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Roya Podcast - رؤيا بودكاست

كل ما تحتاج سماعه عن اخر الاخبار الأجتماعية واخر ما شغل مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي بمكان واحد
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Ouch! Ah! Aïe! The words we use when we stub our toe or receive a pinch may point to a common way to express pain across languages. Associate news editor Allison Parshall explores what linguistic commonalities in expressions of pain and joy might mean for our shared biology. Plus, Parshall and host Rachel Feltman chat about onomatopoeias, the “boub…
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هند البلوشي تثير الجدل بإعلان حملها في عمر الخمسين! عبدالله الودعاني يهدي زوجته سيارة فاخرة بمناسبة حملها!بقلم Roya Podcast - رؤيا بودكاست
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It’s easy to be cynical about the state of the world—even when you’re a researcher who studies empathy and kindness. Stanford University psychologist Jamil Zaki turned his own negativity into his new book Hope for Cynics: The Surprising Science of Human Goodness. The book busts common myths about cynicism and explores what it could be doing to our …
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الهام علي تفاجئ زوجها والجمهور بتمثيلها مشهد باللغة الكورية! رهف القحطاني تكشف سبب سفرها 12 مرة بالسنة! أول تعليق من مبارك الهاجري على شراء زوجته أحلام نفس مجوهرات ديبيكا بادكون!بقلم Roya Podcast - رؤيا بودكاست
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The sun is in the middle of its solar maximum, the part of its 11-year solar cycle that was responsible for the stunning auroras seen across the globe last year. This year is looking equally exciting, with more incoming space weather and a handful of science missions to study the sun’s wide-reaching behavior. Senior reporter Meghan Bartels reviews …
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غازي الذيابي يقدم لابنه النصر وزوجته هدايا بسعر خيالي ويثير الجدل! مودل روز عن طليقها "ترك شغله وقعد بالبيت أصرف عليه"!بقلم Roya Podcast - رؤيا بودكاست
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Executive orders that impact science and health in the U.S. came quickly after the inauguration of President Donald Trump. Tanya Lewis, senior editor of health and medicine, explains how grievances over COVID and funding led Trump to order the U.S.’s withdrawal from the World Health Organization—and what that withdrawal would mean for global health…
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أحلام ترد على أخبار إنفصالها وتتصدر الترند! كندة حنا تكشف ندمها على الزواج بسبب فرق العمر الكبير!بقلم Roya Podcast - رؤيا بودكاست
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It’s easy to feel overwhelmed with the news these days and to fear for the future. What if you could interrupt doomscrolling and contribute to conservation at the same time? That’s the idea behind programs like Adventure Scientists, eBird and iNaturalist. Guest Gregg Treinish, founder and executive director of Adventure Scientists, joins host Rache…
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Net neutrality, the principle that all Internet traffic should be treated equally, was heralded by the Federal Communications Commission and open Internet advocates. A federal court struck down the FCC’s ability to enforce the policy earlier this month. What does that mean for the free and open Internet? Associate technology editor Ben Guarino join…
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A report that was recently released by the Department of Health and Human Services highlights the risks of drinking alcohol, even moderately. The Food and Drug Administration has banned the use of the dye Red No. 3 in food and other products. Experts argue that body mass index (BMI) is a flawed way to diagnose “obesity.” A SpaceX rocket successfull…
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لحظة سقوط ليالي دهراب في مهرجان جوي أورد تشعل الميديا! هنادي الكندري تتصدر الترند بعد قطع سحاب فستانها بشكل كامل! هيا الشعيبي تمنع الهام الفضالة من السفر والأخيرة ترد!بقلم Roya Podcast - رؤيا بودكاست
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حقيقة صور ضحى العريبي في مطار وشوارع لندن! رهف القحطاني تكشف تفاصيل سجنها بسبب المخدرات! الخبوبية تروي تفاصيل موقف غريب حصل معها!بقلم Roya Podcast - رؤيا بودكاست
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H5N1 avian influenza has now reached almost 1,000 herds of dairy cattle in 16 states and has infected around 66 people, many of them agricultural workers, in the U.S. Host Rachel Feltman is joined by Amy Maxmen, a public health reporter at KFF Health News, to get the latest on bird flu. They explore how government and industry players lost control …
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حفل طلاق مهيرة عبدالعزيز يتصدر الترند! استخدامات شمس الكويتية الغريبة للحناء تثير الجدل!بقلم Roya Podcast - رؤيا بودكاست
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Norovirus cases are up this year, with 91 reported outbreaks nationwide. Human metapneumovirus (HMPV) cases are up in China and India. There has also been an increase in the U.S., but HMPV is currently a cause for concern in the nation, where its relative commonality gives many people some immunity. Louisiana has reported the first U.S. death from …
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Pluto was unseated as our solar system’s ninth planet in 2006. Since then astronomers have found signs that a real ninth planet could be hiding at the edges of our solar system. Clara Moskowitz, senior editor for space and physics, explains how the forthcoming Vera Rubin Observatory could give researchers a way to find the real Planet Nine—if it’s …
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زهور سعود تكشف المرض الي تسبب بانتفاخ وجهها بطريقة مرعبة! خلود أحمد السالم تثير الجدل بتسمية زوج أمها "بابا"!بقلم Roya Podcast - رؤيا بودكاست
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Going outside has many benefits, from positively affecting our nervous system to diversifying our microbiome. But you don’t need a forest preserve to benefit from nature—sometimes even a houseplant or the smell of lavender can improve our life. Kathy Willis, a professor of biodiversity at the University of Oxford, joins host Rachel Feltman to discu…
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أبرار الكويتية تفجر الجدل بتصريحات جديدة ومثيرة العنود اليوسف تشعل السوشيال ميديا بفيديو جديد مع والدة زوجهابقلم Roya Podcast - رؤيا بودكاست
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شمس الكويتية تكشف المستور عن حياة المشاهير وتهاجم سارة الودعاني شقيقة زهور سعود تصدم الكل وتدافع عن طليق أختهابقلم Roya Podcast - رؤيا بودكاست
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الأمير النائم يتصدر السوشيال ميديا بعد 21 عاماً من الغيبوبة! لغة جسد رهف القحطاني في حفلها تكشف أشياء كثيرة!بقلم Roya Podcast - رؤيا بودكاست
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العنود اليوسف تعاتب زوجها بسبب بوسة اليد! عبدالله الودعاني يثير الجدل حول ماضي علاقته بمريم الأنصاري!بقلم Roya Podcast - رؤيا بودكاست
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نور الشيخ تكشف سبب عدم رغبتها الإنجاب من خالد الشاعر وتثير الجدل! يعقوب بوشهري وعبودكا يشعلون أجواء الصياهد ويعلنونها "بناخذ الأول"!بقلم Roya Podcast - رؤيا بودكاست
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سلمان العمري يفتح النار على الجادل القحطاني بعد ظهورها في مترو الرياض! هتان السيف ترد على وصفها "مسترجلة" وتثير الجدل!بقلم Roya Podcast - رؤيا بودكاست
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2024 brought heat waves and hurricanes, bird flu and breakthroughs, and an overwhelming amount of progress in AI. Science Quickly host Rachel Feltman is joined by sustainability editor Andrea Thompson, health and medicine editor Tanya Lewis and technology editor Ben Guarino to recap a busy year and weigh in on the stories they’re watching in 2025. …
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إيمان الحسيني تكشف سبب تغير ملامحها دون عمل تجميل أو حقن! نادين نجيم تشتري جاكيت مايكل جاكسون بسعر خيالي!بقلم Roya Podcast - رؤيا بودكاست
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Tens of thousands of animal species are facing extinction, mostly because of human activity. But thanks to conservationists, there are some animals that are making a comeback. This is part four of “The New Conservationists,” a four-part series about the evolving world of animal conservation. Listen to part one, part two and part three. Recommended …
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Ashleigh Papp, an animal scientist turned storyteller, shifts our perspective on the modern conservationist. With low wages and expectations of free work, conservation science lacks diversity as a field—but dedicated graduate students and new programs are trying to change that. Isaac Aguilar, a graduate student in the geology division at the Califo…
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فوز الفهد تفتح النار على أعدائها وتتوعدهم بالعام القادم! حلا الترك تحسم جدل ارتباطها بطلال سام بعد إثارتها الجدل حول شخص مجهول! الدكتورة خلود تحذر الفتيات من عملية تجميل الأنف وتكشف معاناتها!بقلم Roya Podcast - رؤيا بودكاست
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Ashleigh Papp, an animal scientist turned storyteller, takes us on into the field. Conservationists and animal behaviorists were once restricted to wildlife data gathered manually. Now new technologies are expanding the amount of passively collected data—and machine learning is helping researchers cut through the noise. This is part two of The New …
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معاذ القحطاني يعلنها "كايلي موظفة عند أمي" ويجيب العيد بالتفاصيل الصادمة! بلقيس فتحي تفجر مفاجأة بقرار زواجها!بقلم Roya Podcast - رؤيا بودكاست
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Ashleigh Papp, an animal scientist turned storyteller, takes us on a trip to the zoo. People are divided on zoos, but as Papp explains, the thoughtful work that goes into caring for animals makes modern zoos conservation powerhouses. This is part one of The New Conservationists, a four-part Friday Fascination series about the evolving world of anim…
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عبير أحمد تكشف طلاقها مرتين بسبب والدتها! ردة فعل إليسا على فوز أميمة طالب بجائزة أفضل فنانة تتصدر الترند!بقلم Roya Podcast - رؤيا بودكاست
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If you were intrigued—or disturbed—by the artificial intelligence podcast on your Spotify Wrapped, you may wonder how AI audio works. Audio Overview is a feature of the tool NotebookLM, released by Google, that allows for the creation of short podcasts with AI “hosts” summarizing information. But questions remain about the accuracy, usefulness and …
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فوز الفهد تتحدث عن الزواج من شخص أصغر منها وتثير الجدل! نور طليقة أحمد السالم تهاجمه على المباشر وتثير الجدل!بقلم Roya Podcast - رؤيا بودكاست
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An outbreak of an unknown illness has occurred in the Democratic of the Congo, which has already been dealing with the spread of mpox. A new study finds that leaded gasoline could be responsible for 151 million cases of mental health disorders, with impacts highest among members of Generation X. Upping your daily movement could protect you from car…
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Low iron levels can cause fatigue and impact mental health, but doctors often miss cases of iron deficiency and anemia. Pediatric hematologist Angela Weyand, a clinical associate professor at the University of Michigan Medical School in Ann Arbor, points to one population that could be at a higher risk—young women with heavy menstrual bleeding. In …
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حليمة بولند تستأجر جمهور وهمي في جيزان وتثير الجدل! نوال الكويتية تنتقل إلى قطر وتصدم الجمهور بمخططها المستقبلي!بقلم Roya Podcast - رؤيا بودكاست
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Anthony Fauci speaks with Tanya Lewis, senior editor for health and medicine at Scientific American, about his remarkable career, as detailed in his new book On Call: A Doctor’s Journey in Public Service. They discuss the experiences he faced while guiding the U.S. through the pandemic, the lessons learned by public health practitioners and the cha…
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غازي الذيابي يكشف سبب غياب أبو حشر عن الجروب ويصدم المتابعين! حقائق مفاجئة عن هيا الشعيبي كشفتها لغة الجسد بعد مرض الهام الفضالة!بقلم Roya Podcast - رؤيا بودكاست
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لقطات حماسية من فوز هتان السيف على الجزائرية ليليا عثماني! رد نوال الكويتية على فجر السعيد بعد حديثها عن سحب الجنسية الكويتية!بقلم Roya Podcast - رؤيا بودكاست
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جمال رهف القحطاني يخطف الأنظار في آخر ظهور! سوما تصدم متابعيها بالكشف عن رأيها في أمور جريئة! عبدالله بهمن: أعترف إني خواف وجبان! فوز الشطي تكشف تطورات قضية غسل الأموال معها!بقلم Roya Podcast - رؤيا بودكاست
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Black Friday sales have gone from one-day in-person shopping bonanzas to a multiday deals extravaganza. It’s tempting to give in to the seasonal pressures to shop, but knowing the tricks companies use to make sales so appealing can help us avoid overconsumption. Cathrine Jansson-Boyd, a professor of consumer psychology at Anglia Ruskin University i…
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نجلاء الودعاني تؤكد إنفصالها وتثير الجدل! عقيل الرئيسي يصدم المتابعين بشكل أسنانه الحقيقي دون تجميل! هيا الشعيبي مع هنادي الكندري بعد ولادة التوأم! سارة الودعاني تكشف موقف مرعب مع سائق تكسي بألمانيا!بقلم Roya Podcast - رؤيا بودكاست
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Donald Trump has nominated RFK, Jr., to run the Department of Health and Human Services, a position that includes oversight of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Food and Drug Administration and the National Institutes of Health. Senior health and medicine editor Tanya Lewis explains what that would mean for antivaccine policies, f…
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