)
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Send us a text 10:00 PM | Jake Elijah | In Your Mind 10:04 PM | The Velvet Underground | Sweet Jane 10:08 PM | Living Colour | Cult of Personality 10:14 PM | The Clientele | Still Corridor 10:18 PM | Daneshevskaya | Big Bird 10:20 PM | Bacchae | Dead Man 10:25 PM | Kaycie Satterfield | Spilled Milk 10:28 PM | Holly & The Italians | Tell That Girl t…
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Episodul 30: Alexandra Tănasie - Vocea ne reconectează la bucuria vieții
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Ai fost vreodată într-o stare proastă și imediat ce ai fredonat câteva versuri dintr-o melodie te-ai simțit mai bine? Asta pentru că vocea noastră are super puterea de a ne conecta la bucuria din noi.De cele mai multe ori ne folosim vocea pentru a fi critici cu noi. Însă vocea aceea critică interioară nu suntem noi, ci este suma credințelor pe care…
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Description: In this episode, we review Lucid Group's Q2 2024 earnings conference call with CEO Peter Rawlinson and interim CFO Gagan Dhingra. Key takeaways include a record 2,394 vehicle deliveries, marking a 21.7% quarter-over-quarter and 70.5% year-over-year increase, fueled by rising demand in North America. Rawlinson highlights advancements in…
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Scott shares his personal transformation from being a very sensitive, introverted, and disconnected kid/adult to authenticity via emotional repression inquiry. Listen for unique insights around where our sensitivity really comes from and why some of us have to hide it. To learn 3D repression inquiry on your own, here’s our do-it-yourself-course whi…
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