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Samer Chidiac

هل لديك سؤال أو بحاجة الى نصيحة معينة وتحب أن تسأل الكاتب والمحاضر الدولي سامر الشدياق؟ هذه المدونة الصوتية تتيح لك الفرصة للتعرّف على مواضيع عديدة واجابات على أسئلة عامة عن العلاقات، المسار الوظيفي، التحفيز والمعلومات العامة.
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G’day Australia! If you are a recent migrant to the land Down Under, this podcast series in Arabic is for you. It will help you understand the quirky habits that embody the Aussie way of life. - غوداي أستراليا! هذه هي التحية الشائعة في أستراليا بلاد الداون أندر. إذا هاجرت حديثاً إلى أستراليا وترغب باستكشاف أسرار الحياة هنا وكيف يعيش السكان المحليون، استمع لبودكاست "مرحبا أستراليا" وستعرف ماذا يعني أن تكون أسترالياً حقيقيا!
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show series
How often do we not realize that the reason we are not progressing is an ancient belief that "we are not capable?" In this episode of 7 Minutes Motivation with Samer Chidiac, we will explore the concept of limiting beliefs and how to break through them. كم من المرّات لا ندرك أن السبب الرئيسي وراء عدم تقدمنا هو إعتقاد قديم بأننا "لا نقدر". دعونا نتع…
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Senior/Staff Engineer path بالعربي with Ahmed ElGabri & Ahmed Elemam - Tech Podcast بالعربي خريطة ذهنية لمحتوى النقاش:‏1. **مقدمة:**- أحمد الإمام يرحب بالضيف أحمد الجبري للحديث عن الsoft skills المطلوبة للترقي من مستوى متوسط إلى سينيور وما فوق.‏2. **تعريف الضيف:**‏ - أحمد الجبري، staff software engi…
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لو مش سعيد في شغلك هتحتاج تشوف الفيديو دهده الفيديو التاني من سلسلةThe pragmatic programmer - How to be a better software engineerAre you not happy with your current job? in Arabic
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a twitter space with Basel about distraction التشتت ‏عارف انك متشتت ومش عارف تتعلم اي وليه ‏دلوقتي وكل يوم في boom 💥 في new technolog 🌟 ‏هو المفروض أبقى عارف كل الكلام ده علشان ابق متابع كل جديد .. ‏هنتكلم مع ⁦@ahmdelemam⁩ انهارده الساعه 8 ونشوف حل للتشتت ده وهنتكلم عن ازاي تفكر للخطوة الجايه في الكارير ‏…
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Support me on أعمل إيه في ال system design interview بودكاست مع م أحمد سليمان Watch it on youtube my Twitter :-
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هل هنقعد في البيت؟بعد متابعنا OpenAI Event و شوفنا التطور الكبير اللي حصل في خلال سنة و ازاي ده هيأثر علي المستقبل و هل التطور ده هيزود عدد الوظايف و لا هيقللها؟في اللايف ده هنتكلم عن ايه اللي حصل في ال event و نفهم حجم التغير و التطور ده و ازاي نقدر نتعامل معاه عشان نكون جاهزين للمستقبلهينورنا مهندس Omar Maher و مهندس Mohamed Shaban حوار هيكون ممت…
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حياتنا اليومية قد تكون مليئة بالمشاكل والهموم وبعد عدة سنوات تصبح هذه الهموم جزأً منها وبعدها نبدأ بالشعور بالاحباط لعدم قدرتنا أن نتخطى تلك العقبات والتحديات. في هذه الحلقة الخاصة من بودكاست 7 دقائق تحفيزية يُطِلّ عليكم الكاتب والمحاضر الدولي سامر الشدياق ليعطيكم نصيحة على كيفية التعامل مع هموم ومشاكل الحياة. لمتابعة البودكاست يمكنك زيارة الرابط h…
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Tech Podcast بالعربي Elasticsearch بالعربي with Yasser Elsayed & Ahmed Elemam- What is Elasticsearch?- What is the problem Elasticsearch solved?- Open source vs managed service- When does it make sense to use Elasticsearch?- Elasticsearch overview- ELK stack- Elasticsearch architecture- How does Elasticsearch work? - How does indexing happen? - How…
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Tech Podcast بالعربيAgile project management بالعربي with Moaaz Elmasry & Ahmed Elemam- What is Agile and Why?- What is the issue Agile solves?- Agile vs Waterfall- Growth mindset vs fixed mindset- Safe environment & learning culture- Agile's wrong myths - How can I use Agile to achieve my personal goals?ده رابط كورس أحمد صدقي:…
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DevOps for Mobile Apps بالعربي- Introduction to DevOps and how it applies specifically to mobile app development?- What are the main differences between DevOps for mobile apps and web applications or other software?- Can you explain the role of Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) in the mobile app development process?- How can …
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Talk in Arabic with @AlaaAttya about Sam Newman about how to convert from monolith application to micro-services architecture #arabic #monolith #microservices
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An Overview on Frontend Frameworks. How did we get there, the problems they solved, and the problems they introduced?Discussion FlowThe current state of the frontend development. The amount of frameworks that are currently available, how everything is rewritten every few years, the fatigue the developers constantly complain from.How we used to deve…
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Tech Podcast بالعربيTalk about Micro-Services Architecture بالعربي with Mohamed Sweelam & Ahmed Elemam Demo repo problems when you use microservices architecture - What are microservices?- Why Microservices? When not to use it?- Definition and Use case - Moving from legacy monolith to microservices- How…
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Tech Podcast بالعربيSoftware Architect podcast with Eng Mohamed Elsherif and Ahmed Elemam#softwarearchitecture #systemdesign If you are the architect responsible for designing a system, you will need to ask yourself some questions to ensure that you create a system that meets the needs of the organization and its stakeholders. Questions 1- What are…
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Tech Podcast with Eng. Amr Ali about Data Analytics & AI & Deep Learning بالعربيDuring the talk, we will talk about ChatGPT and LLMs Large language model…
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Podcast in Arabic with @abubakrsoliman461 part 3 about how does chatGPT work?#chatgpt #transformation #transformers #ai #machinelearning #arabic #bertResources
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الحلقة دي مقدمة لل machine learning و ال AI حلقة تمهيدية من الصفرعشان نقدر نفهم ChatGPT شغال إزاي و نعرف يعني إيه ال parameters اللي عمالين يزودوها عشان الموديل يقدر يتعلم أحسنو ايه ال NLP ؟ Natural Language ProcessingEng AbuBakr Soliman
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PostgreSQL Deep Dive With Hussein Nasser & Ahmed Elemam - Tech Podcast بالعربي @hnasr Hussein Nasser Will Explain how PostgreSQL actually works internally and go through PostgreSQL Architecture Questions - Can you explain the architecture of PostgreSQL's storage system, including how data is stored on disk and in memory? - How does it make sure of …
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Event-Driven Architecture Podcast with Fox Tech Podcast بالعربي ─ Questions - Who is Mohammed Kamal & why fox? - What is The Event? - What is Event Driven Architecture and what is the problem it's trying to solve? - How Does Event-Driven Architecture Works? Event Generation - Event Publication/Sourcing - Event Subscription - Event Processing - Even…
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Tech Podcast بالعربي Scaling Web Applications with Bassem Dghaidi & Ahmed Elemam Questions At which stage should companies and engineers start thinking about scale? How do you approach making technical decisions when it comes to scaling a web application, and what factors do you consider? How do you measure those factors? Can you talk about the imp…
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Podcast with Mohamed Ragab Tech Podcast بالعربي Agenda Talk about Kafka 1 - What is Kafka and why did they make it? 2 - When should we use it? 3 - When we should not? 4 - Overview of Kafka architecture 5 - How does Kafka handle data replication and fault tolerance? 6 - What is Zookeeper and its role? 7 - Explain in brief the modern replication styl…
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Tech Podcast بالعربي Mohamed Abusrea with Ahmed Elemam دي حلقة عملتها مع محمد أبوسريع عن إزاي بدأت في مجال البرمجة وازاي إخترت المجال بتاعي وامتى بدأ اول شغل ليا في مجال البرمجة وازاي حصلت عليه. هنتكلم كمان عن ازاي تحهيز نفسك وقت الكلية و بعدها والعادات اللي فرقت معايا للوصول للبوزيشن الحالي كقائد لفريق عمل برمجي في المانيا هنتكلم كمان الذكاء الاصط…
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Tech Podcast بالعربي Agenda How to organize your time to be more effective at work? - Who is Ahmed Essam? - Can you walk us through your typical day and how you allocate your time? - How do you prioritize tasks in your daily work routine? - How do you manage interruptions and unexpected tasks during the day? - How do you track your progress and ens…
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Tech Podcast بالعربي API Security with Mohammed El Sherif and Ahmed Elemam Talk about how to Secure your API Resources (CIA)
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ما هو الاكتئاب وما هي تجربة ضيفي الاستاذ شادي خورشد من مصر مع الاكتئاب. المراحل والاسباب وكيفية التعامل مع مريض الاكتئاب. #خليكن_عم_تسمعوا What's Depression? What was the experience of my Guest, Mr. Shady Khorshed from Egypt, who had suffered from Depression; what are the steps and how to deal with the depressed patient? Keep Listening! للمزيد من ا…
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The Pragmatic programmer Why communication skills is so important? How to improve your communication skills? 1. Improve your English 2. Make it short and clean 3. Know your audience 4. Put Yourself In their Shoes 5. Choose the suitable time for communication 6. Be a good listener 7. Documentation
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The Pragmatic programmer Take responsibility and How to building team trust? 01:43 - You are responsible for building your career shape 03:39 - Remember the big picture 05:05 - The cat ate my source code 05:17 - First impressions matter. 06:00 - Do good enough research for problems 08:30 - Don’t live with broken windows - Technical dept #software #…
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هل شعرت بأنك غريباً عن حياتك، وحيداً كالممثل الثانوي في الأفلام حيث لا أحد يشعر بك أو بألمك؟ لا تقلق/ي فأنت لست وحدك ولق مرّينا جميعاً في هذه المرحلة في وقت من الأوقات. في هذه الحلقة من 7 دقائق تحفيزية، يتحدّث سامر الشدياق عن أهمية لعب دور البطولة في قصة حياتك. #خليكن_عم_تسمعوا Do you sometimes feel that you are a stranger in your own life? A secon…
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We all face Anxiety at some point in time, and it could sometimes lead us to become depressed and get stuck in a hole that would impact our whole life; in this special Episode of 7 Minutes Motivation, Samer Chidiac reflects on his journey with the podcast and shares an important tip on how to deal with Anxiety & Depression. Listen and remember to s…
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Listen in to this episode of Australia Explained, as new migrants discuss how they navigate the 'best' educational future for their children, whether in the private or public systems, while trying to shake off their expectations from the Arab world. - أين الكتب؟ ولماذا ليس هناك واجبات منزلية؟ استمع إلى تجارب المهاجرين العرب الجدد في محاولة إيجاد "أ…
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Australia's public healthcare system can be difficult to navigate, especially for those new to the country. This episode of Australia Explained explores the intricacies of the system through the perspective of migrants, covering everything from what a GP actually is to why the wait for a specialist appointment can take so long. - على الرغم من قوة ن…
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Securing a suitable job after arriving in Australia can often be difficult for new migrants, but there are a number of advantages of finally doing so. In this episode, we hear from skilled migrants on the difficulties in securing their first job in Australia, and the differences in workplace culture compared to the Arab countries they’ve come from.…
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The world of property rental is one that can pose a number of challenges for new migrants looking for a place to live in Australia. But, the headaches don't stop after finding a place and receiving the keys, as new arrivals must then navigate around town using a public transport system they are unfamiliar with, or while learning to drive on the lef…
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Ever been asked to "bring your own food" to a lunch or dinner occasion? Or been kissed on the cheek by a person of the opposite sex during a greeting? Learn more about some of the social traditions that can often puzzle Arab migrants in this episode of Australia Explained. - هل طُلب منك "إحضار طبق" إلى دعوة غداء أو عشاء؟ أو هل حاول رجل أو امرأة "تق…
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The first episode of Australia Explained season two explores the various challenges that Australian slang poses to newly arrived migrants. Hear some of the words and phrases that leave many people confused, and the embarrassing encounters they have had with native English speakers. - تستعرض الحلقة الأولى من بودكاست أستراليا بالعربي، الموسم الثاني، …
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